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Posts posted by Natalie25

  1. 5 hours ago, Kostgard said:

    I’m more uncomfortable with the Sam/Rebecca power dynamic over how it will make other people feel than Rebecca leveraging her power over Sam to manipulate him. I don’t think she would do that (what she did at the end of the episode any woman could have done, not just his boss). Realistically, it would make things awkward because people would always suspect Sam is getting special treatment because of who he’s dating, and people would be afraid to say anything negative about Sam’s performance (even if warranted/needed) lest Rebecca come down on them. This is a huge reason why companies have policies against this sort of thing - it makes it weird for everyone. Except this show takes place in bizarro land where everyone thinks it is great, so…okay.

    This is so important! The appearance or perception of favoritism is just as bad as actual favoritism and terrible for team morale for exactly the reasons you listed. Even in a situation where Rebecca is able to be completely impartial, people are going to assume that decisions are because of their relationship and not on merit.

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  2. 11 hours ago, AngieBee1 said:

    I disagree. Take the boss component out of it. This scenario could have happened the same way with her being an actual stranger he met on an app and he is now faced with a decision on staying and exploring a relationship with this person or moving away.   It's no different than someone embarking on a new relationship but has an opportunity for a job in another country.  It's going to come down to his feelings, not feeling obligated to stay for her team.

    But she is his boss. I get your point that on the face of it he's deciding whether or not to take a new job far away while in a relationship. But you can't take her being his boss out of the equation. Is he going to take the offer (even though he wouldn't have normally) because it will get rid of the power imbalance and mean that she's willing to go public with their relationship? Or maybe he won't (even if he wants to) because he knows he's one of Richmond's better players, and he doesn't want her upset that he's ruined the team by leaving. We may feel that Rebecca won't do that, but Sam doesn't. They're still new in their relationship, and they don't really know each other that well.

    Plus, they're human, and love can make people do crazy things. Hell, the whole first season is because of Rebecca's reaction to her marriage failing. Yes, it was revenge - but she loved him once, and it fell apart.

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  3. 1 hour ago, pezgirl7 said:

    This is why I don't really have an issue with the relationship. They were in a relationship together before knowing who they were talking to, so there was no coercion. They both seem to be level-headed adults and I can't see Rebecca being vindictive or Sam feeling pressured to keep the relationship going because Rebecca is his boss. When Rebecca told him she didn't want him to leave, she wasn't talking as the  owner, and I think Sam knows that. She would have said the same thing if she wasn't his boss. I'm not denying that it might get messy or  look bad to outsiders. Maybe it's a bad idea, but it also seems stupid to deny yourself love just because of what others might think or because it might end badly.

    I don’t think it really matters that there was no power imbalance on the anonymous app, because as soon as they figured out who each other was the power imbalance was back in play. And this situation with Akufo is exactly why the power imbalance messes things up. Sam no longer has the freedom to make a true decision. Consciously or not the fact that he is in love with his boss is going to affect the decision he makes. It wouldn’t be the same as her not being his boss. While they together, romantic and worked decisions  are tied together. There’s no way to truly be objective. 


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  4. On 9/22/2021 at 1:45 PM, Turtle Wexler said:

    I'm sorry; I know this is such a minor thing, but: we know that Ms. Shipley lives upstairs because she bangs on her floor/Ted's ceiling whenever Ted is making too much noise in his apartment. When Nate tells Ted that beating Manchester City is "hopeless," Ted runs upstairs to get the "believe" sign off his bathroom mirror. Are apartments in the UK that are more than one story built staggered in such a way that it's possible for Ted to go up a flight of stairs to the second floor of his apartment but that Ms. Shipley could bang on her floor and have that be right over Ted's living/sitting room ceiling? (I know that frequently interior and exteriors don't always line up, but this just seems to be noticeably odd.) I first noticed because it's unusual (and neat) to see a multi-story apartment somewhere.

    When I was looking to buy a home a few years ago, a lot of the condos in my area were converted out of multifamily homes. One style I saw a couple times in one area was called "Philadelphia" where it's a duplex (lower unit and upper unit) but both units had interior stairs and a second floor. The second floor usually only had 1 bedroom and was quite small. So it's possible that the lower floor of the upper unit was above part of the lower floor of the lower unit. If that makes sense. Maybe Ted's in something like that?

