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Posts posted by beeble

  1. Sooo bummed about Neptune. He didn't deserve this.


    Jim's solo was incredible. I gasped, and I'd just mowed the lawn and didn't have much gasp left in me. And I liked his routine with Comfort. So much better than his attempt at hip hop as Megz' back up dancer. Derek's solo would have been much, much better if he'd slowed it down. Lots of gorgeous moves but they were too high speed. JaJa had the best female solo, I think, with Gaby coming in close second. Or they tie for first.


    The Team Street dance was awesome. So great to have really good street dancers all working together at once at something that isn't about pointed toes and feeling your feelings in a deeply felt way.  Speaking of, I rolled my eyes when the concept of the Team Stage dance was discussed. Really? Couples? And deep feelings? Breaking new ground every week guys.

    • Love 6
  2. As my husband said at the beginning of the show, that was a nice opening number, but there are some of us old enough to remember Madonna's "Vogue" performance at the MTV Music Awards. ;) (Those of you closer to my age will know exactly what I'm talking about with the costumes and the fan moves and such, everyone else, click here: https://youtu.be/lTaXtWWR16A?t=4m18s

    I was thinking about "Vogue" as well, but this didn't bug me. The song (can't remember the title) is several years old and the concept isn't completely original, but I somehow like the idea of decadent 17th century French aristocrats doing some sort of weird techno zombie dance. Maybe it could be contrasted with a dance of a German Martin Luther and his gang of feisty Protestants


    It was time for Kate to go. I assumed she was out before the show even began. Hope she stays away from serial killers.


    Here's the thing with the Fish Burlesque: they weren't ever supposed to be fish in the way that Wade Robson or Sonya would make the dancers actually become fish (It's the dance of the spawning salmon! Jump! Avoid the bear!). They were supposed to be sexy burlesque dancers wearing silly costumes that made one think of goofy fish. That's the point of burlesque: to be sexy and silly. And Alexia at least did her part. There was a weird mishap where she may have fallen off Ariana's back (it was awkward) but I'm not sure that either dancer got much direction.  Ballet dancer Eliana would have killed it, way back when, but she'd also trained as a pole dancer and could pull off something like this because she had a terrific sense of humor that translated well to the stage. Just think how awful this would have been had it been Megz and Jaja: two phenomenally wonderful dancers but not in a wiggly-sexy-pouty way. 

    • Love 4
  3. Double elimination? WHY?? 


    Stacy and Sonya made this worth watching but they didn't do the only good stuff. I may be the only one who liked Megz & Derek. And yes, it's a sax but no, the dancers don't get to choose their props.


    The fish burlesque was weird, but I just thought of it as goofy seaside burlesque. 


    Neptune and Gabby stole the evening, and Neptune's description of his daughter facing prejudice was really touching. It even made Nigel shut up.

    • Love 2
  4. I really enjoyed these routines! Nothing made me think about doing laundry. No pointless reaching or dying relationships. Very refreshing.


    These things made me happy:

    1. Neptune and Alexia were just great. And they had wonderful chemistry. 

    2. Derek was a foster child. Go foster system success stories!

    3. Nigel gave  the lighting director and the costumer shout-outs. I love when the crew gets acknowledged. 

    4. Gabby and Virgil! How adorable!! And I'm not going to snark that Virgil IS a Broadway dancer because I loved it.

    5. Glad Kate survived her kidnapping attempt. Glad she can laugh about it. And she looked awesome in that red outfit.

    6. Jason Derulo was a musical theatre major? I would LOVE to see him as Henry Higgins or Captain Von Trapp.


    And add me to the growing list of people wanting to dance with Leonardo.

    • Love 4
  5. Megz owned that routine. 


    I feel badly for Marissa since she did a very good job cha-cha-ing with a guy who can't cha-cha.  It was up to her to save the routine yet the judges criticized her for trying to steal focus away from Asaf.  Had he actually been the main focal point, as Jean-Marc intended, it would have been dancing road-kill. This way it could at least limp to the shoulder to die quietly. 


    I loved the robot routine, and I didn't hate that they stayed in character. 

    • Love 10
  6. If, indeed (as seems certain), Amy does have Violetta Valéry Disease (incorrectly called Ali McGraw Disease by Roger Ebert, who should have known better), it won't make much of an impact on my, since we know (and care) so little about her.  I almost hope that she has an Abbie growing inside her, ready to burst free like a fur-clad Minerva!



    From RogerEbert.com:

    "She doesn't appear terribly ill; perhaps she has Ali MacGraw's Disease, first identified in "Love Story," where the only symptom is that the patient grows more beautiful until finally dying." 


