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Posts posted by galax-arena

  1. Quote

    You misspelled "Nicole Beharie".

    I mean... you can like both? But the conversation was revolving around an issue with a particular Asian actress*, so I was commenting on her lmao. It doesn't have to be a competition. 

    * Plus Daniel Dae Kim, but he doesn't do anything for me (nothing personal against him, just not into guys). More for the rest of you, though!

    • Love 13
  2. Jeremy went to the Brooks Institute of Photography, which was a for-profit college that lacked regional accreditation. They once had to settle a multimillion dollar class-action lawsuit for "willfully misleading" prospective students, and they shut down just last year. 

    Jeremy's degree is a vanity degree that means shit. 

    • Love 6
  3. I couldn't help but cackle that we had a storyline that culminated in a bunch of students telling Miles how much his play helped them with their own issues. I refuse to believe that Miles' shitty writing helped anyone.

    ETA: I was holding my breath for Tristan to say something shitty to Miles when he finally explicitly told Tristan that he was bi, considering some of the dumb shit Tristan has said in the past. 

    • Love 3
  4. I've also noticed that a lot of conservative evangelicals have an issue with fiction in general, outside of some pre-approved authors/series (e.g. C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Laura Ingalls Wilder, etc.) or stuff they read as a kid. Obviously #notallevangelicals, but aversion to fiction is definitely an issue; I know Relevant Magazine has actually written articles exhorting Christians to embrace fiction lmao. And is it a coincidence that reading (literary) fiction has been correlated with increasing empathy for others...? Maybe someone should shove a book by Flannery O'Connor into Jeremy's hands. 

    When I was in college, I was part of a conservative evangelical (Southern Baptist affiliated) fellowship group. One day the fellowship leader noticed that I was reading a novel and started telling me how he thought fiction was all a waste of time and that he'd rec me some good non-fiction to read. I was bemused. Writing this comment made me look up the fellowship group's website. I went to the staff page, where they listed their favorite books. Yep, it's like 90% non-fiction, and the fiction that's listed is mostly either Tolkien, Lewis, or Austen. I think one person actually said Harry Potter and another said Twilight. That was about as radical as it got...which, granted, was pretty radical because omg witchcraft & wizardry~ 

    ETA: LMAO, okay, so I decided to google "Flannery O'Connor Christian" and came up with a Gospel Coalition (which Tim Keller aka Jeremy's boo, co-founded) article praising her. I was pleasantly surprised...until I read the comments. One person expressed pleasure that TGC would write an article about O'Connor. The other commenters just started harping about how she wasn't a true Christian or was burning in hell and if you want to understand why the world is so violent then just look at all the people praising Flannery O'Connor and hey might I recommend a memoir (i.e. non-fiction) instead? 

    Has Jeremy ever talked about any fiction that he enjoys? 

    • Love 1
  5. It's all so smug. Preferring Netflix on the couch to conversations around a campfire isn't a character flaw, Audrey! 

    Remember when she said that Jeremy was the cerebral one? When has that douchenugget ever said anything remotely insightful or profound? Like, even for all the talk about what a great Christian he is, I've never seen him expound on theology or the Bible with anything approaching intellectual rigor. He might cosign "better*" writers/thinkers, but he never actually talks about other people's writings with any depth whatsoever, which makes me wonder how much of it he's genuinely read/absorbed. Either he just latches on to certain books because they're de rigueur in conservative evangelical circles** without actually reading them or he reads them, but he's not a careful reader at all. And can you imagine this bimbo engaging in any sort of exegetical analysis of scripture?? 

    * Frankly I don't think much of Tim Keller, but obviously he's a million times better than Jeremy. 

    ** If he were really cerebral, he wouldn't be afraid to tackle more progressive Christian writing, even if only to disagree with them. Instead all this fool can do is retweet Blaze articles. 

    • Love 2
  6. This really has nothing to do with the good discussion going on in this thread, but I just had to pop in and say.... damn, Grace Park is fucking gorgeous. I hope she lands on a show that I actually want to watch. 

    • Love 7
  7. Quote

     they seemed to be having issues with people viewing them as a girl.

    See, IMO the way the show went about it, Yael seemed to have more of an issue with people making assumptions on what/who they should be like based on their gender. Their discomfort with their breasts didn't seem to stem from actual dysphoria but because they were too big (plenty of women with big breasts feel the same way) and how disgusting guys could be about them (e.g Baaz at the fair). They had issues with being expected to shave. They had issues with the boys thinking that they only found farts disgusting because they (the guys) thought of Yael as a girl. They didn't like makeup. Etc. All of which are simply gender stereotypes, which was summed up when Yael told Lola, "...or what everyone thinks is a girl." It just felt like Yael wanted to break free from the boxes that everyone else was putting them in because they saw Yael as a girl.  

