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Posts posted by Natalie25

  1. 8 hours ago, slowpoked said:

    I thought she saw another Nazi, probably someone she recognized from the camps - but not necessarily The Wolf. Maybe I'm wrong.

    Good point - the actor they used in the flashback looked similar to Mann. But also I suppose Meyer could have been lying to Jonah about who she saw.

  2. What was Ruth's reason for visiting Meyer after 30 years? Meyer/The Wolf tells Jonah that she thought she saw The Wolf at the market...but this episode shows her seeing Frederich Mann - who I don't believe she would have known. Was her memory of that time just not great? If she thinks Mann is The Wolf and that the Wolf is Meyer...or did Mann just happen to be similar looking to The Wolf?

  3. On 2/5/2020 at 9:38 PM, PentaHookUp said:

    Captain Fake has two spouses.  Doesn’t that mean both of his spouses also can have another spouse? Then that other spouse can also have another spouse; and so on and so forth.

    If that’s the case, they must need scorecards to keep up with who-what-when-where.

    Also, divorces must be as fascinating as heck.

    And, let’s not even think about kids!


    It's a 3 person marriage - Hugh Laurie's 2 spouses are married to each other as well as to him. So it's a closed triangle vs. a tree that keeps expanding.

  4. On 2/23/2020 at 1:31 PM, Commando Cody said:

    It would nice if someone would shoot Karen or shoot Karen into space.  I don't know why anyone from the crew is talking to her. 

    I can't stand Judd either.  Aside from Hugh Laurie, I dislike almost everyone in this series. 

    I hope the characters on this show change.  If they have five thousand to choose from I think they could introduce some characters that no one wants to shoot. 

    Yeah I think I dislike most of the characters except Hugh Laurie, Billy, and Iris. But I'm still liking it so far otherwise.

  5. On 2/26/2020 at 2:30 PM, izabella said:

    I think he did have a work project.  He was getting calls and texts about it, plus he was not at home when Kevin went there and found Madison (who Kate set up to care for Audio).  I mean, sure, Toby could have been off surfing or something, but all signs pointed to him having actual work to do at his actual job which is the only one paying for that house and Jack's health insurance.

    Yeah, I thought it was really odd of Kate to gift him an already booked vacation without checking if he could take the time off. It's one thing to surprise someone with a trip and schedule / book it together, vs. just "here's a vacation, we're leaving tomorrow."

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  6. I didn't see this mentioned, but I'm thinking the flash-forward rift is a fake-out. During his therapy session - right before he was set off, or maybe during his rant - Randall says that the family will fall apart without him, and the therapist asks him if he's sure about that.

    I'm wondering if maybe that's something the therapist has him work on - spend x amount of time not in contact with your family. After that time when he reaches out he'll realize that everyone will be okay - one less thing for him to worry or stress about.

    It might also explain Kevin's irritated "we're not talking to Randall" - Rebecca was just missing for a little bit, and he might feel the pressure to step up / doesn't want to be seen as unreliable. And also why everyone but Randall is together - with a real rift I'd be surprised that no one sided with Randall to the point of excluding him from the birthday.

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  7. On 2/24/2020 at 5:28 AM, Aliferously said:

    It was compelling enough for me to continue.

    Could have done with Jonah being such a snot for the first half of the episode though.

    When did the grandmother go about all this Nazi hunting and killing in her old age? How did Jonah never notice blood stained clothes or her coming in late from a killing spree? Inquiring minds will need to check out more episodes to find out.

    I also must have a high treshold for torture porn because I just found it over the top but not traumatising type violence.



    Maybe she didn't do the actual killing? Meyer said Jonah had a brilliant mind like her, and that she wouldn't let them kill anyone without her verification. She could have helped with searching them out.

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  8. On 10/27/2019 at 10:06 AM, Clanstarling said:

    I got concerned when it seemed that the show was telling us that enduring 7 or 10 days on a cruise for the spouse you love was the equivalent of a lifelong commitment to a child you don't want.

    This right here - Rome is asking Regina for something that will affect the rest of her life. His mother is asking his father for 10 days in Alaska. Not at all comparable!

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  9. I don't comment much, and I spent most of this episode on mute - all of a sudden I think I lost interest. Anyways, I was kind of irritated that the article specifically located Regina's restaurant in Inman Square. I wish they could've been more general, it's so obviously not in Inman!

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  10. I hope this is the right place for this, I wasn't sure where else it would fit. This thought just popped into my head regarding Rome, so apologies if it's already been covered as I'm not fully caught up. When Rome sees his new therapist, he's surprised that he needs antidepressants. It gave me the impression that he's never been diagnosed as depressed or been treated for it. Regina was shocked when she found the suicide note, so she's also not aware of him having depression. So what pills was he planning on swallowing in the pilot? They definitely looked like prescription pills. Obviously a bottleful of any medication can kill you, but I thought ODs were generally related to mental health type medications. I could be wrong on that, but I'd love some insight because this keeps nagging at me!

  11. 9 hours ago, duVerre said:


    And to top it all off, the Js confirmed that it was Tatiana on the Slate podcast. So there you have it, from the source.


    8 hours ago, Umbelina said:


    Also, Tatiana was NOT "just a diplomat."  She was KGB operating under diplomatic cover.  She works for Directorate 12, bio-weapons. 

    It would be a major diplomatic incident indeed, but probably not so much since she was carrying that gas chemical weapon, and obviously about to kill another KGB diplomat who was there negotiating for the USSR on arms control.

