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Posts posted by beeble

  1. We did not see much Cosima.

    We did not see any Paul.

    We did not see any Rachel.

    We did not see Felix' naked backside.


    We did see some Art.

    We did see cool Cal.

    We did see lots of horrific suggestions of things.

    We did get a hint of some possible answers.


    So all in all, I think this might have balanced out in the show's favor. 

  2. Oh ShaggyDog, that would be the ick topping on the cake of grossness. This show could be a PSA against joining a religious cult.


    So did Grace's father, Cult Leader/Scientist remove an ovary from Helena? Or did he just take DNA? 


    I want to know more about who raised these women. We know about Sarah and Helena, but who raised the others? They had to be in on the whole thing.


    Cal and that guitar. <Sigh>

  3. QUOTE

    Add me to Club Why Can't We Have Both Paul AND Cal Around


    I am joining this club too!


    I too, would like to be a charter member of this club. However, if I am forced to choose, I choose Cal because he can sing, he likes animals, he's nice to Kira, and he looks hot holding his gun, whereas Paul (so far) only looks hot holding his gun (and when he's naked in the shower). See? I'm not shallow at all.


    I assumed he didn't take a shot because Sarah and bad guy were squirming around and there wasn't a clear shot. Maybe you all saw something I didn't. 


    Is the group that has Helena connected to the religious whack-job group that raised her? How do they know about her? Poor Helena and her constant brutalization. I don't know what can be done to help her. 

  4. Was this Zeljko Ivanek's first time on the show? I know him as "that guy", and maybe I watch too much TV but damn, when all these good character actors keep showing up in the shows I watch, I get confused. 


    I can't think of why Kate would want to protect Jared other than he knows something. It's possible that Leeane knew Elizabeth would balk at giving him the letter, and possibly Kate was also their handler so she was also given a letter to give to Jared. (She could at least have put on a sexy wig and librarian glasses if she was going to choose a table next to the window. )


    I like Ted. Good costume. 


    When the hell is Gaad going to actually try and use that pen? I go through every pen in my drawer at work.  


    A good name for this episode would have been "Everyone is fucked." 

    • Love 2
  5. I don't remember Annelise. When/how did we meet her?


    Paige could have argued that she tore up her mom's signatures upon realizing that forgery was the wrong thing to do. Not that Elizabeth would believe her. Of course, Paige is getting royally screwed over, oldest child style. The younger Henry literally breaks into another person's house and gets out of any serious punishment by crying, but Paige tries to be kind to others and has to do chores at midnight. (And I say this as the Henry of my family.) I see a teenage rebellion coming. 


    Is it me or did Paige Dress like  Nancy Reagan this episode?  That alone give me pause.




    Stan needs to call Martha in and call her a genius. She cracked the case.


    Can I just say how happy I am for snow to finally make an appearance in a show that takes place in a city where snow actually falls? In most shows, you'd think it was permanently spring (I'm looking at you Good Wife) But there wasn't even a plot twist with the snow - it just snowed! Yay snow! 


    How did Larrick know where to go to find message-man?

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  6. The Colin Sweeney episodes are always a little weird, but the actor playing him is so much fun to watch that I can forgive the show any faults. And Lauren Benanti was so fabulous that I think I want a spin-off called "Meet the Sweeneys." (Probably more appropriate as an HBO show)


    Zach finally showed he's not happy with his parents' "arrangement." I've been waiting for the kids to call BS on Ma and Pa Florick. It is unfair for the kids to have this relationship modeled as a positive one, especially when they have to be paraded in front of the media as the perfect political family. For someone who takes being a mom so seriously, (not to mention a woman with plenty of resources at her disposal), it's pretty selfish to give her children this dysfunctional legacy of marriage. How cynical will these kids be about marriage when they are adults? Fairest thing to do is get a divorce. 

    • Love 2
  7. I hadn't thought about it earlier, but the current thinking on sexual preference is that it is biological rather than a choice--quite a few folks consider this to be a political hot button. This might be why Rachel was so surprised. So maybe all of the clones would be gay if they weren't so uptight?


    As far as sexuality in general, with identical twins there are variations in sexuality so it should not be unexpected to see variation in the clones.


    I think this is an interesting way for the show to go…I do know a set of identical twins in which one is gay and the other is straight. Raised in the same household, best friends, neither had any dramatically different experience in life before graduating college. So why not write something like this in? The clones are different in other ways as well: Cosima has science/math aptitude while Beth preferred solving problems a different way; Allison has a strong, scary personality (like Rachel)  and Sarah - who knows what her aptitude is beyond disappearing and staying alive? Oh and Helena is a good shot. Environmental factors in utero could account for somethings beyond basic DNA in that nurture affects nature.  As my friend, the gay twin would say, "There is so much we don't know about twinning." 