    And I'm aware that there are other people out there IRL who feel the same way Yael does, but quite frankly I think a lot of modern rhetoric in general surrounding gender fluidity is pretty essentialist, at least on Tumblr, where Degrassi seems to get a lot of inspiration from. (e.g. "On days I id as a girl, I wear dresses and makeup, on days I id as a guy, I dress in clothes from the boys' department.") Note: I am not discounting the existence of gender fluidity. However, if one is gender fluid, it should go beyond simply eschewing certain gender stereotypes because otherwise you just implicitly reinforce them. On Degrassi, IIRC, Yael is really the only distinctly non-feminine AFAB character on right now, at least where we've seen any distinct struggle with respect to battling stereotypes. (I guess Grace isn't all that "girly" either, but the show's never turned it into an issue.) So basically we just have this one character whose plotline revolves around how they don't adhere to all these girl stereotypes, and then it turns out that they're not a girl at all.  

    I think a lot of this could have been avoided if there had been a passing conversation, maybe with Lola, where Lola goes, "You know, just because you're not into the same sort of girly~ stuff I'm into doesn't mean you can't be a girl." (Or maybe with Hunter, since he seemed to have a lot of trouble with accepting it, so it would seem like more of a natural question for him to ask.) And then Yael could go, "Yeah, I know, but... it's more than that. I can't explain it, really, but it's more than just makeup and boobs and clothes. [blah blah blah]" As it is, Degrassi seemed content to just let Yael's gender fluidity rest on how they didn't adhere to stereotypes. I thought the show would touch on that a bit when it turned out that Lola liked farts, but then that was just brushed off as Lola being Lola.

    And sure, there's always a chance that they could delve more into these issues in an upcoming season, but I can only judge this show based on what they've done so far. 


    (Also, Shiloh' also asked to be called John, which certainly added to the feeling John may be trans. Now, I don't support assuming John is trans, but does that mean it should be assumed John's cis? Really, people just need to have less of an opinion on the gender of this kid they don't know.)

    Meh, I'm gay and I think it's understandable if people who don't know me assume I'm straight because, well, the vast majority of people are straight. It can be a bit annoying depending on the circumstances and sometimes downright suffocating/anxiety-inducing (because then you have to deal with the stress of constantly coming out), but... people will always make assumptions about one's "status" based on how prevalent a particular minority group is, that's just how the cookie crumbles. As far as Shiloh goes, I've  always just been content to go by how Angelina (and Brad) refers to her. The John stuff was simply because Shiloh was into Peter Pan at the time, as Angelina said. Apparently in more recent news, Angelina has talked about the possibility that Shiloh might be trans, but still calls her Shiloh and afaik uses female pronouns (at least back in 2015). I'm following the parents' lead on this one, figure they know better than I do.  (lmao way too many edits)

    • Love 3
  8. I wasn't a huge fan of Yael's gender fluidity storyline because I thought a lot of the rhetoric used was actually gender essentialist with the implication that Yael was somehow not fully a girl because they don't like shaving or makeup. (Made me think of how people used to insist that Angelina Jolie's kid Shiloh had to be trans because she liked wearing boys~ clothes. Maybe Shiloh is trans, who knows, but what I didn't like is how everyone leapt to that assumption because she didn't fit society's stereotypes of what a girl should be.) If Degrassi wanted to tackle gender fluidity, they could at least have stayed away from reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes and, I don't know, given the storyline to someone who's more stereotypically feminine. 

    Also... damn, that Degrassi guidance counselor is one nosy busybody. 

    • Love 6
  9. Yeah, that reads "bunch of judgmental bitches" to me.

    They'll stage an intervention when you start flirting with non-Christian boys because God will have called it upon their heart that you're walking down a dangerous road. 

  10. The God Squad is such an annoying nickname. I don't think much of people who feel the need to broadcast what such awesome Christians they are (which is why I find Jeremy and Audrey so irritating), particularly with a trite group name like that. 

    Everything about Audrey's "My Story" is so... white. The aesthetic, the people... it's all white. And I just realized that that one pic with Jeremy and Audrey kissing while surrounded by a bunch of people making funny faces is a pic of them with their friends from Los Angeles. I cut Audrey slack for apparently only having white childhood friends because Oregon in general is a white af state, but how do you live in Los Angeles and still only have (mostly*) white friends? I've always been suspicious of white people who live in places where there's a lot of diversity and yet it doesn't translate over into whom they're friends with. 

    * I notice a token POC in that pic. Maybe two.

