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dubbel zout

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Posts posted by dubbel zout

  1. 16 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I am so tired of this whole redeem a murderer for X health issue.

    Same, especially when it's used because the writers decide they want to keep the character around longer because they're enamored of the actor or the character unexpectedly becomes popular (which didn't happen with Franco or Heather, really). Ugh.

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  2. 1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

    But this whole storyline is dumb. They should 86 Heather. The character ran its course.

    One hundred percent. Alley Mills might be a lovely person, but Heather isn't and she shouldn't be redeemed in any way. Leave her offscreen forever in Pentonville.

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  3. Curtis and Portia are totally right to be outraged—they should be!—that Laura is trying to mitigate Heather's crimes. But @Bringonthedrama is right that for him to bring up Esmé was a jerk move. Trina is alive because Spencer (purportedly) died fighting off Esmé.

    At any rate, Laura is well aware of what Heather did. I think she's misguided, to say the least, to get involved in seeing if Heather can get some relief—that's for a lawyer, to deal with, not the mayor of Port Charles—but the writing has done a decent job of showing her conflicting feeling. She's Heather's relative and has her power of attorney, she's horrified at Heather's actions, she's somewhat sympathetic to the cobalt poisoning affecting Heather's past actions. 

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  4. Laura's anger about the press finding out about her actions toward Heather is ridiculous. It doesn't matter she was acting as a private citizen (which is quite the hair to split, and she should know better than to try)—It was entirely predictable the news would get out. She asked for public records.

    29 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Curtis playing the Esme card with Laura when his daughter is alive and Laura's grandson is presumed dead due to saving his daughter from Esme, was just gross. So was Portia with telling Molly her office can't be trusted re: Heather.

    Curtis has always been a self-righteous jackass. Portia isn't far behind.

    2 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Instead of talking to her Uncle Sonny himself, or Jason, or Kristina herself, Molly goes to Carly to find out what happened with Kristina because Kristina is supposedly too fragile to ask directly. What a coward!

    Seriously. Carly said more than once she witnessed nothing. Talk to people who were actually there. I do like Carly saying that Kristina was made of good stuff and she and the baby would be fine. She didn't have to do that.

    It cracks me up the way Sonny sneers "caaahp." It's so petty. I love it.

    I am still aggravated no one is thinking that Sonny's meds need a closer look. It's like everyone has forgotten what a manic episode is like. And really, if Jason gets shot in the coffee warehouse, Sonny is going to be a suspect no matter what. It's obvious he's impaired in some respect (more than usual, that is!).


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  5. 43 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    What happens when the baby grows up and turns out to be a lot like Kristina? Are we going to return them to the incubator or blame Kristina for not having enough kale and eating cake at the wedding reception?

    Half the baby's genes are Kristina's. This show (and probably all soaps, to be fair) loves to claim behavior is a result of genetics. Look at how Dante and Sonny both love pasta proves they're related. Or that Luke and stupid Ethan both raised a whiskey glass to their mouths in the same way meant they were definitely father and son. 

    So of course she'll get the blame when the kid turns out love meat or not want to go to college.

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  6. Willow thinks that because Drew found Liesl in Greenland he'll be a good Congressman? Okay...

    I love how Sonny admitted he might not listen to what Joss has to say, but at least she'll be able to get it off her chest.

    Dex, you're in a public park. I doubt Sonny had to work that hard to find you.

    Shut up, James. Please choke on your ice cream. Felicia, you can have some problems too.

    3 minutes ago, jacourt said:

    Molly is so mean when it comes to Kristina. She’s carrying your child. Yet she talks like she’s an inconvience. 

    Kristina can't win. You know Molly and TJ would rag on her for not being active enough if she stayed inside the way they want her to. I hope Blaze calls Kristina to giver her a head's up that Molly knows about the beating.

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  7. 24 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    However, where she lost me is claiming to care enough about Julian to want to harm Alexis yet mooning over and trying to play house with the guy who actually murdered him. 

    Ava's morals have always been flexible, depending on what she needs/wants at the time. I would like the show to move things along so we know what she needs/wants now. She's slowly making it so that she's Sonny only confidante, but why? To what end? And it's time that someone starts wondering about Sonny's meds. Especially with his latest bashing of Dex, it's ridiculous no one is taking a closer look at the meds situation.

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  8. It doesn't seem like the Cerullos to give someone a bottle of bourbon, especially one that is supposed to be more craft-y. The show has written them to be such clichés that I'd expect them to give Finn a bottle of amaretto or Sambuca or something like that. Though maybe they went to their local liquor store and asked what to give a fancy doctor at his brother's wedding.

