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Posts posted by Bastet

  1. To be fair, the only number we know is how much he got back from the bank after it turned out it took less to pay off the mortgage than he'd thought -- we don't know how much he started with, in terms of his share of the insurance payout, or how much he paid the bank, so don't know how much he has left to sock away.  Depending on the answer to that, treating the refund as found money might have made perfect sense. 

    In the original series, we several times saw them grapple with whether to put such money towards bills, in savings, or on something that's a treat.  This time, there was no hesitation of the I really should put it towards [a certain expense] or save it in case variety; he simply bought better groceries and said he hadn't decided what to spend the rest on, which is when Jackie suggested a bucket list item and he brought up the New Orleans Jazz Festival.  So, and this could go either way, he's either quit even considering keeping more in savings or there's enough left of the insurance settlement after paying off the mortgage that, this time, a thousand dollars isn't needed elsewhere.

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  2. I watched with friends, so didn't keep track, but know I did pretty well.  I was the only one who got FJ.  I figured it had to be a river that was forming the partial border, but was pretty sure there was no book and movie named after the Charles, so was initially stumped as I pondered ___ River titles of that era, and then Mystic River popped into my head.  I'm sure it helped that the film came up semi-recently in another thread.

    • Like 6
  3. 16 hours ago, possibilities said:

    He's funny, too-- his jokes during the game make me laugh.

    I was watching with friends again, so don't remember many specifics, but I remember him repeatedly cracking us up with his asides.

    I kicked ass (for the Masters) in the first game, totally blowing my friends' minds -- I even killed it in Before, During & After, as I got three of them right away and one at the last second, only missing one, where I had no idea on the final prong (something about zombies).  I yelled at Victoria to bet more on the DD, because she'd have extra time to read it.

    In game two, I was back to being dumb.

    • Like 2
  4. 19 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

    I’ll remember him most as the scummy bosses in 9 to 5 

    "That's Franklin Hart Jr.  But to me he'll always be [covers most of his nameplate with her folder] F. Hart."

    He was so good as the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot.

    I also love him in an outtake from that film, from Violet's fantasy sequence; here's what was supposed to happen:

    But in one take, when Lily Tomlin went to crank the chair into launch position, it malfunctioned and didn't go anywhere.  Dabney Coleman imitated the sing-song laugh she'd just done, as Mr. Hart's response to Violet's plan being foiled.  You can see it at around the 2:00 mark here:


    • Like 12
  5. 12 hours ago, Percysowner said:

    I always resented the whole notion that her dad should just be forgiven for abandoning the kids to their alcoholic mother who was unable to take care of them properly.

    This show had some issues with women, and that's one example -- Ellen is continually raked over the coals for her shitty parenting, but Paul (I had to look up his name, his story aggravates me so much I don't watch enough to commit it to memory) is never taken to task in a way that's proportional to the fact he opted not to parent his first two kids at all.  He abandoned them, left them with a woman he knew was incapable of properly raising them on her own, and never even sent any money to at least ease the financial burden (sending a bike one Christmas does not count). 

    And I don't have a problem that Lilly is still seething with resentment towards her mother, just that she forgives her father so easily (and that I'm supposed to take it as charming for the second wife to dictate when and how Lilly will interact with the family he decided to stick around for).  As I've said before, Ellen did a lot wrong, but I will always cheer her on when Lilly snarks "Oh, I wondered who that drunk lady driving me to school was" in response to Ellen saying "I'm your mother" and Ellen comes right back with "Maybe you should have asked your father for a ride". 

    • Love 4
  6. 8 hours ago, chediavolo said:

    Who played the banker? 

    To me, he's Pete from Dharma and GregJoel Murray

    1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    On a lesser note, they wouldn't have served Jackie any drinks before taking off,

    You still get a pre-takeoff drink in first class, but they didn't go crazy and splurge on that, IIRC -- I'm 99.9% positive there were three seats, not two, in each row -- so good catch.

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  7. I missed three in authors, but if not for that damn anagram category I'd have only missed two in the entire first round -- Jimmy Eat World and homily (I was right on the brink of dragging that one from my brain to my mouth when Elizabeth said it).

    In DJ, I ran Add a Letter (I love those categories), countries, and experiments, and got all but the Wild Bunch TS in west.  I missed two each in the rest.

    Since "the guy who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand" does not count, no FJ for me.


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  8. 1 minute ago, Rocknrollzombie said:

    Looks like either Harris or mark or both might be moving out/away 

    Oh good, that makes more sense than Becky moving her kid in with a guy this early in the relationship.

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  9. 1 hour ago, StaceyNotStacie said:

    Were they going to a specific music festival? Maybe it was only a weekend thing. 

    Yes, the New Orleans Jazz Festival, held that weekend.  Dan said he'd always wanted to go, and Jackie said she'd always wanted to see New Orleans, so since neither of them have jobs and Neville and Louise are visiting their mom, they should go.