    Thank you!! I know she was KGB - but she's also an official diplomat, not an illegal or an asset. Did the podcast mention why they went this route? I just find it such an odd writing choice. Is there really no one else? Though I guess not, considering Elizabeth seems to be the only KGB officer for the entire east coast! I hope there's some sort of fall out...I just find it very unrealistic in the realm of the show.

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  12. I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I'm just catching up before the finale and haven't had time to read all 13 pages! But I feel like I'm taking crazy pills with everyone saying that Tatiana is now also dead - has the show confirmed it officially? Because that woman that tried to shoot Nesterenko wasn't Tatiana - my immediate thought when they showed the body was that she was Elizabeth's handler in the Russian flashbacks. Her English was better than Keri's Russian-accented English, so she was clearly also an illegal. And it makes the flashbacks so much more important. The woman telling Elizabeth to put comrade before country is directly choosing to murder a fellow (honest!) comrade for her own political gain.

    The assassin being Tatiana makes absolutely no sense, so if it really is her it's terrible writing. She's an official diplomat, realistically her trying to kill another diplomat would be MAJOR international incident!

  13. On April 26, 2018 at 8:31 PM, hellmouse said:

    I was really struck by the fact that Paige has just fought her father, out of the blue, and he's demonstrated that he literally could have killed her with his bare hands. The next time she shows up to see Elizabeth and Claudia, the experience with Philip isn't even discussed. I don't even think Paige is trying to protect Philip in any way by not bringing it up. It's just more fun to drink and talk about sex. And of course Paige is naive enough to believe everything Claudia and Elizabeth tell her, doesn't question whether they're manipulating her, and of course they are. But they are wasting their time, IMO. She's not really committed to the cause, not seriously. Do they realize that yet? IDK.

    I'm glad you brought this up because I was really hoping for more of a reaction from Paige after their fight. She seemed to hesitate before entering the safe house, and I honestly expected her to bring it up to Elizabeth. At the very least, asking for more/better training, because Elizabeth really has been holding back. If they've been doing this for 3 years, I'd think she should have taken the "training pads" off, maybe even had her practicing with different people/fighters.

    • Love 5
  14. Ahh I spoiled myself coming here, I didn't realize Humphrey leaves! I was so sad when they killed Richard off - didn't make sense for such a light-hearted show when they could have just had him return to England. But I've liked Humphrey too, so I'm sad to hear he won't be on much longer. I'm just at the part where they introduce who I assume will take over - I was worried they'd have the London liaison look down on the Saint Marie team and was pleasantly surprised at his friendly demeanor. Now it makes sense - they needed the audience to like him for when he takes over!

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  15. I'm really liking this show! It sort of reminds me of White Collar. It's a great light hearted procedural. I actually really liked the scenes in the prison, I hope they show more of that too. I like Cameron and his team, but I don't really care too much for the FBI agents.

    • Love 3
  16. On November 28, 2017 at 0:53 PM, Philip said:

    Good episode. But I have to say that Trevor had no good reason to be rude with Ian, Ian didn't know the situation, gave her a roof and then he's blamed as if he did anything wrong.


    The girl slept on Ian's side but it wasn't even sexual and by this logic then when kids sleep by the side of their parents then is that somehow sexual too according to Trevor? Just when I think the Trevor character can't get any worse or stupider, he proves me wrong.

     I didn't think Trevor was rude, and considering the situation I thought he was right to call Ian out on what he did - I thought the whole thing with the girl sleeping in his bed was super awkward and creepy, even if he didn't know she'd do it. I'm not understanding why he didn't call Trevor to let him know where she was.

    Kids snuggle up to their parents because they're their parents, they have a history and relationship with them. Ian is almost a stranger to her - and if she was afraid to be downstairs alone, she should have woken him up, not just climbed into bed. 

  17. On November 27, 2017 at 8:59 PM, kieyra said:

    I guess I'm still the sole fan of Trevor and Ian/Trevor.

    I'm liking Trevor too! I was a little worried before I started to catch up, because of all the Trevor hate I keep seeing...but I don't see anything wrong with him? The only weird thing was sex thing at the club in a previous episode, but he was fine this episode. I don't see any chemistry between them (I think Ian just needs a friend, and I wish they'd focus on that for him), but my main issue with Ian/Trevor is actually Ian. It's like he's a different person from earlier seasons...I'm really starting to dislike the character.

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  18. I find it hard to believe that a firm as supposedly elite as Caplan & Gold doesn't have security cameras. If they're so concerned with their clients' security that they split files over servers and only give access to 3 people? Then the minute they find out Teagan's card was the one that gained access, they're going to pull security tapes. At the very least, the server room and hallway outside it would be monitored, but in real life every floor would have multiple security cameras. They'd have been found out as soon as the files were discovered stolen, and there wouldn't really be a mystery as to who killed Simon...cops would just pull tapes. So...either Laurel was dumb enough not to think of security cameras, or we're supposed to believe that C&G doesn't have them.

    That was the only thing that really bothered me...the episode itself was pretty entertaining.

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  19. 1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

    Which makes me wonder - will Riley be the mom of a new cluster?

    I agree that Will and Riley are the parents of the group - but I wondered (after Jonas said anyone could birth a sensate) if maybe it might be Will (for a twist)?

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  20. I got the impression that Jonas & Angelica were part of the same cluster, but that Whispers was not. In the pilot, Jonas and Whispers were both visiting Angelica in the abandoned church, but they could not see/talk to each other - Jonas says something to the effect of "is here here?" so I assumed Jonas couldn't see him. I'm thinking Angelica and Whispers just worked together to study sensates?

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