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Everything posted by DemosthenesKey

  1. Maybe so, but if she survives it then she'll definitely be over everyone ELSE by a thousand leagues for having survived Littlefinger.
  2. Loved your mini-character study of Dany, shimpy! <3 My personal hope for Jorah is that he joins that merc company people were always talking about, which is then hired by Stannis with the money from Bravos, so that we don't see the last of him. My hope for Dany is that she comes over the sea with her dragons to conquer Westeros and save it from the WW, only to find that Bran already did it for her. ;P
  3. I comforted myself after watching it by rewatching S4 E2, a solution which I highly advise for anyone daring enough to watch the Trial by Combat again... Sure made me feel a lot better afterwards, anyway. c;
  4. Well, according to the Wall Folk, the Wildlings are SUPER close to the Wall. If Good ol' GoT follows through with its usual function of E9 being a real whammy, then either Tyrion's going to die/escape in E9, or the Wild hits the Wall in E9. Whatever doesn't happen then will probably be the smash ending of 10. So I'm reserving judgement on Jon Snow and his pouty face until season end.
  5. Eesh, 90Percent, that would. 0_0 Sometimes I thank my lucky stars that I live in a (relatively) civilized era.And yeah, I knew I wasn't the only one thinking when LF was talking to Robin, "Oooooh, that kid is DEFINITELY going to suffer a Terrible Accident..." Bollocks. It's definitely my internet - whenever I try to edit it (because in a place with better wifi, it did the same thing but I was able to fix it by editing it and just backspacing an enter, then pressing Enter again and THEN the text break would magically appear for some reason) it just tells me TypeError: Cannot read property 'getText' of undefined. Sorry, all. I'll try to keep my thoughts short, and in easy-to-read chunks. >_
  6. Apologies, Shimpy. :/ I swear I'm writing these with text breaks. I press "Enter" just like everyone else. But apparently it just posts it with no text breaks whatsoever, and my internet solidly refuses to boot itself up enough for me to edit it... And upon further consideration, I feel I should amend my optimistic ways. If Tyrion dies - or if a major baddie DOESN'T die - by the end of the season, then I'm quitting the show. I feel willing to take this risk because A) I really, really don't think that the writing could possibly be this depressing ALL the way through, and B) If it actually is, then I'll be okay with quitting A Show.
  7. Okay, thoughts on the episode! First of all, Daenerys. It's official now. I despise her. I despise her from the top of her utterly blind eyes to the bottom of her pharisee boots (Pharisee is now an adjective). Don't you judge Jorah. There was a horrible moment where when he was begging her, he was saying "I lied for you, I killed for you" and it brought me back to last week's episode where Lysa was saying that right before Littlefinger offed her and I was terrified that she was going to kill him. Exile is almost worse, in a way. But from this moment forward, I hate Dany. F**K her. Only reason I'm watching her scenes now is because Barristan seems all right-ish, and Grey Worm and Missandei are freakin' adorable. Boltons! ... Yeah. I won't lie. I squeed a little bit when he made Ramsay a Trueborn Bolton. Even though they're both such awful people, it was just kind of - weirdly nice, for some reason. Arya! Was funny, as always. The Hound is totally a dead man, but I've pretty much accepted that. I laughed right along with Arya at the news of her aunt's death. Speaking of... Sansa/Littlefinger, the ship that the seven kingdoms fear! I'm actually kind of a VERY SLIGHT Littlefinger fan right now. All his advice just makes sense. 0_0 Sansa was gorgeous in that outfit at the end - she looked like a real Queen. And I think that someday she will DEFINITELY outsmart LF, just because that was some damn good acting in that little hearing they had going on. Finally, the thing everyone's talking about.... I'm sorry, I can't get too worked up over it. I WILL admit that during the actual trial by combat, my heart was in my throat, because even though I was 80% sure that Oby was a dead man, that was one awesome fight scene. Speaking of which, if he's some kind of legendary poison master, he cut the Mountain at LEAST twice. Mountain's about to crumble, I think, with all those wounds he took. Also also, wasn't he the brother of the Lord of Dorne, or something? And doesn't Dorne, y'know, HAVE the PRINCESS? Methinks that Cersei's smug bitch-face will be regretting her moment of triumph over her brother... Oh yeah, and Tyrion. Dude's totally going to be fine. Oby was, it seems, our "Shocking Good Guy Death" of the season, and they don't usually hit us with more than one of those, unless you count Robb and Cat, which I count as just one shocking death scene... And for the people saying that this show sucks, boo, it's all death of the good guys and no death of the bad.... This is the season we got to see Joffrey offed, fellas. JOFFREY. Bad guys die too! Locke, Lysa Arryn, Joffrey, (possibly) the Mountain - this is the season of vengeance. I for one am sticking to my guns. And my screen. c:
  8. Despite A Show having repeatedly shown me that it is a bad idea, AlphaLine, I shall hold out hope that Stannis is - if not a good man - then a righteous one. I believe that SOMEONE in these bloody Seven Kingdoms will do something heroic, and if it's Stannis then I say bless him, and LoL bless Davos for believing in him when no one else would!
