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Urban Shoe Myth

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Everything posted by Urban Shoe Myth

  1. I have to say, I found Philip's speech, while movingly performed, somewhat disingenuous. He continued the narrative that Diana loved the spotlight - as others have pointed out, initially she was Shy Di, but even in her later years, I never got the impression she loved the spotlight. I always felt she appreciated what the spotlight could do for her in terms of raising awareness for her causes, and that she realized she had to give the press a little something every once in a while in exchange for the barest minimum of a liveable life, but I never, ever thought she soaked up the spotlight the way Charles, and then Philip, state. I also cede that we are seeing a man looking back at past mistakes, and perhaps really regretting the way he parented Charles, but I thought that Philip should have also acknowledged that William had a point blaming Charles for some of it. While technically not Charles' "fault", it was true that Diana wanted to escape England during Camilla's birthday party thrown by Charles. It was true that she was not provided with the protection of a royal that she should have had. And, as others have mentioned - that is not Harry! The haircut alone is atrocious. The lack of any scenes of a barely teenage Harry floundering his way through his own grief really stood out as a sore spot for me.
  2. Yes, that was my other thought besides an immediate disaster - that there would be an inspection snafu that would hold up the sale. Guess it was just a throwaway? Lisette is so odd to me. Who is thrilled that the previous owner left their bras behind? Even if you admire their fashion sense, not sure that would extend to envying someone's bras? Such extremes from Aidan and Seema. Seema, you don't have to go to Egypt for 5 months, but you could visit for a couple of weeks, couldn't you? Her speech about not giving up her career and the person she worked so hard to become for a man, felt very misplaced. It's a good speech if he'd asked you to move there permanently. Not relevant to a 5-month invitation to hang with him while he shoots a movie. I'm no prude, but Nya's suggestive "I lick the spoon after the black one...? Oh! It exploded in my mouth, I wasn't expecting that!" was not the kind of banter I would enjoy hearing as a guest at a group dinner. Speaking of the chef... no food porn besides the olives???
  3. Also, the most I ever laughed at Che's comedy was when they said they thought the jokes they did at Miranda's expense were funny. Nya's "I don't really know any of these people" could easily have also been said by the hostess of the party herself. The metamorphosis conversation between Che and Lisette was painful. Did someone pay extra for a closeup of the butterfly ring? Perhaps it's because I'm currently in the post-production stage of TV producing myself, but the shot of Miranda hailing the cab on the way to the BBC felt like superfluous filler. We get it, she told both Carrie and co, and then Nya that she's going there, I don't think the audience would wonder how she got there if we didn't actually see her getting into a cab and telling the driver to take her to the BBC. As a fan, I was offended when Jackie referred to himself, Che and Carrie, even facetiously, as The Beatles getting back together.
  4. Aidan's 5-year plan is baffling, but I couldn't help but wonder (see what I did there!) if he's still nursing some (perhaps even unconscious) resentment toward Carrie, and is almost looking to - punish isn't quite the right word, but something like that - for her treatment of him in the past. It's so wishy washy - I'm not breaking up with you, I'm just asking you to basically put your romantic life on hold for years. Just like Carrie's wearing of his engagement ring around her neck wasn't really a yes or a no - again, wishy washy behaviour. Other thoughts: * Kim Cattral is a very good actress to portray Samantha as being that devoted to Carrie that she would take an overnight flight for her dinner (even though I'm happy for KC that she didn't have to converse with SJP in real life for that scene.) * Even for a Michelin-chef created dinner, I'm not sure I could have shared such a small space with seriously annoying people like Jackie, Che and Lisette. * Seema's storyline grew repetitive between this episode and the last. I told him I love him, I haven't made that mistake in years, rinse, repeat. She got the best possible response to telling someone you love them - he said it back. I ended up wishing she would stop complaining. * So basically Giuseppe threatened to leave New York until Anthony did what he wanted? (And I don't just mean the butt sex. Opening up emotionally takes time for some people, especially when you're older.) * I felt as though Lisette pointing out the ceiling stain was a portent of something ominous - like the ceiling was going to come crashing down during the dinner. But no - just a stain, I guess? * MIranda still got off super easy with regard to Steve. Nary a real authentic apology in all that sentiment.
  5. My random thoughts while watching: Charlotte kept saying "it's not the dress, it's the belt" and complaining that the belt rode up too high - but if I saw correctly, she could have loosened the belt a couple of notches, no? The "comedic" fumblings of Doug Brad and Janet were not so comedic (did Che write this material?) If asked, sure, say you're Che's cousins, but their little routine was so suspicious and ridiculous for two supposed adults. Speaking of Che: seriously, Che? You're going to ask Carrie and Aiden straight out why it didn't work out between them? Who does that? These people don't talk like people sometimes. Normally love Anthony, but I don't find conversations in which people talk past one another (as with Charlotte discussing being a "gallerina" and Anthony talking about how Giuseppe made his "sourdough rise") very enjoyable. I thought Anastasia and Kai at the gallery were going to be Charlotte's version of the resentful interns with whom Miranda had to deal. And lastly: was that a repeat of THE JACKET on Aiden, when they were shopping for housewares? If so, it looked miles better unbuttoned and unbelted.
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