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Posts posted by green

  1. 7 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

    This memory is really vague, but they did it in one maybe two seasons where they had to run into the jungle find a station that had, not sure a riddle or a clue and remember it.  Then go back then run to find the next station.  That's not very specific I know, I can almost picture it but like I said vague memory. 

    You are probably remembering Season 1 and one of the most classic, iconic segments of Survivor ever as Rudy ran around to all those riddles clues and kept saying "Don't know."

    6 hours ago, Haleth said:

    At this point the remaining players are all so unlikable I hope whoever comes back from EoE island beats them.  What a crappy season!

    Amen!!!  If David can't win then Reem for the win to put the nail on the coffin of this horrible season.

    3 hours ago, Special K said:

    Can we just marvel at how good a job David did fighting for his life, what a good case he made and without being nasty or taking things too personally.  And what a good sport he was after getting voted out?

    I love him.

    Now that David is out I have no one to root for in this season.  It is just become fluff to watch before The Amazing Race comes on now.  And I mean What. A. Contrast. last night from this horrible episode to the high energy, fun and entertaining premier of The Amazing Race.

    2 hours ago, Artymouse said:

    This is my first season watching Survivor (except for a couple of episodes in first season), and I'm watching this season because I'm a journalist, and one of the players is from our market, So I'm a little lost among all the talk of strategy and previous seasons etc. However, I'm also intrigued enough that I'm going to watch some previous seasons on Hulu. Never expected to find this show interesting, but now I'm worried that I'm going to become a Survivor obsessive!

    Yeah when I first got hooked it felt at first as if it was my secret, dirty little pleasure and I didn't want to tell most of my friends who would look down on "reality TV" back then.  I now happily wallow in the show.  Join us and be "assimilated."  It is only one step down from The Amazing Race after all.  (Well about a half dozen steps down from the early seasons -- TAR seasons 1-5 omitting season 4 which was about as terrible as this season of Survivor though for different reasons).

    Sorry your first full season of Survivor is one of the worst (and dullest) ones in Survivor history though.  If you want to start looking at past seasons just start out easy with last season which was one of the best ones ever is my suggestion.  Good way to get your feet wet with more current seasons.

    • Love 6
  2. 1 hour ago, zibnchy said:

    I have always thought we had Flo (and Zach) to thank for that. Flo, who literally whined her way around the world, and Zach, who singlehandedly dragged her along with the patience of a saint. Was it season 2? Or 3? And they won! Flo did, maybe, one RB and, I'm sure, whined about it loudly. I'll have to revisit C&C's season. All I remember is the Broken Ox.

    TAR3.  Flo did indeed do just one RB but she was the only one with just one.  Selling the snails in Morocco.  No rules changes were made at that time since it just seemed an anomaly.  Plus it didn't seem unfair since Flo was basically an albatross that Zach had to fight to carry all the way.


    But on TAR5 both Christie and her counterpart Texas beauty queen, Nichole, as well as Kim of Chip & Kim all did only one single RB period.  That stood out like a sore thumb because there were three of them this time.

    (For the record: Christie and Nichole did the caviar in Russia one which made everyone sick because of the huge quantity and tons of salt.  The producers admitted that was a major miscalculation.  Kim I believe did the scarab dig in Egypt.  You know.  Where Colin mixed up the words scarab and scabbard and thought he was looking for a sword sheath at first, hah). 

    Anyway that was when the change was made for TAR6 since it looked unfair and totally unbalanced on a team race


    I think TAR5 along with TAR1, TAR2 and TAR3 are the very best seasons ever.  (TAR4 was pretty bad.  Very vitriolic and way too many mactor teams). 

    TAR5 with intense Colin, easy going Chip, the clueless soccer girl twins, the complaining pizza brothers, the Bowling Moms and especially Charla & Mirna had one of the most entertaining casts ever.  And icing on the cake was the first trans-reality show casting on TAR, BB4 villain Alison, going out early.  I recommend everyone re-watch this season.

