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Posts posted by queenanne

  1. Derick listed 'Spanish speaker' on his LinkedIn, but is still learning basic words for foods?! Christ, I knew that much just from watching Sesame Street as a little kid. Talk about padding the ole resume with that claim, Derick.


    Or studying the Goya section in the supermarket, lol.

    • Love 10
  2. I watch what I say anywhere, and no offense to anyone here intended thinking they would purposefully leak my deets or anything; just because the Internet “anonymity” was ruined for me when Google got the bright idea to buy Usenet groups to which you used to have to subscribe.  And now former twenty year old posts are running around there on the general search engine indexed Internet with my name on it; and I can’t take them off.  Family members have used them against me.  (Yes, I say this rolling my eyes because only my family could think they had some kind of ammunition against me with this tame stuff; but it’s not anything I would have minded anyone in the Usenet group sharing one on one; it’s the fact that it’s now out there for the theoretical "anyone and everyone" to read.)  Even taking into account the “don’t say anything on the Internet you wouldn’t mind anybody reading” prohibition, I wasn’t expecting “everyone reading them”, because you don’t imagine everyone reading alt.furry.fur (not a real example). 


    So it’s not the current status of stuff I write here that I worry about; it’s future status when the original posts come unmoored from their original home, like if PTV were to be sold, and what the new owners might do with said intel.  Just a free PSA because I think more people than just me got burned by the Usenet thing.

    • Love 5
  3. OK, now that I’ve finished I say the mysteries are getting better, I grant you.  Bet it was the twin who doesn’t like Simon, who chipped in to save him from the presumptive gay analyst. 


    So, Booth is married, huh?  “Back to your family…”  and Alex and Vanessa (? either way, the one who for some random reason appears to have a fake implant scar in the back of her ear) both lust after him, while Dougray Scott has inappropriate unrequited feelings for Alex.  (Clearly Booth is not married happily, though, because nobody would volunteer for this clear instance of what “Alias” calls, “valentine duty”, not knowing what would happen).  My money on this instance, goes on either “some reason he really doesn’t like the wife” (which seems unlikely because he had to come up with that lie about being ‘reluctant’ to take off his wedding band post divorce), or “he knows something about this deal with Alex’s father, and needs to solve it/holds a grudge about it, to the point where it is trumping fears of the eventuality he'll be adultering with Alex" (wonder what the wife thinks of that? perhaps she is undercover in Quantico).


    Caleb is really Mark, and obsessed with Catcher in the Rye… Interesting.  Or, maybe HE’s a twin??


    Also, that was the stem of Simon’s glasses Alex picked up off the floor of her second apartment (lol), no?  Thought we were supposed to be getting the idea in one of the class segments that Simon has/uses them with spy-cam tech, anyone else can confirm or deny?

  4. That verse has always bugged me. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world."  What a horrible sentiment. For all the bad things about the world, there are so many wonderful wonderful things in it. But don't love 'em, or else you'll burn in a lake of fire for all eternity.  Yeah, teach that verse to young kids, who don't yet have a concept of things "in the world" that are worth shunning, like greed for a billion dollars or power mania.


    I wouldn't be sure the Duggar types don't mean it with great unironic sincerity.  My mother will fall into that trap too, with the "this world has nothing for me" verses (not sure I remember the precise one she uses and I haven't hit upon it yet in my mental recollections), but it's always got me rolling my eyes commenting that this isn't much help for those of us who are stuck on this corrupt ol' world for probably another 70 years and forbidden to take ourselves out of it lest we burn in hell.  You'd know it when you meet said verse though, because it's got that cheerful Jonathan Edwards-type dourness implying that life is something to be solely suffered through before angel wings can bear us off to our heavenly reward.  (And, of course they mean it.  John Bunyan et al totally meant it by the likes of "Pilgrim's Progress".)


    Also, how hard up must that journalist be, isn't Jana like aged 24 to Lawson's 17?  (I exaggerate, but not by much.)

    • Love 3
  5. Asher was surprisingly cool doing his lying routine, didn’t bat an eyelash at being discovered, which is interesting.  I would’ve said that he was a lot more into Bonnie than his reaction indicates.  Trotter Lake/the blonde must be important.  I like finally incorporating him; while I also liked aspects of last season - he was like Richard in the Secret History - having him always offsides and outside the action was getting tiresome to justify.


