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Everything posted by shura

  1. Right? Btw, it’s not the symbol for ohm either. That would be the capital omega.
  2. The way they describe the tasks to us viewers this season, who knows if it was part of the challenge or not. It wasn’t just about the look, the abuelas did taste the final dish. That’s how the cousins got turned back for having undercooked plantains. And I saw an interview with the twins this morning where they said that the cooking instructions were in Spanish and they couldn’t understand anything, so they might have just thought it all had to come out at the same time. Weird though, instructions in Spanish with, potentially, no chance for non-Spanish-speakers to complete the challenge? Sure, it’s arbitrary, and not a big deal at all. Anything we can eat is a dish, I suppose. It raises a bunch of weirdly philosophical questions though. If you have two different dishes and put them onto the same plate, do you still have two different dishes or is it now a different, third dish? What if you put them on the plate in a different ratio, is it a fourth dish? And making this Colombia’s national dish is kind of like saying “our national dish is going to be a bunch of different dishes served together”. I think I have that every time I’m in a buffet.
  3. Sure, but it’s not really a dish, it’s a sampler platter, right? When you cook a dish, flavors get mixed and new ones get developed, but here everything was cooked separately. That was actually the problem that made the twins switch back - they had no idea when to cook what so that everything would be ready at the same time. Funny how it was edited as though they said they did not know what any of those things were. I was thinking, well, you can ask someone, they will explain (“Well, kids, those little white things are rice…”). But no, the challenge for them was the timing. Speaking of kids and basics, Danny has never cooked anything before, has he? That egg he was scraping off the frying pan looked exactly like my very first attempt, at the age of 8 or 9, at cooking something on my own. Then my younger sister produced the same dish a couple years later. It’s really not intuitive to know that you need to use butter there 😛. Colombians are really fun people. I still remember the exploding cornhole game that is their national sport (at least that’s what TAR claimed when they featured it). And now we have the Willys parade. At first I couldn’t understand, in what circumstances would you need to load your truck like that? Moving to a new city and need to load your chest of drawers, Jesus picture and the dish rack (with the dishes you’ve just finished washing, apparently)? And then you hang a few pineapples on your furniture because you need to move those too and this seems like a reasonable way to transport them? But then I got it - it’s modern art, that’s what this is. I loved it.
  4. Can we really rule out that they would? Remember how they almost climbed the pole with the Voladores for no good reason? The anesthesiologists (or, rather, anesthetists)… Walked back and forth on a bridge, got lost and then go “oh, it’s under the bridge!” and proceed looking for Elizabeth Taylor’s house in the underpass. I also liked how seriously Vinny was explaining at one point how, in their work, “every heartbeat counts.” They tend to, yes.
  5. If I read “find the string that’s different from the rest of them”, I would interpret it to mean that “the rest of them” are not different from each other. If they are all different, isn’t any of them “different from the rest of them” then? Or did they mean that there were several strings of most combinations and only a few that were unique (in which case it’s pretty evil to not just say ‘unique’)? Also, where in that description is any indication that you get a reference string that you have to find a matching one for? From the wording they gave us, any unique string should have done it. Geez, you edit this thing to 90 minutes and you cannot take fifteen seconds to explain the task better? In any case, the correct reaction to looking at this challenge is “Nope. The other one.”
  6. Isaac said Rhode Island the first time, when Sam gave him the 10K. No, no, Delaware is small potatoes, Isaac can buy it twice already (not that he’d want to). Now that he has seen what Trevor can do with his money, it’s time to dream big. Virginia at least. And not the present-day rump either, the original one, from before they split it. Sass will probably suggest it next time he is bored. When did Hetty talk about buying a state? I cannot remember.
  7. Oooh, I feel like Trevor is being maligned here somewhat unfairly . The sister thing was Trevor being in love, can’t hold it against him in good conscience. As for the money, whatever we think about Sam’s decision to give it to Isaac, she did give it to him and the money is Isaac’s now. And Trevor is Isaac’s financial advisor (whether self-appointed on the spot or they have a formal agreement I don’t know, but Isaac did not dispute it when Trevor said it and proceeded to listen to Trevor’s advice). So Trevor may technically have had the right to invest the money for his client there. That’s the job of a financial advisor though, to play with other people’s money, isn’t it? The part where he used Sam and Jay’s account and they would be on the hook for any losses is more than questionable, to be sure. Maybe they should find a way to open a separate account for Isaac somehow and let Trevor play with that, even for real. Then Isaac could feel really rich and dream of buying Virginia. That’s a fundamental issue though that going over the property line will not solve. Jay has to assume that there are always ghosts around watching him, just different sets of them in different locations. He needs to either never do anything he does not want seen or stop caring.
