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Posts posted by queenanne

  1. 2 hours ago, doodlebug said:

    The problem is that, at most of the homeschooling conferences attended by Michelle, education of children is not the primary goal.  Even the ones that aren't deeply fundie, often promote homeschooling as a way to prevent your kids from being influenced by people who are not just like you, not as a path to a superior education.  In that, the Duggars have succeeded admirably.  19 kids kept out of the public school system completely is something that a certain category of homeschooler would admire; regardless of whether the Duggars were adequately educated to pursue higher education or simply well educated for life in today's world.  Not the point for many of these people. 

    There are a lot of legitimate homeschooling advocacy groups who do emphasize the quality of the education that the children receive and make it a primary goal to see that their kids do better in academic pursuits than the public schoolers; but the Duggars wouldn't be invited to their meetings to speak.  Or, if the particular homeschooling group recognized that fundie homeschool families were particularly enthusiastic and likely to purchase various wares at their meetings; I could see some of the more mainstream groups inviting Michelle to speak to try to draw some of these folks to spend money on travel and admission to their convention.  After all, plenty of people would come to see the reality TV star who homeschooled her kids and not actually know how poorly educated those kids actually are.

    Yeah, I think that homeschooling by fundies ‘benefits’ from the pure isolation; that is to say, you can’t judge your own kids clear headedly unless you have above average intelligence; plus some of those isolated parents have to wait 8-18 years before the students they know are tested with any sort of objective yardstick like college admissions.

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  2. On 1/15/2019 at 9:59 AM, andromeda331 said:

    Exactly. They didn't just keep an eye on her they moved her into their home which may come of nice and maybe that's how they worded it to her she'd have Jana to help her with her kids and not be alone. But had her sleep in the girls room. Zero chance to be alone and possibly realize how messed up her situation is and consider divorce. Not even alone in at night in a bedroom. 

    Which also means the chances are high that Anna never got to feel as badly about the betrayals as she wanted to.  Can’t cry in peace, unless you can snatch 30 seconds in a bathroom without some other relation wanting it, or your attention, etc... ‘are you crying, Anna?  Want to talk about it?’ 

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  3. On 1/19/2019 at 1:57 PM, Christina87 said:

    Ugh I hate people who are like that on Facebook!!!! Reminds me of the obnoxious, popular girl from high school who married a doctor who could easily be an Abercrombie model, and picks on every little thing he does on Facebook. Oh yeah, and calls him cuddle bear. She's always pitching a royal fit and then updates us on whatever he's doing to "make it up to her." It's just nauseating! I don't get why some guys put up with that, while others are terrified to commit to anything. Plus this dude is sooooo hot that while she's garden variety pretty, she married waaaaay up. Don't get it! /rant

    Some dudes like high maintenance women aka tempestuous PITA’s, lol, which is generally a sign to me that you shouldn’t envy their mates!

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  4. I feel like somebody probably finally pointed out enough times, that it looks really bad to be pushing 30 and have your twin married yet you aren’t even allowed social media.  

    Wasn’t there another single Bates boy at Duggar Christmas with Lawson though?  Maybe Nathan?  I feel like someone said, more than one showed up...

    • Love 4
  5. 6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Not just you. I don't think Felicity's picture is flattering of her either. His looks like a mug shot for a corporate criminal and hers looks like a ad for a prequel for the Exorcist. 

    Yeah, the B&W doesn't suit Felicity as well, I think, especially not when you can take advantage of those big blue eyes...

  6. 6 hours ago, floridamom said:

    Anna and most of these young girls were not allowed to figure out what it is that THEY want when they 'grew up". They were TOLD what it is that they SHOULD want. The idea has never crossed Anna's mind. She is living out the Gothard script and was promised from when she was a little girl that if she followed that script, God would reward her with a perfect husband for her and that she would have a happy and satisfying married life. End of story.   This did not happen for her. She must have questioned why; I am still curious as to what it was that her parents and the Duggar parents told her then. We have not heard what it was that Anna wanted to do to make a bad situation worse.  As a human being, I highly suspect that Anna will never completely trust Joshie and that she will always have a bit of suspicion around things when he leaves the house or when he's on his phone. 