    I likewise think Levi’s explanation about “Eggs” does not hold water, why would you nickname your beloved family member after some *horrible traumatic experience* they had???  (Of course, then they also postulated that Bonnie drained three mixed drinks in two minutes, so I don’t know how much verisimilitude I should expect from them anymore.)


    Funny but I was interested in Laurel/Frank for the first time ever, once they flipped the switch and had Laurel puppy-dogging it after Frank, instead of the other way around.  And it's not like I think Frank is that much more marvelous than Laurel - I am bored to disliking all the characters with the exception of Annalise and Bonnie at the moment - but he's definitely more interesting than boring-ass Laurel.


    Also, I’m not as easily impressed as Oliver apparently, because Michaela was there at the party as well, no?  They’ve “shared a lot”, but watching one walk away from the other into an orgy when they came here together on business, so to speak, would be very implausible.  I thought it got Connor “good boyfriend points” very easily on a very flimsy and dubious scale.

    • Love 1
  6. Here's something I've been wondering about. Do you guys think that this whole "faith, not acts" thing feeds into their apparent reluctance to engage in actual charitable labor? Like, they don't want to look like they're trying to "act" their way into heaven, so they're careful to make a lot of noise about what strong believers they are but not to put real time and effort into helping others?

    I'm trying to grasp their reasoning. (It doesn't matter what you do if you don't believe) + (It doesn't matter what you do if you do believe) = God doesn't really care what you do for your fellow people, forget that silliness, the only true service is bringing the Word to others. Is it possible that they genuinely believe God prefers them to sit around pontificating, and would be unhappy if they got off their asses and tried to actually help people that are still alive?

    Think of all the poor deluded people who've ended up in hell because they wasted their time on Earth trying to serve others, but didn't believe hold the correct beliefs. Gandhi. Mother Theresa.


    I have never been sure exactly what that is, except "doing unto others is harrrrrd, yo.  Who knew??"  I feel like it's just laziness.  Because the Bible never said, sitting around on your hands looking demure and preaching is the way to get into heaven.  The Bible is very clear about this, it isn't even scriptural:




    James 2:14-26New King James Version (NKJV)

    14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.




    26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.


    "Don't make the mistake of thinking that one can substitute for another, or that I [God] won't notice if you have one and not the other."  I think God is being used as an excuse to be lazy inert slobs who don't want to exert themselves.  The verses clearly say, they're meant to go hand in hand.  It's so important God/James says it twice.

    • Love 5
  7. Bless his heart. He's trying his best to communicate with us, but... i think he needs at least 4 more years at college, and a job. And, not to be associated with the Duggars (other than his lovely jessa blessa).


    Yeah, what Churchhoney said.


    ETA, this minister seems like he gets it right:




    So “hypostatic union” may sound fancy in English, but it’s a pretty simple term. Hypostatic means personal. The hypostatic union is the personal union of Jesus’ two natures.

    Jesus has two complete natures—one fully human and one fully divine. What the doctrine of the hypostatic union teaches is that these two natures are united in one person in the God-man. Jesus is not two persons. He is one person. The hypostatic union is the joining of the divine and the human in the one person of Jesus.

    • Love 2
  8. Is this about Derick? Because AFAIK he wasn't reared like the Duggars. He went to school, and went to a real public university, and got a real degree. I don't think he was cloistered by his parents. His mother, as we know, worked outside the home and now runs her own business. He may have been shy around girls, and not a big player, but that's not the same as never having the slightest contact.





    Yep. I can't believe he buys into all the fringe Duggar ideas even if he knows to STFU about stuff like their ever-changing dress code. (It's a long way from those frumpers to Jessa's prominent pregnant belly selfies. Thank goodness.)





    Do we know just how "sheltered" he was? I mean, he went to college at a big public university out of state from his home. He was Pistol Pete, and I don't think OSU athletic events could possibly be mistaken for Baptist choir practice. Just saying. And he spent a year in Nepal. On his own. No mommy to hold his hand or run interference from him daily or protect him from "bad influences." 


    It's interesting to me that in discussing Derick's early life and school years, we seem to be assuming he also "grew up Duggar" or "grew up Gothard," when the evidence such as it is, suggests that's not true.