  8. Not seeing Sheldon is a good thing. You don’t mess with a good thing. You don’t even ask questions.
  9. That kid was a total boss, wasn’t he? This reminds me - someone upthread was wondering whether it would be easier to transport those horses uphill or downhill, and then uphill got one vote. I think going downhill should be easier - you only need to use enough force to slow down what the gravity is doing on its own. But when you drag it uphill, you not only need to cancel out gravity, but also provide even more force to move the horse in the opposite direction. As far as maps, I laughed when one team asked someone to show them where a certain plaza was, and the lady said “the plaza is there” and circled about half of the map with her finger. I liked Maya’s bucket hat, it said “ fierce competitor”. And Rohan did look like a naive George Santos.
  10. I’m guessing her physical phone is in the bag found on the corpse, so she probably can’t use Verizon’s physical towers to call from the Great Beyond with the phone she has now. It is a cool idea though. Also bag-related, brought about by Sass and Hetty’s remarks about finding out what’s in Carol’s bag - can the ghosts stick their heads into another ghost’s closed bag the way they can into a living’s bag? Probably not, right? It would be like walking through another ghost, and I don’t think they can do that. Who, the people that gave $10K to a ghost? Oh yes, no doubt…
  11. Would that still be illegal or is it a spousal privilege kind of thing? Btw, I forgot, are they getting married? Where does that stand? My favorite line was when Mary said that Jesus wants us to prosper and Connie goes “Is that why he huffed and puffed and blew my house down?”
  12. In principle, yes. In practice, the ghosts want Sam to stay. If she is gone, they are back to watching ants and hearing about cod for the billionth time. The reason Sam did not walk away and move back to the city was that she didn’t want to deal with all the numerous, unfamiliar ghosts there and preferred to stay with the ghosts she knows and likes. Now, if these nice ghosts here start burning things and making it impossible for her and Jay to make a living or be happy, that equation changes. Leaving all this behind will become the better option and she will bolt. That’s if they had any money to invest. They are sinking all the money that comes their way into the B&B and the restaurant. They are supposed to be struggling, I’m pretty sure, but it doesn’t come across that way. Well, to Jay Isaac is not real. Outside of an occasional fart smell, Isaac is just someone his wife tells him about. Not much more real than Harry Potter, really. I guess Isaac can spend the money with Trevor’s help and purchase stuff, but what is he going to do when it gets delivered if Sam refuses to help? He absolutely needs her to be able to do anything with his money. On a related note, Sam and Jay really should make sure to secure their accounts. Jay can never know if Trevor is not watching him when he is typing in a password, but at least close the laptop and put your phone face down. Eric was smart enough to do that, but not these two geniuses.
  13. Not only that. The only reason they are building the restaurant is for Jay to be happy. The whole idea of building the restaurant came up when Sam learned that Jay had interviewed for a job in the city because he was unhappy not being around people he can see and unfulfilled professionally. The restaurant is Jay's, it's the only thing that is keeping him here, essentially. And now Sam is throwing it in his face that he only cares about his restaurant and it would be nice if he also recognized that there are other people here who have things that are important to them? Are you serious? And the notion that they have to give in to Isaac's demands is dumb. Again, the goal here is to build a successful restaurant that will allow Jay to be happy in these woods, which would allow Sam to keep her family and stay around the ghosts that she loves so much. So, really, there is no difference between not getting Isaac's money and getting it but having to waste it on a restaurant that is not going to be successful. They should be able to explain this Isaac, shouldn't they?
  14. Ah yes, you are right. He must have been referring to Jordan, but it worked out well with the season switch and refers to Slovenia now.
  15. Wow, so many teams that seem really unprepared and not likely to do well on the Race. Did the siblings say they were competitive swimmers and something else? Competitive? In the sense that they want to win, I’m guessing, not in the sense they are able to compete, right? Phil said something like “we went to a new country last season, and this season we are going to two new countries!” Seeing how “this” season happened before “last” season, did they assemble everybody on that beach again way afterwards, just to record that line?
