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Posts posted by Bastet

  1. 7 hours ago, CeeBeeGee said:

    There's more work to do but think of where we were twelve or even eight years ago.

    It always seemed like an inherently abusive system to me, so I enjoyed the athleticism but was uneasy with the whole package, and when the Athlete A documentary confirmed and expanded all my worst fears, I found it hard to watch at all. 

    I have no illusions it's all hunky dory now, but I felt a lot better watching this year than I ever have.  They're still in sparkly leotards, they still have to do the flouncy let me entertain you shit in between athletic moves their male counterparts don't have to do, but they don't look pre-pubescent despite being far from it, they don't all have glitter and bows in their hair, etc. -- they're not simultaneously infantilised and sexualised as they had been for some time, and hopefully the rampant sexual abuse at the hands of Nassar also exposing the other systemic abuses to which they'd been subjected means they have a degree of power they never previously did (which seems to be the case).

    Also, I love the Golden Girls team name, since they have an average age that is old, sad as that is, and won the gold.

    • Like 4
  2. 25 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    I don't remember angel and devil cakes, but we've had angel food cake that was popular for years and devil's food cakes.   Could that be it?

    That's what I wondered.

    I don't much care for devil's food cake (too much chocolate; yes, it's possible!), but my mom used to make angel food cake and now I'm craving some (she has long since stopped messing with it, and I do very little baking, so it has been eons).  It's a good summer cake, since it's light, especially with fruit.

    • Like 4
  3. I did not care for Adalberto, but that dish that won him the first round was stunning.  His second round dish looked really good, too (although it was foolish to put a component only down at the bottom of the cone, since judges only eat a couple of bites, unlike a regular ol' customer who'll eat the whole thing), and thought he would probably win despite Alex's being more Thanksgiving-y and using the jalapeño so well, until the judges mused that maybe the cone in her dish was meant to be a vessel, rather than eaten, since there was already another element giving that texture ("cone vibes").  I guess they thought no one cooking at this level (either someone who's specialty is frozen desserts or competition veteran Alex) would use an old school pre-made cone, and gave that dish too much credit, but that was also foolish since in a timed competition it's always possible someone ran out of time and couldn't get something done/couldn't do over something that went wrong.

    Luke's concept for the second round sounded like a sure-fire winner, and I love when Eric understood what he was going for and said, "I think you cracked the code," but that just did not come out anywhere near as good as it sounded.

    • Like 1
  4. I don't know why the name Zac Stubblety-Cook is making me laugh every time I hear it, but I have swimming on in the background and it hits my ear every single time.

    • Like 2
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  5. 13 minutes ago, WhitneyWhit said:

    And the diversity of the team, knowing there’s little girls out there wanting to do gymnastics because someone on this team looks like them just melts my heart. 

    Yes!  This really stood out to me, too -- Team USA actually looks like America.

    • Like 15
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  6. I really like what I'm seeing from Brazil's Rebeca Andrade.

    I just have this on in the background while I work, looking over occasionally, and every time I happen upon her she's impressive.

    • Like 2
  7. Continued gratitude for the world feed; the Olympics are a lot more annoying when I don't have to watch American TV coverage.

    I'm sure they're practiced at tuning out the audience, but it was terrible timing that immediately after the poor Chinese gymnast fell off the beam for the second time, the crowd erupted in applause for someone on another apparatus.

    • Like 5
  8. 20 hours ago, kathyk2 said:

    Rebecca Wisocki and Ghosts deserved an Emmy for that episode.

    At least a nomination for Wisocky!  I did not find season three as great as the first two, but still good (especially for a season shortened by AMTPT's refusal to resolve the strike sooner, and one in which one cast member was on maternity leave and one whose pregnancy had to be shot around) and that particular episode and the finale fired on all cylinders.  A series has to submit six eligible episodes for consideration, though, and they didn't have six of those ten episodes deserving of an Emmy for show or writing, fine (although I'd have still liked to see a nomination, even if it wasn't going to win).  But actors only have to submit one episode, and I can't imagine a world in which Wisocky submitted anything other than that episode for consideration, so I was greatly disappointed when she was not nominated -- her performance required both the usual comedy and a far greater degree of drama than is typical for an actor in the Comedy categories and she nailed both.

    Anyway, yes, specific to the topic, the episode was a terrific example.  The show has dealt with personal issues dramatically before, like confronting a parent and learning of a spouse's infidelity, but Hetty's reflection on the reasons for her choice and her regret over it was a departure, and very well done.  I re-watched the season as a whole only once, but that episode alone several times.

    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, NUguy514 said:

    Asher Hong's incessant bellowing after a good routine is also really grating. 

    Boy howdy.  As I said above, I don't follow this sport, but I'm watching the NBC prime time coverage now, and he acted like he'd nailed the greatest floor routine ever after a performance in which he stepped out, took hops, etc.  It was by no means a failure, but not at all warranting that degree of celebration. 

    1 hour ago, Demian said:

    Oh, come on -- you can't just tease me like that!  I need details!