    PS:  Barely recognized Colin tonight without his trademark mullet hair style.

    • Love 12
  3. 1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

    I went back and watched the ending because I was curious who voted for who.  I thought Gavin was a Wentworth vote, but he voted Aurora.  So it’s interesting tonight in that it was the outcasts (Rick and Aurora), Wardog, and then Ron and Victoria. 

    I think I’m more curious what led Victoria to flip, unless it was to break up the trio, which is what she’s wanted to do.  But where does everyone go from here?  I can see this working one of two ways for Wardog.  He gets voted out for being unpredictable and disloyal.  Or, he goes to the end, and loses for being a flip flopper.

    Victoria said in her confessional she was on the outs.  She could see that the Wardog plan (first half hour) of his three plus teacher guy & emotional woman pair plus Gavin had made a "solid six" alliance and left her out.

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

    JFTR I belive that Wentworth was covered at that time by the previews rule? Yes?? So we shouldn't be talking about it. But I'm not a mod nor do I play one on teevee. I just know some people's toes curl backwards when they hear about preview info.

    That wasn't a preview.

    1 hour ago, Lukeysboat said:

    When did this happen? Who did she tell? I watched the whole show and don’t remember this at all. 

    They showed Kelley arriving on the island and talking about Lauren having the other idol at the end of the show and BEFORE the previews.

    • Useful 3
    • Love 5
  5. 13 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

     the shoe-biting didn't look like skill was involved at all.

    But it was.  Observation.  All the shoes made of chocolate didn't have wood streaks and patterns on them.  They were totally monotone and looked a little lighter than the wooden ones.


    Glad to see the team that lost, lost (rooting against them for reasons that are off-topic in this forum).

    With them gone, can we now please knock off all the BB teams, especially Rachel’s team and Team Plastic Surgery? The shit-talking Survivor (?) team (Corinne and whoever) can go soon too, please.

    We share similar ideas and boot elimination orders I see.

    • Love 15
  6. Finally!  The team I wanted out first went out first!!  That never happens.  But it did this time.

    And that is saying something given some of the more annoying BB teams and no-name Survivor teams but yeah I didn't like the big bad Border Patrol guys first time around and was happy to see them go out first this time.

    Go TAR teams!  Colin & Christie, Afganimals and Team Fun for the final three please!

    PS:  Love the new Zen Colin.  Charla & Mirna are probaby asking who is that mellow dude on our screens.  Where did they put the real Colin, haha.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 20
  7. 21 hours ago, rmontro said:

    Makes me wonder what happened to that woman De Nogaret escorted out of the royal chambers when she recognized the prince.  My guess is that he killed her.

    Prince Louis dragged her out covering her mouth and saying she was hysterical, not Nose Gray.  Then he had her chained at the foot of his bed and did something -- I have no idea what -- with blood (hers or his??) then maybe rape (?) then he was "fine" and could get it on with his wife later in the episode.

    I really have no idea what that scene was about other than he felt it cured him after none of his other "remedies" he tried did and the woman was chained and brutalized horribly.  And remember she had to listen to a long-winded monologue of poor poor Louis and all the pressures of being a prince while waiting chained before the actual assault.  I kind of assume she was killed off screen afterwards because Louis leaves no one alive to tell tales.

    The leprosy knights of Lazarus were cool.  But they quickly and clumsily shoehorned in a tale of bigotry from one of the shaveheads I will NEVER be able to tell apart against them and he finds out he owes his life to same and changes and hurrah for tolerance etc.  Fine, just the way it was presented out of nowhere was so awkward.

    I do NOT look forward to the love story they are setting up for Landry's Wingman.  He had been the cool character so far.

    No Luke, don't ride away and warn others.  Use The Force instead.  Have Landry ride away for a few episodes at the very least.  (You notice Landry is always screwing up or he is Superman.  No in between so a completely cardboard, unbelievable character acted very very badly).

    Weirdly uncomfortable seeing a church burning in France in this episode the same day Notre Dame burned.

