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Posts posted by queenanne

  1. I think John has to be the killer that he's looking for. Maybe he could have an accomplice or maybe there's some twist where he isn't responsible for all of the murders but I agree that they wouldn't invite him to the club if he didn't have a few kills under his belt. 


    The only thing that's throwing me is the fact that John still seems to be alive. Maybe he isn't but the Ramirez character was talking about how Manson can't be there yet because he's still alive. Why is John the exception unless he's already dead? 


    Yeah, that's a really good question, but it's all good questions:  Why is John here in the hotel?  Clearly he, too, could leave and go home at any time, since he can leave and go to work, but he's not.  


    -did this episode institute the concept of an alternate dimension?  Clearly they did, IMO, because without it, then how Sally can be in a warm lamplit blood-bathed room and simultaneously in a cold gray cement one, talking with John.


    -why is John in Murder Room or, basically, the worst room in the hotel (Room 46 I think)?  Just because it's a cliche?  There has to be a good reason.  High on that list of reasons would be, that John is a murderer or potential victim, and as for the latter, they've had two goes at killing him already, therefore I call the former most likely.  (Acceptable variation would be that Liz Taylor is the good rootable trapped soul, or similar, and longing for the hotel's spell to be broken, thus inviting/tolerating John.)


    -if John is "there", why is Room 46 also being given to others?  I would have sworn Naomi Campbell got placed in it at minimum, unless I mis-heard...?  I feel like someone other than the Swedish meatballs or John were placed there, because I remember thinking, "but that's John's room".


    -the Countess's clarification of John as "neglectful", seems pretty sweeping and generous for his taking 15 seconds merely to look at a text. Maybe we're missing part of the flashback/missing time.


    -even though Dr. Wifey (aside: seriously, would anyone wear that watch cap and cardigan together if they had eyes?) has her own vested interest and angle, she's still a doctor who's been through med school.  If she's right in her diagnosis and John is, in fact, no alcoholic, why does John not drink?  Was he drunk when Holden was taken?  In order that he seems a better and more responsible person?  So many questions...


    -Agreed that Mare Winningham is having an odd reaction to the death of her son at the hands of a serial killer - to serve as an exceptionally servile Girl Friday to another.

  2. I'm confused about how fasting can cause an end to gang violence. When I don't eat regularly throughout the day, ident downright "hangry" (angry & hungry). It's not a pretty sight. My husband gets like this to some degree too as do other people I know. I might even get so hangry from fasting for a long period of time that I might just go join or start a gang or become violent in some way. I'm thinking that Central American gangsters aren't anything to mess with when they've eaten well throughout the day, let alone if they fasted. The Dillards better hope they never run into a "hangry" gang member.



    If you fast for long enough, eventually you get too weak to hold a knife or a gun....maybe that's their grand plan.


    You guys are too funny.  I agree it wouldn't help me and in fact has the opposite effect, but I also agree it's "the Christians are supposed to fast while praying from time to time, because the hunger means one less earthly thing you're worrying about controlling, thus more chances to focus on God and what you're saying in your prayers".  


    Though usually if specific people did it in the Bible, IIRC they were in some kind of desperate straits like David laboring around under a cloud of severe depression, so there's that.

    • Love 1
  3. In defense of Jessa, I just remembered a few years back that when I needed new thermal shirts, I went off to Old Navy and bought a batch of sizes, from small men's to large women's.


    At one point, when I wanted brown, I was trying on a medium maternity.


    It fit just like any other shirt, except there was extra gut room, but not so much gut that anyone would know *gasp! OMG, you have a maternity top on!* if I'd cut the tag out.


    Moral of the story:  while you can still find frumpers I suppose, since fancy maternity stores still exist:  it's eminently possible I think, that peer pressure from other girls who have quibbled and carped about wanting to "still be sexy while pregnant", has harangued the clothing designers into making maternity lines more form fitting and, in fact, only slightly different from regularly cut clothes.

    • Love 3
  4. When did false eyelashes become a regular daytime thing? Like, a going to my baby shower in an ugly sweater kind of thing?

    I had surgery last winter and every sweet young nurse who checked in with me looked like she was about to hit the red carpet afterward.


    I don't know, but I generally feel as grumpy about them as I do about clothing with sequins and/or bra-baring cutouts in the daytime, this ain't a nightclub, ladies.  Also, it's like there's no point to being a woman with "natural good" eyelashes anymore.  (I mean, I am not that woman, but I'm also not coordinated enough to put on falsies, so...)