    Same, because a cursory internet search isn't yielding any results, given all the recent coverage.  But the hints had me side-eyeing my TV when that package about the small-town Georgia guy was followed by one of the announcers saying he's a "product of his upbringing" -- sounds like that's probably true in a bunch of ways I would hate.

    (Also, if he's not competing in anything as an individual and only on one apparatus for the team final [if I understood what was said correctly], why the hell does he get a package to begin with?  Because his momma's dead and he later had to rehabilitate after an injury?  That's not exactly a unique story.)

    • Like 5
  10. 6 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    The farm is starting to struggle with our heat and drought.

    Ugh, yes, here too.  My parents' tomato plants are going strong, but the various squash and pepper plants are starting to struggle, as is the artichoke. 

    My mom is recuperating from surgery, so I've been doing their cooking again.  I killed off the leftover beef and broccoli for lunch.  I'm not a huge beef fan, but that's an iron-rich dish (which she needed post-op) and I really like the sauce, so I made a big batch and kept a couple of servings for myself.

    I'm not sure about dinner yet -- I have one last piece of baked sesame chicken with sage butter that's the oldest leftover in the refrigerator, but it's not speaking to me (of course, the newest item, baked garlic and parmesan chicken, is what sounds best).  I'll have to do the sniff and touch test to see if I think the sesame chicken can wait until tomorrow. 

    There's also some spicy chicken and mushroom dish and some pesto chicken pasta salad.  I had to make that with white pasta, as my mom doesn't like whole wheat, so it's not my preferred taste or texture, but it's still good.  More of a lunch, though.

    • Like 2
  11. @StatisticalOutlier is our resident expert on hearing aids, but I don't know if she'll have any experience with either of those two retailers' hearing centers.  Tagging her in case she can indeed weigh in on that aspect.  In the interim, you can search the Chit Chat thread here in Health & Wellness for her posts on hearing aids.

    My mom got hers via Costco.  She seems reasonably happy with them (and chose them over Kaiser; she had the exams at Kaiser, and experimented with different styles among what Kaiser had and what Costco had and the one she liked most Costco had but Kaiser didn't), but I don't know much more than that.  (There's no Sam's Club nearby, so I don't know anything about them.)

    • Useful 2
  12. Quote

    Now that Pete has the ability to leave the Woodstone premises, “he’s going to be out and about

    I figured -- and that can be how Pete still misses out on Jay seeing him, if whatever happens that temporarily allows Jay to see the ghosts happens while Pete is off somewhere.  He'll come back right after things go back to normal and ask "So what'd I miss?"


    he’s going to be coming into contact with a lot of ghosts, one of whom he is going to bring back to the mansion

    I wonder if it will be another ghost with the same ghost power (there can't be only one ghost in the world with each power) or some other scenario they come up with for how ghosts are not bound to the property on which they died.  (Another poltergeist would be hard to explain, in terms of how Pete and the other ghost managed to get the living to whom the poltergeist is attached to the mansion.)


    Plus, in a fun twist, “we’re going to meet an animal ghost for the first time,” Wiseman shares, while Port adds that this “very small animal” is “going to become sort of a ghost pet.”

    Now that's a permanent cast addition I can get behind.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

    Tonight is a repeat episode with Shirley Chung.

    Since that originally aired only two weeks ago, it sounds like they're re-airing it because she went public with her diagnosis and treatment.  I am sure contracts for these competition shows are not structured in a way that pays residuals to participants for re-runs, so it doesn't really help her any, but it will be bittersweet to see her back when she had her hair, her voice hadn't been affected, she was so happy, etc.  I hope treatment is successful and she's back making the rounds of these competitions as soon as she feels up to it.

    • Like 1
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  14. 7 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    I can't believe the coverage was SO. centered on the US men winning the bronze. I was screaming at my screen, "Who took the gold?"

    I don't know who any of the athletes are as I don't follow the sport, but reading there was an upset I watched a replay via Peacock of the world feed and FF to the final round.  It ended with the Chinese gymnast who fell off the bar twice, then a U.S. gymnast on the horse (I think; he was in there somewhere), then the final Japanese gymnast on the bar who did a great routine, then the final Chinese gymnast on the bar who also did a great routine but probably not enough to bring China back to gold since he didn't nail the landing. 

    They showed the U.S. team in a group holding the flag and noted they'd secured the bronze, which was a long time coming, but the big thing is whether Japan knocked off China.  So back to going back and forth between both teams as they awaited the score for the final Chinese gymnast, which took a while to come.

    Much better coverage, it sounds like, which does not surprise me.  That world feed is how I've watched most things (which is not a lot; there are a shit ton of events!), and whenever I watch something via NBC, USA, etc. I am annoyed.  Not just the hyper-focus on the U.S. team, but how bombastic the announcers are; the folks on the world feed interject emotion when appropriate - the really felt for the gymnast who fell twice, quite possibly (at the time) costing his team the gold they were expected by all to win - but the rest of the time they're just explaining what's happening.

