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  1. I hope to god she has underwear on standing out there on that balcony.
  2. Lady, you have a child. Don't you have some other things to do besides have sex all day?
  3. That cotton candy dog is...interesting.
  4. I hope she does get the BBL. She deserves the painful recovery.
  5. I got into about 10 years ago - I love it! I can do socks and sweaters and everything now!
  6. Crochet (sorry, I'm a knitter and this bothers us 😆) - I don't like it either.
  7. I'm going to be severely disappointed if Kate and Kailee don't meet each other.
  8. Why does the caller ID say Kaylee? Isn't she Krystal?
  9. I am still getting slammed with ASPCA commercials. I feel like I should shield my cat's eyes at this point.
  10. I was thinking the same thing. These people aren't striking me as super remorseful (except for the getting caught part).
  11. It really works for her. Unfortunately, that baby pink tee does not.
  12. You're just in time for a new Sharp lawyer. I'm convinced they search for all the lawyers in a town and then pick the one with the worst hair.
  13. I am 100% in hibernation mode right now. I'll come out when it's spring, then go back in for Texas summer hibernation June-October.
  14. Oh yay a new lawyer with bad hair!
  15. Donny looks like a middle aged woman.
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