    Edited to add: I realize that the comments were generally about an interview he did several years ago when in college, but plenty of kids sound naive and idealistic at that age and stage of life. Without having grown up in something as isolating as the Duggar home, or having been sequestered like the Duggar kids. 



    I absolutely think the chances are high that Derrick is mainstream whitebread Christian.  I bet his most conservative point of view pre-marriage, is that he probably also believes in "courtship not dating", which isn't niche to Duggar-brand fundies.

    • Love 1
  9. Just how did he contribute to travel logistics? Did he arrange for delivery of food supplies? Or did he consider his eating his lunch every day "taking responsibility for food"?


    "Translation:  Counted heads and packed/ordered enough trail mix and MRE's for the counted."


    Perhaps the visa/immigration authorities in foreign countries don't recognize some non-ordained (or self-ordained) guy with a warehouse, as constituting a church, for their visa/immigration purposes.


    It's probably not nearly as easy to get your "church" recognized by foreign immigration authorities, as it is to become and be recognized as a "church" for some domestic legal purposes here in the USA.


    I'd call that almost a dead cert, they don't want the Church of Cthulhu or similar claiming protection.  I'm sure it requires at least some institution who can show status, (U.S. Govt. tax-free?) standing, and that they've at least technically got a way to get money to their missionaries (pipeline), so the missionary doesn't become a financial burden on the hosting country, or stay there.

    • Love 3
  10. “pay it forward” coffee chains, always strike me like finding out you're exchanging gift cards of equal value with your folks for winter holidays. Not saying they make me flail my fists in impotent rage or anything like that, but I agree, I’d rather see some central clearinghouse person gathering all the funds into a kitty to buy a homeless person some coffee, as presumably the people in-line at the store, have come already prepared with enough funds to buy the coffee.  


    There was a really long famous one that got written up somewhere in the Nick Denton empire, possibly Gawker.

    • Love 9
  11. I'm laughing at the other pic Jessa posted of a Chik Fil A sandwich where she prefaced the caption with "we normally don't eat fast food..." Bitch please, you and your man-child hubby live in greasy fast food restaurants. A third of her social media posts are dedicated to milkshakes and fried chicken.


    Oh, forgot to toss in; why do people DO this?


    I know what a freakin' Wendy's or Arby's meal looks like.  I don't need to see a damn picture of it!!  Your meal at French Laundry; OK, that I can see.  

    • Love 9
  12. I absolutely agree. "Real" ministry involves helping people in ways other than just spouting Bible verses. Have we seen Ben (or Jessa for that matter) volunteer at a soup kitchen, do community outreach, or anything like that? I'd think they would certainly post that on social media, so that's probably not high on their lists. I don't see them being terribly active in their community in the way that ministers are typically expected to be.

    (A large) Part of the appeal of being a minister for Ben is probably being a figure of authority to a lot of people who will look up to him and think he's right. That's not unusual in ministers; many of the ones I went to divinity school with had pretty good-sized egos.


    I find ministers kind of fascinating because you'd think many of them would have the sense not to sign up if they're not good public speakers or don't give good sermons.  (Yes, I know we all get different gifts, blah de blah, and it's possible that minister is a great counselor, or what have you.)  But my folks once got stuck with a minister who literally couldn't get his way out of any sermon without invoking his kids, and they weren't particularly witty, clever, or insightful kids either, at which point the sermon then became a sort of boring gruesome our-family in-jokey thing, of trying to see how long the minister could go in the sermon before the kids made an appearance.  

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  13. Wow..I just finally watched.  I have to say I'm very confused.  There's way too many cast members and the going back and forth in time gives me a headache.


    Agreed, did they not go with the traditional "Six Months Later"-type chyrons at the bottom of the screen to connote present day?  Or maybe they did, and I just didn't notice.

    Not sure I follow the logic here.


    Also 'Alex' Alexander/Alexandra is originally a Greek name. If Yanks can have a Greek name, then so can Indians.


    ETA because I forgot to say, especially Indians, since as many of you may already know, there was a long tradition of British imperialism in India.  Maybe it's a passed-down family name.  

  14. When I saw the name "NIMAH AMIN" on the door I thought, ooh, a palindrome! I wonder if they did that on purpose! After the twin reveal, I'm guessing they did.