    • Love 1
  8. 9 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    chiming in late to add what the last 2 episodes have driven home for me is just how poorly Kama plays the game. They gave themselves credit for having gotten numbers but didn't seem to notice that was almost entirely due to Lesu sucking so bad and losing challenges. So while Lesu dealt with tribals and gained some experience in not getting voted out, the Kama people did not. Ron arrogantly thought somehow this was all because of his masterminded plan. It was not; you just won physical challenges.

    It wasn't that the David/Kelley tribe were entirely bad (except Wardog).  It just was Kama had Joe being such a strong challenge dude that he was the major factor in Kama winning a lot of those immunities.  That is what is driving me crazy every time I hear how great and strong Kama is.  It was 90% because of Joe and not all those preening newbie braggarts.

    • Love 11
  9. 6 hours ago, LanceM said:

    As far as David and Kelley are concerend I don't think they schooled anyone at all last night.  I think that if it wasn't for Julie's meltdown than one of them would have been heading over to Reem's Island.  I do give them credit for coming together though despite the fact that they were targeting each other.

    I wonder if Aurora has any soccer moms for clients?  lol

    Neither would have.  David would still have played the split immunity idol and Kelley was ready to until it became clear everyone had turned on and were going to vote out Julia.

    • Love 4
  10. 14 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    That was BANANAS. I’m really surprised to see so much dislike of that TC, because I found it entertaining as hell.  

    Of course, I did have to watch it 4 times to catch all the twists and turns. So for those of you who didn’t follow it, here’s a quick recap:

    Things start going off the rails when Julie starts sobbing about how she can’t trust that she’s not being left out of the loop “again” and there is sure to be a blindside. This confuses Kelley because Julie isn’t part of her big plan. Has Kama gotten back together behind her back? Julia overplays trying to reassure Kelley by giggling like a loon. Julia confesses to being aligned with Kelley, which lets Rick know that she lied about being with him and David. Aurora (who?) accuses the 2 Lesu factions of having a secret alliance against Kama, which confuses the Lesus. Julia’s all, “shutupshutup, don’t let them know we’re on to them!” while chaos erupts.

    Rick muses, “hmm, maybe we should have a Lesu alliance!” while Julia starts to panic and tries to discredit Rick by calling him a “passenger”. She scrambles to keep control of her group, but it’s already slipping away. Rick continues to propose a broader Lesu alliance, and Julie jumps on board. David grins, Julia feels the start of a migraine. Most of Lesu gathers with Ron and Julie, and then Victoria, who is always quick to spot a turning tide, and they whisper about voting out Aurora (who?). 

    Meanwhile, Julia and Gavin continue to plot with Kelley while Aurora (who?) rolls her eyes in exasperation. Lesu + R/J/V decide they’re good with either Julia or Aurora (who?).  Ron, who is maybe not fully on board yet, tells Julia her name is in play. Julia comes over to try and get her people back, but Julie can only shout, “I’m out! I’m out!” 

    This gives David an opening to talk to Kelley, and she confesses he was the one going out. This newfound honesty breaks the ice, and they start to plot. Rick and Gavin join in as Aurora (who?), exasperated with Julie, flounces offstage exclaiming “I can’t deal with soccer moms!”

    Julia continues to work on Julie, who yells “I’m ready to jump ship!” and runs away. It seems Julia almost had her, as Victoria confesses they were just talking about voting out David. But having lost Julie for good, that plan falls into disarray. Wardog says he’s ready to vote and Julia tells him to shut up in a final burst of frustration. Maybe that’s the last straw for Ron, as he confers with Gavin one last time.

    Votes are cast, David’s still unsure enough to play the idol, but Julia’s out. 

    I just HAD to re-post this for people who come here and never read the posts then say they don't understand what happened at tribal.  Also because the whole post is a total masterpiece.  Thanks, 30 Helens!

