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Posts posted by beeble

  1. Heh, I loved when Mary referred to the London apartment in question as "Michael Gregson's flat" and then Edith corrected her with "MY flat." The annoyed look on Mary's face was hilarious.



    Because Mary has worked for everything she has. God what a bitch. 


    Edith looked fantastic in this episode. I hope she moves to London lives it up as the least scandalized Crawley sister. 1: Slutty Slutterson and 3: Married an Irish servant. Go Edith!

    • Love 10
  2. I loved it. I was a little disappointed that we were jolted back into the stark, ugly present but I enjoyed the actors' give and take on the plane so much that I got over my grumpiness quickly.  Hey Moriarty! Good to see you.

    One quibble: John Watson is a doctor, and he really didn't know that Holmes was a drug user? 

  3. I absolutely loved this. Alex Kingston and Peter Capaldi have wonderful chemistry. I so hope that TPTB give her a series where she can somehow continue to interact with him. They were delightful and nothing seemed forced. Maybe they can be in the next Star Wars movie as Kylo Ren's wacky aunt and uncle...

    • Love 3
  4. What Eli did with the voice mail was wrong wrong wrong. BUT - since then, Alicia and Will hooked up a whole lot. It's not like he didn't hear back from her and decided to go fight some mercenary battle in Syria with Special Ops (that's a different tragic love interest with a different heroine), never to see her again until her bullet pierces his side and causes sepsis, leading to greater and more bizarre injuries and ultimately causing her to pull the plug on his life support. Alicia knew how Will felt each and every time they got it on, and she went back to Peter because...she's a moron.  


    And besides, who tells the love of their life that they love them over voicemail? I want a folded up note, 8th grade style.

    • Love 8
  5. As much as I'm Team Quastrid, I for one am glad that at least Astrid was doing her job. Saul was too busy getting revenge, Dar was too busy being skulky Dar, and Carrie doesn't even have a job (when she said "I'm with American Intelligence" I thought No, you used to be...). We only saw Astrid working and trying to reset the world order. I hope she comes back next season. In fact, why not make the whole series about her? A highly competent intelligence agent who does her job without the exploitive mental illness factor or fucked up personal baggage and who doesn't take a break until her job is done.  

    • Love 13
  6. I don't think she went thru with it. Umm...isn't that the cliffhanger? Will she? Won't she?


    I think that is the cliffhanger: Peter was talking about "going to the darkness" in his letter to Carrie; when she was in the chapel she looked at the stained glass and saw light, and that represented hope. So after she darkened the room, light still shone through and seemed to pull her away. 


    But Quinn is no longer of this world anyway.  Could he have had an evil twin? 


    The short-haired German woman working for the Russians had on her "Dr. Evil Mistress" outfit when she shoved Allison into that trunk. That or she was ready to go clubbing with Dieter from SNL Sprocket.

    • Love 6
  7. Can somebody tell me why everybody is so quick to believe what Allison says? I would think, after everything that has happened, there would at least be some question as to whether anything that comes out of her mouth is true.

    My thoughts exactly. And I am also wondering why, in this age of of getting freaked out over everything, when the Berlin airport has been shut down and images are being broadcast everywhere to let everyone know that terrorists are trying to get us, if somebody suspiciously carries a backpack into a tunnel in the subway, why would people just stand there? I'd hightail it out of there.

    • Love 2
  8. OK explain the dog thing?

    love the idea...

    When Allison was standing outside the building smoking (after her guard/babysitter told her he didn't believe the charges against her) she saw a woman with an Irish Setter. The woman appeared to signal her..so I figured that both she and the dog are secret Russian agents.

    And - I want to add, for whatever it's worth: I'm not Team Quarrie; I'm Team Quastrid!

    • Love 2
  9. Quinn alive? Implausible? Oh Snarky Von Snarkersons of little faith: The reason Quinn is still alive is that in order to actually kill him after seeing that the gas didn't do the job, one would have to actually put on the HazMat suit, get it double-checked by someone (oh shit - we just killed the HazMat suit expert!), go into the infected room where the gas is still lolling around looking for someone else to snuff out, shoot him, kick the body a few times, look out the window at fellow terrorists and shrug, leave the infected room, shower while wearing HazMat suit, dispose of HazMat suit, find another HazMat suit for the upcoming gas-attack, pack it, and THEN leave the spooky house. They just didn't have the time.


    All I really really want for Christmas (aside from a Russian Wolf Hound that can convincingly wear an Irish Setter disguise) is Carrie and Quinn to have to escape somewhere into OctoberFest while wearing a dirndl and lederhosen, respectively.  We're already in the silly season so let's just go all out. Prost!