  11. Even leaving aside the part about misleading statistics...

    How is it that our grandparents’ generation is committed to their marriages at age 80

    Because back then women didn't have as many choices or rights available to them! It's really not a huge mystery. IIRC, women tend to initiate divorce much more than men do.

    This is probably why so many conservative Christians think that feminism is a cancer lmao... it gives women ideas that they don't have to stay stuck in a miserable marriage just because they have no other choice. 

    • Love 7
  12. Tori looks super cute in these pictures and like she didn't just give birth to a bowling ball. I've seen pics of friends & relatives after they gave birth and they always look so fucking wiped out lmao. (Maybe Tori and Zach did a bit of touch up before taking these photos but IDK, do they seem like the type? I guess if they're putting these pics out for public consumption...) 

  13. My brother told me that he uses the n-word with his friends (ftr, my brother and I are Asian, his friends are mostly Asian or white). He thinks it's okay because they don't use the word around black people. I told him that I disapproved because I strongly believe that only people who are part of the in-group can use the slur in question, but that I obviously couldn't force him to not use the word, so to just please not use the word around me. 

    He said okay... and then called me gook. Sigh. I don't get some people's fascination with using slurs. Reclamation, my ass. 

    • Love 8
  14. From the article jhlipton posted:

    The title wasn't meant to be for shock factor.

    LMAO, okay, dude. As a Korean, I can appreciate the double entendre in the title (tho it still makes me cringe) but don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. 

    I wonder if there will be any references to Latasha Harlins in the movie. 

    • Love 2
  15. From the Beating50 twitter: "We're so thrilled to see all the #navigatorscouncil journals out there! Thanks for tagging us!"

    Going through the tag, I see a grand total of 3 separate people who have the tag. That sure is a lot! 

    • Love 4
  16. I was bored so I decided to take a look at Jeremy's old Go Life or Bust website (thanks, archive.org!) and found his unintentionally hilarious #BraidIt blog post. I haven't seen that slogan pop up recently. Funny, considering they yammered on about how it was a slogan of their love. Guess they stopped trying to make fetch happen. 

  17. Netflix’s ‘Death Note’ Was Whitewashed Because Asian Actors Couldn’t ‘Speak Perfect English’

    What makes this even more infuriating is that it was an Asian guy who said this. What the fuck. Masi Oka is a flop. I expect this from non-Asians, not fellow Asians. 


    “Death Note” producer Masayori “Masi” Oka, who is also popularly known for his role at Hiro Nakamura in the NBC show “Heroes”, explained to EW the challenges they encountered during casting.

    “Our casting directors did an extensive search to get Asian actors, but we couldn’t find the right person, the actors we did go to didn’t speak the perfect English… and the characters had been rewritten,” he said.

  18. Jeremy who has NEVER worked in a setting where he wasn't the boss's son is arrogantly telling people to demand certain working conditions and any whining is those people just not wanting to comply with his advise. Thus speaks a man who has never had to worry that his boss just might tell him no, that if he can't be in a room alone with a woman without whipping his dick out and violating her,

    Exactly! And near the end of that drivel, Jeremy mentions the idea of "required" one-on-one dinners for work reasons and claims that in those situations it's not difficult to simply bring someone else along. What this intellectual lightweight pretty boy doesn't get is that even that puts an unfair burden upon women* compared to their male coworkers that could hurt them professionally. 

    Everyone I've talked to thinks that boundaries are good. Boundaries by themselves aren't unreasonable IMO. I just think that this particular boundary is bullshit. 

    * Or men if we're talking about a female boss... but I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that a woman in a similar position of authority is about 100% less likely to have that asinine boundary in the first place. 

    • Love 4
  19.  I don't find it unusual at *a gender reveal party* to do team boy and team girl gender specific decorations

    I don't find it unusual or surprising, I just find it annoying. As I do most gender reveal parties that rely on this sort of thing. 

    • Love 1
  20. I just read Audrey's gender reveal post bc I like to procrastinate. 

    I designed the party cups to be team boy (motorcycle) and team girl (lips) as well as team boy and team girl napkins!

    These Roloffs are just so big on gender essentialism & conformity, I can't. Not surprising, of course, considering everything we know about them. But I'm gonna reiterate my hope that their daughter upends all of their dated, sexist stereotypes and gives 'em hell. 

    • Love 5
  21. Still watching old eps. I think I'm mostly interested in the episodes revolving around the Roloffs at school, mainly because I'm always boggled at how poor the quality of education was & how incompetent Matt & Amy apparently were with respect to keeping up on the twins. I rewatched that ep where Jer and Zach had to give impromptu speeches; Jer's speech on skin is the sort of shit I'd have said in elementary school (back when I was first learning how to give speeches) or, if I'm being really generous, junior high. 

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