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Posts posted by Peppermint

  1. Evil twin was wearing the leather, Alan was wearing sports coat when he arrived at the apartment [ both times ]

    My grandson [who now at 20 towers over me] had to stay in a booster seat til he was about 11. Need to be 80 pounds or 4'9". Same in WI.

    Harrison is riding a bike before breakfast...and it was quite jarring to see his fauxmom dressed for a dinner party at that hour.

    And for F's sake fauxmom, just LEAVE ALREADY !! Stop bitching & dithering & sniveling and let your EX just drag and shove your azz out the door. If that's how fauxmom reacts to a day with a new nanny...just imagine her behavior if the 6 year old was required to attend school. Thank Soap, that won't happen til he is SORASed to boarding school age and disappears to Switzerland.

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    Hope...Excellent choice for her today, adorable hair style, very sweet.

    Brooke...Lovely color for her, dress was classy and classic.

    Donna...Nice "At-Home" outfit. Should have washed her hair this week, though.

    Poppy...Ill-fitting gunny sack. Old hippy brown is not her color.

    Luna..."Peek-A-Whoa " !! At least her ass was covered today.

    Eric...Wealthy man of leisure. He wears it well.

    Katie..2nd day in a row of a really nice dress. If I had Forrester $ I'd buy them both.

    Stefffy...When she stood up, "thank Gawd it's shorts". 

    RJ...Meh...lose your 'roid dealer.

    $Bill...Would look jes' fine without the shirt.

    No comment on scripts/storyline/acting/pl........zzzzzzzz

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  3. Barrister & barrista are totally different species... Can we all just get along with our mis-spellings and mistakes...??

    Michael is a barrister who probably  regrets ever getting involved with TGVN . And wishes he could return Coles's $1...

    Now he is knee deep in brussel sprouts.

    Sharon is an innocent Expresso barista ...who

     wants to "help" everybody . Her "Degree In Confusion" places her way above her peers who only deal in " Degrees of Gossip ".

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  4. Whatever happened to those buckets of ducats Sheila was bragging about several months ago ??  Out of gratitude towards her new daughter for helping persuade Finn to come to her wedding...why not set Hope up in a brand new and improved HFTF as a Forrester rival ??

    How long will Steffy's arbitrary firing of Hope last before Grand Dad steps in and transfers her to the Black Hole that is the "Paris Office" ?? 


    Is Steffy pregnant with Baby #5 IRL , so a banishment to Paris is in order ??



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  5. Spouse #1 to Spouse #2 -

    You cannot associate with that person.

    You cannot speak to that person.

    You will not believe "that" fact.

    You will believe "my" fact.

    You cannot go there. 

    You will only go where I allow you to go.

    You are not allowed to think "that".

    You will think what I say you may think.

    You will abandon any and all others, choosing only ME.

    Length of time before Spouse #2 insists on couples therapy ....divorce....runs off to join the circus...has plastic surgery to resemble someone Spouse #1 has never met....pushes Spouse #1 off the homeplace cliff ??



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  6. Didn't Ashley go visit Dr. Alan after learning the Paris blowup with Tucker was not as she imagined ?? After that, her actions changed from angry/upset to unhinged. Guess the cause of her D.I.D might not be a Parisian street mugging or hotel rape, but something induced by Dr. Alan. 

    But WHY ?? 

    I loved Tucker today. I want one of my own.      😍

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  7. " Now, now kids, this is a place of business "...Thus spoke the Biker Barbie with her butt cheeks hanging out. The Show only went downhill from there. 

    Finn does not know how to give a proper massage.

    Is Brad Pitt really gonna show up at Deacon's Pizza Shoppe ?? Maybe for the wedding ??

    Finn and Hope standing with Deacon, watching Hayes in a mini-tux carry the rings down the aisle, followed by Beth and Kelly in fairy dresses, scattering rose petals before Sheila....Steffy outside, clawing at the locked door shrieking " I forbid this !! I object !! I am SheWhoMustBeObeyed !! "

    A girl can dream, can't she ??

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  8. 🎶 Alouette, gentille alouette, Alouette, je te plumerai...🎶

    Continue til end, translate to English [ for those south of the Canadian ] and you will see poor Mackmoood, stripped featherless by a beret'd Nichole. He looks so lost and forlorn , even though he is not entirely blameless in their shit-show of a marriage.