  9. YES! So much so! XD And the little look Melisandre gave her when she asked if she used the potion was just priceless... I refuse to believe the comedy of that scene was unintentional. If Team Stannis can keep that kind of humor up, then I'll start getting interested again. And on the subject of Stannis, I tend to see his background not so much in Stannis himself as in the way he affects the world around him... Didn't his wife say something about how she was with him during that battle that he led way back when? The one that Davos came and bailed him out with his onions.. So that seems kind of crazy, but it also provides him with some motivation for pulling through that siege At Any Cost. Coming to rewatch Stannis and Davos' speech before Blackwater gives the most insight into Stannis that I've seen so far. Ooh. Another small comment about Dany's rightful claim: Does she really have one? If we're going by law of Might Makes Right, then Robert has the rightful claim. If we're going by saying that Robert was a usurper and shouldn't have gone after the ruling dynasty for being balls-wobblingly insane, then... Well... I'm just saying that if Dany comes back, I feel like she's going to be like she was with Meereen. "They were all usurpers! Burn them! *later on* What's that you say? Some of them were quite nice people? Nah, these Starks and Baratheons and Lannisters and pretty much half the people in Westeros COULDN'T have been nice, they rebelled against my father, who my brother always told me was a perfectly lovely man! ... Hm. All right, I suppose you can bury them."
  10. Man, I really like the sound of that story... With Davos as the voice of reason, too! :D Let's hope the showrunners read this thread!
  11. Didn't Cat say something to Ned about how the last time he went out to war, he brought back another woman's son? So not only were they either just married or just about to be married (depending on whether they did the deed immediately after his brother was burned alive or immediately after Robert plopped down on the Iron Throne), but Ned starts off the marriage with an adorable little bastard named Jon, too...
  12. I dunno, I might call the scar Brandon Stark gave him genuine :D ... So sorry. Just had to throw that in there. ^_^ At first I was just really, really hoping that Littlefinger was just going to keep Sansa on as a protege of sorts - being the Hound to her Arya, I suppose I'd say - but that kiss really changed everything, both in the show and in my mind. Now all I hope is that he doesn't rape her, but here's the thing: I really don't think he will. If he does, I will become entirely frustrated with a Show, because there's really only so many times that Rape As Drama can be used effectively. Or even used to a point where the audience doesn't roll their eyes.
  13. Disapproving Davos disapproves of your shit. :I
  14. Stillest of shimpys, I fear I must respond to your comment with this small squeak - speaking, in certain circumstances, can be very brave indeed. I might even dare say it can be heroic. c:
  15. I thought Littlefinger had a house - he's got that little pin he always has, I thought it was a sigil.
  16. I believe I remember seeing a spec somewhere that it was Joffrey - he'd just gotten slapped by Tyrion for not wanting to pay his respects to the Starks about Bran falling, so there's motive for using Tyrion's knife to try to off Bran. He'd probably think it was appropriate in that twisted mind of his...
  17. I can picture that quite well, yes... Littlefinger on one side, moving an unsuspecting rook forward to be sacrificed in a rook's straightforward line - a sacrifice that opens up all his other pieces to move. A pure bishop of the North here, a knight with a robin's head beside it there... If he has a Queen, there's no sign of it yet - though Varys doesn't exactly have a strong power piece either. That's not how they play. Varys sacrifices a red-headed knight to Littlefinger, then loses his smartest piece (Tyrion), and watches mute while Littlefinger jostles the board so his pieces have better positions... Although depending on how you interpret things, Varys DOES actually have a Queen with silver hair in reserve. I rather suspect the metaphor fell apart on me there, but regardless I agree. Littlefinger and Varys are playing against each other
  18. MrMicrophone, mwahaha! >:D I am vindicated! Although I fear to click that link, so I'll just be content with my post here on the Wall, clapping gaily at References I Get. On a more speculative note: I wasn't all that surprised by Bronn, and actually found myself kind of touched at his scene. What Tyrion said about him being friends with him BECAUSE Bronn was a heartless dick (note: may not be the actual Show's dialogue) just rung true, and to me at least it was still clear that Bronn genuinely likes Tyrion. Just... not enough to die for him.
