She posted on Instagram in response to many questions. It was 2021 and she said she didn't progress to finals and acknowledged that there were a lot of talented ladies and her turn had come and gone. I thought she handled that very gracefully.
She got her recognition last year. It is still on her Instagram. She had a season with the Jets under her belt before joining DCC so is way ahead of Caroline or Ashlee. She probably has well over sixty games by now.
She stepped on a bone left at the foot of the stairs by her dog and fractured her foot. She had her foot in a surgical boot for most of MTT series 16 training camp.
The fact that this does not rotate (as in 1 to 36, repeat) means there must be other criteria at play. It is sponsored, so do the sponsors pick or is it earned like Abby Bear? Who chooses?
Does anyone else find this extraordinary? This is a long standing tradition which goes back almost to the start of the squad as we know it today. Why would they suddenly drop this?
The whole of CMT MTT has many examples of orchestrated "DRAMAH". I think the logic was to try and add a bit of interest or stimulate the story line. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. I think that was a classic example.