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Posts posted by Natalie25

  1. On 9/19/2024 at 10:38 AM, MissLucas said:

    Ha, Weasel! Molly agrees with us LOL! And I really hope he gives Taverner a run for her money. It's so much fun watching Callis playing the bumbling idiot with a knife behind his back.

    Speaking of knives, that funny scene between Roddy and Shirley escalated quickly. New horse turns out to be a truly dark horse.

    I'm getting tired of Marcus. He should know better and nearly ruined the ops.

    Flynt is going to learn some hard lessons. She was on the right track with Lamb but then allowed herself to get played, again. Also: Lady, that's what you get for not wiping your shoes before entering a building.

    Louisa is definitely carrying a torch for River even though she scoffed at the notion of romance in the first episode. Protesting too much and all that.

    @Snazzy Daisy you could be right about fake River being River's (half-)brother. IIRC we don't know much about River's parents. If River's mother was David Cartwright's daughter then maybe Sam Chapman was sent to France on a mission to get mother and baby out of Les Arbres but he could only save River? Or maybe he walked into that whole freakish operation as part of another mission, shocked by entering a baby making factory he managed to save one baby and that was later adopted by Cartwright's daughter/son?  

    I'm struggling with both scenarios. If David Cartwright had a daughter who fell into the hands of cult leader/predator that would have been somewhere in the files. But then we have now several characters who are very good at finding stuff that should not be found. That's clearly a set-up for some major revelations. On the other hand Sam Chapman does not strike me as the type who acts out of the goodness of his heart.

    And there's Granddad Cartwright's guilt trip over the bombing. Sounds like he was involved in whatever went down at Les Arbres one way or the other. But I wonder how he managed to connect the dots.

    tltr: River will need some serious therapy after this is over.

    Lamb pulled a Roddy LOL!



    If I remember correctly, doesn't River tell someone the story of how his mother dropped him off with David Cartwright? It sounded like he remembered that happening, so I think if that cult guy is River's father they must have both gotten out. River and his grandfather have talked before of how flighty his mother is - maybe she got herself caught up in the cult by accident, and then Chapman rescued them both. And a few years later she dropped River off with her father, either for safety or she really wasn't able to care for him.

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  2. On 8/15/2024 at 11:41 AM, iMonrey said:

    Who showed up on the beach at the very end? Was it supposed to be someone we know?


    On 8/15/2024 at 9:53 PM, sjankis630 said:

    IMonrey I wasn't sure besides seeing him gun down the former deckhand if we were supposed to recognize him. When they actually showed the side of his face I thought the same as you that they had somehow given us some clue by revealing part of his face but nothing.

    I don't know if it's someone we know yet, but I think we were supposed to recognize him as the gunmen. I think they zoomed in so we'll recognize when he's officially introduced?

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  3. I'm not sure if it's clear in the book (I'm about ½ way through the audiobook) but I read somewhere that it would have been common for someone like Blackthorne who knew multiple languages and traveled extensively to be fluent in / write in Latin. I think in the Middle Ages Latin was the common written language between all the Romance languages.

  4. On 10/20/2023 at 10:37 PM, iMonrey said:

    I don't think I've ever seen them using microwave ovens before. I didn't even know they had them.

    Way back in an earlier season Nancy used it to proof bread - Paul didn't think it would work but it did.

  5. On 2/24/2024 at 12:39 PM, chaifan said:

    I'm thinking Mr. Collier is her father.  There was the scene where he made a point of saying his wife was the only woman for him.  I don't think it was the attorney, even though he was in love with her. But honestly, I really would rather that not even be part of this mystery.  Can't we ever have a single mom who is just a single mom without some intrigue behind it?


    There was a quick scene where Danny says that Imogene's father is in CA and has an alibi - so I'm hoping he's not her father after all!

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  6. On 12/25/2023 at 8:43 AM, steph369 said:

    I thought she was saying as little as possible for his and Scotty’s safety.  