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  5. Question about timeline - I'm confused on how Tim Kono and Evenlyn the cat both passed away on the same night. Maybe I'm missing something. But it seems to me that whatever night it is that Tim died, everything else from the pilot episode (breaking into Bunny's apartment and finding the ring, Oliver visiting his son) happened the day after. And it seemed that the first episode ended that following night, focusing on the picture of the Hardy Boys (it seems to be night/dark). The second episode seems to be the day following, with the memorial and going through Tim's apartment. And the owner says that she died "last night." Doesn't that mean that Evelyn died the night after Tim?

  6. 10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    All of that is to say, you should never assume that someone has never experienced discrimination just because they're white.

    I agree with you there - there are many different groups of people that have been discriminated against over history, and you can never really know what another person has experienced. But when we're talking about Kevin, from what the show has portrayed he's not in any group that has been a part of systematic discrimination. I don't think he's going to have or really understand that experience, regardless of what other trouble in his life he may have. I say that as a Kevin fan! I think ageism has been mentioned, but that also affects women more than men in Hollywood, and I don't think he's old enough yet for Hollywood to have aged him out.

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  7. On 4/17/2021 at 10:54 AM, madmax said:

    So every time a guy asks a woman to smile or whistles at her when she's crossing the street or is told "Damn, you hit hard for a girl" that's not a micro aggression? 

    I agree that Kevin really hasn't experienced them as a white cis male, but to say that it's only against racial or ethnic minorities, as you have bolded, is incorrect.

    So the definition includes "marginalized groups such as racial or ethnic minorities". Of course women are marginalized. Racial and ethnic minorities are an example of marginalized groups (as indicated by the "such as").

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  8. On 4/15/2021 at 8:18 PM, OdinO. said:

    But, everyone experiences micro aggressions daily. Really, they do.

    No, they don't. Definition of micro aggression:

    a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority.

    Kevin certainly has trauma/issues carried over from his childhood as a result of Jack and Rebecca's mistakes as parents. They are valid, and they've affected him. But he hasn't experienced micro aggressions. White people aren't marginalized. Men aren't marginalized. Kevin is a white man. He's not a part of a religious minority, he's straight, he's cis-gendered, he grew up relatively privileged and is incredibly financially stable as an adult. Yes, he may have had difficulties in his life. But they're not due to micro aggressions or systemic oppression.

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  9. On 12/30/2020 at 5:13 PM, Calvada said:

    And it was sad that none of her children seem concerned about her, that not one thought perhaps she asked to see them because she was ill or that their father was.  

    I think they were concerned about the out of norm meetings. I found it quite funny when Philip mentioned that all of the children phoned him up to ask what was wrong and why she was meeting with each of them. I'm assuming he let them know there wasn't anything to concerned about. But it's quite sad too, to get a lunch invitation from your mother and wonder what the real reason is. It must have been incredibly rare for her to spend time with them just because!

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  10. On 11/30/2020 at 10:25 AM, chaifan said:

    The weird thing I noticed about the proposal-now-go-home scene is the crap car they sent for her.  I have to wonder if that was accurate - it looked like just an ordinary car a staffer would own, not something from the royal fleet. 

    I think it was her own car. They showed her singing while driving back.

  11. On 9/10/2019 at 8:40 PM, Lorelei4895 said:

    What did Piety use to make the Darkasher?  It was pretty obvious what Philo used to make his version and Piety doesn't have that option lol.  It has been driving me crazy.  Sorry to make everyone else think about it.

    Super later but I've only just got around to watching. Tbh I was also wondering this lol - and I thought maybe menstrual blood. The Haruspex said you use what you use to create life, so sperm for men and an egg (menses) for women would be my guess.

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  12. 2 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    I thought the Specters were Dust, shouldn't they be nice to Malone since they asked her to come there?

    If I was Malone I don't know how quick I would be to want to do the bidding of something out for revenge. That doesn't sound like a noble or worthwhile purpose.

    The Spectres aren't Dust, but they must be attracted by Dust (which seems to settle on adults only per the experiments in Season 1). Children don't attract as much dust and are free from attack until they grow up. Mary was told to go Cittagazze by the Angels, which are different from Spectres.