    • Like 5
  10. 36 minutes ago, Trey said:

    I think he said she was imaginary.

    Yes, he said not Kendrick or [some other famous Anna I can't remember], she's imaginary.

    Of course it comes to me right after I post -- Wintour was the second.

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  11. I hardly ever watch the two-part finale because of the return of Christina, and hardly ever watch the Woodstock episode because it's stupid, but after I watched the two-parter with Susannah Thompson I figured I'd see the season (and show) out.

    "Free Love" is still stupid, and I'm still glad we didn't get another season with Scotty having gotten away with murder and his inevitable role in the Lilly/Christina/baby story, but I had forgotten all about the finale also including Will solving a cold case (the teenager shot and dumped in the Badlands, whose mother sends him baked goods every year) that turned out to be that nasty commissioner's son as the (accidental) shooter.  That was a good story.  I love when Doherty says his son has turned his life around, is even a father now, and Will says good, then maybe he'll understand what he's put Althea Johnson through.

    Going back to Susannah Thompson's FBI character, I like her, and I like her and Stillman together.  I could certainly do without them having had an affair (that destroyed his marriage, even though an earlier episode established Stillman's obsession with a case as what did it), but I love the discussion they have when she explains why she left, that having been with him would have been talked about as sleeping her way through PPD and every promotion she ever got would have been viewed with suspicion -- he says he never thought about that, and she says, "Men don't have to."  Amen, sister.

    Also: I had no issues with Nick's high school girlfriend in her first episode, but she bugs the shit out of me in her second.  We'd have probably seen more of her in season eight, so another reason to be glad it didn't exist.

    And now we get back to the main reason I'm glad it never happened, Christina.  I cannot stand her, as I've said many a time.  The nerve she has, doing that stupid hurt face and "So that's how it is?" when Scotty asks her what she wants (well, let's see, last time he saw you he was harboring your fugitive ass and then you split), and then asking Lilly to co-sign her rent.  The latter is doubly stupid, because why not ask her dad -- you know, the guy who abandoned her?  It's the almost literal least he could do.  And his wife shouldn't object, since she felt free to demand Lilly be part of the family, so that should extend to Christina, too.  Ugh; I liked the episodes with Lilly's mom, but not the ones with her dad.

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  12. 7 hours ago, illdoc said:

    He said it just after the (only) time the book was mentioned. So it actually made sense to mention it then and not at any other time (especially since they skip around the clues).

    Since I was listening rather than reading, I didn't even register that.  Yes, of course, makes perfect sense.  Thank you.

    • Like 2
  13. With them shoehorning Tyler into the last episode, when it made no sense for him to be there (at the bank with the family), it's possible the change is going to be Becky and Beverly Rose move out because Becky and Tyler have decided to get a place together.

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  14. Mei's dish sounded interesting, and then when Kristen's eyes popped upon getting a taste of it, I was jealous I couldn't reach through the TV and grab a bite.

    Kristen saying in a cook-off between all the TC champs, Mei would win had me wishing to see that very thing.  I loved Mei's reaction to Kristen saying she'd be afraid of her if she was cooking against her.

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  15. Tom had such a "Dammit!" face when all three dishes were fantastic and he had to pick which one was the least fantastic.  At least Kevin made it easy for him; even if the thigh was perfect and the breast only slightly overdone, if the other two cook everything perfectly and one is a hair off, that's the one getting eliminated.

    I love Amanda's laugh, so I'm glad she's still around.  (I have no problem with Laura, I just particularly like Amanda.)

    • Like 5
  16. "Can you hand wash this, I've got a feeling it's gotta last for the next four years" was depressingly funny.

    The mortgage burning of the original series was better, but this group scene at the bank was nice -- except what is Tyler doing there?  Another huh? question in that scene was  "Mark, you can see over the wall ..." because clearly so could everyone, even Darlene.

    My reaction to the plane scene was "Yeah, like half the cabin wouldn't be filming" once Dan got into it with the jerk passenger, exacerbated when the attendant said "Most people just film the whole thing". 

    The timing of Mark's acceptance makes no sense; a delayed submission as a freshman applicant automatically turns into being accepted a year later as a transfer student with no transcript from his transferring college?  And then that acceptance will just hold for however long it takes Mark to come up with the money (a grossly overstated sum for a university that has dramatically expanded its financial aid recently)?  This was contrabassoon scholarship level of distraction from the emotion of the scene between Mark and Darlene; they've overcome the logistics in other episodes to get me going about Darlene and Mark's emotions over what each needs to sacrifice for his education, but not this time.

    • Like 8
    • LOL 1
  17. 10 hours ago, mojoween said:


    Testify.  I even have access to some of these streaming services via others (I don't find them worth paying for), but I'm annoyed by having to be logged into one, on the one TV I have set up for that, rather than just being able to have the game on any and all TVs I want, and go around the dial during commercials. 