    • Love 5
  5. I really don't know why these people join.  What I learn from these folks is the old testament and a mean God.  I don't see joy.  I feel fear.  So many rules, so little love of this life.


    So that you won't burn in hell, Micks Picks.  That's the compensation for everything else!

    • Love 1
  6. Aaaaand now we're going to skip a week and go with Morgan's backstory.  No.  Just no. 


    Okay, so Talking Dead just referenced "Glenn's fate" so he could be alive, right?  RIGHT?


    Unsure, but hoping I'll get some indulgence without having read the thread, just to rant generically at the world:


    I wish I could write this in all caps but just imagine them:


    I went to Google at work today not having watched the episode, and its predictive search logic spoiled me, *as soon as I typed the word 'is'".


    Yes, the first query *after you type in 'is', is:


    "is glenn dead".


    (insert incomprehensible zombie growl of fury)

    • Love 11
  7. Jesus never told them any of that, Gothard did.  They don't even know the difference.  God laid it on our hearts to call them on it and have a voice outside of their sick twisted minds because God is angry at their false preaching and using God's name to do it.


    But that's in the bible too, and theoretically, if you believe it, the Duggars will be judged for that.  (I know some here may not, and would prefer the punishment to be in this world "with skin on", but it qualifies IMO because it hoists the Dugs by their own petard.)  


    "Don't delude yourself, your behavior doesn't mock God, who sees and knows all."  "Be sure your sins will find you out." "What is done in the darkness, will be revealed in light."  "As you sow, so shall you reap."  "There is a way that seems right unto man, but leads only down to hell" (all paraphrases, I hope not Bin-esque, clearly I could go on, heh).  

    • Love 1
  8. Skittl you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers that you have wise and compassionate people around to help you to have peace no matter what happens. 


    Yes, absolutely, I'm another one who heard stories of people's terrible ultrasound prognostications, "I can see [dire prognostication] on the monitor..."  Baby came out perfect.  "What happened to, "I can see it?"" "Oh, those pictures aren't exact." ... also, in the not too distant past there was an article claiming that the majority of people who visit doctors, have been given at least one totally wrong diagnosis in their lives.

    • Love 3
  9. Does Josh even know what a muscular arm, or even just a muscle, actually looks like? It almost looks like a photo from a medical journal or something showing the tumorous arm before the surgery.


    LOL... it seems like maybe once he had forearm muscles that have since gone to seed, and can't get over the glory of it in his mind.  Like from sailing, or scooping ice cream, the latter I mean like working the counter at Baskin Robbins for a summer, not lifting spoon to mouth.

    • Love 2
  10. I have a great memory of my 2.5 yr old niece eating "hot chicken" (buffalo wings). She was in tears, crying how she didn't like them, they were too hot... while taking them off other people's plates and shoveling them into her mouth. "I don't like this chicken. This chicken is too hot. Is there more chicken? I don't like the chicken..."  She woke up the next morning telling us that the chicken was too hot and she didn't like it, can we have it for dinner again?


    That is a great memory.  As my friend often says jokingly re: children and babies, especially when he can catch one out in public roaring in indignation at what looks like nothing: "See?  Those things are crazy.  Literally mentally ill."


    Exactly.  I think J&D are seriously out of their league and do not realize how embarrassing their grifting appears.


    However, I do take offense at the people that attack them for everything they do with their baby.  I'm not talking about this forum, but other forums.  They can be brutal.  People can be horrible.  I would hate to have people questioning every pose I put baby Iz in, every new food he tasted, and every chair he sits in.  


    Every baby is different.  To me, he looks like a very happy baby.  Whatever J&D are doing wrong, they seem to be raising a happy baby.   


    I will snark on them for everything else - but I must say they have an adorable Izzy. 


    I know, I'm with you.  I like babies.  They can do just about anything, including the previously mentioned public roaring, and I'm cackling in my sleeve feeling sorry for the little scrap.



    This looks tone deaf to those of us with utterly different modes of life, but to the people Jill has known and respected for her whole life -- and to the whole culture in which Derick is now a newly married partner -- it's a great thing to do. How many people have clear perceptions about what's done and not done in social milieus that are completely different from their own, especially when they're people who have been very sheltered in a single lifestyle (or probably pretty close to it, in Derick's case) for a whole lifetime? I'm sure that if I went into a Gothard-type group, I would have absolutely no clue what was an acceptable thing and what an unacceptable. I'd be utterly tone deaf.


