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Posts posted by Bastet

  1. 17 hours ago, HyeChaps said:

    OMG I can’t stand the Nike commercial they are showing during the Olympics—“Am I a bad person?”

    I just saw that one tonight, after seeing it (among others) complained about in the Olympics forum -- it's as awful as everyone has said.

    "Am I a bad person?"  Because you want to win, no.  Because you're rather myopic in your quest for victory -- "single-minded", "selfish", "deceptive", "obsessive"?  Maybe, but probably not other than deceptive; it depends on how it manifests.  But because you "have no empathy" and "no sense of compassion", oh yeah. 

    Also, Kobe Bryant was a fucking rapist, so maybe quit showing me pictures of him while asking "Am I a bad person?" and expecting me to answer no.

    Another one I hate is for some AI service.  I hate all those commercials, for how casually we're expected to just accept this stuff run amok, but this one particularly chaps my hide:  A father talks about how his young daughter loves running, and looks up to Olympic runner Sydney McLaughlin, so he asks some AI bullshit to help his daughter write Sydney a fan letter.  WTactualFuck?  How about the dad helps her; ask her questions, such as what she likes about Sydney, if she thinks about Sydney while she's practicing as motivation to keep going, etc. and then use those answers to help her compose a letter of appreciation.  That's personal, and thus meaningful.  An AI-generated letter is not.  Whatever composition aids she uses along the way in life, the daughter needs to learn to start with her own thoughts, or she's never going to be a successful communicator.  Asking a bot on her behalf and then shoving your phone into her hands is not helping her.

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  2. While Hetty still has outlandishly ass-backward ideas on some things, she has mellowed on others due to Alberta, Flower, and now Sam and the exposure to the outside world Sam has brought her.  Patience will be a way for them to revisit some conflicts they can no longer do with Hetty.  And to have great reactions from Rebecca Wisocky when Hetty has to say even she can't go with Patience on this one.

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  3. 14 hours ago, b4pjoe said:

    The show works the way it is and some of the funniest moments are due to the fact that Jay cannot see them.

    Yep, you do not fuck with a key dynamic of a successful show (which is why you shoot around an actor's pregnancy, for example).  Jay's reactions to the one side of the conversations between Sam and the ghosts he can hear, Sam lying to him that the ghosts agree with her, the ghosts having to use their powers to try to communicate with Jay when Sam isn't there while something important is happening, Jay being simultaneously supportive and jealous of the relationship Sam has with the ghosts, but also occasionally resentful, and Sam feeling supported but also fundamentally alone in the experience of seeing ghosts almost everywhere they go and constantly being hounded for favors by the ones in her home ... these are all foundations of the show's stories.

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  4. I like how they show stills of them above the board, halfway down to the pool, and then entry, so we can properly see how synchronized they are at each stage.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Jaded said:

    This might sound nitpicky I know. The opening of this show annoys me so much.  I'm not sure what the exact reason is though.

    I watch it later on Discovery+, so I skip it.  I watched it the first time, though, and thought it went on ridiculously long.

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  6. 14 hours ago, Girl in a Cardigan said:

    I'm currently annoyed by the one asking AI to write a fan letter to an athlete on behalf of his kid. Like if you can't be arsed to write the fan letter yourself, why do it?

    I'm against generative AI for a lot of reasons, but this is one of the dumbest ads I've seen a while. By the time he finished giving the prompt to the bot, he could have written the stupid fan letter. Or just don't do it at all and I'm sure the athlete doesn't care.

    Ugh, I am enraged by this commercial every time it comes on, which is unfortunately quite often on Hulu, so not even during Olympics coverage.  Like you, I'm opposed on general principle, but specifically perturbed by this particular ad for the AI service.  Hey, Dad, how 'bout YOU help your daughter write a letter?  One that's personal, so actually means something.  Ask her what she likes about the athlete, if she thinks about her while practicing to motivate her, etc. and use those answers to help her write a letter of appreciation.

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  7. 17 hours ago, Demian said:

    Not every image of people seated on the same side of a table is a reference to The Last Supper. 