    • Love 4
  10. My DVR cut the final minute off. Argh! Can someone tell me what happens once Clara the waitress stands in from of the Elvis picture at the very near end? 


    Not insisting that she return to her death scene seemed like a very un-Clara thing to do.

    • Love 1
  11. Is thatt purse she bought online? Is that why they showed her buying one?


    I don't think so. My thinking - as a woman who likes purses - is that Alison has many more than just one designer purse. A girl needs to coordinate with shoes and hair and outfits, of course. One purse won't get a gal like Alison through the week. But I figure we saw her buying it online because she can't really walk into Hermes or Prada without being noticed so this is perfect. She has an account with her illicitly gotten funds probably directly tied to her Prada account which makes life very convenient. 


    If I were a corrupt CIA agent, I can't even imagine the crap I'd buy on line while waiting for my contacts to phone me. 

    • Love 5
  12. Poor Quinn. He's sort of become like Krycek on the X-Files, the guy who just gets his ass kicked constantly. He better get a desk job next season. Or at least a raise.


    Alison might throw her phone out but she will never, ever dump that pricey purse. 

    • Love 5
  13. Had the doctor wanted to refer to himself and use correct grammar, he would have said "The Hybrid is I," because the use of "I" over "me" would be the proper use of predicate nominative.  Something tells me this, rather than casual colloquialisms would be important to the Doctor. Therefore I believe that "Me" is the character played by Maisie Williams.


    That is the only thing for whichI have any sense of certainty. Otherwise this episode really confused me. I liked it, but it confused me.

    • Love 3
  14. A few weeks after nearly dying from a gunshot wound and days after surviving a knife fight Quinn gets hit on the head with a tire iron. How can a person go through that much physical trauma without permanent damage?


    Because Quinn is now Jack Bauer: impervious to death, and only absorbing the emotional pain caused by the realization that his excellent job performance only results in increased alienation from those he loves.



    Now that we know Allison wasn't a mole from youth, I'm curious as to when she learned Russian.



    I am guessing that Allison swore in Russian, and she clearly knew evil Russian guy (Ivan?) when he walked in like he owned her. Had she been working for them already? I think the purpose of all of this is to show how Allison was turned, but since she already had the language skills AND knew the guy, maybe there was something already going on. 


    And i get that Allison was lured by money. She clearly spends her new cash on some swanky duds, accessories, and hair products. But she was also caught at a huge moment of weakness: seeing that the US "liberation" of Iraq was a load of crap and that the mission was not just misguided but horrifically corrupt. It was 2005 when so many of the Iraqi judges were being killed, and that was coming off the year of the downward spiral of the Bush Doctrine, and therefore, I think most of the American workers (at least state department) in Iraq were terribly demoralized. How many of them were at risk of being turned? 

  15. I seriously want to know Allison's - sorry Alluchka's - make up routine because she looks amazing. Honestly - I've spent good $$ on concealer that doesn't do what hers does, and she has a stressful damn life.


    Guy who fakes own death lives in big house on busy city in Amsterdam and doesn't have a security system, besides little yappy dog. It's not like you keep anything important in that house that big guys and be-wigged ladies are going to search for.


    Quinn looked like shit. Like beyond hungover, is using every ounce of strength not to faint. Nice directorial touch. 


    There were at least two old actor metaphors here. What are they trying to tell Mandy Patinkin?

    • Love 1
  16. Vanessa Williams and Jefferey Dean Morgan need sexy time on this show. She brings some cool sophistication and he brings some serious hot weirdness.  


    So now that the band is back together (minus Alicia who is seriously violating several Chicago zoning codes, not to mention her own HOA) what was the purpose of two seasons ago when the new firm was breaking away? And everyone is fine with it. Remember when we wanted to dismember one another? Good times! There is no institutional memory on this show.


    I'm fine without the NSA brats goat-rolling one another, but I am actually bummed that we didn't get more of the recent Loyola Law grad who needs a f**king job. Is someone going take her to Union Station, er sorry, Alicia's home? Every other lawyer in the city has been there.

    • Love 2
  17. This would be wrong on many, many levels, but I sort of want Dar to glare at Alison and say, "No man can betray me!" only for her to brandish a sword (or a gun), take him out, and say, "I am no man!"


    I am not a Dar fan.


    (This would be right before something crazy and mystical leads Carrie to taking out Alison. Saul will brood a lot.)

    • Love 5
  18. I had hoped that Alison's bedmate would be the During CEO. Or hell, one of the hackers. I don't like compromised Saul. I prefer conflicted and tormented Saul. 


