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Posts posted by peacheslatour

  1. 5 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

    What kind of wood is being burned in fireplaces today that makes a neighborhood smell like a hot dog stand? It's disgusting. We've lived here for 23 years and it's never smelled like this before 😡.

    Once when I was kid we had a big power outage and we roasted hot dogs on sticks in our fireplace. Are you having a power outage?

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  2. 1 hour ago, Blergh said:

    OK, my locale is still frozen but I had to risk getting out of my hilly side street due to needing to pick up vital prescriptions for myself and my 90-something mother among other errands I could no longer postpone ! Anyway, after I made it back from  the errands (and traversing the nice cleared main roads with ease), I had to return to my abode via other hilly  wet icy side streets and I couldn't believe the number of cars that had gotten stuck in ditches on the sides of said side streets- and even more unbelievable than that were the folks who pulled in front of me as I was very cautiously inching my way downhill trying my best to keep my own car from spinning out of control and/or racing down the hilly  last street before I could turn onto my own street. Yes, even though the temps have yet to reach the technical melting point, the bright sun has melted enough of a layer of water on top  of the ice, folks thought it was smart to back INTO traffic while cars were trying to carefully inch past them! Thankfully, none of them hit me and I was able to use gravity to inch my way to safely turn onto my side street then carefully back IN to my own downhill driveway to the carport!

    I know there's no humans I can complain about the dangerous driving conditions but I wish others would realize that even un-icy wet streets aren't safe to speed on much less back into - especially if there are any other drivers around!

    And when all of that sun melted snow freezes again, the ice will be back.

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  3. 41 minutes ago, isalicat said:

    I moved there in 1991, three weeks before my son was born (I am sure he "engineered" the entire move so he could grow up in Mt. Shasta, which was quite the perfect place to raise a kid), and we bought a home here at the beach in 2009 and went back and forth twice a year (spring and fall in Mt. Shasta, winter and summer here) for five years and then sold up in Mt. Shasta. Lake Shastina is a different world 😸 - much less snow and kinda flatish, no?

    As to the wood heat, I am entirely unconvinced that it leads to asthma - certainly none of us, including my son who lived with it for 18 full years before heading off to college, never developed any asthma, and I don't know anyone else who raised their kids there that has reported this. IMHO, asthma is an auto-immune reaction and my friends that have had it report great success with a gluten free diet and severely restricting sugar. If you live in a place with real winters and the power goes out, what else are you going to do to stay warm? I was once there by myself for five days with no power and continuous snow - I kept the stove going (shoveling out to the wood store twice a day - lost 7 lbs!) and cooked on it, melted snow for drinking and washing water, and had a very nice time with just me and the cat.

    I don't need a fireplace, but I won't mind one - they are so fundamentally lovely of a winter evening. (My next door neighbor put in one of those fake fireplaces but it was both expensive and clearly *fake*!)

    My parents had two fireplaces in their house. One in the living room and another in the dining room. They converted both to gas at one point because my dad got sick of splitting wood. After a few years, they converted the living room one back to wood because, as you say, it's just not the same.

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  4. Just now, kristen111 said:

    Thank God for good Sons.  We have two daughters too, but our go to is our Son for some reason. 🤷‍♂️

    So true. I don't know what we'd do without him. I could ask my DH to do a lot of it but he gets grumpy about it whereas my son does it with easy grace and a smile.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, isalicat said:

    And this is why I left beautiful Mt. Shasta after living there for 25 years...I just visited there last weekend and it is still gorgeous (and the town remarkably gentrified all of a sudden, with lots of new tony restaurants and lodgings), but it was SO cold and we got a foot of snow between Friday and Saturday night so I got to rediscover the joys of shoveling and clearing the car...Plus the summers there are now on average 10 degrees hotter than when we first moved there in 1991. Anything over 85 degrees is too hot for me. We had a wood stove (a must as the power would go out all the time) and space heaters. No air conditioning, just the night breeze off the mountain. Thus: I now live on the beach in central coastal California where there is pretty much two seasons - nice and nicer. 😸

    I would love nothing better than to move to CA, up north near Ft. Bragg. But I'll never pry my DH away from his beloved PNW.