    Plus there were people seated on both sides of the runway.

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  8. Our house was burglarized when I was six, and the burglars were almost caught, but escaped on foot, so we got back everything that was in the truck they left behind, just not the jewelry which they presumably had on them.  But, yes, we were the minority and most people never see their stuff again, so if most TV burglaries result in the stolen items being returned, that's definitely an On TV thing.

    • Like 5
  9. 6 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

    What would improve here is that the titans could be a pool of 8 chefs so even the judge is blind.

    I'd keep it with these three, but have them - and the challenger, who wouldn't even be known to the judge until after the final score, like on Alex vs. America - elsewhere while the judge is eating, not standing there audibly reacting to the commentary.  It could either be like A v. A where the chefs have no idea what the judge is saying, or like Tournament of Champions where they can watch on cc TV.  I'm sure this show can afford a second set, or just put them in trailers like the other two shows I mentioned.

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  10. 5 hours ago, Dimity said:

    I know in some parts of the US this makes sense

    The school year was so simple - and consistent across public districts and private institutions - when I was a kid, and, since I never wanted anything to do with parenting and my close friends are all child-free as well, I haven't had any reason to keep up with the changes (regionally universal or specific to individual local schools) since.  So I am still caught unaware sometimes while driving near a school during afternoon dismissal, not at all expecting school to be in session at that time of year.

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  11. 49 minutes ago, kathyk2 said:

    I'm thrilled Jay will see the ghosts

    I'm assuming that's a one-off, and look forward to seeing how they explain it; if they could both see them going forward, the show would really lose something.

    1 hour ago, Neptune said:

    There’s also a one-hour Christmas special planned for the holiday season that will introduce Jay’s family.

    Finally.  Given how close Jay and his mom have been established as being, it's always been a bit odd we've only met Bela, especially with no indication the parents live in India or otherwise far away, but I was willing to wait.  Not much longer, though, so I'm glad this is happening.  Given the cultural differences and that perhaps somewhat freakishly close relationship between mother and son, it will be interesting to see how Sam does and does not slot into Jay's family, and her ongoing navigation of that, especially as too much of a people pleaser who might finally hit a limit.

    • Like 3
  12. 1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:

    I’m glad they accepted savings here. 

    Two things will always happen when a contestant says "savings" instead of "saving" for DST:  I will grumble at said contestant through my TV, and the response will be accepted.  And while I grudgingly agree the latter is okay, I would really like the host to say "We'll accept that; it's Saving". 

    1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Okay, why a BMS for the Curies and not the Obamas?  

    I wondered the same thing.  I know they have issued a BMS for "the Curies" before, because I always have to take a moment or two to remember his name, so if it happened in a vacuum I wouldn't have thought much of it, but happening immediately after accepting "the Obamas", I did.  Is there another famous Curie couple of whom I am unaware?  When I search "the Curies" on Google, they're the only ones who come up.

    No one knowing that Caroll Burnett Show outtake was a bummer; I have that saved on my computer for when I need a laugh.

    The pulse TS really surprised me.  As did it taking three tries to get Tokyo.

    I came within three of running the entire first round, but I missed Abelard and Heloise in dates, Harry Potter in cracking up, and the spool TS in fishing.

    I didn't come anywhere near that close in DJ, but still had a good round -- I missed three in canals and two each in I+4 and books, but ran the other half.

    I had no idea for FJ, though.

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  13. Wow, what a choice to have to make.  I have always enjoyed the little bundle of energy, when normally a personality like that would exhaust me; there's something special, and endearing, about her.  I hope the treatment is successful and she becomes another unicorn case. 

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  14. 3 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

    One thing I don't need though is J! Archive styling his name as "Davey!" as they have done in all the responses to clues on both days.

    They always do that - if a contestant adds something to their name, the archive will write their name that same way.

