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  1. This lady confirmed om her instastories aswell!
  2. Thanks, I just couldn't work out who who's to work out who it was.
  3. I may be wrong but that row isn't right, there's 14 people and 13 names. If you look at where jada is compared to names theres an extra person. I can't work out who's, who though.
  4. Edit it was just a filter ignore me. Half asleep still.
  5. Everyone's talking about point, but the way I'm looking at it is... Last year they knew they wouldn't be on the field and it would be the entrance and thunder on the big screen, so they put Rachel as point because she takes pretty pictures and is photogenic. She hasn't ever been point at a game, so if she isn't point this year she hasn't really lost it as it was never hers to begin with only in a video.
  6. Have we got a lea, on our list I can't remember?
  7. Just saw her, she was on, the San Diego state University dance team
  8. I have messaged her myself, waiting a response. Edit: sorry thought you were referring to madeline. But aprt from her, I have seen confirmation posts from the other TCC's
  9. She was Dm'd and responsed she was.
  10. Taken from reddit, ask couldn't make one!
  11. Madeline Salter is confirmed as a tcc! Yay!! I know alot of us were rooting for her.
  12. Just adding screenshots for people, I go have tea and suddenly, two more have announced... I been waiting all day lol
  13. Edited my post Wrong candidate im getting confused.
  14. I did speculate she might have from. Her Instagram story last night! Yay for a non blonde so confirmed is now 10? 1 possible but no announcement?
  15. Wether its true or not I can't confirm but someone has mentioned on Facebook a normally reliable insider had confirmed madeline salter made it back to training camp this year. Looking at her instgram I really hope it's true, looks like she's improved in power.
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