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Posts posted by green

  1. 48 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    @green I had always hoped Mama Paolo would come back and race with DJ.  Maybe she'd get to go to New Zealand instead of Phoenix this time.

    Me too.  Me too a hundred times over.  She is one of my all time favorites.

    They started making Mama Paulo funny tribute posters during that season over on the TAR sub-forum of Survivor Sucks back before that site went to hell.  And her younger son, Brian I think it was (the sweet, quiet one anyway, not DJ), was reading about their season online and saw them and download them and had them printed up professionally and surprised his mom with them. 

    Stuff like the Goddess of Lasagna and photo-shopping her into past seasons with some of the earlier famous Racers etc.  Some of them were really clever and extremely well done with funny captions as well.  I should have saved them to my computer but didn't, sigh.

    Anyway Brian posted there and told us what he did and how much his mom was moved by all of it and loved and appreciated all of them.  They got framed and hung up in the house by a grateful and blown-away Mama P.

    So come on, TAR. Get Mama to New Zealand like she dreamed of.  If not back on the Race itself at least as maybe playing "a lost American tourist in NZ" that teams have to help get somewhere in some task say.

    • Love 2
  2. On 6/20/2019 at 5:12 PM, bunnyface said:


    This is an interesting interview with them.  While I am happy for them and their personal growth, Crazycakes was fun to watch.  I think they are some of, if not THE, best racers.  TAR5 is my favorite season.  I just would like to see how the zen holds up with a Mirna and Charla challenge.  But then, I'm a terrible person.

    Thanks so much for the link.  I'm gonna re-post it in the main thread and credit you cause so few people come to these side threads and it was the most intelligent interview I ever read from anyone on reality TV.

  3. 2 hours ago, theschnauzers said:

    Race to the Center of the Earth, which National Geographic announced this week. It’s currently casting for four teams of three to film in the October-November time frame. It has elements of the old NBC reality competition show Lost, where teams started at widely dispersed location around the world, and the Mark Burnett Eco-Challenge format with teams traveling across varied terrain. Teams of three is a new twist.

    Jody. She’s been involved in reality competition casting for a few years now.

    And if it wasn’t clear TAR is accepting applications for TAR 33 at the moment.

    I remember both of those shows.  Sounds interesting.

    I don't however remember any Jody on TAR8 but like I said it it isn't Mama Paulo (and family) -- our beloved Lady of the Lasagna -- the rest were either totally forgettable or that crazy woman and her 3 kids from Florida.

  4. 15 hours ago, theschnauzers said:

    TAR 32 was filmed earlier this year. Filming was confirmed by Phil, Elise, and Bertram on social media and in interviews and podcasts.

    Applications for casting is underway, and one of those who are involved in casting (a past TAR racer who ran in season 8 ) has indicated the selection process will take place in the autumn. Filming won’t happen until after Bertram and Elise complete filming a new competition show for National Geographic channel.

    Thanks but what TAR8 Racer?  The only one I liked was Mama Paulo.

    Also what new show of NatGeo?

  5. 13 hours ago, HartofDixie said:


    The guy second row down on the left panel looks just like the guy at the bottom on the right panel.  I was hoping to keep one of them ID'ed because he had one of those silly looking, half-ass chin "beards"  Now I'm lost again.

    Also the females on the right in the two bottom rows look too much alike too.

    I miss having 30 and 40 and 50 year olds on the show.  These wall-to-wall-to-wall 20-somethings not only confuse me with their looks but they have no real life history to be of any interest to me.  Condolences to you live feed listeners having to listen to boring fluff every year from these types.

    I come to this thread for your funny and snarky posts more than for anything these guy talk about on the feeds.  Thanks to you all in advance.

    • Love 4
  6. 2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:
    • Christie won't be nominating Jessica, Ovi, or Nicole. Cliff may be the pawn

    Same old same old.  Make the oldest person the pawn.  Then what happen?  Usually something happens to save the "real" target and out goes the one token grown-up.

  7. 1 hour ago, chaifan said:

    There is a competitive race company, Competitours, that had a film crew along when they were doing a documentary on their race.  One team (out of twelve, I think) refused to sign the releases and they had to be edited out of the whole film.  (TAR tie in- BJ & Tyler actually participated in one of the first Competitours races.)

