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  1. I'm guessing removing the poison only reduces risk of death, but there might still be scarring/infection/what your friend experienced. I think any wild animal bite warrants a hospital visit. I was also surprised at how she was just back at dinner like nothing happened. In the first episode Rick says "you're the one who's crazy". Maybe she'll turn out to be psycho? Might explain some of her reactions to his behavior. Maybe he felt bad he almost got her killed and will go after
  2. Doesn't she ask him why he's acting so weird in the first or second episode? Maybe the whole thing with his father / the hotel owner has him acting out. But yeah I can never hate any character he plays, Goggins is just so charismatic!
  3. That's who she reminds me of! This was a fun episode with the snake farm, but Chelsea is a little too forgiving of Rick considering he almost got her killed! I have a feeling things will take a turn for the worse on that yacht. I wonder if the snakes were milked of their poison?
  4. I'm pretty sure they were in the son's bedroom. I assume only serious offers would be shown that room? It's odd more buyers didn't ask to see it.
  5. He is super creepy, so far he's the only character I outright hate already. I'm pretty neutral on everyone else, although Chelsea seems the most likable so far.
  6. Good theory! I wonder if Josh is responsible for her father's death or if that's too obvious.
  7. Thank you!
  8. If possible - would anyone be able to give me a quick summary of this episode (the dive part)? For some reason the thought of Jules diving multiple stories in that dark pool is upping my anxiety. I'd love to know what happens if anyone is willing to share. Thanks in advance.
  9. He said something about dust - maybe dust storms carrying something that kills them off? I like Knox! Seems to be thinking before reacting - Shirley is bugging me more right now. I find it interesting that the only Raider not outright lying also ratted Billings out earlier (season 1).
  10. It's not necessarily 10000 people trying to escape. There was a war prior to this - who knows how many died in that, or due to other failures (loss of power, lack of food). And there's dead bodies inside the silo who probably died in other ways.
  11. I did not expect that! When they revealed King was a woman, I thought maybe it's Rauch after all for some reason haha. I don't think Ole will be kept hostage. From what I understand Brauer is the only one who knows who King is right? So as long as she stays hidden, Mrs. Novak's secret is safe and no reason to hold Ole. I'm glad there's a season 2 because I liked the show but wasn't sure what they'd do next. I'm guessing finding and catching King will be part of it.
  12. I did not expect the bar lady to be the king! I assume she is at this point, but I suppose she should also be someone high up in the organization. But also I'm surprised I was right about Ruddier and the tiger - I'm usually bad at guessing! I feel like the end of this episode was a fake out and Chris has moved Wanda - but then if he had he wouldn't be so worried about Lukas...so I guess we'll see if Wanda is hiding
  13. I was thinking Rudiger was the king as well, but I also don't know if he would have taken her. I wonder if he is just buying from the king? It definitely seems like the king or his henchman is related to her disappearance.
  14. Didn't catch that the real Nemcova died - interesting! My first thought was the Carlotta's brother's cage was for a tiger (as mentioned by the influencer).
  15. Same! Liking it so far, though I don't have any theories yet.
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