    In fact, I like these personality differences so much that I'd like to see more clones. Here are some ideas:

      -Xantania, the child of Scientology missionaries, raised at sea off the coast of Argentina

      -Casey, the Navy F-18 Hornet fighter pilot with contacts at the Pentagon

      -Sister Juanita, nun in a Mexican abbey

      -Sophie, the Quebecois NASCAR driver

      -Jen, Hollywood extra on dragon-themed TV show/Caterer 

  8. I'd hit the booze too if I had Alison's current life.  "I'm not sure that's my sacrum."


    The plot has become much more complicated in one episode. In addition to dealing with creepy Leaky and the others' issues, we have a new science/religious group that has an assassination style that resembles that of "Friendo" in "No Country for Old Men." Then we get insight into Mrs. S' messy and mysterious background. Just what is going on? (And who gets that awesome property?)  I like my plots pretty tightly woven, if only to keep my brain from overheating. 


    Cop lady is hyper-competent but I'm rather worried for her safety. 


    Kyra is really good at keeping her mouth shut. If that had been my niece in any of those situation she would have loudly said, "WHY are you snooping in her coat?" Must be that pre-K IRA training Mrs. S gave her.


    I missed seeing a money shot of Paul in this episode. 

    • Love 1
  9. Philip is clearly at a breaking point (and the sad cello music certainly underscored that rather heavily); Matthew Rhys is doing excellent work here.  But I found Elizabeth's reaction of (paraphrase) "You think its easy for me?" to be very interesting as well. Someone mentioned how she can compartmentalize much better but I wonder if she has a breaking point as well. She is rock solid in her ideology, but she is clearly thinking of communism in its most idealized form. Definitely the poverty and inequality in America sicken her, but she can't possibly think that her upbringing in post-war Soviet poverty was a good thing. She's generally quite happy that Paige and Henry are able to have the comfort that they have. It's only when her kids don't listen that she brings up the "I never had anything nice" argument. Kudos to Keri Russell for providing such strong characterization for a very complicated character. 


    I love how P/E make bad parenting decisions. This will soooo bite them in the ass. I found Elizabeth's behavior towards Paige to be over the top. Paige has always been a good kid, and her punishment was not warranted.  The money was hers to spend. She made a decision, and while it wasn't her parents' first choice, it was clear that they were mad that she spent money on something churchy, not on a trip to Europe.  They run a freaking travel agency, for Pete's sake, so they could get her a discounted trip anyway, if it was that important to them.  Paige is getting very mixed signals, and considering what she could be getting into in the early 80's,  I'm surprised she's not countering with "I do my homework, I don't do drugs, I don't sleep around, I haven't dyed my hair purple, I dress exactly like my mother, I do everyone's laundry - even when you don't ask me to - what is your deal??" Since they've provided her with very little identity beyond their nuclear unit of four punctuated with an ambiguous "be grateful you don't have our childhood," their all-American girl is going to slip from their grasp soon.  Shoot, I'm sure any of us could have shown Elizabeth what it meant to have an actual rebellious teenager.  


    I was very happy to see Martha essentially crack open the case for Stan. She is very good at her job.  I keep thinking she should have some residual spidey-sense of Clark not being all that he says he is, but then I remember Nina's monologue about Cops vs. Spies.  Still, since Martha is working with classified stuff all the time in Counter-Intelligence, wouldn't higher-ups know to occasionally check and recheck the staff? Maybe I'm thinking of The Good Wife where we saw NSA contractors get weekly lie-detector tests.  I have no idea what the FBI protocol was or is, but they usually run a very tight ship. 


    Gaad packed the pen-microphone.  Either it stays in the box in his attic or he'll reach in needing to sign for a UPS package and lightbulbs will go off. In any case, I think his "my problem is now your problem" went of very well with Arkady. Arkady isn't going to fold easily, so he upped and left before he could start twitching or giving some equivalent of a tell.  Arkady has a big problem now. They're all playing the same game.


    Oliver North. What a fucking cockroach. (Um Clive Bundy - want to see a real example of gov't overreach? Just google this guy.) Otherwise, an awesome episode.