    I never heard of it and now don't want to either if BJ & Tyler were on it.  Weren't they the fake, pretend, "faux" next gen hippies on TAR9 that gave real hippies a bad name?  Between them and Eric and his frat pal on TAR9 it actually made TAR8 (Family Edition) seem not so bad.  I'd take Mama Paolo over the lot of TAR9 racers any day.

    • Love 2
  8. 7 hours ago, eel21788 said:

    I walked into a Las Vegas casino that had a sign posted saying that something was being filmed there and anyone who stayed on the premises would fall under the category of "presumed consent." In other words, if you don't want to be on camera, then leave. I doubt this is what they did at the canals just because some people were blurred and others weren't. If there was a presumed consent statement in effect, it wouldn't have been necessary to redact anyone.

    Thanks for that and also the airport consent sign story as well.

    I think only Grumpy Guy got pixelated so if the "presumed consent" waivers thing was at the boat rental agencies as someone else speculated and he was on his own lawn and not in a boat he well may have needed to sign a separate waiver or he could just have demanded they not show him on TV since he didn't consent. 

    Also some people in an area like that can get upset and ask or even demand not to be shown on TV and most production companies will honor their request or demand I think to avoid a scene and all.  After all production just wants not to have to spend hours filling out forms and they don't mind if someone has strong feelings and wants to opt out.  They aren't there on purpose to force every single person to accept the presumed consent.

  9. 4 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

    ... with apologies for the all caps, but it felt like the easiest way for the answers to stand out. 🙂 [Did that without cross-referencing anything. Can't decide if I'm more proud or disgusted with myself.]

    Thanks so very very much!  Most excellent job!

    • Love 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, eel21788 said:

    Anyone who can be recognized has to sign a release. If they just get the back of your head or from the neck down, you don't need a release. If they get you from the front or certain side views, you either sign the release or they pixilate you. That explains why they've never filmed in the Red Light District when they've been in Amsterdam.

    I think anyone seen at a certain distance too they don't need a waiver for.  Otherwise every single person they passed on a street in some crowded market district would have to sign.  And no way did they get all the people on all the boats signing waivers unless they ALL were hired.  Which they could be of course. 

    But that wouldn't be possible (waiver signings) walking along and get lost on streets in Japan or Uganda or Vietnam.  You can't sign hundreds and hundreds in the middle of each leg of a race especially when most of them don't even speak English.

    I'll defer to you of course but it would be interesting to find out the exact wording of who has to sign waivers and who doesn't.

  11. On 6/18/2019 at 10:31 PM, HartofDixie said:


    I saw this photo and am trying to put names to people.  Thought I could save the pic as a handy reference and label it but I need names for that.  Can someone do that or just quote me and fill in the names after the hyphens?

    Left to right:

    1.  Thor-looking guy --
    2.  Red towel-sized dress girl --
    3.  Token male African-American --
    4.  Female posed sideways --
    5.  Blonde girl in two piece dress --
    6.  Block-headed guy --
    7.  Female African-American in yellow --
    8.  Nondescript guy in blue shirt --
    9.  Asian woman in long sleeves --
    10.  Denim jacket guy --
    11.  Female in pink with glasses --
    12.  Cowboy hat token "oldster" --
    13.  Dancing woman in red --
    14.  Yellow tee shirt guy --
    15.  Half hidden guy in back --
    16.  Blonde facing sideways --

    • Useful 1
  12. Excellent points, raven.  Especially since I agree with you.  I didn't want to post that they were hired per se but thought they were encouraged to come out as to hedge my bets.  But forgot about the having to sign a waiver thing and indeed Grumpy Guy did get pixelated.

    I think if they speak more than a few lines they have to get a waiver signed.  But not everyone just sitting in a boat had to.  Grumpy Guy had a full line or two so he either refused to sign  a waiver or just demanded his face not be shown on TV.

    • Love 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    It wasn't Tyler and Korey's fault that they were being "idiots", as the show put them in that position.  But, most of the teams were being idiots in the canal, given that they didn't know what they were doing or where they were going or the rules of the road.  

    In many ways it was a great task, but I don't think it was right to design a take that would cause so much inconvenience and even some danger to the locals.  

    Production gets filming permits and works with locals on tasks like this.  A poster above found out, based on when Nicole's birthday was, that this leg happened on a Sunday where it didn't interfere with business and jobs. 