    Oh, Churchie, I have perfect faith in you... not that I'd see you in that situation for the world, but I think you'd do fine.  You'd follow my personal Duggar lens mantra of "WWTPD? or, What Would the Puritans Do?"  Just think what the Massachusetts Bay Colony, home of Salem Witch Trials and Cotton Mather, would have done and approved of. :)

    • Love 1
  11. Then this episode they referred to themselves as dicks, though I thought I heard dickie, which is the suit workers wear, and these guys clearly aren't laborers, and I can't do an internet search with any permutation of the word 'dick', certainly not when coupled with 'fraternity'. Help? This may be an aspect of American culture I have absolutely no reference to or context for. No one else I know watches this and I don't know how to formulate my questions (see above).


    In addition to prior answer provided you on this thread, they may have referred to themselves as dicks in this episode and I just don't recall, but as an aggregate, they are the "Dickie Dollar Scholars".  So you did hear someone say "Dickie".  Of course it is a penis joke of some general kind, though I don't know the precise origin of the term; it seems like they should be scholarship students with that name instead of wealthy.  Maybe it's just supposed to make us think of the comic Richie Rich...?

    • Love 1
  12. In the trailer for the new SVU episode it has Michelle saying 'blessing'. I wonder if they could throw in other Gothard buzzwords as well. David Waller referring himself as winsome still makes me cringe.. anyhooo.. If they did some research I hope to see; precious, season of life, purpose to and many more. Can you imagine watching a Duggar show, or reading their facebook after watching a mainstream show about them and not getting a 'ding ding ding' everytime Gothardspeak appeared?


    I am unsure if TV writers have the time to do that much research or commission it, but I think it's almost more interesting if they don't do a laundry list.  Because if they don't do an LL making it look like they've paid attention at length, the ones they do quote, that will mean those buzzwords are so obviously, patently ridiculous and inappropriate that a child could peg them out as odd in speech after 5 minutes of listening to a Duggar.


    Can't imagine what a real Jim Bob would think of the female cops - not married, shorter hair, wearing pants, carrying guns, supervising men, adopting babies. Jezebels, clearly.



  13. I can't imagine living like that. I remember reading a funny post about Victoria Beckham where the author said she always looks miserable because it's no fun spending 24 hours a day trying to maintain a size zero figure in your 40s.


    I know, I’m not on board with it either.  I like bad food.  I like butter, and cream, and fat (though recently, I note that the nutritionists have started telling us not to skimp on butter or whole milk).  I like cheeseburgers, barbecue, fried foods, cheesecake, girly drinks with fattening sugar syrup, ice cream, and the like.  My gut is not satisfied by such innovations as “soup and salad lunch”, my stomach always thinking “so basically, you're saying you want me to eat… salted hot water, and follow it up with some cold green water, crunched out of vegetables?  Do you know how unsatisfying that sounds?”, etc.  I’ve felt actual raw envy in the past over those “sometimes I just *forget* to eat” people.  (Or, “I’m just not that *interested* in food.”)  How can you “forget to eat”?  lol.  I have gastritis, too, so often it’s literally like my stomach is hollering “FEED ME!”, like that plant from the Little Shop of Horrors.

    • Love 9
  14. Razzleberry Pie, dunno about your question, but I was busy wondering who thinks "because of Quiverfull, we need to be skilled in actual archery."  Clearly somebody does from all the tittle-tattle about fundies doing it that we've seen lately, but I've never heard of this. 


    I mean, I can say why i think Arkansas sports are OK, to attend in person and watch on TV even if you are a fundie family who frowns on and controls TV, but that's a gimme - they are supposed to teach fair play/sportsmanship, which is good; the headship, who is male, usually likes them so of course this means they get a pass; and they're usually played outdoors and outdoors is wholesome, what with its fresh air, non-citified wide open spaces, and all - but the archery thing, has got me scratching my head.


    Though, I suppose I should add, the "Salvation Army" has been around for a long time, and they're Christian.  Maybe that's where the imagery of "God's Army/Army of the Lord", actually started.

    • Love 1
  15. My feeling about all of this miracle products that you can get online or via late night only - First of all, if they truly worked they would be in the drugstore and super market and they would be flying off the shelves! They are easily obtained through a website or phone call and they arrive at your door. Most who order do not use as directed. Let's face it, if they were disciplined enough to,follow a skin/hair care/diet/excersize program they wouldn't be looking for a miracle fix in the first place. 