  16. Yes, of course. That way would be to forgo using pronouns and use names instead. And if having to forgo pronouns becomes something we have to do more and more often, up to almost always in the extreme case, then why have them at all? Language will become more primitive if that happens, and more cumbersome at the same time. With Mary and Brenda, the same sentence “she told her that her car needs gas” describes four scenarios that have to be distinguished, but with Mary and George and “they” we already have six scenarios because “their” can refer to Mary’s, George’s and also to the car that is actually theirs, the one they both use. No, it’s not that big a deal. People will adapt. If people discussed things like this four hundred years ago, they would probably go “it is outrageous that people are using ‘you’ instead of the proper ‘thee’, ‘thou’ and ‘ye’. What is the world coming to? How are we going to communicate? I blame the [whatever they would have for the internet back then]”. 🙂
  17. I agree. But then there's the issue of using pronouns when nouns or Proper Nouns (names) are required for clarity of understanding. So changing “George and Mary were talking, and they told them they’s car needs gas” To: George and Mary were talking, and they told them their car needs gas” — is still unclear. Whose car? There was another line in my post where I quoted someone actually using “l’s” for “my”. That’s the only reason I went with “they’s” instead of “their” - it is preposterous but, unfortunately, not impossible.
  18. I have no problem with that. But good luck trying to figure out whose car needs gas and who said that to whom.
  19. Ha, I was just thinking that soon enough we will only have two pronouns, they and they’s (the second one is possessive). Then we will see a sentence “George and Mary were talking, and they told them they’s car needs gas” and pronouns will become obsolete. I almost drowned in that river of language when I once heard someone say “Brian and I’s relationship”.
  20. Full disclosure - I did not seem to remember much from that episode, so I rewatched. Not really, Carol was not rude, she was simply firmly saying no to Sam, who was pushing ideas for her daughter’s wedding. Then Sam forged Pete’s notes in the “family heirloom” book, which made Carol upset and she became a bit less polite, understandably. And Sam already knew at that point about her cheating on Pete, it did not seem to be a problem then. (Fun episode, I did not remember anything about the Pony and Bangs’ investigation or Crash having a major speaking part.) In any case, being rude to someone because they were rude to you is stooping to their level. It’s not great. You know, I know Sasha and Nico are supposed to be that, but I don’t think I can specifically name anything stuck-up that they did. They kind of walked right into the weirdness - the seance, Sam talking to thin air like a crazy person, then the dead body and Jay with the shovel - and just reacted to it. The closest thing I can think of is when they said that Sam is losing her mind because she is stuck in the middle of nowhere in this creepy hotel, but they are not exactly wrong about the setting here. As far as Sam really being Hetty’s descendant, maybe only in that Sam didn’t feel that there is anything wrong with expressing her disrespect to someone. Other than that, Hetty felt that Sam was doing everything wrong. In her words, Sam’s “chances with Nico and Sasha were dead long before Carol was”. There was something about them being in music and stylists to the stars and an amazing bathroom remodel, and Sam and Jay felt that being around all that would advance their social status somehow. I don’t know. What social status? What are they going to do with it?
  21. Or goes “Don’t worry, Molly, we are going to find your dog.” :) I mean, it’s not like she is spaced out all the time and about everything. She has provided factual information and good insight about this and that before, so she could totally be aware about how long she has been in the well. Or it could be a broken clock is right twice a day situation, too. I think my favorite scene in the episode was when Carol was trying to figure out which one is Nico and which one is Sasha. “This are our friends Nico and Sasha.” - “Nico and Sasha. (points) Sasha? Sasha?” - “Nico.” - “Nico. Sasha?” - “Sasha.” I wonder if it was adlibbed, it felt so natural. And I’ve got to say, Sam and Jay were extremely rude to Carol. It’s not her fault that they invited her by mistake. In fact, she is in their life at all only because Sam invited her to visit in the first place (and then invited her again, and then subscribed to her newsletter…). And now they stick her alone in the kitchen to guard the donut holes?
  22. This is a real conundrum. Ghosts walk through walls and doors, so if they're 25 feet under ground can they walk through the earth? Not that that would get her anywhere. I like your theory that they don't move through things vertically. They can also walk up and down the stairs. So, logically, if they can walk through the earth, Flower should be able to find a stone to step up on, walk around, find another stone higher up and so on, until she gets out. It must be that either they can walk through soild material only up to a certain thickness, or that it's just Flower being Flower and not realizing some obvious things she can do. (Didn't see the above post, obviously.)
  23. They can have Jay use that shovel and fill the well up little by little, this should bring Flower up to the surface. Are the seances in this show supposed to work every time they are conducted? I thought they were a might or might not work kind of thing. So not being able to summon Flower may not clue them all in to the fact that she is still around. And yes, what was up with Jay fake-greeting Flower? That was just weird.
  24. I loved how Mary was not surprised at all that Taylor was not gay after all. I was wondering last week why Mary didn’t bat an eye at reading about Missy’s gay friend, but yeah, it makes total sense. She knew. Sheldon would never say “it brought what’s-his-name and I closer together.” He would have used “me”.
  25. And if you bring along a sandwich, it would qualify as dinner with Prince :). I think we’ve cracked how he did it.
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