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IOU Payne

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Posts posted by IOU Payne

  1. Dr. Now delivered the Best! Smackdown! Ever!  Not since Stone Cold Steve Austin made his famous "Austin 3:16" speech have I cheered so loudly!  (My son used to watch Monday Night Raw, and like a good mom, I enabled his love for sports entertainment.  Call it Hulkamania by Proxy)

    Dr. Now delivered the Best! Smackdown! Ever!  Not since Stone Cold Steve Austin made his famous "Austin 3:16" speech have I cheered so loudly!  (My son used to watch Monday Night Raw, and like a good mom, I enabled his love for sports entertainment.  Call it Hulkamania by Proxy)

    Is it wrong that I yelled "Fall outta the wheelchair!"?  Is it wrong that I gave the Nelson Muntz Ha-Ha laugh at Sean's weight gain?   Oh well....

    • Love 4
  2. I have to rewatch Part 2 of the Assanti Shit Show to get the quote straight, but at one point Steven is yelling at his father and says something to the effect of "Are your ears stuffed with potatoes?"  Da fuq?

    Steven:  "I'm done talking to you".

    Dr. Now:  "You're not done listening."

    • Love 11
  3. Was Steven wearing a wig from the Freddie Mercury collection on this episode?  That clearly wasn't his natural hair.

    I think the money from the redemption of the soda cans and bottles would have reimbursed the much-maligned taxpayers for at least one gratuitous drug-seeking ambulance ride.  Or a cleaning crew for his apartment.  

    And does Cupcake call the Humane Society begging for catnip?  If so, her human has been a bad influence on her!

    • Love 5
  4. If only Dr. Drew and Dr. Now could tag-team on this case!  Dr. Now has nothing to offer Steven in terms of treatment because his addiction and psychopathology far outweigh his obesity issues (pun intended).  First, the addiction needs to be addressed, then he should go to a structured out-patient program for severe personality disorders.  

    Poor Justin needs intensive treatment for his anxiety disorder before he's ready for bariatric surgery.   

    And Daddy Dearest needs help, too.  I would seriously suggest he find a family support group.  Then he can learn how to tune out to Steven's histrionic tantrums.  And perhaps deal with some of the guilt that's driving the intense enabling of one son and ignoring of the other son. 

    • Love 9
  5. I tried it when I was in the South (Mississippi) because I'd never had it.  This was a one-shot deal for me, because I don't like goopy foods, and this is maximum goop to me.  Now, poutine?  I'm from Montreal, and that's on the menu everywhere, even McDonald's.  There are even fusion versions (Portuguese chicken & chorizo, kimchi and Korean pork, pulled pork and BBQ sauce, spaghetti sauce and mozzarella, etc., etc.)

    James would probably love poutine.  Sadly, it is not a food that loves you back health-wise.

    • Love 3
  6. Unpopular opinion:  I don't think the sister was a total bitch at all.  I had a situation in my family where a close relative was being enabled by their recently-deceased parent, and I had to lay down heavy-duty boundaries to make sure I would not inherit the role of enabler.  It worked, and lo and behold, my family member learned to stand on their own two feet!  

    • Love 16
  7. How does cellulitis of that magnitude not merit admission and major IV antibiotic treatment?  My father was hospitalized for a case much less severe than that on his one leg (the other leg had been amputated due to diabetic complications) and spent 6 weeks on heavy IV meds.  So James' apparent lack of treatment rots my socks.  As for his chowing down on Chinese food after being treated for CHF,  it literally makes me cry.  My mother had CHF and as she entered palliative care, the doctors told her she could basically eat anything she wanted.  This is the woman who lamented not being able to eat her favourite Montreal smoked meat sandwiches all the years of her illness.  So what did she request? You guessed it: No change in her salt-free diet.  She went down swinging.  

    tl;dr:  My parents were badasses.  James is a sadass.   

    • Love 17
  8. Quote

    The daughter is an adult, around 19 years old. She was pulled out of college, not high school. 

    Not that it makes it any better...

    In a way, it makes it even worse, because the opportunity to learn professional skills that would allow her to support herself and give her some upward mobility was yanked away so she could tend to her father's weeping pustules.

    • Love 7
  9. I don't know if the "break-up talk" with food was Nicole's idea or her therapist's, but I am thinking that carbs and I need to have a heart-to-heart in the near future!

    • Love 4
  10. Quote

    As much as I was disgusted by these people, I also felt deep sorrow for them. They're uneducated, they're poor, and they're all stuck in their own addictions/mental health issues that I fear that's no recovering from. I know it all comes down to personal choices, but when you're that entrenched in your own mindset (like none of them at all interested in the value of good nutrition or being decent parents) there's really no turning around. 

    Nicole started to improve after working on the homework assignments from her therapist.  If only Dr. Now had a social worker as part of his team. Then Nicole could have had assistance in getting stable housing, and would have been directed to resources such as parenting courses, community kitchens, story time at the library for the kids, and so on.  I have guarded optimism for her and her family, now that she's managed to extricate herself from her parents, a.k.a. the Ass-Clown Posse.  Charlie's a good sort, and even with his obvious limitations, he has a semblance of a work ethic. 


    It amazes me that Nicole managed to survive her semi-feral upbringing as well as she did, which isn't saying much.  Hopefully, her therapist will help her tap into her resilience and she'll be a success story on many levels.

    • Love 9
  11. Am I the only one not giving a shit about Scotty?  After his being off the canvas for so long, I feel disengaged from the character, to the point that I thought his last name was "Baldwin", which would make him a) potentially interesting and b) a character on General Hospital.  So Lauren's attempts to work her plasticized face into contortions of sadness are just sliding off me like, well, anything cooked in frying pans on infomercials.  Aside from Kevin's and Victor's badassitude, the story line is a snoozer for me.

    • Love 8
  12. We Canadians were treated to the episode called Fixin' Fence, Wastin' Great Ribeye Steak in a Nasty Quesadilla last Saturday.  I wanted to cry when I saw those perfect hunks of beef - and I definitely don't mean Ladd and Cowboy Tim.  That amount of steak would have fed a family of six.  What happened with the leftover meat?  Did it make its way to another sad steak salad with gratuitous ingredients that were initially popular in the 70s?  Fed to the crew?  The dogs?  It's the dead of winter, we've just gotten a huge dumping of snow, and the idea of eating that steak on the patio in summer is kinda keeping me going!

    • Love 5
  13. I live in the downtown core of a major city and don't have a car, so carts are kind of an obsession with me.  The Smart Cart would not work for me because I'd have to pull it instead of pushing, and the teeny little wheels wouldn't be worth anything in snow.  So I guess I'll have to work on my own design for the perfect cart!  (For me, the Playmarket Go 3 comes pretty darned close to perfection - it makes regular Costco runs with me, by public transit, and has lasted 5 years!))

  14. Quote

    I also wished that someone had the chance to point out to Lucifer that his father being responsible for Chloe doesn't mean what they feel for each other isn't real. 

    Exactly!  In Jewish thinking, we believe in the concept of finding your bashert (soulmate, with destiny having a strong hand in finding each other.).  If Chloe and Lucifer are bashert, this is a Good Thing according to how I was brought up.  Free will comes into play if you choose to ignore the signals, or if you screw up the relationship.  

    FTR, I think Doritos are my bashert.  Oh well.

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