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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Paul was giving the I can't win spiel to Kevin last night and Kevin was agreeing that he can't win. I hope he was just blowing smoke up his butt. Paul also said he wants to keep Raven around until the end because she will be easy to beat. Kevin also still thinks Cody won't target Paul because he gave him his word "as a man".
  2. Paul: I have been doing damage control (with Elena). Christmas: Is that why you guys are stuck together like glue?
  3. I've watched his behavior and comments for 40 whatever days. Everything out of his mouth reveals a hatred of all things. The only thing he has shown even a modicum of respect towards is Jessica. People who openly tell strangers they want civil war to break out in their country so they can fight in it don't strike me as well adjusted human beings. Ah. The Aaryn Gries defense. It's a very poor excuse for behaving like a jackass.
  4. I'm fairly confident in saying Cody is both ignorant and hateful. He's just a disgusting human being on multiple levels.
  5. So, reading some recaps, Josh/Christmas are suspicious of Paul's double dealing with Elena but have agreed that Jess needs to go. But they need to watch it around Paul. Kevin really thinks he can get Cody not to put any of his alliance (Alex, Jason, Josh, Paul, Christmas) on the block. Kevin really wants Matt or Raven out next.
  6. Boston Rob used the same strategy. His minions believed it.
  7. Paul really needs to shower and change clothes. He's been wearing the same fucking costume since Thursday.
  8. Elena, honey, you're not getting any opportunities in LA from being on this dumb show. Especially since you aren't even a big character.
  9. Only a matter of time before Elena tells Paul everything Jess told her, especially the part about her "inside source" and Christmas not liking her.
  10. Elena to Jess: What else do we need to talk about before you leave? Please vote this self absorbed idiot out this week. Christmas and Kevin both overplaying big time this week.
  11. Alex to Jason: Get rid of Jessica. Every day I see her, I want to punch her in the face.
  12. This is all well and good until they pitch it to their master and King Paul shoots it all down and they fall in line.
  13. Jessica is obsessed with getting Alex out and has been since week 1.
  14. Putting Ramses on the block as a pawn was one of the stupider moves of the season.
  15. Their biggest problem is they can't separate personal from game. This is a social game. You have to at least pretend to like people. You're not gonna get anywhere laying in bed sucking face and generally behaving like anti-social misanthropes. In Jessica's defense she would be totally fine from a social aspect without Cody. I'm guessing at some point she's going to regret throwing her game away for a summer fling. I feel bad for her because she seems like a fairly sweet and levelheaded person in real life.
  16. Yes, Paul is part of the deal in Kevin's mind. Cody saw right through it and told Jess that he's not doing their dirty work. It's stupid because he's not going to be targeted by Cody anyway, and it's just going to make people start wondering why he thinks he can have a working relationship with him.
  17. Kevin playing a bit reckless wanting to cut a deal with Cody to keep his group (including Paul - lol) safe. First of all that's not realistic. And secondly if Paul catches wind that he likes Cody, he's going to shoot up the target list.
  18. Elena was really handsy with Paul last night. Barf. https://uploadir.com/u/jien9r3h https://uploadir.com/u/7xo7jh66 Probably more than she's touched Mark all season.
  19. Kevin talking about Megan and Jillian: They said they were SFs - super fans. They were SFs... stupid fucks.
  20. Production needs to cut Alex's mic. Permanently.
  21. Josh/Christmas super annoyed with Raven.
  22. These people are so drunk with power they think Mark shouldn't use the veto on himself.
  23. So Christmas has just been blowing smoke up Josh's ass? This doesn't make sense at all. She's on Jessica's shit list. Horrendous move.
  24. Not 10 minutes before Josh and Christmas had agreed not to use it. What the hell.
  25. Jessica's extensions have destroyed her hair and scalp. She has very visible bald spots.
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