    I was watching in my mom's hospital room (following a successful surgery, and she'll be released today), so didn't keep track, but was amused by my mom's response to several TS, because she declared that after the long, stressful, painful, and then blissfully doped day she'd had, there was absolutely no excuse for a J! contestant to miss something she got --  The Ocean and twist had her yelling at the TV.

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  15. Kevin is impressive, but I'm glad the final round went as it did, so that the Titans won, and specifically because of Brooke.

    And, holy cow, even though Tiffany apparently really screwed up her sauce, I wanted to devour every single dish in the first round (ginger and scallops) -- yum!

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  16. The fake novel titles amused me.

    The mockingbird TS surprised me, but maybe where the contestants are from one doesn't spend life getting dive-bombed by them in the backyard.  Location also made the May Gray TS an instaget for me.

    Once I realized with the TV category was about I figured I'd blow it as those type of shows/stories are not my jam, but thanks to cultural osmosis - and including a picture of Walken - I only missed two.  It was a pretty good first round overall; I only ran borders and call me, but I got all but the Les Invalides TS in Paris, all but cassowary in birds, and all but Pink Drink in mellow yellow.

    In DJ, it was the art category I dreaded, and I missed three.  But other than that, I had a terrific round -- I ran Hollywood Families (Yellowstone was a total guess, but I lucked into it being correct), hodgepodge, and words, and got all but Correspondence in history and all but No Country For Old Hen in novels.

    FJ wasn't an instaget but came to me pretty quickly.

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  17. In the battle of NY chefs, I thought the guy who lost in the second round should have gone out in the first, so I was not at all surprised he once again completely ignored the brief.  Alex and the other woman (it was several days ago and I've already forgotten everyone's names) were so clearly one and two in both rounds.

    • Like 1
  18. 45 minutes ago, Trini said:

    Aw, I like Tide's Olympic commercial; it manages to use the sports stars (who aren't actors) without being cringey:

    The way Carl Lewis says "Dangit" amuses me.

    • Like 11
  19. 22 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    I did have to edit those wacky Forum letters, though.

    I have interjected "Dear Penthouse, I never thought it would happen to me" into the beginning of so many men's stories.

    As for porn being offensive, there are a disgusting number of prevalent abuses in the industry, especially of female performers, an overwhelming percentage of films involving women are sexist (including those marketing themselves as being made for women), way too many are violent, and the internet making it readily available has created young men for whom porn is their only sexual reference, with that skewed perception having incredibly disturbing real world consequences for the women with whom they eventually have sex.  I think how porn exists in our society is more negative than positive.  (And almost all of it is absolutely ridiculous, but that's another issue and one I'd happily overlook if the others didn't exist). 

    But the basic concept of porn is in no way offensive in and of itself.  Good sex is hot, obviously if you're having it, but also if you're watching it (and, combining the two worlds, if watching it helps you have it).  We just need more actual good sex in porn.

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  20. 48 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

    change habits to Marie Kondo the front of the fridge and focus on the sides for magnets. 

    Oh, am I unknowingly trendy?  I don't want anything on the front of my refrigerator, but have magnets on the side that I can see while standing at the kitchen counter (they're a bunch of pins with social/political slogans that I turned into magnets).

    51 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

    I made a point to get a non-stainless-steel finish for exactly that reason.

    My peeve is that stainless steel - which I don't generally care for and which would definitely not be right for my kitchen - has become the standard finish, with white now a special order and not even available in some models.  At this point, I'm probably not going to remodel my kitchen until I retire, so who knows how things will be then, but if shopping right now I'd be annoyed by the limited options.

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  21. Ouch; Tim had a very bad day, getting a whopping one response correct.

    I liked Lindsay's vibe and was happy for her getting the true DD at the end of the first round, so wound up rooting for her, but I do not even know what that FJ response and wager were about.

    I almost ran the entire first round, but I missed two of the books and had no idea there was a new Fall Guy, let alone who plays him.

    DJ was a different story.  I only ran Drop In (I love categories like that) and science.  I blew myth entirely (shocking, I know), and missed two each in the rest.

    FJ wasn't an instaget, but it didn't take me very long.

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