    "That woman has a history of murder and mayhem. With a touch of poisoning." "Who doesn't?" Hee. But Maxie is right. Nina should ignore Ava, not antagonize her.

    LOL that Willow thinks politics is what's going to snap Drew out of his funk. And she thinks he's "owned up to" his insider trading? He blames Nina for all of it.

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  9. 17 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Fergus Byrne is not needed as a character. They could have come up with something better if they wanted LD on the show.

    He sure isn't, and the writing for him is TERRIBLE. So one-note and repetitive. It's also absurd that he has personal ties to this case and no one has said boo. I know the show is allergic to RL stuff like conflict of interest unless it's a plot point, but the fact this isn't a plot point is ridiculous. The only reason Alexis lost her law license in the first place is because Fergus made it happen.

    15 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    Also, good job keeping Carly out of Brennan's hospital room, Anna. Let me guess, Carly incapacitated the guards with her charm.  

    LOL. If this were a logical version of Anna, I'd think she deliberately told Carly not to visit Brennan because she knew Carly would ignore her, and Anna could get some decent intel. This Anna? She's been very stupid, so who knows?

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  10. Except as Tracy pointed out, it was the honor of Gregory's life to officiate at the wedding. No one forced him to do it, and Gregory was aware enough of his condition to have a backup plan if he couldn't do it.

    I don't think Chase is wrong to wonder if the wedding was too much for Gregory, but to ignore how much Gregory wanted to be there is patronizing to Gregory, IMO.

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  11. 1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

    Problem is this version of Sam will get mad for 1 episode at most and forget about it.

    If she even gets mad. Sam knows Carly has always been Jason's top priority. Sam is gross to emotionally manipulate Spinelli into helping her idiotic plan. And Spinelli is his typical weaselly self to manipulate Maxie to make the decision for him. Ugh.

    Fergus is blinded by his grudge against Alexis. Accusing her of playing the long game? Jigga wha? Plus, he's so one-note with his complaining. Zzzzz.

    Amanda Setton, it's barolo, two long o's, not barulo. Eesh.

    1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Kudos to JE and JS. The Tracy-Chase scenes today were beautifully acted and a lovely tribute to Gregory.

    Thank god for Tracy's verbal "snap out of it" to Chase. He's sliding into being maudlin. I know he just found out about Gregory's death, but the show always goes to "it's my fault [x happened]," and I find it so overused and it exasperates me instead of making me feel any empathy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you had the power to kill your dad, Chase. Spare me. 

    The Carly/Brennan stuff was so dumb. But LOL that he told her he'd happily kill Jason if he had to. That knocked her back for a few minutes.

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  12. 26 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

    use Kristina and her condition to not put him in jail. 

    Fortunately for Sonny, everyone else is already doing this.

    ETA: I'd like to know when Kristina's pregnancy suddenly became ultra high risk, because everyone has been acting as if she's going to miscarry if someone so much as looks at her sideways.

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  13. 17 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Elizabeth is about to regret confiding in Portia.

    Elizabeth will also regret it when Finn finds out what she said to Portia. Too bad Elizabeth and Tracy couldn't have had a longer conversation, even if they aren't friends.

    14 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    [Finn] has a lot of guilt over their relationship and years apart, and even though they made amends, it obviously still weighs on him.

    I can't take Finn spiraling downward about something that was resolved long before Gregory died. Someone needs to tell Finn that he's very lucky he and Gregory were able to put their anger and resentment in the past. And they were able to apologize to each other about the most recent fight they had. Not everyone gets that opportunity. 

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  14. I think the timespan is wiithin 30 days. Long enough that Mason and Julia Fergus and Alexis can bore us to tears with their sparring. In the hearing they both made the same three points about 12 times, zzzzz.

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  15. I don't think Cody is anything like Gregory, but it was such a pleasure to see JE get a meaty scene for a change. And we getTracy and Stella!

    I'm surprised Molly and TJ don't know about Sonny yet and aren't haranguing Kristina for accidentally seeing him beat up Dex. We'll see how long this new reasonableness lasts.

    As long as Finn doesn't come to work drunk,  Portia can't do anything about him drinking.

    I miss Carlos, that hair-tossing, Sabrina-loving nut job. Wow, is Alexis's hearing a bore.

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  16. 1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

    I also have the feeling when Sonny does finally pay for his crimes, the payoff is not going to be remotely satisfying.