    I imagine the thing Anna wanted to do was ‘file for divorce’, no mystery there for me.  It’s the thing she’d consider the worst thing she could do.  Even Anna couldn’t mean ‘I almost used bad language at him!’ as her worst thing ever.

    • Love 9
  7. 23 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    That would make me stabby as well.

    Unless the kids came up with it themselves, because then I bet he likes it.  My mother hated her nickname from her MIL, but when her own nieces and nephews (other side) inadvertently used it with "Aunt" preceding it, she changed her mind.

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  8. 26 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

    And the question about her hiding behind the bag was asked because, they are Duggars and procreating is what Duggars are famous for doing. See @Churchhoney's post just above. It wasn't 5 Kids and Counting.

    If their family's faux reality TV show was about running an architectural salvage company (such as Salvage Dawgs), or a bakery (Cake Boss), or a veterinary practice (Dr. Jeff, Rocky Mountain Vet), or a pawn shop? You'd expect people to be naturally curious about their next project or one of the activities featured on their show, and not so much about who's pregnant (again). But for the Duggars, that's all they do: court, marry, and have babies. What the heck else would you ask Jessa about? Her latest homemaking tips? Nope. It's, who's courting now, is there an engagement in the wings, and who's got one in the oven.

    Of course Jessa does what she needs to, to protect the timing of announcements and not to spoil the plot line for the next season, and I don't think it's a big nasty deal. She could be smoother about it - as has been suggested, ignoring questions completely. I think it's silly to expect her to reveal any significant fact about herself or a family member before it's supposed to be made public. She just needs to up her PR game about those things. 

    I don't really care except for the fact that I recall Jessa's denial in the same timeframe as others who recall the denial (whew, that was a long sentence); which means that she denied being pregnant 3 days before she confirmed it.  This makes her eventual announcement, with big splashy pictures, wall o'text, and gushing, disingenuous at best; and thus I don't blame people for calling her truthfulness in question in future, like the boy who cried wolf.  That's the logical side effect. 

    I also don't believe that "it's a coincidence!" disingenuous dimple-flashing crap of hers about Jana's Instagram, because that would be one mega-coincidence based upon their past behavior, which is lumped in together in "Growing Up Duggar".  The girls spin the "modesty rules" about clothing as something they came up with because they don't want to be flashing people all over town; and we know that's false, because Mechelle made them black out her knees while waterskiing; this "rule" comes from top-down parental pressure. 

    We know their parents control everything in the kids' lives, and especially the girls, based upon their parents' own quotes in countless situations. 

    QED, it's Boob and Mechelle who have the rule about girls not being on social media. 

    No way did Jana set up or get an Insta without at minimum receiving parental permission.  The entirety of "Growing Up Duggar" is an effort to exercise spin to make Gothardism more palatable and the strictures less weird and cultish.  No surprise that Jessa continues doing it on her own.  

    • Love 18
  9. I also kind of like his sharing the journaling plan, since maybe it will give other parents the idea to do so.  I wouldn't have thought of it myself (though then again, I don't run across journaling Bibles weekly/daily on store shelves and in people's hands, so grain of salt); and it strikes me as a nice alternative for a "baby book".  It also indicates he has no problem with Felicity reading and studying things even if it is (so far) only a Bible, which speaks well for her future schooling.