    The locals would know the Race was coming to their town due to the permits and stuff.  Production advance team would be setting up the boats and race course in advance of the teams.  Also during a task there would be area cameras set up as well. 

    It wasn't like someone went out and was surprised to be caught up in all of this nor were they inconvenienced that I could see.  Anymore than when a Hollywood crew comes to some neighborhood for location shots.  It is a big deal and most people think it is awesome and embrace the event.

    So the townspeople would all know in advance.  This is a VERY big deal for their little town.  I can see many of them going out on their boats just to be part of their town's big day.  TAR may have even encouraged them to in how boring would it look on TV if the canals were empty.  Like the Singing Grannies who I imagine planed that boat trip singalong just for this day. 

    In other words it was more they were out celebrating to BE part of TAR if anything.  People would happily think maybe they could end up on footage broadcast since TAR is popular in the Netherlands.  At least see some of the teams and Phil.

    This was like the county fair meets Old Home Day meets a big sports event for this tiny little town.  Their moment to shine before the whole world. This was their day of days and -- except for the token (and non boat riding) Grumpy Guy (Get off my grass you kids!) -- they seemed on the whole happy to get their boats rammed and "filmed" and be part of it all.

    I'm sure the whole town -- minus Grump Guy -- is loving this episode and is right proud to have been on TAR.

    • Love 12
  14. 4 hours ago, Haleth said:

    I'm sad the finale is next week and we'll have to wait another year for another race.  (I assume CBS will renew TAR?) ...

    I don't know about renewals or not but they have been running one season ahead by a bunch for some time.  As you can tell from it's look, this season we are seeing was filmed last summer.  (Actually alihart41 just posted while I was writing this and got the exact date, thanks).

    And I understand another "season" was filmed last fall (maybe?) so there is now one in the can waiting it's turn next year.

    2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I loved that the boat task was essentially their Roadblock. ...

    There have been some legs in recent years that don't have roadblocks like one each season as I recall.  So I don't think a roadblock was edited out of this leg.  With a double u-turn and this added "task" with the boats at the end the producers knew they had more than enough material for this leg and wouldn't be able to squeeze in a RB as well is my guess.

    1 hour ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

    The irony is that The Amazing Race originated in the Netherlands.  Ironically, so did Big Brother. ...

    I think you are thinking about Survivor, not TAR.  (Wasn't Survivor Swedish though??).  TAR was totally the original creation of the husband/wife team of Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri and wasn't based on any other show.  So credit where credit is due.

    The short, dumbed-down story as I recall was that van Munster (he created "Cops") came back from a TV insiders convention in Europe telling his wife there was nothing new to see that year idea-wise over there.  She basically said how hard is it to just think up a show and he said really hard and challenged her to come up with an idea.  She remembered the fun she had backpacking through Europe with a friend back in her college days and they took that raw seed idea and developed it into The Amazing Race.

    "As the original version of the Amazing Race franchise, the CBS program has been on-air since 2001. Created by Elise Doganieri and Bertram van Munster ..." from https://amazingrace.fandom.com/wiki/The_Amazing_Race_(US)

    1 hour ago, Fukui San said:

    I don't see the locals as rude! The racers were actually messing up people's transits. It wasn't their fault, exactly, and the racers were properly contrite, but it was still messing up people's days.  ...

    TAR has to get local filming permits months ahead when planning a race and work with locals on times and routes in this task situation.  And a production advance set-up team runs ahead of the main Race anyway setting up the boats to be taken and the ones to be towed etc.  And I am sure the whole town knew what day they were coming etc because everyone in a small town knows what is going on. 

    And though they may well be out and about most days given there are no roads in the town I am also sure even more people than normal were out to be part of TAR and maybe get on camera even.  Like the Singing Granny boat may well have planned their day around this "big" event.  I mean the show is popular over there and it is a big deal for this town.

    Except for Grumpy Guy most people were really nice when getting their boats rammed.  "Oh it is fine" etc etc.  And Grumpy Guy wasn't even in a boat.  He seemed more like the local "Get off my grass you stupid kids" guy of that town.

    And Racers in boats on canals or small rivers are always fun since TAR3's punting on the Cam days onward through the years.  Come to think of it that TAR3 episode also featured a first ever tandem bike task.  The choice was between boat or bike as I recall.  This season's leg the teams had to do both.