    7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I feel like if people don't come together and break up Kelley/Lauren/Wardog next week then they're going to regret it, but also I really hope that doesn't happen lol. Them plus David, and hell even Rick who I hate, as a dysfunctional team is fun to watch.

    Reality TV rarely mirrors what Hollywood would write so I don't see it happening but I would LOVE to see these be the final five after the whole set-up of the most horrible, sad little tribe of losers that can't win a thing and berated by Probst every week.  Combine that with the annoying Kama Strong crap. (Psst, Kama newbies, Joe was who made you "strong" by almost single handily winning you tribal immunities thus keeping you "strong" you stupid idiots).

    Anyway I'd love a Hollywood "The Little Tribe that Couldn't then Does" ending to go with this last tribal and salvage this season.  Hell bring back Reem and make it a final six for the fun of it.  Or the outcast Kama in Aubrey to wreck revenge.

    3 hours ago, Nashville said:

     At this point I don’t think the mainstreamers even know the Jury is still sitting out at EoE; if they think about it at all, they probably assume the Jurors are spending their off-time at Ponderosa getting drunk, scarfing cheeseburgers and taking hot showers -o the mainstreamers would have no reason to suspect otherwise

    Except the jury they always look over to and nod at are all scruffy, dirty and the men still have ragged beards.  Oh yeah they know they are on EoE for sure.  And Probst even said EoE continues.  I remember that clearly.

    • Love 7
  11. 4 hours ago, Runningwild said:

    I’m rewatching Pearl Islands now. Rupert was horrible. He threatened Fairplay and talked about how he was the greatest Survivor ever to play the game. Then got voted out that same episode. And boy, was he mad! Lol

    If he actually threatened Fairplay he couldn't, by definition, be horrible.

    • LOL 3
    • Love 2
  12. 17 hours ago, mikewho said:

    That doesn't apply to me. I never saw him as a 'regular guy'. I ALWAYS saw him as a self-centered, entitled, 'Look At Me' kind of guy. An attention-getter. Ferchrissakes, in his first season, he gave a TH about how nobody should resent him for winning, because they'd be finishing in places of honor. WTF? Then when he was voted out, his final words were something like, 'Well, there go my hopes and dreams. I should have known better than to hope for something more.' WahWah. He was an empty-headed 30-something, full of himself.

    No, he was an unsure of himself person who wasn't as intelligent as his father (a professor) and other members of his family despite their support of him so suffered somewhat from low self esteem.  I have seen enough of these people to ALWAYS pull for them in life.  And with Rupert, on reality shows.

    • Love 1
  13. 8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    I like Colin & Christie, too. Although, I was amazed that they went that far back for a pair to represent TAR. I guess Rupert is that version from Survivor. Personally, I could have done without Rupert & his wife.

    I wish they went back for more old school TAR and Survivor players if they go that route.  Should be a 5 to 10 year wait period for any of these people to return for these types of "return" seasons then the people that viewers actually can remember would be asked back.  Others would have been long ago faded away.

    Colin & Christie were in their early 20's back then so they should still be in their prime now.  They were asked back for All Stars back in the day but Christie was pregnant at the time so they had to decline.  Of course Boston Rob stepped into Colin's role of being foiled by Charla & Mirna that season, hah.  Mirna beating Boston Rob to the mat in Argentina and thus eliminating him will never get old for me.

    And yes Colin was a jerk in Africa that one time but I doubt he has remained the same.  People mature.  Look at Blake being a jerk in that Buddhist temple in Season 2 and then he turns around and founds and runs Toms Shoes.

    As for Rupert I think if he was your typical empty-headed 20-something mactor people wouldn't be so down on him so much.  But how dare a regular guy want to extend his 15 minutes of fame.  The horror!  The horror!  That's why I will always be in Rupert's corner.

    • Love 3
  14. On 4/5/2019 at 5:03 PM, LadyChatts said:


    In Survivor related news, the premiere of TAR 31 is being bumped up to April 17th (vs the previous May 22nd date).  This season features teams from TAR, Survivor, and Big Brother.  Rupert/Laura, Eliza/Corinne, and Bret/Chris are the 3 teams racing for Survivor.

