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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. I don't see Mark sacrificing Elena for Cody.
  2. Would be hilarious if Mark won and didn't use it. But virtually no chance of that happening.
  3. Nothing confirmed but sounds like Paul was picked and Cody wasn't.
  4. Elena and Mark came to the conclusion last night that Paul has an alliance with Alex/Jason/Kevin. Why this wasn't blatantly obvious to the entire house weeks ago is beyond me.
  5. Weird. Mark has won 2 temptation comps and a POV in the last 3 weeks. Paul will make sure he's the next target for the house as soon as Cody leaves. He's gonna need to win a comp during the double.
  6. The three stooges (Alex, Paul, Jason) are starting to turn on Kevin.
  7. These noms don't make any sense to me if the objective is to beat Cody in a veto competition. Elena, Jason, Matt are arguably three of the five worst competitors in the house. If Cody does get drawn he's got an easy road.
  8. Alex: Should we put up Paul and Elena? Jason: Put me up instead. We don't want those fuckers to flip on Paul. They should put this exchange on the BB19 tombstone.
  9. guys, Matt is in on the plan. He agreed to throw the comp to get Cody backdoored. He would absolutely use the veto on Elena or Jason to get Cody up and out.
  10. If Mark wins veto, he takes Elena down and Cody goes up and out. Frankly, I don't give two shits if Elena goes this week. She's utterly fucking useless.
  11. It's kind of sad how everything this week hinges on Cody's name getting drawn. If it doesn't we might as well just fast forward to Thursday.
  12. Kevin is a total mess. I can't imagine how he's going to act if he's ever in danger.
  13. The entire objective was getting Cody backdoored. It's the only reason he agreed to throw the safety comp. Of course he will go for it. But I wonder if he realized when he agreed to throw that he can't use it on himself.
  14. If Matt somehow wins the veto he's not even going to be able to use it on himself because you can't replace the third nominee. That might be a first.
  15. Cody has a 1/7 chance of being picked for veto. Odds less than that considering no one will pick him as HG choice. Still gonna take a miracle.
  16. Matt is throwing it. Why he agreed to that I have no idea. Kevin really dislikes Matt. To the point where he questions his manhood. I think it's a bit misguided. Everyone has their ticks. Kevin, for example, has skin that looks like a baseball mitt, plays with his hair constantly, and shaves 5 times a day. I don't like Matt from a game perspective but he seems like a good guy. Who cares if he showers a lot?
  17. Jeff is gone. She actually interviews herself with fan questions via iPad (iPad > Jeff). They showed it on the feeds last night. Maybe check YouTube.
  18. Sounds like the plan is for Matt to throw safety and Alex to nom Mark/Elena. If Cody gets safety things could get interesting, but I'm guessing they would vote Mark out.
  19. Paul really is playing the BRob Redemption Island game to a tee. It's really embarrassing to watch. These dummies have no chance.
  20. Paul definitely gonna push for Mark to go this week if Cody is safe. Jason and Kevin will want Matt gone.
  21. Kevin is losing his shit a little because his name was finally mentioned.
  22. I didn't have a problem with Alex's goodbye message. I thought it was hilarious. Lets not forget Jess was absolutely horrible to her the first two weeks of the game (when Jess was in a position of power and Alex was on the bottom) for no reason other than she was jealous of her friendship with Cody.
  23. Someone actually mentioned that the cheers weren't that great. It's always been a silly barometer considering we don't know how many fans vs CBS employees/extras are in the audience.
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