    4 hours ago, mojoween said:

    Stick to football, Harrison.

    Go find a fire to die in, Harrison, but, yeah, that'll work, too.

    • Like 6
  18. I'm glad Amy is heading into the semis, but bummed Mattea is not.

    Ken saying "And George's new book is out now" in the middle, rather than beginning or end, of the category George Stephanopoulos presented was weird.

    I struggle with pop culture categories in the regular games, so I was stunned to almost run one in this tournament, but even though I don't keep track I am positive I got all but one (I didn't know Aubrey Plaza, as I didn't know Drake's name isn't Drake, let alone what it is) in game one's Pop Culture [Something].  On the flip side, in that same game I knew almost nothing in movie memes -- and the one I remember getting was about Titanic, a movie I hate, so that's annoying -- and riffs, sci-fi, and streaming TV in game two were also absolute duds for me; I know I got nothing (as expected) in sci-fi, and probably also entirely blew or came close to it in the others.

    In game one, I also did pretty well in the vocabulary and housesitting categories, got FJ, and actually got a TS, covalence.

    I don't think I ran anything in game two, but I'm something very close to positive I only missed one in cooking.  I was mostly terrible, but I got one TS - Osceola - and got FJ when none of the contestants did, so that's a huge accomplishment.

    • Like 6
  19. 4 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

    Edited to add: Manny should get the next PYKAG.

    Speaking of Manny, I liked the conversation that opened the episode, where he said he feels like he's a big part of the reason Kaleena was sent home (I don't remember enough specifics of RW to comment on the validity of it, just respect his concern that his mistakes contributed to someone's elimination) and someone - Danny, I think - pointed out the judges could have done a double elimination but didn't, which made him feel a little better and he thanked him for pointing that out.

    • Like 22
  20. I wouldn't have accepted Lucy Arnaz for Lucille Ball; their daughter is Lucie Arnaz, and I'm not aware of Ball ever using Desi's last name.

    I expected to bomb the Katy Perry category, but the first clue they picked, black & white, immediately put the lyrics in my head, as it turned out to be about one of the two songs of hers I know.  I wound up running it.  Alas, I only ran one other category in the first round, books.  I got all but Tommy John in TJ - I know they've asked about that surgery before, and I never manage to commit it to memory - but missed two each in everything else. 

    It wound up being one of those Bizarro World episodes where I did better in DJ; I missed two in films, but kicked ass at everything else, running politics, trees, Yugoslavia, and dictionaries, and getting all but Murakami in runaways.

    FJ was an instaguess I had no doubt was correct.


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  21. I enjoyed how much they loved Savannah’s dessert, especially the guest judge pointing out she let the dish tell her what it wanted to be.  The resourcefulness of Dan’s use of the sunflower resonated as well (as an aside on his dish, I am with Kristen - and Dan's wife, who calls it spit - on hating foam, so I will take her word for it this was the .1 percent of the time that it works), but I could tell Savannah best nailed the brief. 

    Half of what Michelle said she was going to do had me yelling at the TV for her not to do it, so I was not at all surprised it came out with problems.  But they at least had a couple of positives to say about it, so I figured she was safe even before factoring in her QF dish.  The reaction to Laura’s was the worst at the table, but they more they talked about Amanda’s I figured they were finally going to pull the trigger on a double elimination.

    Taste the Nation did a great episode (all its episodes are great) on Native American food, talking about how indigenous people were stripped of access to their traditional foods; when they were herded into camps, they were given rations of unfamiliar European ingredients (these limited options led to an unbalanced diet, the effects of which are still being felt in the community).  The cuisine was lost, for generations, so that much of what is now thought of as Native American food is not traditional (e.g. fry bread), and there’s now a real effort to bring it back – in original form, and in modern takes on it, as requested here.  The episode closed with a “decolonized Thanksgiving” meal, which I was immediately reminded of by tonight’s shared meal.

    I like that the cheftestants embraced the challenge.  A few wished they had dairy, but there wasn’t grumbling at having to do something new.  They seemed to respect the reason behind the challenge and want to honor it.

    Michelle clarifying “foodwise” when she said she smokes a lot of things was cute.  As was Gail finding it amusing that Kristen actually enjoys Tom’s puns.

    Looking at Savannah’s writing on the mirror, she correctly predicted at least several challenges.

    I knew from an article before the season started they would be considering QF performance, but never came across the details until it was announced in this episode – they only consider it in deciding who among the three with the worst EC dishes is going home.  So one could still completely bomb a QF without consequence so long as they were not in the bottom of that EC.  Interesting.  I’ll have to ponder on it some more, but it seems like a good way to dip their toe into counting the QF performances.

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  22. 2 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    It was the Portland season. 

    Thanks.  After I posted I couldn't remember which one it was, I started to think Portland and was going to look it up; you saved me the time.

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