    Thanks for the info.  Glad TAR is getting a Survivor lead-in.  God I watched Million Dollar Mile and it was a million dollar snooze fest. 

    I'm all for Rupert being on since he is the only Survivor I even know on the Race and I've always liked him so take that internet haters!

    But the ONLY team I'd like to see win is Colin and Christie.  Colin was one of the best Racers ever.  And though we will be missing his nemesis (and my favs) in Charla & Mirna at least we get a true all star Racer on the show.

    • Love 4
  15. Okay if Louis is looking for Landry's baby why is he killing babies that clearly were fathered by other men?

    No Luke Templarwalker, don't go soft on that idiot Landry! 

    Sure he has super powers so he can defeat a dozen polite peasant pagans that are very careful to line up and come at him slowly one at a time so he can dispatch them like an assembly line of Red Shirts.  (That fight scene was like the anti-Ubbe chillingly realistic fight scene in Vikings this season).

    And he is such a special little snowflake that he gets to have his major guilt trip in front of everyone so he can show off how humble he is.  (Show off + humble = oxymoron). 

    And we have learned that everything in the world is all about him and his needs so he isn't exactly a team player.

    But for tough old Sarge to go all fluffy unicorns and rainbows with him was like the final straw.

    A good guy version of Nose Gray would have been so much more interesting as he uses his cleverness to outwit and foil Philip's evil plans behind the scenes instead of going around strangling stray popes.

  16. On 4/4/2019 at 2:25 PM, ljenkins782 said:

    Totally agreed that it would be so helpful if people could just call Wardog by his admittedly stupid nickname or if another stupid nickname must be used, Warthog is easy enough to extrapolate. But calling him "Dan" is just needlessly confusing since that's not the name he's using on the show and I'm not really sure what the point of changing it is. I doubt he's reading here so it's not sticking it to the man to not use his silly nickname, it's just confusing to those of us who ARE reading here. 

    On 4/4/2019 at 3:57 PM, iMonrey said:

    I had no idea his name was Dan until just now. I have never heard him called anything but Wardog on the show.

    On 4/4/2019 at 4:30 PM, ljenkins782 said:

    I would never have known his name was Dan either since they call him Wardog and the caption says Wardog on the TV when he's speaking. People shouldn't have to go visit the cast page at CBS or each contestant's personal thread to make the connection when it's just as easy to use the name that's used on the TV.

    Thank you, thank you and thank you!  Every time I see the word "Dan" I stop reading the post and skip to the next one.  If people can't be bothered to use the names on the TV show and go out of their way to confuse me I can't be bothered to read their posts.  It's a TV show with names posted under the players when they appear on same.  That is what I go by.  Period.  It took me 5 freaking weeks to figure out there was no "Dan" on the show.  Wasted my time and I felt I was being played.  Please PLEASE stop with all this confusing stuff.  This season especially with no one ever leaving.

    Meanwhile Rick or Devers (and you too, Probst.  Stop with changing his name midstream) went from my nice to naughty list.  So I'm all in on David with a side order of Reem for her snarky sauce.

    • Love 6
  17. On 4/4/2019 at 12:49 PM, blackwing said:

    And as I mentioned, yes, I cannot tell the Initiates apart, they all look the same except for Landry.  And all of the Long Hairs have the same dirty blonde to medium brown hair so I can't tell them apart either.  Would it have killed the show to dye some of them more blonde or darker brown?

    This is the problem in most war/soldier movies.  Platoon was the only one that seemed to mix up the looks enough for me to follow who was who.  Band of Brothers mini-series was really good but aside from the lead character and his best buddy I couldn't tell anyone else apart all those endless hours except for one lone really big guy.  I watched one last night -- 13 Hours -- about the Benghazi attack.  I couldn't tell any of the fighters apart period except for the one token Black guy.