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  13. 9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Lee Scoresby must be awfully hot hiking all that way wearing all that leather. I mean it's not even that cold outside since we can't see his breath. You'd think he be dripping in sweat.

    So I don't get what the heck Will's father has been doing all this time, for however long it's been since he left his family. He's in Lyra's world so he's nowhere near the knife. Has he just been sitting around waiting for Lee to show up and take him to Lyra?

    It was a short conversation he had with Lee in the show that's expanded in the books - but since he wasn't able to find his way back to his own world, he became a scholar in Lyra's and has been traveling on expeditions / studying etc. The first episode of the show Asriel references him as another scholar of Jordan college whose expedition was lost.

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  14. On 12/6/2020 at 8:01 PM, david gideon said:

    Yeah I got a similar impression there. Also some touching while they were watching tv, plus Biff explaining that she was adopted. Those all seem like clues to me. It's probably as far as they'd want to go in a Hardy Boys story, but I'm not sure planting hints about a lesbian relationship (if that's what they were doing) is what people want to see in a Hardy Boys story.

    For that matter all the pyrotechnics at the end, and the amulets of power or whatever are fantasy elements that for sure don't belong. Hardy Boys isn't Dr Strange or Harry Potter. Notwithstanding the previous objections there was some stuff I liked about the show (nice seeing Linda Thorson again) but it was too long. Letterboxing an already wide screen seems artsy for no reason (I saw tops of heads being cut off). The last ep should have showed and identified the key cast members on screen one by one at the end, because the closing credits just whip by in tiny type.

    Yeah, most of the show wasn't bad - they kept the supernatural elements subtle and focused on mystery solving until the end. But the last episode was a disappointment. I wish they'd just done a traditional mystery. I don't they would've needed to change much to keep it real.

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  15. 9 hours ago, Camera One said:

    The trailer gave me the same vibes as the "Nancy Drew" series on the CW, which feel nothing like the book with all the supernatural hocus pocus stuff.  Joe seems way younger than I'd imagine, so it just didn't feel like Hardy Boys to me... more like a bunch of random kids in a small town.  I would like to give this series a try, though I'm not sure I like that they killed off their mom.   The trailer said the mom was a detective.  I wonder what if they had made the mom Nancy Drew who married Fenton.

    For what it's worth I think this is much better than the CW's Nancy Drew. It does have the friends chipping in to help, but the focus is definitely on the Hardy Boys solving the mystery. Haven't really read the originals though apart from a couple, so it very well could be "in name only," - but as a mystery show it's not bad, and the kid playing Joe is pretty great. I believe the mom was a journalist.

    If anyone else is watching - are they implying that Jessie & Trudy are in a relationship? They're not actually doing anything that friends wouldn't do, but I got a vibe between them that was more than friends. Episode 10 spoilers:


    Frank asks Trudy is Jessie is mad at her for covering for them, and she says relationships are hard. I couldn't tell if she meant that in a generic way, or she and Jessie are together and Frank is aware of it.

    This is taking place in the 80s, so I can't tell if they're together and not out, or just friends. Am I misreading something?

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  16. 52 minutes ago, Bill1978 said:

    This is probably the only bit of the plot that I'm confused over. Will and Lyra are using the same park that Boreal uses to cross worlds right? So shouldn't Boreal be entering Cittigaze every time he travels?? Or are the Spectres a new thing caused by the Asriel's activity and therefore the Spectres didn't exist in Cittigaze while Boreal was travelling in Season One? But for this to be true Boreal must have found another way through as he has done some world travelling. And another question, is it jut Cittigaze with the Spectres, or are they al over the world?

    I really enjoyed this episode, in fact I am really loving this season. There doesn't seem to be as many slow scenes like in Season One. And this isn't meant to sound like a criticism cause it isn't, but with the introduction of Mary Malone and her computer, the show now feels like many of the children tv fantasy/sci fi shows I watched in the 80s/90s. The kids are the clued in ones educating adults. I hope Mary becomes a major player in the series, I am really enjoying the character.

    Absolutely loved the interrogation scene with Coulter and Scoresby. What a great bit of cinema.