    Nice to have an episode I didn't have to worry about Colin & Christie being eliminated since the breakout of the hours of operation bunch onward.  And another cat sighting for Leo.  Wouldn't be an episode this season without seeing Pablo's long lost relations throughout the world, hah.

    And I agree with others they gave away Team Fun being the one eliminated by those interview inserts.  Nicole was way way too happy and Fun was way too sad in those.

    • Useful 1
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  15. Actually I find them really interesting and am full on rooting for them ... through time and space and locked in results. 

    Alas I don't think they are getting the winner's edit.  Tyler & Korey are getting that in bucket fulls and with four straight wins in a row it is easy to understand.  But C&C certainly are getting the "good guys finish second" edit this time around with the good guys part being well earned. 

    Ironic because they had the "intense, crazy but super great racer guy with a beauty queen along for the ride finish second" last time thing going.  Though the editors hid the final results far better in TAR5 if I have the edit figured out right this time. 

    But I would LOVE to be wrong about my guess on the edit this time and see them win instead.  I'd love to see Colin get his reward as one of the legendary, great Racers of all time and them win this season.  I just don't think they will.  Sniff.

    Also I want to add that on TAR5 though I was rooting for Charla & Mirna and Chip & Kim and even the Bowling Moms; I never hated Colin.  I felt really uneasy about the taxi incident in Africa because that was totally no bueno.  But other than that I enjoyed watching him as in really good entertainment and a perfect foil for Mirna, an ox, and, in the end, Chip.  And I always respected his uber mad race skills.

    • Love 9
  16. 11 hours ago, illdoc said:

    Just saw a TAR01 Fast Forward, where there were two teams several hours behind the other teams. The only two teams who were eligible (i.e. hadn't done one yet) were those two teams. Both, of course, knew that their only chance was to do the FF. The challenge? Take a bowl of coins and place one coin in each pot (108 pots). The trick? Your bowl had to have exactly 108 coins--too many or too few and you had to get another bowl and start over. Basically, a "needle in a haystack" challenge. Both teams were doing it at the same time. Team "X" wins and nicely tells Team "Y" to just take a boat to get to the thing, rather than take a taxi and drive around, saving them time. End result--Team "X" actually finishes last (team 5 of 5). However, Team "Y" basically blew off the Detour (which was not related to the boat/taxi advice), so gets penalized 24 hours, eliminating them instead! 

    That Team Guido vs Nancy & Emily one was one of the all time classic FFs.  I was on the edge of my seat all the way though it.  (Hey it isn't a spoiler if it happened 18 years ago so why the alphabet soup).

    9 hours ago, kassygreene said:

    TAR1 learned a lot of lessons during the race.  Without a rewatch, off the top of my head:

    • don't go to India period until you have the exit papers in order - Race spent a few days waiting for permission to leave

    They weren't held up in India.  What I read was they decided to stay in India because of bureaucratic mix-up problems regards entering China.  It was easier to just camp out in that posh Rajasthan hotel in India then proceed with the race into Thailand while awaiting the China snafu to get fixed.

    • Love 5
  17. 13 hours ago, jay741982 said:

    LOL the only team that shouldve been a regret on not U turning is THE TEAM THATS ALREADY WON BEFORE! 

    Teams shouldn't be helping others it's a race!

    What team won before?

    Also yes people should be helping each other in a race let alone the AMAZING race. 

    Just as alliances help people on Survivor or BB these alliances, brief one offs like on this leg or even longer ones, work the same on TAR. 

    It is how you race smart as opposed to being loners that get yourself lost or not cooperating when you can so that when you are in trouble people won't cooperate with you.  Not helping when it doesn't hurt you is really dumb racing.  Especially with u-turns etc these days.

    illdoc, FYI TAR1 was filmed in March of 2001.  So you nailed it.

    Also Phil didn't greet the other teams on TAR1 because production didn't think they could get him to the mat in time each leg what with his stand-ups in front of RB and Detours spots.  When they thought they could then he did as in the very next season which was when they switched the colors to red/yellow as well.