    And I'm also saying stuff like dye someone's hair blonde or make someone bald or give someone a scar or eye patch or do something to tell these guys apart.  I spend my whole time trying to figure out who is who in these shows and usually never do so miss any real connection to the show and/or storyline. 

    Geez, old WWII movies did it far better,  There was usually the teenage looking character of "The Kid" they all protected and the fast talking hustler guy from Brooklyn or Jersey and the big, blonde-haired young farmer from Kansas and the southern stereotype who could shoot squirrels at a thousand yards and the troubled, cynical loner with the stubble on his face that comes through in the end and, of course, ALWAYS the hardcore (Hamill) Sarge that they all hate until what he teaches them saves all their lives.

    • Love 2
  18. God it was hard to find the thread here.  Remember when it was all nice and neat and in alphabetic order without "genres" and sub-genres and hidden shows.  When you could EASILY find any show you were looking for.  I remember and mourn the loss of logic here.

    The Landry actor still totally completely sucks and I wish him dead.  The character.  Not the actor.  Just want him fired.  Landry's wingman is way better and should have the lead instead.  (Is he into the nun who is hiding Landry's daughter?  I thought Landry's mother went off with the little tyke last season.  That wasn't her was it?  Hard to tell ages of nuns all decked out in habits).

    Meanwhile Mark Hamill is hitting home runs which makes me tune in which I guess was the whole point in the casting.  Hey how about killing off Landry and have Hamill star as the drill instructor who makes men out of wimps and losers every episode.

    Villains?  Glad Nose Gray is back.  I like a witty, sophisticated villain and the actor is good.  I have no idea who the anti-Templar Templar is but he too is a better actor than Landy's actor which isn't saying much.  Did Philip change his hairstyle this season from Prince Valiant to Evil Looking Villain style?  Meanwhile Philip's son Louis -- who I don't remember at all from last year -- went from kind of a likeable intro (I love my Mum) to sadistically loving his King Herod impersonation.

    So far the first two episodes have been better than all of last year (Mark Hamill).  But now we have Landry going from smug lover boy to smug fake humility guy -- and it is a fake, showy humility too -- which still drags down the show.  ("Let me pray publicly in the courtyard so everyone sees my great humility and is impressed.  Whoops ... that backfired").  At least we haven't had endless boring Landry in bed scenes so far but I'm sure he will get hot for someone else soon enough.

    I thought the guy who was Landry's new, young buddy got killed but the poster above said it was another shavehead.  I can't tell the shaveheads apart.  Nor do I really care.  And I have no idea who the guy is that branded Landry.  Anti-Templar Templar Guy didn't like him I guess but I don't remember a Generic Templar Guy not liking him as well.  Just most of the TV audience.

    • Love 2
  19. 4 hours ago, MissEwa said:

    I did find it hilarious in this episode that the remaining players were referring to the 'edge of extinction' so perfectly in their confessionals. They literally found out about it that day and nobody was accidentally calling it 'extinction island' or referring to outcasts or redemption. It was all very on-brand. They must have done so many takes.

    How could they not know?  It is written right on their buffs.

    • LOL 3
  20. 1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

    So what happens if David refuses to give him the other half of the immunity idol back?

    13 is a great number for a jury.  No matter how many are in the finals, there won't be a tie.

    I know there is some discussion whether the other half holder could keep his but I don't see why not since that half was given away to them.  Production was probably hoping for some drama out of this "twist" after all.  If so then reason #43 to give the half idol to David.  He is the only one he could trust to give back the other half.

    • Love 2
  21. 19 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    Keith said in an interview that Production had not told them they were going to be on the Jury if they stayed. So they quit not knowing that element. 

    Good for production on that one.  You know another challenge could be anything and not necessarily something super physical.  You know the game is full of twists.  You know this is your ONLY time in your whole life you will get to be on Survivor.  Then you quit and want to blame production for not telling you there were more goodies for you if you stayed?  Nope.  Keith and Wendy QUIT!  They are no better than other quitters in the past.  Probably worse.