    Yeah, dunno how true it is, but my friend once told me that the "secret of Proactiv" is, their scheduled regimen.  The claim was made that if you followed the same scheduled regimen with Ponds, Pears, Dr. Bronner's, whatever, you'd find yourself with the same successful results as Proactiv; that most people with acne, keep it because they're not consistent with their regimen.


    I have someone in my feed that I had to unfollow. She's a perfectly nice person but on FB it's Beach Body this, Shakeology that, clean eating this, 21fix that with a wall of hashtags. I love hear dearly but she has not changed physically one bit since she started this regiment close to a year ago. I know it makes me sound like a royal bitch but if you're pimping out a product that's supposed to give you a slender, toned, beach body there should be some noticeable change after a year.  


    Maybe you need to see her naked.  J/k.


    This friend posts multiple times a day. Pictures of her working out, pics of Shakeology, pics of her workout dvds etc. When her kids wake up in the middle of her 5am workouts, she'll post: 'What do you do when your daughter wakes up in the middle of your workout? Have her videotape you!' This friend rescheduled her son's birthday party so she could hop on a plane and fly to TN and workout with Shaun T in the streets of Nashville with hundreds of other Beachbody coaches.

    I had to unfollow her because it was all too much.


    Obsessive and obnoxious to the poor child, but they say that's what it takes to be and keep in shape - you have to be a body obsessive.  I'll never forget reading this article from Hollywood "celebrity trainers", who said as you imagine, any actress you see warbling on about how "running after and hoisting my kids, is all the exercise I need to keep me trim size zero!  I just eat small balanced meals throughout the whole day", is a bloody liar.  Trainers said several of their clients are those celebrity actress women, one who went to the gym every day including Christmas and her birthday, another who ate nothing but gummy candies, somebody once said Jennifer Aniston eats the same damn baked-potato-and-chicken type boring lunch every day, and has for years.  Julianne Moore won my constant admiration, when she came out in one interview and admitted that basically, she's always hungry.


    Anyhoo, basically I wanted a chance to admit; I hate Facebook, and can't wait until it goes down in flames.  I was told I needed one for grad school and so I have one, but basically "friending" me is like empty air.  I don't cotton to this stuff where anybody can find you (yes, I know about privacy settings and the like), what I find is most obnoxious, is that little widget saying the last time you were online.  Look, sometimes I just wanna check in online, or follow a page, without everybody knowing that I've been to the site, and wondering why I couldn't be arsed to wander over and comment on their walls or posts.  On a how-to intel page trying to figure out how to hide this option (there is no way), somebody commented, "Facebook is such a stalker app", and I ROTFL'ed for 10 minutes, thinking "Where have you been, babe?  I've known Facebook is a stalker app for like 3 years."

    • Love 5
  16. Clearly an amateur photographer. Or a fundie-style "trained" professional, which of course means a pro showed a fundie how to take a picture once for about 10 minutes.


    LOL, I think it has something to do with spotlighting the perfect circle of the skirt.  I also think it may have originated with Texas debutantes.  (Or other debs, who exported it to Texas.)


    Law and Order SVU is showing an episode based on the Duggar scandals Nov 4. The line they have Michelles` character saying: "what you see as a crime we see as a blessing" is disgusting.IMO


    Well, yeah, but that's largely because your brain has already filled in the gaps and assumed that (spoiler tagging my spec just in case, though to do so is probably ludicrous on my part)

    the "blessing" referred to, is the Josh manque incestuously knocking up one of the sisters.  (I know my brain went there!)

    • Love 3
  17. I also don’t have anything against abstinence, and I also don’t think there’s anything particularly wild about a statement saying that when there was mass public loud disapproval of something (or, in the case of something like abortion, laws against it); that there was less of that offending censored behavior.  That’s why “laws” work.  Give somebody a code that breaking it results in a punishment, the majority would choose to obey and be in compliance, in fact skirting the law with a wide berth.  Attitudes like “it’s impossible to stay a virgin in this world beyond, like, high school, man” actually actively offend me a bit, because it implies we are all Duggarlings who have no self control, only in the opposite direction than “accountability partners” and the like.