    Yeah, the showrunner is very good on structure, so I'm guessing it was purposeful.


    Think I forgot to mention, maybe the people who think it's weird the agents in this crop concealed things from their friends, family, etc. as they departed for Quantico; now I'm wondering if that won't be the point.  Because I think it's weird, because I'm familiar with the process from prior fictional representations (IIRC they were quite strident back in the day that Thomas Harris did work and had actual FBI process input on Clarice Starling and Quantico, not to mention others); so maybe they're supposed to be secret sleeper agents.


    I think the gay character is really the not-gay because I'm trying to figure out some way, why he would think he needs to display a fake relationship.  Any generic belief that his classmates might think "someone with no attachments to someone else is a psycho" (aka "a loner is alarming"), maybe; but it has to be there for a purpose of some sort.  My best guess on purpose is, he needs to be nonthreatening to a woman.  My money thus is on Nimah.


    .I also think it's unlikely that Caleb (?) is actually a dud agent, or that we've seen the last of him.  I find it flat out implausible that the child of two agents, wouldn't have at least some genetically unified skills from the parents.  To stink at everything is unlikely, he'd at least have their good reflexes, or stamina, or something.

    • Love 1
  15. Agreed, I don't know why Jinger couldn't be a "missionary" in a big city.  Don't they know any soup-kitchen-type Christian philanthropists?  Network of approved Christian families she could bunk with?  


    Of course, we also have to consider how many American cities JB & M know anything about?  I'm guessing, NYC, DC, and Little Rock.  


    First is self explanatory.


    Second, well, we/they have some idea of how DC worked on Josh.


    And third, Little Rock gave the world the likes of the Clintons, so clearly that's no good either. 

    • Love 5
  16. I think, regardless of King David, it might be drums, rather than "music with a beat" specifically, which is frowned upon.  You know, what the Puritans had available to them is acceptable.  Organ, piano, flute, harp, and the like.  Oh no, I take it back, some congregations probably don't love guitars either.  


    But as for the drums, those were probably the purview of the Indians, not the Puritans, and thus bad. 

    • Love 2
  17. Whenever they mention dropping a bomb on LA, I'm reminded of the scene from The Simpsons - "We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas!"


    Heck, you get this reaction "only" in reference to the mention of a bomb?


    This statement could apply to the whole show!

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  18. I have to say that I don't hate anyone; but the Duggars DO infuriate and frustrate me with their blinders on about their narrow views on Christianity...so here's my problem with them and BEN:


    With all his anti-Catholic rants, which isn't based on any knowledge that he has about why Catholics do what they (we) do.. I have to say that Ben has drawn me closer to my CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Faith a bit more...for every time one of the Duggars thanks the public for their prayers on the Duggars' behalf, don't they know that they are thanking those who have prayed for them for their intercession? Intercession is a Catholic belief. Aren't they going through the supportive prayers of others to Jesus? Of course they are. That is what intercession is...whether they be prayer partners here in on earth, or prayer partners in the next world; ie saints, who are closer to the Lord in existence than we are here on earth.  They are invoking a Catholic practice. I wonder if they know this?


    Sorry, mods, I hope this isn't for the religion thread, but it is something that infuriates me about them so I posted it here.

    Because of Ben and Jessa, specifically, I am drawn to utilize my Catholic avenues of prayer and worship of the Almighty. Thanks, Ben!


    Well, I might not count so much having been taught about intercessory prayer, because I'm Lutheran and we're just liturgy-stealers, but at minimum, someone has "borrowed" intercessory prayer for born-agains:




    with results from places like CBN, the "Evangelical Church of Bangkok" and yea, verily, even the "Evangelical Lutherans", I'd say it's pretty widespread within Protestantism.  The issue needs to be taken up farther back than the Duggars. :)

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  19. I was very confused because I thought Nimah was Alex wrapped in a hijab as a disguise, until we saw them together.  I think it was that nonsense about the tickets (clearly Alex's mother thinks she took a train to some sort of college type place that isn't Quantico, not a plane to Quantico), but I just got confused, sidetracked, and irritated wondering what phobia Alex has about trains, or what she knew about trains that her mother didn't.  Plus, in the trainee mug shot wall, having the hijab makes Nimah the most visually prominent person, so I kept thinking they were trying to give me a sightline clue to "the show's lead, who sometimes is devout and sometimes isn't".  Or, maybe the promo was giving me flashes of not-Nimah twin that I wasn't recognizing at the time. 


