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Posts posted by galax-arena

  1. Quote

    What Japanese actress is mainstream enough to carry a movie in the American market?

    Perhaps none... because Hollywood won't give chances to Japanese actors... because they keep giving away roles made for Asian people to whites.... so Japanese actors don't have the opportunity to become more mainstream.... so there are few Japanese actors with mainstream appeal... because Hollywood won't give chances to Japanese actors... because they keep giving away roles made for Asian people to whites... 

    That is to say, it might be a problem, but it's one that Hollywood creates/perpetuates and so they're not off the hook. 

    (Plus, Chris Hemsworth wasn't exactly a movie star when he got his big break with Thor.)

    ETA: The other day I was talking about Get Out with a couple of acquaintances. One guy (who's white) and I both liked the movie, but the other guy (who isn't white) said he didn't like it because he thought the movie was unfair to white people. Come on, bro... 

    • Love 19
  2. On the one hand, I'm cackling that these two fools were wrong about the gender. 

    On the other hand, I'm sad that their future daughter will have to put up with all their sexist bullshit. 

    ETA: I hope the girl ends up being a tomboy with absolutely no interest in dresses or makeup. (As a lesbian, I would never wish an LGBT child upon Jer & Odd because LGBT kids don't deserve to be treated as punishment for homophobes.)

    • Love 14
  3. So, according to this B50 post, Jeremy is a 5 on the Enneagram of Personality. I had no idea what that was, so I googled and read what a 5 entailed. LOL, there is nothing about Jeremy that I would describe as "cerebral," but okay.



    The Intense, Cerebral Type: Perceptive, Innovative, Secretive, and Isolated

    • Love 2
  4. I'm pretty sure when they started trying to sell these things, before they made the whole it's on preorder sale pitch (33% off), the price of the journal was originally priced $24.

    I think the original price was always $29.99. I remember because I made fun of them once since their sale price was $19.99 and they claimed it was a 30% discount. Math is not their forte. 

    • Love 4
  5. I wouldn't want an entire show full of ringers because I like seeing the "journey" that a lot of non-dancing celebs go on, but I like having one or two. They sort of act as the rabbit that greyhounds chase around the track lmao. Plus, imagine if there were no ringers and all of the celebs ended up being tragically bad. At least the ringers guarantee a couple of good performances a week. 

    Anyway, I can see Heather Morris being another Sabrina Bryan in how well (or not) she connects with the audience...

    • Love 1
  6. I really don't buy that Baby Roloff was conceived in a treehouse, or that at least it's not anything they know with certainty. They're just settling on that because it fits in perfectly with their quirky outdoor hipster aesthetic. 

    • Love 7
  7. Re: The Great Wall, my problem is that even if Matt Damon isn't actually a white savior, there is still an element of erasure at work when it comes to how the movie was marketed here in the US. The film itself (with Damon as not-a-white-savior) doesn't exist in a vacuum, its existence is all wrapped up in how the movie is packaged and sold to audiences. And in the US, that means highlighting/prioritizing the white man. As an Asian-American, that makes me not want to watch the movie regardless of how the story actually unfolds in the film. I'm not going to reward marketing that so deliberately/consciously pushes Asians off to the side. 

    • Love 9
  8. Oh my fucking god, I can't believe that spoiler turned out to be true, bwah ha ha ha ha. For anyone who didn't go into the Spoiler/Speculation thread, someone posted a list of potential spoilers that sounded so whack that I totally thought they were fake, and one of them was that Betty and Veronica were going to try and boil someone alive. It was just so out there and it turned out to be real! Felt like I had entered the twilight zone or like I had taken crazy pills, lmfao. This show is nuts. 

    I am kinda annoyed that the only prominent MOC characters on this show so far have been bad guys or antagonists. Reggie, now Chuck. Dilton's not really in the same league as them, I guess, at least he doesn't seem to be so much evil as just way out there, but he's still acting in an antagonist role for Jughead at least. Meanwhile the three unquestionably good guys on the show are white (Archie, Jughead, Kevin). I know Archie's actor is part Samoan, but his character is meant to be white. 