    It never is. The show has always been afraid to give him anything remotely resembling real consequences for his actions. He mopes that it's not his fault (I really liked Carly asking him yesterday how far back he was going to go with the blame game [I also liked how LW played it: very calmly and nonconfrontational]), everyone is taking things too seriously, and they need to get over it immediately, 

  17. The death of a parent is bad, but there are worse things that can test a newlywed couple. Try the death of a parent and a spouse undergoing chemo at the same time, as my brother had to deal with. I wish they'd left that dialogue at Chase and BLQ being challenged immediately after getting married.

    1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    WK/Ned looked like it took his breathe away when she said ILY and I appreciate you.

    I have to think there was some RL emotion behind that scene.

    "You know how to make an omelet?" Uh, it's basically scrambled eggs, Kristina. It's not that hard, unless you demand a French-style omelet. That does take some finesse.

    I'm not sure BL telling Violet that Finn would be around for a long time was the right thing to say after Gregory died so suddenly (even if he was terminally ill). It happens to everyone and in all sorts of situations. And anyway, Violet asked what would happen if Finn died, and I think what BL should have said was that she had lots of family around who love her deeply and would happily take care of her. I'm all for being honest about death, and Violet is old enough to hear some tougher facts. But whatever.

    Ugh, tomorrow we have to sit through scenes with the smuggest domestic partners on Earth.

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  18. I really hate this “Kristina is a delicate flower who has to avoid stress at all costs” thing the show has going. Yes, of course she shouldn’t be put in stressful situations, but if she’s really that fragile, she shouldn’t have been allowed to be a surrogate in the first place.

    It’s also deeply annoying to me that Kristina might actually miscarry or have some other traumatic event when we constantly heard about Carly being thisclose to stroking out when she was pregnant with Donna, and absolutely nothing abnormal happened.

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  19. 26 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Chase, not Elizabeth, is Finn's next of kin and he and his niece adore each other.

    I don't see what next of kin has to do with anything. Chase can be concerned about Finn drinking around Violet, and Finn can tell him to stuff it just as easily as he can tell Elizabeth to stuff it.

    1 minute ago, JMO said:

    By the way----who killed Austin?

    I don't care, heh. His terrible story is over, that's all that matters to me.

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  20. 9 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Violet and Finn crying together was heart breaking.

    I really like that they're having Finn be open about his grief in front of Violet instead of trying to be stoic.

    11 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    So basically, Joss and Michael think Dex needs to let it go or Kristina and the baby will be in severe distress/possible miscarriage. 

    Hmm, who else thinks people should just get over it?

    "I hate that I asked my brother to make things right with Dex. It's so unfair to him." Kristina, it's unfair to Dex, not Michael. Good grief.

    Sonny really thinks Kristina "got the wrong idea" about him beating up Dex? What would be the right idea, Dex fell into Sonny's fists by accident?

    45 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Elizabeth's mistake was thinking that she gets to declare what happens next; he's not Lucky and they are not married. They are not even engaged and she's Violet's aunt not mother.

    I don't think Elizabeth was making a mistake—Violet shouldn't be around if Finn continues to drink. However, Finn is the one who has to decide whether to take another drink or not.

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  21. 2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Why doesn't someone call Phyllis? Maybe Mooby won't accuse her of turning against him? But then she disappeared, like over a year ago, right?

    IMO, it feels like Stella took her place.

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  22. 15 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    In this case they may skip it since he had ALS.

    I don't think so—Gregory wasn't at the point where he had mere weeks/days to live. They'd want to be sure no one "helped" him on his way. 

    14 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    as for the addiction, if anything was going to send him spiraling, it’s this. I’m perfectly okay with it being the catalyst. I thought it was contrived that he was twisting himself into knots over one sip of champagne st the wedding.

    Same. I know the wedding slip was to set up the deliberate drinking after Gregory died, but it was so heavy-handed.

    12 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Dante ending up at the after-party and hung over was great and his taking nothing from Sonny. 

    I hated Dante ending up at the afterparty and being hungover. Why couldn't he have shown up, had one drink to satisfy pushy Cousin Patty (who is written problematically anyway, IMO), and then leave? Ugh. But him taking nothing from Sonny was great. At least someone can do that to Sonny. He doesn't get nearly enough of that.

    3 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

    When Josslyn said they had had to wait for "HOURS" at GH for Dex to be seen (which Eden managed to make sound like Joss is just at the end of her rope with the ineptness all around her), I became even more glad the show didn't show us much of them at the hospital. I didn't need to see mini-Carly demanding to speak to the manager because the person doing triage had decided other people were a higher priority than her boyfriend. 

    I had to laugh at her outrage. So typical.

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