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  6. 26 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

    You're in the Pacific Northwest, right? I've never been but from what I understand the climate is such that you don't get bone-chilling winters, or tons of snow, right? I bolded 'lack of furnace' b/c this is something I don't understand. Is this common in your area not to have a furnace? You mentioned your home is 80 years old, but back then it wasn't common to build homes with furnaces in your area? When my son lived in Austin (and yes, his home was built in the 50s, so maybe a bit newer) he had central air and forced air heat, and their temps rarely went below freezing, If it was in the 30s in the morning, it would creep back up during the daytime, but still, he had heat. 

    As someone who is always cold, and keeps the thermostat set at 70 degrees, and am still wrapped up in blankets and robes during the day, I can't even imagine how cold you must be feeling. 🤗

    My husband's grandfather and his drunk friends built this house as a rental in the forties. There was an oil furnace in the living room. The thing was as ugly as sin and very expensive to use but by god, that thing put out the heat. My DH decided to go all electric and bought a very nice electric furnace that heats the living room, entry and kitchen pretty well. In the rest of the rooms we have electric radiators. We got rid of the oil furnace but winters have been getting colder here every year and summers are hotter. We finally got A/C a couple years ago but nothing is central. I can't take it anymore.

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  7. 16 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

    So, will you be moving?  Maybe?   Our last move was it.  Thank goodness the Association does all the outside.  We cannot anymore.  Our Son is constantly doing stuff in the inside for us, and it’s always something like plumbing, etc.

    Yep. We just can't handle the yard and the old plumbing, lack of furnace and all the maintenance. We did the kitchen over in the eighties but we desperately need a new kitchen. Our son comes up once a month and I always have  a list of things I need help with.

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  8. 1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

    I LOVE my bedroom.  Made it real nice with pretty quilts and pillows.  Plus, a 44 inch smart tv with all the channels.  Sometimes I go in there at 5 pm for the night on my heating pad.  He rolls in after all the sport shows.  Love tv.  Btw, I started your Great Aunts book.  I’m liking it. 👍

    I did something like that. I'm not a fan of huge TVs but I have a 32" in the bedroom and I have painted, wallpapered and decorated it just the way I like it. I'm going to be sad to leave this house because we put a lot of sweat equity into remodeling, the addition and all the things I've done to make the garden beautiful but we need a house that is not 80 years old. Lol, we're not the kids we were when we bought it.

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  9. 16 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

    Besides showing golf in the USA, now in Europe LIV, whatever.  We sit in separate rooms to watch what we like, unless there’s a certain movie we both like.

    That's what we do too, in a way. If he's home during the day, I stay in the bedroom with my Law & Order and he either watches Hallmark Christmas movies (they run the practically all year long) or some kind of sports, either football or baseball.

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  10. 5 hours ago, Haleth said:

    I think that was just the farmer's excuse to keep her since he was obviously very fond of her.  She'll live out her days at the farm in peace, you know, like we say all animals do. 😊

    That's what happened in the book. She was officially retired.

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  11. 13 hours ago, Anela said:

    I've had a knee problem, since I was a kid. A doctor said that I would grow out of it, but I didn't. It starts with pain in the knee, moves down the back of my calves, into the back of my ankle, my foot, and up my inner thigh. It's hurting right now, but just mildly. 

    I was having joint problems in the cold, starting in 2019, but I've been using collagen a lot (adding it to hot chocolate), so that might be helping. 

    What type of collagen do you take, if you don't mind sharing?

  12. 42 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:


    I forbid my mom from posting photos of me on her Facebook.

    When I was a kid I used to get so mad when I overheard her talking about me. She had no boundaries and didn't respect my life is not for her to discuss with others. I have told her she can share good things like my move and that I got a new job at a high level. But nothing in detail. None of her friends business!


    I'm not on Facebook but I can certainly understand why parents don't want pictures of their kids on it.

    • Like 9
  13. 7 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

    During golf season.  I had to continue that.  Tell me about it.  I think my husband is in depression since the cold weather up north.  As soon as golf season starts, he’s all reguvinated and raring to go.  It’s a miracle.  He needs another back surgery but won’t go.  Maybe next winter.  He’s either playing it or watching it.  Lol.