    This episode really highlighted the fact that Coulter's daemon doesn't speak. Can it speak? Or has Coulter been so guarded her whole life with her emotions it never learnt how to speak? It is very clear that the two tolerate each other because they have to, but that little moment of them touching after the interrogation was quite heartbreaking. I feel Coulter isn't 100% bad like she would be in standard children's/YA novels.

    This, at the moment, is my favourite episode of the season due to the minimal influence of the magisterium in the overall plot movement.

    I don't think the following explanation about Boreal/Cittagazze/Spectres is a spoiler, but is technically from a conversation that takes place later in Book 2 than what we've come to so far in the show.


    Before Asriel opens the bridge at the end of Season 1, the windows always open into Cittagazze. Boreal has always had to pass through there when traveling between the two Oxfords. However, while there have always been spectres there, there weren't that many, and it was easier for adults to avoid them. Something about Asriel opening the bridge flooded Cittagazze with spectres, making it hard for adults to travel there safely. Opening the bridge also shifted the windows, and Boreal was able to discover a window that connected the two Oxfords directly - this is what he uses now, and is different from how he travel between the worlds before. As far as I'm aware spectres only exist in the world of Cittagazze.


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  17. 9 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    Just looked at the cast list.  Nope.

    Is there something wrong with the listed actors? Or just that you don't recognize any of them?

    7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    What year is this supposed to be taking place in?

    Is the grandmother character Laura’s mom? She seems like she has a weird problem with Trudy so I thought maybe she was Trudy and Fenton’s mom but then she talked about Laura bringing home Fenton so I guess she’s Laura’s mom. I don’t know I was confused lol.

    I only watched the first episode and it didn’t really grab me but I didn’t hate it. I’ll probably keep watching.

    At first I thought maybe the 70s, but I think I read somewhere that it was the 80s. The grandmother is Laura's mom. I actually initially thought Trudy was Laura's sister, then realized there were all staying in Fenton and Trudy's childhood home.

    I'm enjoying it so far - it's certainly way better than the Nancy Drew reboot on CW! Some parts are a bit silly, but it's entertaining enough. It reminds me of Home Before Dark on Apple TV, but with less of a focus on an adult storyline. The kid playing Joe is great, and I'm loving his interaction with JB. I was really looking for a good mystery show, and this hits the spot...perfect for a snow day binge! I'll probably finish it off tomorrow.

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  18. 10 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    When Randall told Kevin that he needed to be the best in his school, Kevin glanced at him in a way that made it clear to me that he knew what Randall had left unsaid. YMMV.

    I agree, and I think it stuck with him. I believe he brings it up during his phone conversation with Kate. He says something like "I know Randall had it tough being the only black kid at that school, but you can't say mom and dad didn't do their best."

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  19. 3 hours ago, idiotwaltz said:

    I’ve started watching this show recently and just finished Season 3. I loved Season 1 and most of Season 2 but I’m already starting to be annoyed with most of the characters. Should I bother with Season 4, or just call it quits now? 

    I would watch through Season 4, and then maybe you can stop after that. For me the show peaked then, and while it gets darker season 4 is just so good - episode 11 is probably my favorite episode of the entire show.

    After that...5 was okay, but I didn't like 6 at all. I did like 7 well enough, and it could have been a good series ender. Didn't like season 8 and forwarded through about 50% of it, and then basically only watched 1 short storyline in 9 and forwarded the other 95%. Season 10 was fine, I skipped some storylines, and I'll watch 11 since it's the last one.

  20. On 8/9/2020 at 3:20 PM, Paloma said:

    Do we know for a fact that this was Bartosz? I know a lot of viewers think it was, but I didn't think he resembled Bartosz at all, and the show was usually good at having actors who were believable as different ages of themselves.


    On 8/9/2020 at 4:20 PM, sistermagpie said:

    We do definitely know that was Bartosz. I thought he did look like him, myself. But iirc, we saw Bartosz at the birth of both his kids and the first time he's played by the actor we know, and the second he's that other actor. At least that's how I remember it.


    Yes, it was Bartosz - same actor! There was a lot of speculation after Season 2, and I didn't put much faith in it myself. Initially I didn't see the resemblance either. But, I'm not sure which episode - but it's confirmed when Eva lines up her soldier's in the alt word - she calls him Bartosz. The following episode is the "in between years" episode where we see young Bartosz at Noah's birth, and this actor playing adult Bartosz at Agnes' birth.