    • Love 5
  18. The problem is, clearly neither Jessa nor Bin can write or work their way through advanced mental concepts (especially not the ephemeral spiritual), and in attempting to paraphrase these advanced concepts, they're making a hash of it trying to think of creative interesting ways to phrase it and communicate with their audience.  Which doesn't bode well for any future Bin thinks he has as a preacher, lol.  As someone who went through one of those "read the whole Bible in a year" odysseys in high school, even I can pinpoint where it goes off the rails, as I think, "er, wait, that seems like unsound doctrine...?").  


    On the bright side, I suppose it's good that someone clearly drummed the concept of "don't plagiarize" into the pair of them.

    • Love 5
  19. I'm absolutely not saying that this is a bad match, or that you have to live together and have premarital sex to have a good marriage. I am saying that they rushed this, and it's too late to do anything about Jill's insane family. Jill's Stage Five clinginess and inability to function while her husband worked a normal 8 hour desk job was disturbing. 




    To be fair, if you're used to the howlers racketing around, it's possible you simply can't function outside of an aural and visual zoo.  Me, I'd be thirsting to get away from the clangor, but Jill's clearly not got my sensory processing issues, and is probably an extrovert in the bargain.

    • Love 4
  20. Yes, that is what I was trying to say, but I guess I wasn't clear -- Tab A and Slot B is a pretty clear visual. The purpose of the scene, as you say, was to show that it was no big deal that they had never even kissed before marriage because it was all so "natural." Their body language, however, told a completely different story.


    Yes, I rather thought that's what you meant, but I wasn't sure if you were separating them out and speaking about only one aspect. :)


    BTW, forgot to say Izzy with the lime was cute as hell, but scenes making fun of children and taste aversions always strike me as a little exploitative, lol.

    • Love 1
  21. The father of the bride in question is so proud of himself and his insistence that anyone who disagrees with him is "negative" and doesn't understand the "fruits of the Spirit". I understand that he's a bit too concerned with his adult daughter's sexuality. I also understand that I have grave misgivings about any groom that is uninterested -- oops, showing off his "purity" with his fiancee. Maybe the guy's just super-religious. And maybe he's not interested in heterosexual sexual activity.


    There's an interesting story in Seattle along these lines right now. The QB of the Seahawks, Russell WIlson, announced recently that he is not having sex with his girlfriend, Ciara (the singer). He is super-religious. She has a child from a previous relationship and it is rumored that she is physically involved with someone else. I can't believe Russell Wilson would consider his celibacy an appropriate subject for anyone else to know besides him and the woman in question. And it strains belief at the least.


    Duggar content: Bin and derickdillardduggar both agreed to the chaste courtship rules. I am guessing that there are many, many red flags with the two of them, which is why Bin married the first girl he could manage to attract and derickdillardduggar had no apparent contact with a female until he courted Jilly Muffin. The biggest red flag, at least for me: They were the best J-Chelle and Jim Boob could do for their (oh-so-chaste and sheltered) daughters?


    I don't know if it works like that though.  I should think, for example, that Russell Wilson, if a closeted gay, would feel it was better to keep his lips zipped about his sex life entirely and just let people assume he is physically intimate with Ciara, not hang a lantern on it by making it religious (I mean, who would know?).


    I also don't think Ben and Derick agreeing to the rules is outre, because I don't for a moment think that would be the first Christian girl they knew, if even just socially by rumor, who was brought up to believe they (the women in question, Ben, and/or Derick), were going to keep their own virginities until marriage.  I also don't think that every male who would agree to that is necessarily gay, or wholly happy about it, but church youth groups now teach sex ed for a reason, and it's not so the churches can necessarily be more liberal, or so the youths of the congregation can be tacitly winked at if they want to have sex.  It's fairly standard doctrine in any church with a "born-again stripe".  Back to the old "your body is a temple, and one of the best things you can do to keep your body pure - for your future mate or, just for you -  is not to engage in any situations where you might wind up with an STD."

  22. There was a scene a while back that struck me as a total FU Internet moment where Jill and Derick were sitting awkwardly together on a couch talking about how they just fell "naturally into intimacy" after they were married. It would have been hilarious except that these are two actual human beings who are married to each other and are clearly uncomfortable sitting next to one another.


    Yeah, but the FU comes in when I think they're trying to say, "we didn't have any problem being sexually incompatible, so no need for us to have 'tried before buying'."  It doesn't actually mean they're comfortable together on any kind of non-sexual level, or even a sexual one.  It means "we figured out Tab A goes in Slot B". 

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