    How do you know if you have these things?  Does it show up in a normal blood test?  I wake up lately and can barely walk.

    I went to an imaging place and they took X-rays. I've got it my wrists too but I never feel it.

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  14. 21 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Was it 2017? That was a biggie. I remember looking out the upstairs hall window, unable to see the road in our cul de sac. They couldn't even plow it was so deep. Eventually they brought in Bobcats to dig us out. When we moved to this area in 1998, we kept hearing about a big snowstorm in '96. I grew up in a small city in NY. Our house was on a main avenue that was also a state road, so it was always plowed all night long during blizzards. We loved hearing the plows in the middle of the night cause that meant this was *serious snow*.  We knew that in a few hours we'd learn the joyous news that school was closed! 

    We used to live in Chicago when I was a kid. We lived in an old Victorian house that had been converted into three apartments. There was a large family on the first floor, the top floor was occupied by a pair of "confirmed bachelors" and we were in the middle. I remember looking out the window and the cars parked along the sides of the street were mere bumps in the snow.

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  15. 1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

    Me too with my foot.  Anyone living with this snow and crappy weather feeling the affects of arthritis or whatever causing aches n pains?  I could hardly get my boots on as we have a doctors appt today.  I feel like going back under my covers.


    Yes! I've got osteoarthritis in my knee and hip and they burn like fire when it's cold. I wish we had a wood burning stove or a fireplace too.

    • Hugs 7
  16. 5 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    @peacheslatour I feel so damn bad for you. We're on opposite sides of the country...or I'd say, c'mon over for a hot shower!  So, space heaters still don't help???

    P.S. I'm reading your great aunt's book, "The Circular Staircase". Very old fashioned, very scary, but not in the terrified way.

    Thank you! It's finally in the thirties and I took a long shower and made enchiladas and some guac. Ahh....

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  17. It's been so fucking cold here in Seattle that I haven't taken a shower since Thursday. I mean in the low teens at night and mid twenties during the day. We have an old house with no central heating, just space heaters and radiators. We can't use anything too high watt because we'll blow fuses. I'm miserable.

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  18. 3 minutes ago, Blergh said:

    Forgive me but I'm not sure whether it was a foregone conclusion that Miss Harbottle was supposed to have been neurodiverse- or just a self-important jerk who expected everyone else connected to the practice  to conform to her own standards.

    FWIW, in the OS there was an episode with a new secretary who was  attempted to reform Siegfried and the clientele who wound up intimidating Siegfried so much that he'd wait until she left the premises to sneak back into Skelldale House before it was all over.I can't recall if the OS secretary was called Miss Harbottle or not but she was more openly a steamroller who had even less charm or likability than this character had had.

    It was that way in the books too. And she was called Miss Harbottle.

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  19. 23 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

    Yeah, Carver really shined in this one, his cross was great with how he alternated between asking the doctor how he would make the cuts and then asking questions about his marriage, getting him to explode eventually. It’s such a shame this episode and In The Wee Small Hours are the only times we saw Carver at trial, they really wasted him for the most part. I love CI but they should’ve gone into court more, it’s the one thing I would change about the classic era of the show.

    I agree and I don't get it. Mothership had them in every episode and SVU usually does too but CI just... didn't? Maybe VDO wouldn't have ended up collapsing from exhaustion if they had not insisted he be in every freaking scene.

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  20. 34 minutes ago, Superclam said:

    Me too! But I just read the fun comics & stay out of the political ones. Luann and 9 Chickweed Lane have enough battles for me. 

    We still get the paper so I read LuAnn in there but I like editorial comics too and I also read Dinette Set comics because they remind me of my late in laws. 😆

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  21. 1 hour ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Hey...if anyone really misses flame wars, you can find some (maybe not too flamey) in the comments sections under certain articles in Huffington Post and Washington Post. The WP doesn't let you use terms like "dumba$$" though 😁. HP is free to sign up. WP charges for digital subscriptions. Good fun!!

    I like to read the comics on Arcamax, If you go into the editorial comics, boy are there flame wars in the comments.

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