    I think that's part of it, but also in the first episode a couple times she said "you told your mother?" about the arrest and I think about another thing too. Maybe she's too worried Wayne will tell his mother who she definitely doesn't trust.

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  7. On 9/29/2023 at 10:08 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

    He paid for her rehab right and then gave her a job as his assistant. Which had to have been a pretty big deal since I think they said Partner was the head of MI-5. So his assistant would need a fairly high security clearance, so giving that job to even a recovering alcoholic would probably be a huge risk.

    I think she was already his assistant (or that was my impression). Which was probably why he paid for her rehab.

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  8. On 7/3/2023 at 12:47 PM, shapeshifter said:

    IRL, Fabiola might have wound up going to Princeton out of some mis-placed guilt. And it might have been just fine. 


    On 7/3/2023 at 2:48 AM, andromeda331 said:

    All three girls looked great. I really like them telling each other what was going on with them on the side of the street. It was a really great scene. Fabiola deciding she doesn't want to go to Princeton after all the grief Devi gave her. I'm glad she did and she found a college that's a good fit for her.

    Eleanor realizing she loved Trent.

    For once I do get why Devi didn't want to tell anyone that she didn't get in anywhere. 



    On 7/4/2023 at 1:27 AM, andromeda331 said:

    Yeah but I'm glad she ended up going to the college she wanted. 


    On 7/16/2023 at 4:52 AM, EtheltoTillie said:

    Also Fabiola’s changing schools frees up a spot for Devi to get in off the wait list. 

    this is what I suspect may happen, but didn’t Fabiola get in early decision? That usually means that their choice is binding and the student is obligated to go to that school vs early action where you still have a choice on which school to attend. 

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  9. On 3/20/2023 at 12:06 PM, Paloma said:

    In my case, I have no interest in professional sports and did not see Rebecca's first season actions regarding the team as personal cruelty (though the impact of those actions could certainly be harmful to some)....While I initially had some empathy for Nate when he was eager to be respected and help the team, I lost that empathy when he started being cruel to others (directly cruel, as opposed to Rebecca's actions that were not intended to cause personal harm to people other than her ex).

    I think this is a great distinction. Rebecca's end goal was to hurt Rupert, but her way of doing so was essentially to destroy a business; not great obviously, but no one would have been personally hurt by it. In fact, Rebecca basically succeeds (she confesses too late to turn them around from relegation) but the team is stronger than ever. And I think most importantly, as you mention she was never personally cruel to anyone (Higgins aside, which I think is a different situation since he did directly and intentionally hurt her by hiding the affairs). She was always polite and kind to Ted and everyone else she interacted with.

    Nate isn't only cruel to Ted but to anyone he thinks is beneath him, including Colin, Will, the West Ham players. He completely ignores the woman who greets him "Good morning." He's generally unpleasant vs. taking his anger out on a specific person/situation.

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  10. 19 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

    Yeah. I highly recommend everyone watch with subtitles. They tell you exactly what language is being spoken, so even if you are nor familiar with Portuguese, or Danish, etc., you can kind of follow along with the characters and get early clues that tell you more about them before it's actually revealed in-universe. I knew from episode one  Ling Yi speaking Cantonese, which was a major tipoff as to who she was.

    What setting are you using? I'm watching the default "original" - so I only get subtitles when they aren't speaking English, but Netflix doesn't tell me what language the subtitles are for. I figured out Ling Yi and her mother weren't Japanese from context, but I didn't realize they were speaking Cantonese (vs. another non Japanese Asian language) until I read it here.

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  11. On 11/20/2022 at 1:48 PM, Gillian Rosh said:

    No, it did. I rewound twice to be sure.

    Me too! The first time I wasn't quite sure which of the two ships disappeared.

    On 11/23/2022 at 4:02 PM, Kirsty said:

    Its not clear to me why Ying Li and her mother don't tell Mrs Wilson to jump into the ocean. They're two and she's one. What's she going to do to them on an ocean liner?