    I'll keep watching though.

    • Love 1
  20. The actress story begins "Over a hundred years ago." Wonder where TFDW got this tale to embellish. Is this really the best he can do?


    I think it begins over a hundred years ago because I think I recall it (no, not like I was around that long, har har - like a story).  I can't recall exactly who told it but it was someone sedate (not necessarily "conservative, fundie, or weird") as a theologian, and I think it came attached to the classification that it belonged to a vaudeville type actress (well, it would have to by definition!). Clearly TFDW and his cohort aren't clever enough to modernize it or don't think anyone would believe it in the modern age.

  21. Sickening, yes - absolutely, Drafan, but not so surprising coming from a member of that family. They've all either evolved (devolved ?) into the kind of people who expect cash and prizes for just showing up and, uh...existing, or were raised that way and think it's "normal" to be rewarded for simply hanging out and doing nothing.


    What I really want to know is WHO ARE THE PEOPLE SENDING THEM GIFTS ??? What benefit do they receive ? Do they think they're going to suddenly become a member of the Duggars' inner circle ? Do they get a thank-you note/autograph in return ? Is it ever acknowledged ? I could ask questions like this all day...


    I'm not immune to being star-struck - I've been very lucky to have met many celebrities in my life, and though I tried to maintain my cool and not be a complete dork, it was really, really difficult. In NYC I've run into, in public, just on the street or shopping, Halle Berry, Uma Thurman, and Sarah Jessica Parker, all of whom were absolutely beautiful, lovely, and very kind. But, and here's the thing - do I feel the need to send them a toaster or a gift card ? No. That's just weird. Very weird. And I think it puts it in perspective. 


    Back in the day, I remember hearing about some fanfic writers who got gifts off their fandom, things from Amazon wishlists, and similar.  I only knew it in respect of the fandom's respective best-writers, so even then it made some sort of sense; but simultaneously, not really, because you could only hope that the people sending the gifts were the type of people who could afford to buy the most costly big-deal charity auction prizes, because ... ? I guess at least in those instances they saw it as the same thing as if you were going to Amazon and paying for a book of short stories by said writer, but still, honestly, for real?  I have better things to spend my money on than gifts for someone who, quite possibly, has a better paying job than I do already.  

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  22. That's the crazy thing, they loved highlighting their kids' medical procedures and health scares. On the show we saw Jana and Jill get their wisdom teeth extracted, Jason's orchestra pit fall, Hannie's bike incident that led to stitches by a plastic surgeon, and Josie's first year of life plus her seizures. I'm leaving something out, but it's amazing that the show could focus on what physically happened to those kids and not their personalities. I know the family dynamic is fractured at best,but come the F on. If I can they show Jason in a wheelchair dazed on pain medication while his family is on stage at a speaking engagement, you would think the show could put in effort to tell us about him. That may be Michelle saying, who???? Those kids could have said something other than Jackson being afraid of losing his buddy. Jim Bob and Michelle may have wanted them to stay as part of the herd, but the kids were featured in odd ways over the course of the show.


    Were there lots of loud on-camera prayers for the injured's well-being?  


    If so, I think you figured out why JB & M wanted these instances featured.


    If the kids were zestily speaking about their own injuries thus it became interesting to the editors, my guess about the "why" of that, is because anything that involves putting you in physical peril, is probably one of the only exciting type things to happen in a Duggar's life.

  23. I'm so interested in the ratings for these trainwrecks of boredom.  I have a feeling that TLC wouldn't be doing this without having focus tested the idea;  I could be wrong.  Either way i don't see 19KAC coming back like a phoenix (or vampire!), but, you never know.  The editors will probably work overtime, that's for sure.

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  24. I suspect clicking on the ads is essential to count, otherwise every site in the land wouldn't have gone to those uber annoying "autoplay" videos that always make me startle and jump.  (My thinking, making them into autoplay videos, is a way to get around the problem where the person in question has to care enough to click.  Make it play automatically and take the voluntary out of it.)  Overall page hits/visits without any ad clicking is, I believe, just a way to get your site to rank higher in search rankings, which may already happen in the case of the Duggar couples.

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