    I checked off the following stereotypes perpetuated by the show:

    -bipolar off meds going banana boat crazy

    -non-nuanced pro-Israel American gov't bureaucrat being self-righteous 

    -dorky hacker(s) arguing good vs evil

    -crazy wall (welcome back!) that is now interactive

    -staggering drunk Russian hanging out in weird brothel

    -sexy special ops guy running through the woods (absolutely no problem with this one)


    After nine months sober, did we learn that Carrie's real super power is the absence of any headache or nausea after drinking an entire bottle of vodka? She's about 105 pounds, so this is truly remarkable. At 115 pounds, I could use a tenth of that power.

    • Love 2
  19. As irritatingly naive as Alicia continues to be, I will say that I love how evil Eli can be. He's the Peter Baelish of the show. Now I'm just waiting for him to sell off Grace to one of Mitt Romney sons.

    • Love 3
  20. Come and knock on our door...yeah, add me to the list of people not bowled over by the wacky highjinks this week.


    Does Grace even go to school any more? 


    So Alicia can't divulge non-privileged info about Howard but can blurt out privileged info on a f**king FBI sting? Has she not met Eli? 


    Speaking of the FBI...way to create a super-secret under cover dude. If Grace, a Catholic school drop-out (I'm guessing here) can figure this out in a few hours then surely the criminal masterminds of the worlds he is trying to infiltrate can do it in the same amount of time...assuming they also hire Grace, which they might if she decides they need more Jesus (a topic I'm grateful she seems to have forgotten about).


    You can't hire a hot investigator and not show him charming the pants off everyone. 


    But I love Stockard Channing. I had some wine but I haven't been drinking. Best line ever.

    • Love 4
  21. Amy Irving can be creepy. Pedophiles approached my child? How dare they? I'm the new Michaelangelo!  Nobody pointed out that she seemed mightily unconcerned with her son's safety in the name of her art. Ah well. I guess Brooke Shields has had the same issue (not with her mother as the photographer) with nude pics that were taken when she was 10-12, and she wants them out of museums. But no luck.


    I like our new investigator. Kalinda was scary good but the new guy will be able to charm the pants off anyone, and unlike Kalinda, I don't think he'll be sleeping with every cop in town, nor with Cary. But man how I'd like to see that.


    Howard has some grit to go along with his idiocy. Good for him.


    Grace needs a salary.

    • Love 2
  22. You'd think he'd realize that some measure of Carrie's attraction to him was due to her obsession with her now dead, terrorist baby daddy. He must be made of some pretty solid stuff to be okay with all the drama she brings to the table.


    I'm glad they at least moved the action out of the Middle East even if the storyline will still largely be focused on that area. It'll be nice to have different kinds of scenery.

    And I'm still worried that Franny's daddy will end up being the ginger one-night stand from season 3. (The liquor store guy)  Of course, that guy might end up giving Franny less baggage to carry around.

  23. There isn't? I was not aware of that prohibition.

    Prohibition? That's sort of a stretch. Obviously no prohibition, particularly since it's your forum. But the decision to replace Jon Stewart with Trevor Noah was made about six months ago and the discussion is pretty much over so it's really time to move on. You have said directly that you don't like Noah, and it seems you are reluctant to give him a chance. And as someone who likes reading the pieces on this site, I worry that any coverage of him and this show will turn into finding more things you don't like about him while grudgingly admitting that occasionally he is funny. I don't know if the dislike stems from his tweets or his stand up routine or his general persona, but I am hoping that if you continue to cover him you can do it in a non hate-watching way. There are great discussions here as there were on TWoP, some based on genuine affection for a show and others based on hate-watching. With TDS I am firmly in the first group and would be sad to see this turn into a grouch-fest. That is all.

    • Love 2
  24. While it's the most natural thing to do, doing the whole "Jon Stewart wouldn't have done that" routine is unfair and pretty pointless. Stewart probably chose Noah because of the differences. And the AIDS joke, while gasp-worthy in the US is spot-on for Noah who comes from a country that is ravaged by AIDS.

    And the host has been chosen. There is absolutely no point in discussing who would/wouldn't have been a good replacement anymore.

  25. Bummed about Jim but I like all of these dancers so much. And nobody is a pointing, look-off-in-the-distance, heart-broken, deeper-feeling-homo-sapien-than-you-or-I-could-ever-be contemporary dancer.


    So now Alzheimer's is a dance topic? Can we just do a hospital ward mash-up of all of the ailments that have affected the choreographers and be done with it? 

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