    Probably because she's rich and white in the 19th century, and they're not. They're poor foreigners that don't even speak the language, and likely everything they currently own is really hers. She could probably make any claims - they attacked her/tricked her/stole from her, and everyone would pick her side. Even if they're on a cruise ship, I'm sure there's a cell / jail in case they need to contain someone (like they do this episode with Olek and Jerome). She and her mother could be thrown in there, then passed to authorities once they reach port.

    On 11/26/2022 at 5:51 PM, JustHereForFood said:

    Regarding Ling Yi and her backstory, did I understand right that she accidentally poisoned her sister because she wanted to take her place on the ship? And that part when she was pushed into water was just her dreaming about being in her sister's place or did she also drown at some point in the past? Also, am I crazy that in one of the earlier episodes when she was taking down the make-up and the older woman who is apparently her mother was telling her about pretending to be someone else and that she needs to study Japanese, I though that the deception is that she is not really Asian, but that turns out to not be the case.

    I think she was a prostitute they knew and were friends with - I didn't get the impression she was her sister, since the mother seemed really adamant that her daughter not be a prostitute, and that girl already was. Mrs. Wilson was expecting an experienced prostitute and probably met her at the brothel - she tells Ling Yi that she already said goodbye to the girls at the brothel and stopped by to say bye to her and her mother. I think you have the rest of it right though. I didn't realize they were really Chinese until I learned they were speaking Cantonese - but I figured they weren't Japanese since Mrs. Wilson doesn't want them speaking in public (and others hearing that they're not Japanese) and since they were trying to learn Japanese.

    On 11/27/2022 at 1:51 AM, Sundazed said:

    They are actually Chinese and speaking in Cantonese to each other.  I have no idea why she is dressed like a geisha and needing to pass herself off as Japanese. 

    I think Mrs. Wilson thinks she can get more money if they are advertised as exotic Geishas. So she is having them learn Japanese and won't let them speak Cantonese in public.

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  12. On 11/22/2022 at 4:26 PM, Kirsty said:

    Yeah, you should definitely explore the lost ship in the dark of night. Like it's not creepy enough.

    Lol I couldn't understand why they didn't wait until daylight!

    11 hours ago, chaifan said:

    Emily Beecham reminds me a bit of both Rosamund Pike and Nicole Kidman, a bit of a mash up of the two. 

    Yeah she kept reminding me of Rosamund Pike.

    8 hours ago, Enigma X said:

    I never watch with dubbing and needed clarification when it began in English. I checked my settings, and dubbing was not on. I then realized that people speak their native languages, and the language will change with character.

    Same here - I never watch with dubbing anyways, but when my coworkers recommended this show they also reiterated not watching it with the dubbing. I was super confused when it started in English - I thought my settings were wrong!

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  13. Just curious, do we know for sure that Cinda knows Poppy is Becky? She doesn't seem to threaten her with jail time or anything serious, just promises she'll never do well in this industry. She certainly doesn't treat Poppy as someone who could easily destroy her credibility and the success of her podcast just by coming forward about her identity.

    I'm wondering if Poppy/Becky never intended for her disappearance to turn into what it was, but with Krebs planting evidence and Cinda turning it into a national sensation, she was too afraid to come forward and just latched onto the podcast as a way to keep tabs on everything.

    Or another theory...has Cinda had any prior successful podcasts or was the Becky one the first? If she's faked evidence leading to a successful podcast before Becky, maybe it ruined the life of someone Becky knew, and she decided to get revenge by creating a fake story to draw Cinda in and then plans to bring about a fall from grace. And she's the mastermind Krebs was talking about.

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  14. On 8/6/2022 at 10:57 PM, Blissfool said:

    How many people has Jan killed? She said she stabbed her third (and took out their appendix?)

    Seems gory. Did i misunderstand something? 


    When Oliver was revealing Alice's "tells" to her, I was expecting him to say she played with her hair when she told Charles how much she enjoyed Charles' performance in that foreign film. (FWIW, Alice doesn't seem like a hair-twirler.)

