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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. I give Rachel credit for campaigning. In this age of BB, most of these schmucks don't even bother.
  2. Angela says she doesn't want to talk to anyone. Really interesting that producers decided to cast someone with clear antisocial behavior and absolutely zero personality. She can't even fake it.
  3. Angela keeps saying it doesn't make sense that Rachel said her name. What she doesn't realize is that Tyler was never going to use the veto. He used Angela's name as an out. That's why he kept saying to Bayleigh, "If I use it Angela is going up, right? Right? Right?"
  4. Bayleigh yelling at Rachel for her own stupid gameplay is funny.
  5. The gameplay would be a lot more fun to watch without like 80% of the house playing for Tyler.
  6. I don't understand the Scottie hate. He's annoying but would probably target Tyler.
  7. The more I see of Angela the more I hate her. Egging on Brett to humiliate Rachel is just vicious. Can't wait for her boring ass to hit the block.
  8. barf. But honestly most of this cast are assholes so I could see it happening. Tyler might have a shot too. His gameplay is boring but at least he isn't cruel.
  9. Yeah, Brett and Angela have a bunch of half baked plans. Angela giddy at the idea of Brett making Rachel cry. Cold bitch. And again they talk like Bay can use her power after noms. And think it expires next week.
  10. I can't believe Rachel can't pick up on how cold Angela is towards her.
  11. The theory is it will be a jury buyback. First four members is what they usually do. Will be interesting if Rachel goes into sequester after she's evicted. I don't think she will but it's possible.
  12. Someone in Tyler's group really needs to win HOH this week. He can't afford to lose another number, especially considering he's burned the relationship with Scottie. If he loses Brett, KC or Angela next week that's one fewer person he can control. And he doesn't really control Sam to the same degree, and definitely not JC.
  13. I can't really disagree with your list but this game is pretty strange. For example, this time last year no one in their right mind would've said Josh had a shot to win. We're not even at the jury phase yet. Lotta things can happen.
  14. I do enjoy his floating gameplay even though he is a pretty big piece of shit.
  15. It's still pretty boilerplate, they just got lucky with some of the personalities. Some athletic/meatheads, some pretty girls, a nerd, an old guy, a mom, a hillbilly, etc. The cast turned out to be good but I wish they'd stop trying to fill the archetypes and just focus on personalities.
  16. To be honest, most of the minorities they cast are cartoons. It's kind of embarrassing.
  17. Bayleigh again tells Sam she's letting people decide who they want out this week and will live with it. Not sure I understand that play.
  18. Fessy and Scottie were talking last night and Fessy told him that side is always trying to pin rogue votes on him. Scottie said he knows. I mean, if Fessy gets it it can't be that good of a play at this point.
  19. They also plan to pin JC's vote on Scottie. The whole blame Scottie for everything schtick is pretty lazy.
  20. So reading the updates... Tyler, Angela, and KC are planning on telling Bayleigh that Rachel told them about her power and that's why they're voting her out. Debating whether to tell her right before the vote or right after. Tyler says she's gonna know he flipped the vote so he's gonna tell her. Tyler once again gives Bayleigh too much credit. He could pin it on Scottie and she would probably believe him.
  21. If Bayleigh gets blindsided at the eviction she's going to be more apt to use her power next week, assuming someone from her "team" (Fes, Haleigh, RS) doesn't win HOH. Ice bitch talking shit and voting out someone who would never turn on her because she was annoying for a few days. Smart gameplay, Angela. Too bad. Haleigh has the best ass in the house.
  22. I'm guessing Brett goes against JC. Bayleigh should have thrown him up there. Given how she's talked about him since it's stupid she didn't. Rachel going isn't a total loss. I actually think Brett staying in the game is better for everyone except, ironically, Angela.
  23. I just had a terrible thought. Sam wins the next HOH. *Sweating profusely*
  24. I think Bay would probably be bitter but I agree others could be more bitter. Remnants of L6, Sam, JC. If he double crossed any of those. Tyler vs someone like KC would be interesting. Most of the women say they are going to vote for a female to win.
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