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Everything posted by Jersey409

  1. That or his father in law will set him up with a cushy job in politics 😉
  2. I really liked this episode. It was such a pleasure to see William again- always enjoyed him and brought me back to when TIU was actually good and well written. Mandy Moore looked wonderful, gorgeous dress. That family being added in was kinda meh-and no way would the parents and two siblings be walking around in the lobby and getting coffee after being in that kind of accident-they’d be in hospital beds too and being monitored. Random thought but Madison’s Gynocologist and his daughter never really intertwined in the story did they?Just a random storyline thrown in. randall still hasn’t realized he’s got two other daughters I see. Ridiculous she’s with Malik-and I guess he went to HARVARD so he could work at a restaurant . Pfff. Was this the last episode?
  3. Late to the chat here- just catching up now on episodes. Can’t believe this show will be over soon. Sad episode- I’d imagine even sadder for those who have parents with Alzheimer’s in real life. However I will say Rebecca got a lot of years out of her illness and doesn’t seem to be in pain. My mom is 56 with terminal cancer and in chronic pain. on a lighter note, I’ve got one baby and would be happy to look half as good as Rebecca when she was raising those triplet babies. Shiny full and wavy hair, glossy lips and fluttery lashes- count me in. this show makes divorce look like a picnic and the new term co-parenting being thrown around like nothing. Everyone so happy all together. Can’t help but wonder if it’s propaganda encouraging couples make kids then split. Not saying two people should live in misery and be unhappy but not something to be taken lightly. Kate and Phillips marriage just doesn’t sit right-seems fake. Miss Toby - but hope he’s happier with Laura and her family!
  4. This show has so overly exaggerated the isolation/alienation from family members.Jack never talked to his family, Rebecca never talked to her family after that thanksgiving , and apparently Miguel isolated himself from his family too. Overused and unbelievable. incorporating a grandmother, cousin or aunt into the show every now and then, especially in those flashbacks that drag on would have been useful. Would have been much better than that ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS story of Randall’s biological mother. Still cringe about that.
  5. Very good and emotional episode, felt creepy seeing Rebecca and Miguel in bed, but I really enjoyed seeing Miguel’s story and Puerto Rican culture. his kids were pretty darn harsh, it didn’t seem like he was an abusive or adulterous father and husband- just perhaps too work-oriented. Was annoying as hell seeing Sophie in the ending scenes, lol. cabin look amazing- someone mentioned earlier- it is amazing how money is never a problem in this show. People jet-set and do what they want.
  6. One of the worst, if not the worst , episode of TIU. As others said before , Sophie is so dull. What type of 45 year old woman mopes around looking all sad on a bench during someone’s wedding? And she has seriously just wasted her life pining away over Kevin - no pets, no kids or passions, just Kevin. hilarious how some of you pointed out that he was ready to bounce into bed with Cassidy right after seeing Sophie. Valentines card did not choke me up in any way- stupid and unreal. Some Madison haters out there- I would have rather he ended up with her. I don’t think she’s only on the show because she’s a producers wife. She can be annoying ,but I think that’s the point . Without Madison, Kate and Toby wouldn’t have hit it off so well- they kinda bonded over criticizing her in the overweight meetings. Madison’s presence also brought out Kevin’s douchebagness at the hospital seasons ago. Her role has been useful.
  7. Yessss. Oh good, I am not the only one annoyed by this!
  8. Loved beth’s one shoulder dress. I’d like to find the designer and model of the dress. Madison’s hair was so annoying in that plain short and stubby ponytail - it looked like she was ready to run errands at target. kevin doesn’t seem to be being much of a dad- looks like Elijah is watching them while Kevin is just sleazing his way around. What else is new. Maybe next episode will prove me wrong
  9. Kate is really one hot number. Getting asked out on a drink less than five minutes after signing divorce papers.
  10. Yeah, It doesn’t help either that she is best friends with Kevin’s sister. If I were Elijah, the constant connection to Kevin and his family would annoy me
  11. I am happy for your sister. Like someone else mentioned, sometimes when you know, you just know. I tend to err on the side of caution to get serious too quickly. When I think back on past relationships I’ve had, some stuff didn’t come out until at least a year later- debt, lies, and just overall tendencies and personalities that I didn’t like about the person. The character Elijah seems like a nice, chill guy and I guess they’ve known each other even longer from being in book club together. Small kids can change the whole dynamic of everything- even bring on jealousy/competition for attention from mom/girlfriend or dad/boyfriend. But then there are some people who treat their girlfriend/boyfriend’s kids better than the biological parent, so I guess it’s a gamble. Can’t help but feel TIU inserted this possible engagement for superficial ***** and giggles just to keep us guessing. I still wouldn’t be surprised if Kevin ends up with Madison- they might make Elijah get sick or turn out to be a jerk. It doesn’t help either that she is best friends with Kevin’s sister. If I were Elijah, the constant connection to Kevin and his family would annoy me.
  12. speaking of rushed- anyone think madison getting engaged to Elijah after 6 months is rushed and stupid. 6 months is fast when you’re single and childless- I’d be even more cautious to marry if I had young children /babies.
  13. Wholeheartedly agree. Terrible setup. If they wanted to show the big three defending Kate when they were little they could have used a different scenario of they being at school and Kate getting picked on by a bully, instead of this plot of an apathetic teen sitter. Very unwarranted and inappropriate how they stepped in during the argument. She instigated the fight and she was being the nasty cow. If anything , this episode made me like Toby all the more.