    And how is the guesser selected? Seemed like a free-for-all. And they just vote without even questioning the accused...what would be the point of not voting for the person that was accused? At Mabel's party we saw the party-goers voting "yes" for Charles. At Oliver's party in the 80's, Oliver accused Teddy but nobody voted.

    BTW, I dont think Teddy knows he's the Will's father. He seems like a very loving father and would have wanted a relationship with Will if that was the case.

    In most similar games like this anyone can nominate another player as the killer. Typically you have a short amount of time ( 1-2 minutes ) to argue/ plead your case etc and everyone votes. If there's a big enough group you may have a couple people nominated and voted on, but the person with the most votes is out. There's also always a narrator (Oliver) who guides the rounds. The way they played at Mabel's seems pretty typical of how I've seen these games. The way Oliver played in the flashback was odd, usually the narrator doesn't participate, just facilitates the game.

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  15. 18 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    I don't understand why Charles was punished and had to sit out when Mabel thought he was the Son of Sam Killer, it seems like Mabel should have also been punished for guessing wrong.

    The basic premise of the game is to have the killer and everyone else. The killer chooses a victim during the "blackout," then everyone votes on who it could be going with majority vote. If they pick the killer, the game is over and the killer loses. If they're wrong, the person voted is out. And you keep playing rounds, until either you pick the killer or the killer is the last one standing.

    There's different versions, Mafia is a popular one where there's other roles like doctor or detective. During the "overnight" portion where the narrator has the killer secretly pick a victim, they can have the doctor pick one person to save, and the detective gets to pick one person they think is the killer while the narrator confirms or denies. This would give the detective the chance to sway everyone else one way or another during the vote.

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  16. On 5/4/2022 at 1:19 PM, Madding crowd said:

    This show has gotten too slapstick for me but I will finish it. I don’t like Grace’s hair it doesn’t suit her in style. I’ve always hated Brianna and I certainly don’t think her making fun of Mallory at a meeting with employees is any sign that she is a genius CEO. The men are just boring, they never had an arc for them like Grace and Frankie.

    I used to love Brianna and now I can't stand her. She treats everyone terribly now, especially Barry. Even though Mallory isn't qualified I want her to succeed at this job just to annoy Brianna.

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  17. On 11/5/2021 at 5:10 PM, Kirsty said:

    Nothing illustrates Joel's role as The One for Midge better than the flashback to his marriage proposal at the start of this episode. I might not like his pushy style in that scene, but there was singing, dancing in the middle of the street, and an audience. On this show, that's how you do a proposal. I think Midge found it crazy romantic and it was a very happy memory for her.

    Yeah, it was definitely a happy memory for her. And as pushy as Joel was, I don't think she was actually hesitant to accept him at all (she saw it coming after all). She was playing games herself, pretending not to be sure.

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  18. 19 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

    But since the writers of this episode already had Randall constantly staring at Kate's weight gain like a fool, maybe they just forgot he was supposed to be smart. 

    Yeah, it was so odd that he just kept staring at her! The weight she had gained wasn't so significant that he would need to act like that. Especially since the show makes it clear that he visits home quite often, and there's no way he wouldn't have seen her multiple times already.

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  19. I'm late watching and there's already so much that's been said, I don't have much to add regarding the story. Tbh I'm not super interested in this storyline and fast forwarded some of it.

    But whoever styled Chrissy did a fantastic job, I thought she looked beautiful in every scene.

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  20. This was such a great episode. All of the actresses playing Sunja are fantastic. I never expected Hansu to stay with Sunja, but I was surprised he was married already. Not that it changes much, as I don't think he'd had stayed even if he was single. As soon as Isak bumped into Hansu on his way to the boarding house I figured he'd "save" Sunja. Then his letter to his parents confirmed it. He seems like a genuinely kind person. I'm glad their paths crossed. No wonder she's so kind to the Pastor in present day.

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