    2 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I still think his best bet would have been Joe... Joe was on the outs with his tribe, which Rick probably should have discerned from conversations with Aubrey.

    If Rick had given half to Joe he would have no idol at all now.  Rick made the right decision.  He gave it to the only person who he could really trust and would keep his mouth shut about it and if David had gone out then Rick knew he was done for anyway.  But Joe going out wasn't a big deal for him.  Now he has an idol that is functionally and not lost forever had he given it to Joe. 

    (Edited to add:  Also still secret and since he played no idol at tribal and most -- if not Julie -- of the Kama 6 will think he has no idol at all since they think he thought he was the target).

    And knowing they were targeting Joe from Aubrey (IF she gave any info away) means that is the last person you give half of your idol to because you lose it when he leaves.

    As for other people suggesting he could have gained an ally with half an idol?  I think the exact opposite.  He wasn't giving his idol to that person.  He was giving away a big secret to someone who was a stranger to him.  And telling them in the process that next time the whole idol was his so he was now a major threat who could either save himself or at least monkey wrench up a future tribal.

    • Love 6
  22. 1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

    And how many times have alliances flipped on each other? It's one thing to stick to your numbers if that's what works for you but Ron is just fucking obnoxious at this point with it - the faces, eye rolls, smirking, loudly declaring how basically useless and pointless it is for the others. Ugh, go away already.  ...

    eta: There was also way too much going on in this episode as evidenced by there not even being a lead up to Wendy and Keith deciding to permanently leave the game. We went from them all saying they were going to back to EOE, to suddenly Keith is pulling up the mast and he and Wendy are peacing out. That said, can't say I'm surprised that those two were the first to say they were over it. 

    First thanks to you and some others I now know the name of the person I was going to simply call "Tall Dude with Southern Accent and Vest and Tie and Full of Arrogance That I Can't Stand Guy."  So his name is Ron.  Oh heck by next week I'll forget his name again. 

    The Kama Krew are just "there" in that I could not care a fig for any of them.  They are just there as boring backdrops.  Though I liked Julie showing some human kindness in a cutthroat game at the same time realizing Rick might make a good ally.  Kindness and strategy together and wins immunity as well.  So she can stay.  But Ron the Arrogant must go and soon.

    Second I totally agree that Keith and Wendy bugging out out of the clear blue after celebrating staying was really REALLY poor editing.

    I did really love when Probst said they could stay the first words out of Reem's mouth -- and not said with joy either -- were "Oh for God's Sake!"  Probably something a lot of people were saying at home at the very same time as well, heh.  But kudos to her for staying while the younger players pooped out.  I mean she has been through more on EOE than the others and she is hanging tough.  Love to see her come back and put the Fear of Reem into Wardog.

    1 hour ago, LanceM said:

    This community can be strange sometimes. It seems all through the pre-merge people were complaining that nobody is voting out the returness. Now two weeks in a row the Kama tribe has voted two returnees and people are complaining about that and hoping the Kamas get voted out. lol

    Hey I post here and I never wanted the returnees out just because they were returnees.  In fact I have been rooting for David as well as Aubrey to a lesser extent and didn't mind Joe.  I wanted Kelley out not because she was a returnee but because I couldn't stand her.

    So I'm all for David and Rick and now Julie, my "token" Kama.

    • Love 19
  23. 11 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

    Reem is starting to make humanity look bad.

    It's been years since the Ghost Tribe came back.  And in those years there have been many Survivor variations on "get voted out but still have a way to get back into the game."  I don't think the active players have much of a leg to stand on in terms of "accepting" players back.  After all, this isn't Top Chef, they can just vote them back off again.

    If the show chose to bring back a tribe of all well rested challenge monsters (think Ozzie and James), it's a different story.  The EoEers are all exhausted and undernourished.

    There isn't enough episodes aka days (39) to bring back a WHOLE tribe and start from scratch.

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