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Posts posted by Gummo

  1. 3 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

    Emily says she's an investment analyst. I'm curious as to how Emily gets along with people in her office. What are her office politics like?

    What are her investment analyses like!??

    "Life is crap, people suck, you can't trust anybody, so put all your cash into hookers and blow 'cause we're all fucked anyway."


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  2. I see a lot of mixed opinions, but I enjoyed it.  Yes, the casting of young superfans who grew up watching the game was novel and fresh a few seasons ago; it's fast becoming the latest Survivor casting cliche.

    Been a long time since I disliked anyone as immediately and heartily as Emily. Jebus, could you BE any more negative, pessimistic and paranoid? And she's an investment advisor?? What's her advice? "Buy gold and bury it in your backyard, the world's a shithole and society's gonna collapse any second"?

    We've had players like her  before, who don't understand that the first half of the season is a TEAM game. Play strictly for yourself right off the bat and you're probably going before you ever get to the merge. Seeing Emily gone soon would make me happy, I feel for her teammates -- being around her corrosive personality 24/7 sounds awful.

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  3. Not letting Cory play after denying him a real HOH reign - no HOH room, no privileges, no nuthin' - would be a personal Fuck You to Cory from Production - has he done anything in particular to piss them off? Or is it just part of making sure there's no one else starring in The Fields Show?

    • Like 13
  4. A question for those on social media:

    Are  non-feed watchers enjoying this season? I know they generally have a very different impression of both the season and the individual contestants. Are they as fed up as we are or is it business as usual as far as they're concerned?

    Because their opinions seem to carry a lot more weight than feed watchers (you know, the people who actually care).

  5. Both Cam & Jared are creepy bullies. Both treat women abominably.

    That said, if Prodution, in their infinite wisdom, has decreed that one of them has to be inflicted on us AGAIN, I prefer the creepy bully with no pre-existing built-in alliances.

    • Like 23
  6. 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    i still can't believe that they're literally going to do nothing for 6 days.

    Pure speculation here, but I do wonder if this isn't why Cirie looks so blue so much of the time and has talked about getting out -- she's bored. On Survivor and even The Traitor, the contestants always had stuff to do, especially on Survivor, where you always have chores to do between challenges -- repair the shelter, gather wood & water, cook, tend the fire, etc.

    90% of Big Brother, on the other hand, is literally just sitting around. Cirie isn't the couch potato she proclaimed herself to be on her first Survivor appearance anymore. I imagine Big Brother is driving her crazy.

    • Like 10
  7. Just now, PhoneCop said:

    Assuming he maintain the lead, either he comp-beasts the puzzle or he lets Mr. ELDONG take a swing at it while we get a good laugh/facepalm. 

    I can't see Cam putting his fate in Jared's hands. I think he'd elect to do the puzzle.

    • Like 9
  8. 38 minutes ago, Cutty said:

    They don't care about gameplay. 

    *sigh* They really don't, do they. Otherwise, this show would be classified as a game show and not entertainment.

    But I'd think they'd care about making a good show. That's probably horribly naive of me.

    • Like 3
  9. Ack, don't mention kittens!

    I just got MAULED by our sweet little 1 1/2  year female kitten when we tried to get her into her carrier for a vet trip. We've had cats for decades, know all the tricks to deal with getting them to the vet. Nothing worked. She lost her fucking mind. I now have giant slashes on both wrists and my hands. We have a call into the vet asking if she'd recommend kitty downers before our re-scheduled visit.

    (And that's the EASY cat to deal with. We didn't even get to the other one!)

    Sorry for being off-topic. just had to vent.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

    there is discussion about Cirie and Jared having secrets and a conversation with Felicia?, I think. Anyhow people are realizing there's secrets around Cirie and Jared, and people are distrustful of them.

    I'm so glad people are finally comparing notes.

    it sure took them long enough.

    • Like 4
  11. The mistake was letting them compete in secret. 

    If the cast had known from the beginning that Cirie and Jared were mother-son and could make their plans with that in mind, it would have been a lot more fair.

    Maybe more interesting, too.

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