    • Like 1
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  15. At the closing of a call with a colleague, she expressed frustration with ongoing printer problems in her office and the delay in her organization replacing it.  She declared she should just go buy a new one herself, and, knowing she is a fan of this show, I asked if she would pull a Provenza and charge her co-workers per page.  We had a laugh and hung up, and I'm still smiling because it reminds me how much I love that for the entire next five years of the show, whenever we saw a character grab something from the printer, we also saw her/him put coins in Provenza's jar (or slam it on his desk, as Buzz did once while in the midst of a hissy fit at Provenza telling him his creepy ass relationship with Bill Jones's family was a mistake).  It was almost always in the background, but it was there.  And sometimes, especially when it was Andy, they'd make a face as they did it.

    The only one (among the squad; there was also an early scene where Taylor refused) who never paid was Sharon, but we also never saw her grab something from the printer directly; people always handed stuff to her.  She probably would have refused to go along with Provenza's little scheme if she had, and he probably would have let her get away with it -- just like how, starting in season two, she was the only one allowed to sit on his desk.

    It was one of the little bits of continuity that delighted me about this show, because most don't bother keeping little threads like that going.

    • Love 4
  16. I don't see a thread for Olympic commentators, so since it happened during coverage of a swimming event, I'll post this here:

    As reported in numerous outlets, including the BBC, after Australia’s women's relay team won a gold medal Saturday, as they stood on the pool deck celebrating and waving to the crowd, former BBC reporter Bob Ballard, doing on-air commentary for Eurosport, chose to instead describe their activity as “You know what women are like, hanging around, doing their make-up”.

    Ballard’s co-commentator, British swimming champion Lizzie Simmonds, immediately called his remark “outrageous,” to which he responded by laughing.

    Yesterday, Eurosport announced Ballard had been removed from their Olympic coverage team.

    Today, he said on Twitter:


    The comments I made during the Australian freestyle relay victory ceremony on Saturday have caused some offence. It was never my intention to upset or belittle anyone and, if I did, I apologise. I am a massive advocate of women’s sport.

    I shall miss the Eurosport team, dearly and wish them all the best for the rest of the Olympics. No further comment will be issued. Thank you.

    P.s. Don’t pile in on


    - please! She has nothing to do with this.

    Dude, it's not an "if" that you belittled them.

    • Like 3
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  17. 27 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

    Has anyone seen the new Life alert commercial? The husband is an asshole. His wife is worried because she hasn't heard from her mother all morning. She even called her mother five times and got no response. The husband acts like it's no big deal and that his wife is making a big deal over nothing. She gets a call from Life Alert letting her know that her mother had a fall but is okay, the EMTs are with her. Does the husband apologize for being a jerk when there really was a problem? Nope. Does the wife yell at her husband for dismissing her concern? Nope.  She's relieved but doesn't say anything about his behavoir. 

    I just looked it up, and the actors are all of the quality you get on a Life Alert commercial budget, but from :20 to :30 I think the actor playing the husband may be trying to convey an "Oh, I'm fucked" element among his reactions.

    Maybe she doesn't want to hand him his ass in front of their kid, but it would have played a lot more natural if she reassured the kid, then stared daggers at the husband when she turned.


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  18. 5 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

    I loved when there was a treat in my lunch: especially if it was a Ho-Ho, Ding Dong, or Twinkie! 

    (From the Pet Peeves thread)

    I couldn't stand the first two, but I liked Twinkies and used to occasionally get one as a treat in my lunch.  I can kind of recall the taste, but I wonder if I'd still like it as an adult, or recoil in horror and wonder what my child self was thinking.

    • LOL 5
  19. 9 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    I saw a meme the other day that had both "your" and "you're" in one sentence. They were both used incorrectly.

    I'm not on Twitter, Facebook, etc. so I only see memes emailed to me or posted on these forums; I don't know how representative a sample that is, but about 95% of them have incorrect punctuation and/or grammar.  Some of them are incredibly funny, but all I can see is the error.

    • Fire 1
  20. 52 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

    I think it's the ones with Arnold Schwarzenegger,

    Yes, it's not the "Like a Good Neighbor" series (which has been going on for years), but specifically the "Like a Good Neighbaaa" commercial, with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    • Like 3
  21. 4 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    With Peacock, I found the first 2 minutes or so of when I turn something on is a bit blurry, then it clears up.

    That's what happened to me, too.  Yesterday I poked around watching a little bit of this and a little bit of that, via the world feed, in the replays section of various sports, and every time it looked like shit for maybe a minute and then cleared up.

    • Like 2
  22. U.S.A. vs. China (women's) was an exciting game, with some nice long rallies, but, man, were the Americans frustrating me as much as they were their coach with the unforced errors.  That's what cost them the game, as the teams were pretty evenly matched otherwise (other than aces, where the U.S.A. dominated; those are always fun to see).  Tough first match, and tough loss, but a good game.  And Skinner was a dynamo off the bench.

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