    If Amy had coughed, I would have spotted this a mile away. I figured "headache" was the weak ass result of the weak ass bomb that was planned by a weak ass rebellion.  The idea being that something had to happen to Amy but she's too important to have anything really bad happen, so let's just give her some vague symptoms. But I much prefer the idea that she is dying from some mysterious and awful disease only to turn into an Abbie.

    • Love 1
  7. Do the residents of WP watch TV? Don't they demand CNN or The Daily Show?  I assume that no, Pilcher does not broadcast any shows to people other than news from his creepy headquarters. But nobody talks about pop culture, which technically isn't a reference to the past, it is a reflection to the current state of affairs:


    Citizen 1"This is beyond a little weird that we are completely cut off from the rest of the world and Goddamnit, I can't even watch The Bachelor! Who is Jason going to pick?"

    Citizen 2: "What do you mean Jason? We're on Brad now."

    Citizen 3: "Whoa - you are both wrong. It's Chris now and I miss slut shaming all of those crazy ladies."

    Citizen 1: "What does slut-shaming mean?"


    And so on. Some people are going to use phrases and references very current to their time, which means that some folks will sadly think that "Bad hair day" is a funny thing to say while others will mention "Queen Bey" and others will sing a Taylor Swift ditty and still others will ask nobody to spoil The Wire season 2, etc. etc. 


    And no internet? Don't get me started.

    • Love 8
  8. The stupid:

    Kate should have noticed that Ben, Ethan, and Theresa have not aged 12 years. That's just loopy.


    Devil's avocado:

    Creepy teacher is a hypnotherapist, so somewhere she has hocus-pocused the teenagers to think she is the shizzle.  As a teacher, I wish I could do that.


    The hilarious:

    I'm going to gather everyone together to scare them into understanding that security is the most important thing in the world! Everyone - get away from your monitors and listen to me! Hey you - don't look at that dump truck, look at me - your benevolent tyrant!!

    • Love 4
  9. Mr. Beeble is particularly grateful for the discernible lack of the word "buck" this season.


    We are in agreement that Denys was a pouty McPouterson. He knew the structure of the show and auditioned anyway.


    I wish "The Queen" Standing O had made it.  There aren't many women over 120 pounds who make it.


    WHY did the judges say "You're going to the next round" instead of saying "You're in the top 20"?  


    ETA that Mr. Beeble was a very good sport when watching this but lamented that not enough stuff blows up, or that nobody "Mans a Battle Station." 

    • Love 8
  10. Look show, let's get one thing straight: Matt Dillon is NOT going to be a grandfather. Not on my screen. I tune in each week to watch him with his furrowed brow try to figure things out, and then occasionally soften that look into something charming. That's it. 


    And as far as baby-making goes, if it has been 12 years for Group B of, let's say 5,000 people (total guess) and only 2 people have finally given in and decided to have sex, there might be a problem with the evil doctor's plan to procreate.  Clearly nobody in "volunteer world" is doing the deed either. White middle-class suburban humanity is on its way out, as far as I can tell, despite all of the nice appliances.

    • Love 2
  11. At least the kids weren't being told to procreate within the confines of marriage...there's that. Just screw like bunnies kids! 


    Hassler is completely in on this. I bet he has luxury suite #2 up at Headquarters.


    Kate is pretty awesome. I'd have gone crazy by this time. I might even have had sex with either Ted or Harold.


    What the hell is sexist real-estate boss dude's purpose? 

    • Love 7
  12. I am usually not a big sci-fi fan, particularly where explanations of entire processes are given, but I respect that (probably) most sci-fi fans want and expect that. They will most likely be disappointed by this show, I imagine. But I have had some similar questions to ones posed here, such as how was the power supplied (and paid for) for so long, and why did so many capable people dedicate their lives to Pilcher's widely unaccepted beliefs about the future of humanity? Why hasn't anyone noticed the absence of any pets?


    Here is how I accept the premise:

    1. Pilcher's freezer, et al was powered by sun, garbage, and angry political discourse.

    2. He invested his company's profits in Big Oil & Big Pharma knowing that while they were exploiting the planet's resources, they were making a killing. Then he set up a monthly automatic pay-plan just before stepping into the freezer.

    3. The people who know the truth and work for him angst-free were either cult-followers (the rare ones who find Pilcher charming), or people who lost everything in the 2008 housing bubble, or people with such massive student loans that they would have been prisoners in another way in the 1990-2014 timeline.


    Personally, I would miss my dog too much to ever volunteer. 


    I'm sure there are many things I am overlooking. There are 4 episodes left, so I'm not going to get worked up about this. Frankly I much prefer Matt Dillon over Matthew Fox in the head conflicted dude role and therefore I'm going to enjoy whatever time I can get with him.

