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Victoria Valeska

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Everything posted by Victoria Valeska

  1. Isabella did stress the importance of details...
  2. Closed captioning misidentified "Bitch" as Alanis instead of Meredith Brooks. For shame! I felt some type of way about Megan repurposing Isabella's pep talk and reassurances to chat with her boyfriend. Rude at best, and a lil bit psycho at worst.
  3. Hmm. Maybe as other men, they recognized he would never touch them and was never a threat. When he complained about being fired (a woman at work) and was rude, mean, and physically intimidating, it was only with his sisters. At the ACTUAL intervention, there was an even split between men and women in the room. He intimidated all the women, tore the letters from their hands. His brother (?) had a full notebook but he didn't tear that from him. Does rehab cure sexism?
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