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Everything posted by MountaineerBro10

  1. I believe Cade is 16ish? Probably on his 20s in real life but yep, still a teenager on the show. TC is originally from Durham, NC. It’s revealed from a earlier episode last season I think. Rick’s somewhat g/f paints a portrait illustrating football players with a “Durham, NC” title for TC & a bunch of skateboarders & skyscrapers with a “Chicago” title for Rick. Kinda cool.
  2. Oh man, that’s a toughie. With her hair up, she looks intelligent & beautiful. With her hair down, she looks free & gorgeous. I say it’s a tie lol
  3. Just watched it. Totally enjoyed it. This episode reminded me of the original L&O series X2. I love it anytime McCoy acts like his old self & cusses out like “nail the bastard” or “let’s get this SOB” 😂 Is it just me, or does anyone else find Maroun 100% gorgeous ? 😍
  4. NCIS bro here 😎yeah, Gary Cole didn’t open up until several episodes later whereas Remy shares his past & the end of his 1st! He’s definitely tougher & more of a bachelor than LaCroix. A lot like Gibbs! Haha I’ll miss LaCroix but I look forward to watching Remy working with the FBI:MW team!
  5. Phew. So glad I’m not the only one who actually liked the episode haha
  6. Tbh, I actually enjoyed this episode. At least the first half. It was non-political, moderate (not liberal nor conservative) & story was entertaining. I especially liked how the team worked together to solve the case. What I didn’t like was watching the episode without LaCroix around 😕Yeah FBI MW has been on air for just 3 seasons so far but he’s like Gibbs from NCIS! True leader, story to his past & they all call him “Boss”! Show may not be the same w/o
  7. To me, FBI: MW may be now the best of the three shows. Or at least tie with FBI. This has been the best season so far. Much better than last season. The personal stories don’t bother me. I’m just glad CBS is focusing more on other characters & less on Jess & his family. International is ok, I just like to watch it because of the international settings & Tank the dog lol. MW does get a little gory & twisted but I have a strong stomach. They do show it after kids go to bed supposedly lol. Then again, I used to not sleep till 11pm while I was in elementary school so what can I say? Should they start giving “Viewer discretions advised” at the beginning?
  8. I’m pretty sure it was by Jamal’s three stepbrothers and/or his stepdad, the mastermind. They had a thing for robbing jewelry stores & shops. Used Jamal as their cover. Poor guy.
  9. Both FBI & Most Wanted were very good. This season has impressed me very me very much. International is still up in the air so we’ll see. But again, so far so good. Keep it up Wolf Entertainment!
  10. I haven’t watched it yet (I work 2nd shift Tues-Sat so I watch later on Paramount+), but it sounds like CBS is using the push-pull theory. For example, Magnum & Higgins have their moment at the end of Season 2, yet she later falls for Ethan in Season 3 & Magnum doesn’t like it w/o realizing it. Then they start Season 4 with EXACTLY what we want (Magnum & Higgins getting it on 😍🙏…in a dream lol) & breaks up with Ethan yet Magnum is currently dating Kaleo (who I think is way more attractive than Higgy) yet they still have their moments together. IMO, Magnum & Higgins will finally have their scene in Season finale. I guarantee it
  11. Hahaha that’s exactly what I thought to myself, AND expected Tali to say. She probably wanted to too. It’s Strange how the whole family was oh so happy w/o Sarah present. Does Tali hate her b/c she’s trying to take the Mom role but can’t since her real mom is deceased? The past two episodes have been very interesting. Totally different but very entertaining. Great season so far.
  12. Haha that’s right, I forgot TC & Magnum were officially your men. My bad 😂 Haha I found those two pics from Pinterest. Simply entered “Magnum kissing Higgins” and voila! Oh, and here ya go. These will do while CBS are working on those shirtless scenes lol And these lol
  13. Poor Tank. He’s my favorite character! Hope he’s alright. Is it just me, or have half of the episodes so far featured sex scenes as opening scenes?
  14. Yeah this episode was definitely intense. Explains why Scola’s so sheltered. I’m sure it’s hard to feel you could’ve prevented your brother from getting killed on 9/11. I’m glad Tiffany cares for him. It took balls to do what Scola did. Yes, it was stupid but still. It took guts. Bravo bro 👏
  15. Oh come on. You know deep down, this is what you want to see 😜
  16. Haha same here. Once he got into the ice & expensive Ferrari I thought to myself “…it’s gonna blow up, isn’t it?” 😂
  17. I agree. I didn’t start watching the shows ‘till Jan 2020 when FBI: MW had their pilot. Didn’t think much of them at first. I feel they’re improving as they continue. That’s how/other crime shows like NCIS & Criminal Minds began. Not so great at first, eventually became a hit a few seasons later. This week’s episode was ok. I didn’t like how Tank was missing. Where was he? He’s the best part of the show!!!
  18. Haha exactly what I was thinking. Except at first I figured Cecil had the hots for Nora. Never would’ve guessed him being her biological father (though that does happen a lot in these shows nowadays). Honestly, the personal stories don’t bother me too much. As long it’s only 5-10 mins of the show. Extra points if it’s being spread upon the characters (kinda what they’re doing now) & not so much upon one particular character. They focused way too much on LaCroix/Tali/Sarah last season. Overall, interesting story. I’m glad they make it a little different each week. I predict they will focus on Ortiz’s personal life next week lol.
  19. I’m glad Jamie threatened to dump Forrester if he refused to let her do her job as an FBI agent. It’s almost impossible to be both lovers & coworkers. Tried it once in the past. Didn’t work
  20. Something is telling me that’s part of Dick Wolf’s plan for this season. He always has something up his sleeve lol. Maybe Tali hates Sarah b/c of last season’s finale or perhaps Jess is so rusty with dating b/c he hasn’t dated anyone since his wife’s death. But I AM glad they are focusing more on the other characters & not so much on Jess’s personal life & family history. I still miss Crosby & Clinton, but I AM glad Hanna is back. Such a cutie
  21. Curious question; might be a bit too early to ask, but once this season ends in May ‘21 do you think Magnum P.I. will be renewed for Season 5? I ask because Magnum’s ratings have been steady since its debut in ‘18, but they also haven’t been improving.
  22. I was impressed with Higgin’s impersonation of a rich Southern belle. Never would’ve guess she was British! So how old is Det. Kaleo? Is she officially 30 (Higgin’s claim) or is she 35 (Magnum’s claim)?
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