  14. Anyone else also not like rebecca’s behavior at the restaurant (before getting drunk) It just seemed exaggerated and out of character. Triplets would be damn hard and I’d be celebrating to get out too, but she kinda made herself look like a lush bimbo saying she wants every alcoholic drink on the menu 😹 Way out of line and since when did chatty Kathy become an insult.
  15. Yes, I want to see Toby have a nice life. I feel very bad that his wife is breaking up the family. It is complete ridiculous/bs if they’re giving Kate a happy ending with that British guy-who by the way, seems way less sensitive than Toby.
  16. Ugh! Just finished watching. Proud that her three kids locked the babysitter in the bathroom?. Should have been embarrassed that you’re raising little assholes. Chatty Kathy is hardly an insult. Much much worse a caregiver/babysitter could have said or done. Wanted to slap Kate in the face when she called herself the only parent. Doubt her job is paying for mortgage, food and clothes for the family. I felt bad for Toby getting bitched at and stressed while trying to place Jack down. Princess Kate couldn’t move the mattress herself. Agreed with Toby also, I wouldn’t go out of my way to teach a toddler how to open a door. If it weren’t for the kids I’d say a divorce is a godsend, breaking free from a lazy, miserable wife and her overbearing family.
  17. Same here, keeping head above water and more interested in my kid moving forward than me. Oh well, now we can sit back and watch Randall become president.
  18. I very much agree about her frumpiness , especially considering how stylish she was as a younger Rebecca, but I wonder if she is all frumped up as a way to cover mandy Moore’s young and fit body and convince the audience that she’s 60 something.
  19. On another note- because the last four episodes keep replaying Rebecca’s thanksgiving speech to Kate, Kevin and Randall, is anyone else finding the speech out of place and underwhelming? It seems like the writers were in a pinch and Googled “inspirational speeches” and got this one that was probably used at a high school graduation. Take chances, go where life takes you, move forward, blah blah ——they’re all 40 with kids -not saying that means that their lives are over and there’s no more taking chances ,but I think this speech would have been better targeted at Randall’s kids who will enter the grown up world in a few years.
  20. Yes , not to be cruel- but these last few seasons- without her hair and makeup done, she looks like a person that would be on the doctor nowzaradan show.
  21. I wondered the same thing , If she climbed it. I’ve never been to San Francisco - the people must be in good shape to be getting around. Definitely fantasyland- they don’t show Kate do those things but it is kinda implied considering her babysitter is only good at watching the kids when they’re sleeping 😂 another fantasy land- what does Madison do? How does she have a house of her own in los angeles? It seemed kinda implied that her dad makes a lot of money- maybe he bought it for her and now she has Kevin to bank from —-but before ? California is crazy expensive
  22. I wasn’t sure where they were going with Kate going up that hill- I was actually thinking they were going to write in a third heart attack for the show. I come from a family of heavy women and if my aunt doesn’t get a control on herself, she is going to be looking like Kate soon. My aunt is covered in sweat and winded just from climbing up three steps to reach the front door of the house or from the physical effort of trying on different types of shirts in a fitting room. That hill would have been one hell of a triumph, also as someone mentioned before- taking care of small kids. Loading the stroller in and out of the car, fastening car seat harnesses, stooping low to bathe kids and lift them out of the bath, diaper changes -all physically demanding and hard work. I thought Toby’s acting was very good. Was especially cool to see “old Toby” to show how much the character has transformed and how his acting has changed. I understand Kate being upset about Toby’s LA job offer but what? Is she going to stay in LA on her own and take on a Full time job teaching blind adolescents how to make music while her blind toddler son and baby daughter are in someone else’s care? Keep in mind the lesson plans, preparation, grading, and parent meetings that all happen during after school hours too. Seems kinda counterproductive. I’m sure this is us will find a way to make it look inspirational and easy.
  23. Didn’t like Beth or a Miguel’s hairstyle at all in this episode. flash to young jack and Rebecca thanksgiving was stupid. I’m guessing it was just to keep milo on payroll. The mother daughter makeup must have lasted ten seconds because we’ve seen all the other episodes when the mother was angry when she’s pregnant, outcasts Randall, etc. rebecca only asked Kate to be second in charge for fear of Randall and Kevin having another blow up like they did at that birthday party. Am I the only one thinking she should put someone third in charge in case Kate has medical problems ? Do they pad up Chrissy Metz in the show to appear bigger?
  24. Haven’t finished the episode yet- not bad so far, but three things. 1-doesn’t Rebecca have a sister? I feel like she was mentioned several seasons ago . They never show her- even in childhood flashbacks 2- rebecca was straight up rude during the thanksgiving board game- how could she not realize she was only focusing on Miguel. 3- French accent from marguerite is absolutely terrible. This actress should have hung out with some French people.
  25. Yes, very stupid and ridiculous! She is what-40ish and calling her old ballet teacher late at night after 24 years? If I were that teacher, I don’t think I would have slept well that night- not from guilt but fear that this woman who has held on to a grudge for twenty something years is going to burst into my window while I was sleeping. ugh very poor taste I don’t think the guy did anything wrong- yeah…he should have called and/or attended the father’s viewing as a courtesy. I am assuming he is meant to be Russian in the show (I know he’s Croatian in real life) but considering his accent and that it’s ballet, probably playing a Russian. Both things - ballet and Russian aren’t known for being warm,cozy and caring. Beth should have considered it a lesson learnt and now she is being more caring/personable to her students. No need to call. On a side note, I hope she’s being nice to Annie too. Never see any communication with that kid and her parents!
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