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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. He's getting really sloppy. He lied to Angela saying he made a deal with JC for his vote for not using the veto, which he clearly did not.
  2. In addition to Scottie saying no to voting Rachel out, JC is also a hard no (as of now). Tyler gonna have to get Fes or Sam. Brett - Haleigh, RS, Scottie, JC Rach - Tyler, KC, Angela Swings - Sam, Fes
  3. What about the children, Sam?! Mercy!
  4. People can complain about JC all they want but he usually gets what he wants. At least so far.
  5. Brett doesn't seem very happy from what I've seen today and I can't blame him. Should be obvious to him that Tyler is trying to ride the middle while he gets targeted every week.
  6. Still amazed at Sam's age. She looks closer to 47 than 27.
  7. To please their dear leader Tyler? By the way, Angela voting out Rachel is really fucking terrible for her game.
  8. I'll embed these as spoilers just because they are mildly NSFW. Haleigh twerking. Bayleigh, Angela and JC catching a feel.
  9. I hope Sam didn't see Haleigh twerking and the girls + JC grabbing her ass.
  10. This x1 million. How Brett is okay with this is beyond me, especially if the argument is Angela would go up if he uses the veto. Brett's gotta be thinking if we have the votes to get Rachel out over me then what does it matter if Angela goes up in my place. Makes no sense to me and he shouldn't be okay with it.
  11. Tyler not gonna use the veto. This whole Scotty thing is a ploy to make Brett and Rachel think he's trying. He's gonna wiggle out of this again. Amazing.
  12. Seems like Angela thinks Rachel is lying not Bayleigh.
  13. Scottie tells Haleigh that the other side is trying to get him up as a replacement nom. lol. Wonder who told him.
  14. I don't understand how Brett and the rest of his alliance will be cool with him not using it. That's fucking pathetic.
  15. I'm interested to see Tyler's DRs. I don't think he ever planned on using it. I think he just wanted to keep himself safe. For some reason he thought Bayleigh might try to backdoor him.
  16. Rachel doesn't make any sense. Says she doesn't trust Tyler's vote if she's against Scottie because they are probably working together. But she trusts his vote against Brett? What?
  17. I wanna see Tyler use the veto and Bayleigh throw up JC. He would go absolutely fucking nuts.
  18. JC tells Angela that Bayleigh is never putting Scottie up. And that the renom would be him or her.
  19. Haleigh sending Sam home would almost make me believe karma is real.
  20. At this rate Brett staying invisible is his best tact. I don't imagine he's cool with Tyler not using the veto on him.
  21. Poor Rachel. She's not "bred" for this game.
  22. KC has the right idea of throwing JC under the bus. But I'm not sure they have the votes to get him out.
  23. They don't talk as a group very often. Probably what makes them so effective. KC is definitely the glue.
  24. Tyler was golden this week. All he needed to do was not win veto. The lesson of the week (for both Bay and Tyler) is ... Always. Be. Throwing.
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