  19. Ugh. DAMN you, Littlefinger... I think I kind of like you a little now. :/ Mostly because of that absolutely CHILLING last line, and because I saw more honesty from him this episode than I saw in all previous seasons. Other thoughts include: Well! More honesty from Melisandre, although I'm a little worried for Shireen now... and was I the only one who kind of thought Stannis's wife was checking out Mel a bit? 0_o Still, if there was any doubt that Mel is a true believer, I think it's gone now. And I suppose I can kind of see where she's coming from, using the whole Batman misdirection-and-lies thing to back up the Real Truth... Arya's kill of that dude she didn't know the name of: yet another point for Arya being a total badass, as if there was ever any doubt. Also, her and the Hound remain my favorite odd couple. despite... Pod and Brienne meeting Hot Pie! And if they go after the Vale, as someone suggested, then that's a plus! Although I don't see Littlefinger letting them just take Sansa away somehow, and Robin doesn't seem like the type either... At this point I'm just rooting for LF to finish the job... Oberyn vs the Mountain at last! Poor Hound - guess he won't get his brotherly revenge after all. Suppose that's what happens when there's a ton of people you've killed.
  20. I've always been a cat person (insert stereotype of Evilness here), but our family's lost so many cats over the years that we decided to just not have any more... Immediately, of course, we find a stray cat meowling at our back door, and we feed it because wook at the widdle kitty. But we're definitely not naming it! So yeah, now we've had Cat-Cat (it eventually grew too old to be called Kitty-Kitty anymore) for two years... But if we ever get another I'm naming it Ser Pounce.
  21. Ah, but we can't forget our other lovable plotlines! So! - Bran & Co. (sounds like a cereal manufacturer..) move five miles northward. Hodor says Hodor. Jojen is mysterious, Meera and Bran are sassy at each other because Dramatic Tension or something. - Littlefinger and Sansa ask each other what love really is. Sansa says baby don't hurt me. Lysa hurts her. Littlefinger kills Lysa with a complicated plot involving live robins, the gardens of the castle, and one actual herring.
  22. I thought it was pretty obvious from all the letters Tywin was writing through all of Season 3 that he was basically negotiating with Frey to get him to betray Robb, and that it worked like a dream. After all, Tywin offered him everything he ever wanted... I don't know when we'll see Frey again, though, but Bolton and his Bastard seem to be our window into the North at present.
  23. Shimpy, I was referring to his living enemies - although Robb Stark certainly wasn't perfect, and it's arguable that he killed more people indirectly than Stannis ever has. In my mind the whole thing would've worked out wonderfully if he hadn't tried to separate the North from the rest of the kingdom, which is (if I understand it rightly) the only reason Stannis considered him an enemy. Renly I think would've made a wonderful king in peacetime, and a terrible one in war. Just like Loras told him wayyyyy back when, he can't stand the sight of or the thought of blood, and in the hard lands of this Game that's kind of a requirement. The only other Stanemies I can think of are Balon Greyjoy (dick who's definitely done worse) and Tywin Lannister (orchestrated the Red Wedding, which I think is a whole degree up from shadow-babies). I suppose you could count Dany, but as she seems to be heading down a Crazy Targaryen path I don't know...
  24. That's actually another reason why I'm #TeamStannis. :PThe guy is just SO freakin' determined, it's a little ridiculous. It's pretty much his defining characteristic, that he just doesn't give up. I can actually picture Dany having come across the sea (like THAT'LL ever happen) with her dragons, now full grown. Stannis just looks up at them, and gives a frustrated little sigh, and then starts thinking about how to fight them. Surrendering? What's that? Nope. Not doing it. I'm not saying he'd win that hypothetical fight. I think he'd get his ass toasted for his trouble. I just think that Stannis would draw his sword against three dragons without a second thought, because the man is (I suspect) the literal embodiment of determination. I don't care if he's a douche, I don't care if he uses blood magic (not like his enemies haven't done FAR worse), I don't even care if he has the personality of a lobster. A King who'd name a good man like Davos as his Hand can't be all bad.And that's another thing! He named Davos his Hand! DAVOS, a man from the extremely lower-class end of the streets of King's Landing! How many other contenders for the throne would even consider naming someone who wasn't a noble to be a member of their small council, much less as their second in command! And when Davos mentioned how the other lords might not like it, Stannis said then he'd make new lords, because Davos stuck by him when all of the so-called "nobles" went over to Renly's side because he was charming and gay (no not like that shut up) and merry, and Stannis... wasn't. For someone who at first seemed like a caricature of the Zealot Nobleman, he's awfully proletariat what with his smuggler right hand and his ex-slave high priestess...So, that's why I like Stannis. Apologies for the rant. :) On another, unrelated note - my computer doesn't seem to like posting anything but a massive block of text, and it won't let me edit it right now. Apologies to all those I'm making squint at their screen.
  25. I had my jaw firmly clenched the entire time Reek was being offered his bath... I was so sure it was a trap, but it makes sense that Ramsay would occasionally offer positive reinforcement - its juxtaposition against his evilness just makes it all the more effective.
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