    Rob & Sophie...same ol', same ol'.

    Jasmine & Gino...same ol', same ol'.

    Liz & Pred...same ol', same ol'.

    Emily & Kobe...new level of entitled stupid by Mother Emily.

    Grangela & Mikuul...not even pretending we don't already know how this ends. FF.




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  9. 2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

    Do you get the feeling that Summer❄️x7 is guilty of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. It seems she really doesn’t want Harrison to get over the trauma

    Still recovering from tequila shots each time Dummer said "my son", but lucid enough to agree to this one thousand million percent !!

    My shriek of "YES" when Kyle proposed Claire as Harrison's nanny drowned out the TV...

    Now both Cole and Nick are going to try find out what TGVN is about when he is skulking. 

    WTF did Cook think when TGVN ordered an extra covered dish of Brussels sprouts ?? Above his/her pay grade perhaps. Brussels sprouts are delicious when roasted with lots of garlic & olive oil. Washed down with warm cheap wodka ??

    Nick & Phyllis acting like a friendly long-divorced couple was refreshing. 

    Again Show is disrespecting addiction, mental illness, trauma. Was Nikki at rehab long enough for the denizens of GC to change clothes ?? Stupid, stupid, stupid....to infinity....




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  10. 1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:


    Scene we would love to see:  Hope pulling that awful wig off Stuffy’s head then kicking her in her Finn's purloined brass-plated balls.  


    2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    What in HOLY HELL was Steffy wearing today?!

    First thought was that Hope's very flattering Genoa City Blue dinner party costume was not office material....then...Steffy. The entitled 8th grade mean girl was wearing what my daughter described as a Barbie Biker getup.

    And I DID freeze frame the shot where her actual butt cheeks were hanging out. FFS this is a Fashion House ?? NOT a W$*$# House ??

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  11. Christine looked nice today wearing lovebird blue and with some curl in her hair. Leave town with Rock Star before Phyllis flounces off and packs herself into your luggage.

    Sally and Chloe reinventing their business over lattes. If they won't hit up one of Sally's BFs for money, maybe Kevin will lend them his Chipmunk head.....

    Devon leading the Monday Morning Paranoia Parade. Twirl that baton & step high !!

    Condolences to all those who don't have a FF button and were forced to watch the OCD death watch for Connor.





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  12. As a very long time watcher, I initially had issues with "Mamie The Terrible" replacing "Mamie The Wise" . Now I'm convinced it's "Mamie The Insane". Yet another Genoa City dweller in need of mental health help.  #911callsharon

    Does anyone imagine a thought bubble on one of these characters ?? Watching Abby this week, I see a thought bubble filled with nothing but slowly popping soap bubbles...blip....blip....blip....

    WTF IS THE CONTROVERSY WITH DOMINIC'S MUSIC RECITAL ?? The child is 33 months old...not even 3 years...barely old enough to not wander off the stage during his drum [ banging ] solo. Juilliard has NOT sent a scout to this recital. Let his grampy come, maybe snag him by his Under-roos before he exits -stage left.

    Summer - you idiot, just shake your messy hair and whine that Harrison is SOOOO traumatized....when you are just SOOOO upset that Harrison is NOT traumatized and you don't have a valid reason to be all butt-hurt and collect sympathy in gallon buckets. GAH !! She makes the most ugly faces !! [Ooppss, am I allowed to say that ?? ]

    Fashion Police Notice...The nasty noticable hair extensions are more fun to watch than some of the cast....Victoria - Diane - Claire -and on and on. And is the " part-in-the-middle-Minnesota-farm-gal " look really needed for Claire ?? Or will that style be eliminated when Kyle takes romantic notice ?? Like the "mousy librarian taking down her hair " ??

    Yep, Diane, shrieking at your husband is the best way to ease him back down the road to sobriety. Victor Victor, The All Omnipotant And Powerful, please include the exterminatation of Diane in your Abbott revenge plans.



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  13. " Sometimes I've believed as many as 6 impossible things before breakfast " The White Queen.

    RJ "used protection"....Zende  " used protection "...Luna-tictac did not wander over to another one of Eric's guest houses and have even more random sex....The timing of the birth of Luna-tictac's mystery child would make it a Christmas baby....Where are the writers going with this ??...No place sane.

    There are enough jackasses on this Show to populate a large stable. 

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