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  21. On 8/3/2020 at 11:44 PM, Cotypubby said:

    So question to those more medically knowledgeable than me: Is a baby suffocating to death from nursing for one night from a heroin addicted woman actually something that can happen? Did they mean that he overdosed? I thought the effects of nursing while on drugs were long term, not that it would cause immediate death (as the pathologist suggested.)

    Yeah, essentially Charlie OD'd. In an overdose your breathing rate slows way down, and likely he stopped breathing. Usually when an infant gets heroin (or similar) from breastfeeding, it is long term as you mentioned - it's more common for a child to be addicted in the womb or from long-term breastfeeding from an addicted mother, and as eleanorofacuitane mentioned above withdrawal is a big concern in these infants. This situation with Charlie is pretty rare - his mother was not taking drugs, and then he is suddenly breastfeeding from an addicted wetnurse. There's always a possibility of an OD even the first time someone takes drugs (you don't have to be an addict taking larger and larger doses). And with Charlie being a young infant, it's not surprising he OD'd when his body isn't tolerant to the drug.

    On 8/4/2020 at 7:58 AM, kay1864 said:

    Oddly enough, the woman on the slab was not well-endowed, even allowing for her being on her back.

    I think she had died recently? Easter in 1932 (is that the year this takes place?) was late March, and Charlie died around Christmas. So maybe within the 3 months she stopped breastfeeding / offering it as a kink (due to the mishap with Charlie) so they weren't as full?

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  22. On 8/2/2020 at 10:55 PM, scrb said:

    So why did Seidel have to concoct this kidnap plan?  And why was Ennis involved, he expected to get his taste of the ransom or did he just steal it all?

    I think they needed a fourth man for the plan to work. Seidel probably hired Ennis (and Gannon) for the job - and since Ennis and Seidel and worked with the 2 men from Denver, they were brought on as well. One man on the phone with the Dodson's, second holding the baby in the train, third to drive the second away, and fourth (Ennis) to grab the money once the Dodson's left to get the baby.

    22 hours ago, rozen said:

    If they could snatch a junkie mother for baby Charlie, wouldn't that imply she wasn't shooting up enough to kill a kid (because presumably she was breastfeeding herself)?

    Most likely not - probably the whorehouse had ways of getting rid of unwanted pregnancies, and even if she'd had a baby she probably had to give it up. She either had a baby at some point, and "breastfeeding" her clients kept up her milk supply, or she never had one and they just induced it to attract clients with the kink.

    22 hours ago, kay1864 said:

     I gotta admit, that was pretty dang astute of Perry to ask for a lactating prostitute. “Magically quieting the baby” doesn’t necessarily mean breast-feeding.  Unless maybe it dawned on him as he was looking at the pictures.

    Drake mentioned that she "had a lot going on upstairs" and looked down at his chest, indicating she was well-endowed, which breast feeding can lead to.

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  23. On 7/30/2020 at 12:00 AM, Lakebum said:

    I made it thru episode 4 of Season 3, but just didn't care enough to keep going. It's not just that the plot was confusing and it was hard the keep the various iterations of characters straight (as well as know which year/universe they were in); I just stopped caring about any of the characters. BUT, the music in the show was consistently awesome.

    If you're up for it, I'd urge you to watch at least the next episode - I found the first part of season 3 slow as well, but I thought episode 5 was fantastic. Definitely the best episode of the season for me, if not the whole series. It's a heavy/emotional episode, but very well done.

    On 8/2/2020 at 9:23 PM, Ottis said:

    Finally finished season 3. Thought about it, and for what it was the ending was touching and well done, but I am not a fan of introducing a whole new explanation at the very end that we have never seen nor suspected throughout the series. You *might* have wondered at some point

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    if there was a third world, because of the drawing

    , but there was no reason to suspect it. And what we learn in the last episode is critical to the whole show. Cheap trick.

    I agree! Overall the show wrapped up well, but season 3 had a very different atmosphere from the previous 2 seasons, and while some of the individual episodes are great, it's definitely the weakest season for me. I almost wish they had introduced the parallel world earlier on in season 2, or extended the final season by an episode or 2. And for so much to hinge on Eva - a character we don't really know - just didn't work as well for me. 

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