    • Love 6
  13. I figured she dropped the ring as a sign that was the way she'd gone, in case someone comes looking for her. Tiny chance of anyone seeing that ring in the grass, though.


    Loved this episode. So much stuff happened! It'll be a long 9 months until the next season.

    I just watched the GOT Behind-the-Scenes video that shows up on my FB feed, and the producers said that was exactly why Dany dropped the ring: it was a breadcrumb.  And the riders were definitely Dothraki, and she didn't know if they knew her but that she definitely knew what they could do to her. Wake up already, Drogon!

    • Love 1
  14. The Stannic-Bolton battle took what, like 10 or 15 minutes? Sansa was in the tower when she saw Stannis' troops, and before she could say boo, it was over. Literally, she couldn't get out of the tower before it was over. You'd think that everyone would be running around willy-nilly, and that would be the perfect chance to escape. 


    Yes, Sansa's candle and Brienne's turned back was cliched. But it only hammered home just how steep Sansa's learning curve has been. After fleeing Joffrey she could have taken refuge with Brienne when given the chance, only to stay and trust LittleFinger. Seriously, Sansa? And now you are trusting Theon? All I can hope is that Reek/Theon makes a nice pillow for her to land on.


    I predict that Tyrion will turn Mereen into the Vegas of Westeros.  


    Mr. Beeble spoiled the Jon Snow tragedy so he's on double-secret probation.


    What was  important about Dany's ring that made her drop it?

    • Love 7
  15. I was really excited for this show until I saw an interview with one of the producers in which he said something along the lines of "We're worried that Americans will think that magic is what ended the Napoleonic Wars!" And look, I'm still going to watch it because I enjoyed the book and I'm interested in seeing how it'll translate to the screen. But that "Americans gotta be so dumb" stance doesn't make me particularly interested in seeking out any other work by this team once the series ends.


    If Americans leave realizing that the Napoleonic wars were a thing, then that itself is a victory.

    • Love 12

    The CGI for the fighting forum/pit were fine overall, as was Drogon when he was on the ground protecting Dany.  But on second viewing, the CGI of Dany flying was really kind of bad.  It looked like something you'd have seen back in the 80's.  I wonder why they flubbed that so badly.



    I have to agree with you. For all of the amazing dragon effects we've had, that one looked pretty cheesy.  Maybe they used up all of their CGI money on making Dany's dress stay so clean with all of the blood and dirt flying around.

    • Love 1
  17. This is what should have happened at the Shireen-Sacrifice:


    Soldier 1: "I'm dead hungry."

    Soldier 2: "They're about to take care of that now. Look."

    Soldier 1: "That's Shireen - is she gonna cook for us?"

    Soldier 2: "Not exactly. She's gonna be cooked."

    Soldier 1: "Oy! That's only a little girl! There ain't enough of her for all us to eat!"

    Soldier 2: "No, Mate, they're making a sacrifice. Appease the God and we'll get food. And we'll get enough strength to win this war."

    Soldier 1: "We'll get all of that for sacrificing one little girl?"

    Soldier 2: "Supposedly. Or maybe it was just the battle we win."

    Soldier 1: "Seems like kind of an important distinction."

    Soldier 2: "Look, I thought you were hungry. Now you're getting sort nit-picky."

    Soldier 1: "If she's enough to win us the war that's one thing. But just a battle? Who's sacrificed next?"

    Soldier 2: "I dunno. The queen?"

    Soldier 1: "Doubtful. You don't sacrifice queens in Westeros."

    Soldier 2: "Well I've never seen the likes of this before." 

    Soldier 1: "My point is that Princess Shireen is young and innocent. That queen ain't so young. And as for innocent, I'm the one who had to stay and guard supplies while the rest of you visited the brothel."

    Soldier 2: "So?"

    Soldier 1: "For fuck's sake dude, I'm bloody next! I'm the only young and innocent one left!"

    Soldier 2: "I could be wrong about this only being for the battle. It could be for the whole war."

    Soldier 1: "Could you please check on that?" 

    • Love 3
  18. Arya has to be the worst faceless person ever. It's like everything she's learned thrown out the window in an instant. Inspector Clousseau could have been more stealthy than Arya. Very disappointed.


    Dagnabbit FishyJoe, now that's something I want to see: Peter Sellers as a Faceless Man. "A mahn duz not tell ze lies unleese he iz lying! Merde!"

    • Love 5

    Whoever mentioned Jorah being hot, he's been hot from the beginning. So very different from the creepy boyfriend of Mary in Downton Abbey. 


    I saw him 9 years ago in London as John Proctor in "The Crucible" and I've been willing to following him wherever he goes ever since. Something about him in a pair of boots...

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