    • Love 7
  10. 23 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

    No one here has said anything about the photo or what motivation Jessa may or may not have had in holding the bag in front of her.  What we do find interesting is that, after the picture was posted, someone posted in the comments asking if Jessa was pregnant and Jessa denied it.  Jessa has since deleted all of her comments from the thread, but you can go through and read the and see multiple posters directly addressing Jessa, many of them talking about Jessa not being obligated to answer personal questions, etc.  While Jessa's responses aren't there anymore, it is clear she was participating at some point and, based on what the other posters are saying directly to her, it isn't hard to figure out that she probably denied a pregnancy since there are very few other comments she could have made to generate those responses.

    Believe what you want.

    I too feel pretty sure I saw a specific denial, but Instagram apparently lets people edit their posts in perpetuity based upon all those InTouch articles telling me about how so and so deleted their responses posthaste; so it’s easy for people to be liars.

    However, I also don’t think the responses absent Jessa’s answers indicate much, unfortunately, as people are always speculating that female Duggars are pregnant, with absence of any statements about it from the women in question.

    • Love 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    I was trying to figure out the difference here, aside from being predisposed to criticism when it comes to the Duggars, because, as I said, I always gave my kids the scope to get their share of bumps and bruises (which the third one in particular seemed to attract in spades), and I think it rather boils down to the fact that Iz and Sammy seem always to be shown climbing on things which are inherently unstable. Now, I suppose a case can be made for the spatial skills/body awareness getting an even better workout that way, but except for that one picture a few months ago where the idea of them playing outside and Izzy climbing a tree seemed to be a revelation to Jill, they have never been shown on a playground or climbing things which are designed for that sort of activity. Everything they are shown climbing on seems to have wheels or be otherwise on the edge of falling over.

    Yeah, I’m with you.  It’s possible I have a ‘movie image’ of parkour, but in my impression it has to do with using solidly occurring features - retaining walls, construction barriers, etc.; not wheeled platforms and the like.  Admittedly I am not trained on child development though... we in fact saw Cathy mirroring this, where she matter of factly redirected Sammy on his rocking horse to face forward, instead of twisting around looking backwards (which is, btw, how I got a major concussion at age 10, though I was on a bike at the time I turned around).

    • Love 8
  12. 1 hour ago, Normades said:

    That pic of Felicity with the chocolate mess makes me wonder if their assurance that the baby did not eat the dessert was for the public or Jeremy or maybe both.  If they didn't give her a taste then why are their spoons pointed toward her?  My mother in law loved to give my kids food I didn't approve of and it drove me nuts.  I wonder if Jeremy has voiced similar concerns, so despite doing as they pleased, they tried to make it look like they complied with his wishes.  

    It could just be perspective, but Boob's spoon looks small, so he may be feeding Felicity rice cereal or similar.  Michelle is definitely eating chocolate, but that could just be hers.

    • Love 5
  13. 14 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

    My friend is vegan strictly for her health. She is not an animal fan at all and gives no thought to that part of veganism. So that’s why she can go off it at her whim

    Conversely, I know plain old vegetarians who are/have turned pescatarian, and their justification (after calling the carnivorous amongst us "meat fascists" for years running), is "Well, a shrimp is only slightly smarter than an amoeba."  I know another friend who was veggie until she turned over cooking duties to her husband, simply because she was squeamish about touching raw flesh. 

    However, I do think there are some people who can't willy-nilly go off vegetarian/veganism, because as I am given to understand it, some folks' stomachs rebel after they get used to the lack of meat, which is sobering to contemplate.  I remember the girl next door when I was growing up, went to Sweden and came back vegetarian, and (this was back in the days when McDonalds still used beef tallow for their french fries, but it wasn't well publicized), she thought she could get away with choosing the fries when out with her friends after school.  Reportedly she then spent the entire car ride home, hanging her head out the window throwing up.

    • Love 4
  14. It would never occur to me to say ‘My-muh’ like it was in ‘Aunt Jemima’, though why I do not know.  

