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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Entering BBCan territory with all these twists.
  2. I had forgotten about Christine. Thankfully.
  3. Angela has a chance to be the first person booed since racist Aaryn from BB15.
  4. I don't understand being blindsided on this last vote. Everyone but JC owned their vote. There shouldn't be this much confusion.
  5. Yup, and especially after seeing what a privileged upbringing she's had. Makes total sense. She can't believe she's not in the cool clique. It's also why her and Angela get along so well. They're both crazy bitches cut from the same cloth. She's obviously jealous of Haleigh. That much is obvious. Sam said about the hacker twist "they're trying to pit us against each other." Like honestly, what does she think this gameshow is about?
  6. I can't stand Tyler either. Then again, I can't stand anyone. Par for the course.
  7. All these twists have been a bust. Sam's was used automatically and Kaitlyn failed the 3rd grade puzzle, Bayleigh is probably gonna get sent home with it in her pocket, and Tyler probably won't even need to use his.
  8. True but I have zero faith in that side. They would fuck it up somehow.
  9. Honestly Bayleigh getting backdoored would be the best thing to happen to the other side. She's a terrible ally. Just catching up. Apparently Angela wants to target RS now and Scottie is the pawn, with Bay & Fes as renom options. It's funny but Tyler wanting Bay gone is not a good move on his part. RS, Scottie and likely Haleigh are all targeting him. He has Bayleigh totally snowed but doesn't realize it.
  10. Well Bayleigh did the impossible. She made me feel bad for RS. What an awful bitch. This backdoor plan better happen.
  11. Does Sam realize this is a gameshow? Amazed she made it through casting.
  12. STFU Sam. Sam wants everyone to throw her the hacker comp and then she won't use it so it's like it doesn't exist.
  13. As worried as Tyler is about Bay's power she is no threat to his game. He would be better off pushing for RS or Scottie to go.
  14. It's amazing how clueless the Hive side is... Led by absolute morons Bay and Fes. It's embarrassing to watch. RS tells Angela she would have tried to backdoor Tyler. These fucking people, I swear.
  15. She should have never won HOH. Might've had a chance.
  16. Bayleigh is such a terrible player. Turns on her allies at the drop of a hat and somehow trusts Tyler above all. LOL! She deserves to be backdoored the fuck out.
  17. Most of the legit memory comps are later in the season. The ones now are half memory/half luck, especially the before/after.
  18. Yeah. Vote is 5-4 as of now, and the 4 votes to evict Brett are pretty locked in. Sam flipping or JC throwing a hinkie could leave the other side blindsided.
  19. I’d die laughing if Brett’s speech made Sam flip her vote. There’s really no need to take personal shots at people.
  20. lol what? The power app never mentioned a week of safety. Gotta love Grodner playing favorites.
  21. Fess to Bay in her HOH: If Tyler wins, who do you think he would put up? Bay: Angela and KC or Rachel Fess: But he was studying with them Bayleigh ignores this. Amazing that someone so clueless can be so arrogant.
  22. I bet he would put up Scottie/RS with Bayleigh as the replacement. If noms didn’t change he would still be able to ride the middle.
  23. Fessy did well in the memory veto. Not sure how translatable this stuff is. But I don’t think Level whatever they are now are particularly bright.
  24. Angela is just awful. I liked her a lot more when she was a piece of furniture.
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