    TAR1 has this great, raw feeling to it because no one could build on experiences before them,  They all had to figure out the race on the fly.  Thus Rob & Brennen blew their one FF in the Race in Leg 1 which no one would ever do again that early when in the lead.  They thought it would help build up a lead where no one would ever catch them, lol.

    And FFs in every leg but the Finale helped make the classic years great.  You can only use it once.  The longer you can go without going for a FF it becomes like an ace in the hole later with fewer teams left.  But sometimes you just had to go for it if trailing badly or losing site of other teams and you become worried if you are last or not.  And two teams going at the same time could bring about really bad results for the team not getting it.

    The FF was really the crown jewel idea/task on TAR and I still mourn it's loss in every leg.  It helped save underdog teams and leveled the playing field more making stronger teams have to scramble to stay in.  It gave another path to the mat so it was easier to edit in a surprise as to who survives and who is eliminated when a trailing team was using it.  It was nothing but 100% positive.  More strategy, more scenery, more teams having a chance, better editing.

    They said they stopped using it because of production cost which is pure bullshit.  You don't need some elaborate FF.  Eating a meat pie at an Aussie diner with only your own camera crew filming it worked just fine.  Jumping in a swimming pool or climbing a snowy hill won't bust your budget.  You don't have to stage these elaborate FFs they got into later in the Race.  Just keep it simple.

    Like this last leg they could have sent Racers to the cliff monastery right off.  Put bread in the basket and the monk sends the gnome back to you.  The FF could have been serving the drinks though maybe more of them or some other complication thrown in.  No extra production cost at all.

    Sorry but if I don't get my Ode to the Beloved Late FF Every Leg in each season I go nuts.  Now a moment of silence to mourn it's loss.

    • Love 8
  18. 11 hours ago, spanana said:

    On Christie/Colin helping other teams, I don't remember which team said it, but I remember one of the earlier eliminated teams said that they liked Christie/Colin so much because they genuinely tried to help everyone on the race.  I don't entirely know in what context they meant--like helping someone during an actual race task or more like giving them Amazing Race tips between legs, but I don't think Christie/Colin are against helping other teams as long as their own race lives are not at stake.

    Team Fun said that C&C had helped them with navigation and they would be lost without them because they sucked at navigation.

    Also we saw them a lot in earlier legs with Colin shouting stuff out to other teams like "The boats are over this way" or "The clue box is back the other way" or "The mat is across the street."  I remember him pointing out the mat to Victor & Nicole I believe it was when it might have cost him a first place finish even though I think they ended up second and third instead.

    But that is who Colin was even back on TAR5.  He ALWAYS was helping the loose alliance he was associated with of C&C, Chip & Kim, Brandon & Nicole and the Pizza Brothers. 

    And that is what I love about TAR.  Teams helping each other unless it is a battle for last place.  Co-operation and not stupid silly immature drama crap.  Not that Colin didn't fall down to some of that regards his battles with Charla & Mirna.  But I always liked the positive part of Colin's TAR5 when he helped his race friends out all the time.

    • Love 9
  19. 14 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

    Just to balance things out, I'm gonna need Phil to greet the racers at the mat with like 20 kittens next time.

    Yes but then Leo would get so excited and shout and wave his arms so much that the cats would scatter beyond collecting again.  Plus you can't herd that many cats together even so much as a brief appearance at a mat.  No way self-respecting cats would be party to that.

    13 hours ago, Jobiska said:

    I did like the dramatic acting out, especially since that didn't seem to be a requirement.  I thought they were cute.

    I think that after so many "performances" over the seasons including the one at the disco in Vietnam this time when teams routinely get rejected for lack of energy, corny showmanship and enthusiasm that the teams were fearful NOT to show tons of same least they be rejected by this judge.

    12 hours ago, Miles said:

    Me too. I know a lot of people don't like it, but I loooooove airport drama.

    I even really enjoyed Charla and Mirna, because of their uncannyy ability to finagle good flights. (though I binged those season, so their more annoying qualities were probably more easily overlooked)

    I think MOST people love airport drama and most people loved Charla & Mirna for their entertainment value and driving Original Colin crazy alone.  I love them period.

    9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Another thing that surprised me was that, upon returning to the coin task, C&B were able to pick up where they left off, with goblet and 3 coins already collected. I expected they would have to start over. 