    As for the cakes, I can’t imagine people wanting to bring in homemade cakes in NYC because of the subway, but I fully expect that some people might want to ask about ‘importing’ bakery cakes, and especially if they have access to a car.  My main complaint with homemade cake is probably visceral - I don’t understand the point of taking something homemade to a restaurant, because presumably you are at the restaurant in the first place because they do things ‘better than homemade’.  Of course, then again my cakes taste good, but look like hell.. I’d probably be embarrassed to have any chef see it, haha.

    • Love 8
  15. 41 minutes ago, Nysha said:

    But few of the other "famous" fundy kids have broken free, either. Sarah Maxwell is a grown woman sleeping in a bunk bed, her married siblings have enough money to buy/build a house debt free, yet none of them have gone off the fundy path. The Bates adult kids are a bit more liberal and their unmarried ones have more freedom than the Duggar kids, but they're still drinking the Kool-aid and sticking with the official fundy line. 

    I think they stay because they want to live that life. Yes, they're brainwashed, but the Duggars have had enough exposure to real life through TLC outings to know that the majority of the world doesn't live in their bubble. Even Sarah Maxwell has enough smarts to know that her situation is weird, or she wouldn't have a blog defending it. Josh Duggar may be unhappy with his life, but he isn't unhappy enough to give up everything and go.

    I'm pretty sure that, except for Josh and Derick, if any of the adult kids approached TLC and said we want to break free and be liberal/gay/atheists/normal mainstream college students TLC would jump for joy and give them their own show in a New York minute. So money isn't even the issue, instead, they've chosen to stay with the family because their brand is more important than their personal happiness. Or, maybe they are happy and we're just projecting our own feelings of horror at what we perceive to be a boring, shallow existence.

    I feel like it’s important to remember that timid fearful people who have decided they think they can’t be trusted to make their own decisions without a written rule book, as well as those harboring a deep seated inferiority complex; are in turn likely to sire/eject timid fearful offspring who also cannot function without structure and ‘someone telling them what to do’.

    • Love 17
  16. 12 hours ago, kalamac said:

    The positive thing in that photo of Sam (besides how cute he is) is that he is allowed to pick up a mop and help clean. No one swooping in, declaring mopping to be women's work, and taking it away from him.

    True!  Also, we've seen Derick vacuuming, so I'm guessing this is why.  Points to Cathy Dillard!

    • Love 6
  17. 4 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    Pretty sure she just went to one of those millions-of-cheap-Chinese-clothes-for-wholesalers places like this    http://vanillamonkey.com/

    and picked out a bunch of stuff kind of randomly. 

    Is the third testimonial from Jess Seewald? 

    If it is Jess Seewald (I wasn't sure), I'm pretty positive she said she was the one who wanted to show off her "ink", so coupled with the margaritas and job, I think we've found a genuine Duggar-adjacent apostate.  Go Jess!

    • Love 3
  18. Well, it's interesting... I give her props if the "inventory" counts are actually up to date, because even big-box stores can't get that right.  I'm amused the testimonials are from customers with green hair (Erin Bates please look away) and tattoos they want to show off... I have no problem with these things, but they're not "Proverbs 31", which was a book of the bible putatively written when Jews thought body modification was a sacrilegious sin... 

    Also scratching my head that she's randomly selling potpourri, with a big banner ad attached (any guesses what combination of hay, moonshine, or manure "Hillbilly Homebrew" smells like?).  If she's selling off old inventory from the stall with Grandma Mary, no bueno, because that's random and tacky.  If some local artisan talked her into stocking theirs I'd be less snarky, but that just seems so random and brand-diluting, and i doubt it as generally you'd think a local artisan would demand billing along with the ad...  If you want to run an Urban Outfitters or Anthropologie clone with both clothing and home accessories, then run one.  "Clothing and oh, btw, potpourri", doesn't do it for me. 

    Also I think I found something uglier than Joy's schmatta:  Chenille that looks like fringe, plus pearl-studded denim, and whatever the unfortunate toque-looking purse is, all combined in one outfit, is heinous.


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