    • Love 7
  9. Scarlett Johansson discusses the whitewashing in Ghost in the Shell

    "I certainly would never presume to play another race of a person. Diversity is important in Hollywood, and I would never want to feel like I was playing a character that was offensive."

    She explained that she approached the role with a focus on gender, not race. Adding, "having a franchise with a female protagonist driving it is such a rare opportunity. Certainly, I feel the enormous pressure of that — the weight of such a big property on my shoulders."

    Hey, Scarlett, you know what's rarer? Having a franchise with an Asian female protagonist.

    Of all the stereotypically white feminist things to say... 

    • Love 8
  10. Quote

    "you need to stop pretending it takes you a forty hour work week to pound out 499 words. 


    This post comes in at about 430 words and took me ten minutes."

    Okay, but see, consider that Jeremy and Audrey are the equivalent of Tweedledum and Tweedledumber, and the idea of a 40-hour week to write <500 words makes sense!

    ETA: Man, the quote function has been really glitchy lately. 

  11. ‘Hidden Figures’ Director Defends Decision to Add Fictitious White Savior Scenes to Movie

    Because god forbid white people be left out of the hero narrative for once? 


    When interviewed by Vice, Theodore Melfi said there was nothing wrong with placing a white savior into the story.

    “There needs to be white people who do the right thing,” he said. There needs to be Black people who do the right thing and someone does the right thing. And so who cares who does the right thing, as long as the right thing is achieved?”

    • Love 1
  12. So this weekend Audrey tweeted, "Spend more time praying than you do protesting." When someone called her out on slamming the women's march, Audrey responded, "Who's slamming?" God, can she stop being an equivocating coward for like 2 seconds? We all know what you meant with that passive-aggressive tweet, Audrey. 

    • Love 10
  13. 31 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

    What is "culturally Christian?" I want to make sure no one sees me that way . . . 

    LMAO. For example, Christmas, even if we ripped off certain traditions from the pagans and a lot of us have made it more secular with Santa instead of God, is a culturally Christian holiday. Same with Easter and the easter bunny. If you're not religious but celebrate the major Christian holidays (even if for you it has nothing to do with religious belief; you just want that sweet paid time off and an excuse to get gifts and eat chocolate), I'd say you're culturally Christian to a degree. 

    Bringing this back more on topic...

    the natural rhythm

    I laughed. 

    The comment about freckles reminds me of the time someone insisted that Lucy Liu had to be biracial because fully Asian people don't get freckles, according to that person.

    • Love 6
  14. Zach and Tori are authentic, interesting and adorable. They could get rid of all the others and I would watch just for those two cuties.

    I think they're also just more interesting with respect to the spirit of the show, which is to show the lives of little people. And a couple where both people have dwarfism (e.g. Matt & Amy) is one thing, but what about when one person is a dwarf and the other isn't (e.g. Zach & Tori)? 

    Meanwhile, what's so flipping interesting about a couple of average-sized dweebs who have no real talents, display no particular ambition (other than getting the farm & extending their 15 minutes of fame), possess no incredible intelligence or intellect, and aren't stunningly beautiful? 

    • Love 13
  15. And even if we were to concede that Jewish is not an ethnicity, that doesn't take away from DearEvette's point that Rebecca's Jewishness adds to the diversity on the show. Jews are a religious minority. And considering that anti-semitism is on the rise, we could stand to see more Jewish figures in pop culture. Feels like most characters on TV are either non-religious (but culturally Christian) or nominally Christian.  

    • Love 9
  16. Quote

    Me too, I think the hair is always the biggest clue. His baldness confused us all. He refers to himself as "a brother" though, so he could very likely be half Italian and half black. Or any percentage of many races.

    Yeah, Vin Diesel's heritage is a mystery. His mother is white and he never knew his biological father. His stepfather however is black. 

  17. You know, from what I've seen online, Eric Osborne seems like a sensible bloke. I kept wondering how he managed to keep a straight face while filming his character's masterpiece. 

    TBH, I think that a lot with respect to various Degrassi plots. What did Spencer Macpherson think when he found out that Hunter's two main stories this season involved measuring his dick and popping a boner? I guess if you're an actor, you're used to embarrassing plotlines... 

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