    Why?  They kept the stuff they found.  Why should they give it back.  No one has to give back what they ever have done on a detour option in progress unless there is no way to go back to exactly where they left off like in a mid-rappel where they can't be magically beamed by Scotty to the exact part of the rappel they left off at for example.

    2 hours ago, survivinmt said:

    After last week and Christie being so strong about not giving her clue to the Reilly's I thought at least she would attempt that Road Block by herself at least once to see if she could get it. The Afghanimal was obviously having trouble on his own, so she really should have attempted it at least once herself to see if she could zoom past him.

    Why?  They both knew Chris & Brett were behind them and they wanted to get through the RB before that team showed up at the RB.  Doesn't matter who finishes 4th or 5th.  Just don't finish 6th. 

    Also why piss off a team when there is no need to in case there is another u-turn ahead?

    Last leg Christie HAD to refuse because they thought they and Rachel/sister were the last two teams period and it was beat them or be eliminated.  Totally oranges and apples.

    Help others when it helps you too ... always!

    • Love 7
  20. 6 minutes ago, aemom said:

    So impressed that C&C kept their shit together when they forgot their gnome.  I am so surprised with how calm they remain under pressure.  Such a huge change from their previous season.  I'd like to see them win the whole shebang.

    I really like Floyd, but there is something about Becca that I can't put my finger on.  It's like she's just always one small step away from an old-school Colin freakout.

    I enjoyed the airport drama and that tubing Detour was hard.  They were flying around in that tube.  The leg started out with very easy tasks and then got really hard.

    Yeah Colin is legit changed and good for him.

    The easy tasks they started out with really weren't tasks.  They were just go here and get a clue ones but set-up so as to showcase Split's scenery -- beach and cliff monastery -- more.  I always like when they do that.

    I agree with others this was more a TAR Classic type of leg therefore a really good one.  Please, producers, look at your earlier seasons again.  Make the Race rock like it did this leg but for a whole Race again.

    • Love 12
  21. 9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    The smartest people I see on any given reality shows are the ones that say "I/we are not here to make  friends (magical or otherwise) but to win a million dollars. They realize they've put their lives on hold for weeks for a shot to better their or the families lives which tops making friends with people who may live on the other side of the country and you'll never see again.

    Actually the smartest people I've seen are the ones that do both.  You can have your cake and eat it too on TAR.  That is why it is indeed the AMAZING race.

    5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

    I'm surprised Colin didn't try to work the airport more; it seems like he might have discovered that flight via Düsseldorf (it may have had a few seats left the night before, when the teams seem to have arrived at Zürich's airport).  In any event, the return of airport drama was most welcome!

    Rules have changed over the years on TAR.  These days they cannot book multiple flights.  Just one.  Since the Dusseldorf one was stand-by only it would have been a suicide move for Colin to put their one pair of tickets on a stand-by when you know you can arrive at least even with two other teams and think maybe ahead of another.  Especially since the "pair" is actually four tickets since their camera team must travel on the same flight with them per the rules.  That is a lot of seats that need to free up at the last moment.

    Victor & Nicole, on the other hand, really had no choice at that point but to gamble since there seemed to be no viable flights after the one C&C, Team Fun and the Afganibles booked on.  V&N basically hit the lottery when they got on.

    1 hour ago, sigmaforce86 said:

    Took me awhile to realize everyone's swimwear matched and the teams must have been given bathing suits, it just wasn't shown.

    They provide Racers with swimwear as well as heavy winter apparel if needed on TAR.  The winter apparel from the beginning of the show.  Though I admit the swimwear was added as "provided" a few seasons into the Race I believe.  Maybe it was added after Teri was forced to go swimming in that tank in her disposable paper underwear in TAR3, heh.

    1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

    I say Quadruple because that is so much more epic and the fact that it cost them the race to boot!

    And a MUCH better term than that other stupid term I always hated.

    58 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

    It didn't matter in the end but is it normal for teams to be able to go back to a detour they had left and just take over where they had left off instead of starting from the beginning?  I don't remember what happened in the past.

    Yes you pick up from where you left off.  Some tasks there is no "left off" point but this one was one of those that was a "work in progress" one so yeah they did it legit.

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  22. 13 minutes ago, chaifan said:

    I'd love to hear from Phil on the coin dive challenge.  I know they test these things out, so I wonder how long it was supposed to take?  Two coins in two hours is ridiculous.