    • Love 3
  10. I loved seeing Alicia put NSA client's balls in a vise, and Peter doing the same thing to the Senator. Fan-f**king-tastic.  Then Alicia smashed up the courtroom by calling out the hypocrisy of the prosecutors.  Certainly Finn felt guilt and complicity in Will's death: he was probably still experiencing PTSD as well as survivor's guilt. But for the other prosecutors to call him on this was ridiculous and hypocritical.  


    Grace has taken such a parenting role with her mom lately that I half expected her to call someone in the office to make sure her mom was feeling OK. But she's such a mellow kid when the GW writers need her to be.  Funny that. At least have a reaction shot with Zach.


    Feeling pretty meh about Louis Canning.  But he might push out Kalinda, and that could push her over to F/A.

  11. I loved the musical number, rhyming "clean up the plasma" with "can't manage my asthma".  It was hilarious how more than one person referred to it as "Cats".

    Glad to see Helena is alive. I missed Mrs. S - we were about to learn about her mysterious past in the season 1 finale.

    I'm really trying to see how any corporation could take possession of a human stating "ownership" of the genetic code.  But aside from that, if Sarah can have children, then possibly Helena can too? Wouldn't Helena be as valuable to Dyad as Sarah?  But Kira has genetic code of her father as well, and unless he was a Dyad spy sent to try and impregnate Sarah, Kira should be free.

    I hope Ramon, the hard working gun enthusiast with many jobs shows up more often.

    • Love 2
  12. This was a better-than-average episode, and the average episode is very good.  And we did it without Claudia. Not sure you can pull that off again, show.

    Elizabeth is so damn cold with her rigid ideology. She'd smack some of those Soviet Embassy men around good, if I were one of the god-like writers creating a fantasy show.  And she doesn't enjoy any of it.  What I don't get is what brought her into the KGB? Doesn't she have a dog in the fight? What is her touchstone that keeps her ideology afloat?  I think we got a glimpse of this with her work with her recruit who died for her (black Panther?) but she's a tough nut to crack. Lucia, on the other hand, had a valid reason for her anger. Reagan's Latin-American policy of supporting fascist regimes was hideous, and the humanitarian crimes committed against the leftists were disgusting, and also not always reported, all in the name of security. 

    Nina is just used by these guys; they care about her, but I think they love their political games more. At the very least, Oleg does. I don't know that Oleg has an ideology other than wanting to win. Stan is a cop but maybe he wants to be a spy, even though we can see he'd be an awful one. I will also say I find Oleg sleazy but the guy who plays him is terrific. The acting is strong all around, but the Russian actors are coming off very strong here. 

    I want to see Martha turn the tables on people and score some points. She's not dim, just lonely. She's a good office manager and cares about her job. I hope she starts to see Clark as something beyond what he's told her. 

    Nice to see Henry given a dramatic moment. What would two Soviet-raised parents do about this? He did something bad but he's not a bad person; can they offer him any comfort at all? 

    In the 80's the Stealth bomber was only theoretical and never showed it could work until the first gulf war. When did Reagan start talking about the Missile Defense Shield? (THe giant dome that would protect us, Star Trek like). I feel like it was early in his presidency.

    • Love 1
  13. I missed Eli Gold this episode.  All of these fights and no Eli to break them up. 

    And there was not nearly enough Cary. Finn is adorable, and he is welcome to come and talk to me when I'm curled up in bed having a breakdown, but not as much as Cary would be.

    I see that Grace has figured out that when it comes to her mom's pain, the Bible has nothing on OTC pharmaceuticals.

    The Alicia/Peter relationship has become crazy cynical. Not that these things don't happen in reality, but I don't think it would be consistent with Alicia's character to stay married to a man she doesn't love, just for financial reasons.  She's a practical character, at heart, and I can't see the writers turning her into a hard-bitten, resentful political spouse.  Of course, more of Peter would mean more of Eli, and Eli is one of my favorite things ever (see first line).

  14. Maddie and Daphne are the role models for everyone.  Say you're sorry, sing a song, be adorable, and move on.  I just hope they don't learn from every single adult around them that the way to resolve conflict is to lie, get drunk, and destroy other people's lives.

    Scarlett under the piano.  I've never seen that before. Damn. I guess the gals on The View have a whole new topic to move on to.  

  15. I'm 1000% certain it wasn't Gaad, but rather a character we haven't met before.

    Gosh, I was certain that Gaad was up to something. It was definitely something spy-ish; it would be too television-verite for it to be a telemarketer, and besides, that was a phenomenon of the 90s.  I wonder if it was a secret sign for Elizabeth to rendezvous with someone.

    Oh, the 80's cliche of the coked-up GOP staffer. We almost had a Bret Easton Ellis movie going on.

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