    What someone else mentioned and I repeated above.  They were doing it the wrong way.  They were suppose to use the scoop to dig down a little and then metal detect that scoop like how Colin was doing it.  Instead they just skimmed the surface.

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  23. 26 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

    To end, I have to say I DO NOT like teams helping each other...it's against the spirit of a race!

    Well to start I have to say I LOVE when teams help each other.  They have been doing it since Season 1 where it was so sweet to see Kevin & Drew helping Nancy & Emily.  And it is always best to work together not to get eliminated then play alone and shoot yourself in the foot and come in last.

    Also it makes it more of a great fellowship.  Too bad some fall by the wayside but help when you can and you may get help yourself too when you need it the most.  It isn't some stupid "RACE" ... it is the AMAZING race where friendships for life are formed during a magical journey.

    Colin & Christie, you scared the hell out of me tonight.  Stop doing stuff like that.  Gnomes, don't leave home without them.

    Yeah Brett & Chris really messed up.  Colin was doing it right.  You USE your scoop.  Not look at it blankly.  But good for Colin as soon as the other guys said they had been doing it for 2 hours to immediately realize the implications and bolt decisively instead of playing Hamlet like the other team.

    Brett & Chris, really major bad choices this leg but you guys seemed nice enough and you outlasted the horror that was Rachel and even helped get her off my screen so a tip of the cap to you guys.  You made it further than I thought you would.

    When are people going to realize that Tyler & Korey are running away with this race.  It is like they are invisible or something.

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  24. 11 hours ago, eel21788 said:

    Where do you get to watch the Israeli version?

    You can find anything on the internet.  Just have a VPN service installed before you go looking for it.

    7 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

    Ha. I behave like Leo around cats whenever I see 'em (and I love that he said he's running the race for Pablo the cat). But I walk by dogs without even thinking of stopping to pet them, and I just pretend to be as in love with my friends' dogs as they are (but like, please stop asking me to throw that slobbery tennis ball to your dog, and if it could stop trying to lick my face, that'd be great too). Dogs are fine (the bigger they are, the more I like them), but I don't melt over them (kind of like how I feel about children except for my nephew). It probably doesn't help that I've been bitten by two different dogs in the last few years and still have the scars to remind me. Meanwhile, even the stray cats I come close to will just walk over to me and rub against my leg. They know who to trust 😉

    Wow did I accidentally somehow post under a different name?  This is me totally ... except for having a nephew.  Dogs are dogs and are okay if bigger but the small ones with the sharp, ENDLESS, ear-splitting barking that goes on for hour after hour drives me nuts especially since you can't escape them in an apt complex.  But quiet, dignified cats rock!

    It ain't for nothing that the Egyptians worshiped cats.  Cats have this magical "thing" going for them.  And they never debase themselves by begging for humans.  They just make their demands and if not fulfilled in time you can have a few scratch marks to remind you that they are indeed gods and gods need their vittles on time. 

    And if you are really really sorry for your shortcomings towards them and bring them a few cheese puffs and a hit of catnip they may just allow you to pet them again.  Then they just sit there and get this Buddha-like smile on them as you jump for joy you are in their good graces again.

    Cats work so hard to get us humans trained properly.  And times ten for Pablo who is having to train Leo.

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  25. 47 minutes ago, momlyd said:

    Also, when the Afghanimals (I think?) arrived and raced into the William Tell shooting range, the main focus was on Floyd's worried face and as they raced by in the background, their ride along cameraman raced right behind them. I know it's been unusual to even see a shadow of the support team in races past - except for the overturned Land Rover in the dessert one year with one of the sound guys lying on the ground injured. 

    I saw the cameraman too.  That was a VERY big shot of a cameraman spotting.  Stuck out like a sore thumb.  Maybe the editors don't care to hide the camera crew anymore.

    Also a factoid.  That Land Rover was in TAR7 in Africa -- the first time Boston Rob was on TAR -- and was driven by Brian and his brother.

    You may have seen Brian on TV over the years since he managed to move into the business to do many commercials as in not becoming/milking a "reality star" gig but becoming a legit jobbing actor instead.  You may especially remember him in his recurring role over the years as the dumb as a rock but lovable former boyfriend of Penny on The Big Bang Theory.

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