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Everything posted by Eliot

  1. Why must Mika harangue her guests who are only commenting on bad policies versus actually enacting them? We're all outraged about the coronavirus spikes and how no one wears masks and the government isn't cooperating in the transition - YES. That's true. But why must she shriek at the guests about it? It's not their fault.
  2. Tee hee! I like Jonathan Lemire overall, but that is certainly a spot-on characterization.
  3. Mika just “read” a news article on the air that was authored by the Associated Press. The AP logo was all over the screen, very visible. And she repeatedly credited the Washington Post.
  4. My jubilation is tempered by the fact that these two clowns managed to finagle themselves into the position of calling the results.
  5. I refuse to watch tomorrow because Joe will be gloating about Florida and OMFG I JUST CANNOT TAKE THIS.
  6. Probably to rest up. She's got a long night ahead of her at the big kids' table. Joe and Mika aren't fooling anyone. I don't care how "honored" they claim to be about being relegated to Peacock. They're pissed and they can barely conceal it.
  7. I noticed that and screamed at my TV! She also repeatedly pronounces "Ipsos" as "Ipsus." Does anyone else get 2016 PTSD from that music?
  8. Joe is screaming about all the polls being wrong and I don’t think I can take the next two days.
  9. Today in Massachusetts I stood in the rain to early vote. I felt like texting Joe to let him know.
  10. Wherever Nicolle Wallace goes, I will follow.
  11. I have to admit that I have become quite fond of Michael Steele over the last few years. He is a way better pundit than he was a politician. This morning Joe, Mika, and the NBC chyron referenced the "formatting change" for this week's debate. Um, don't they mean "format"?
  12. Kasie is a Chuck Todd "both-sideser" wannabe.
  13. I watched Part 1 last night and really enjoyed it, even though it made me mad.
  14. Mika just took about five minutes to ask a single question of a guest.
  15. ...and sucking up to him during the transition with Mika visiting Ivanka at Trump Tower and gushing about how Ivanka was going to do "great things for women." That would be so freaking cute.
  16. Mika, while introducing the new book by Andrew Weissman, initially pronounced his last name as Wees-man. Then she kept repeating the name, pronouncing it correctly, as if hoping we hadn’t noticed. Edit: Mika does such a poor job feigning compassion when she recites the New York Times' profiles of people who lost their lives to COVID. On her own show, Nicolle Wallace manages to tell heartfelt, highly personal stories that make me feel the loss in my gut, and she does it with kindness and genuine empathy. Mika sounds like she's grudgingly conveying a Starbucks order.
  17. Hey Woodward; It's NUCLEAR, not NUKULAR. Four times in one answer he said it wrong. FOUR. Otherwise, good interview. I do wish Mika would stop asking these long-winded compound questions that are clearly designed for her to show off how "thoughtful" she is. Just ask the question.
  18. I don't like Kasie. I think she is a mini Chuck Todd in the making. Very steeped in Beltway punditry and focused on the horse race versus actual policy.
  19. A store or restaurant can't survive financially if people are afraid to visit because they'll get a potentially deadly disease. They are advocating getting the pandemic under control so business can reopen safely, versus just flinging the doors open and letting everyone get infected.
  20. That's really not what they were advocating. They, like most sensible people in the world, were advocating keeping things closed while getting testing and virus mitigation programs ramped up. Neither of those things happened during the time we were shut down, so the recovery has just sputtered along and business continue to close and people continue to suffer. I agree with them on this.
  21. I turned on the show this morning and Joe was screaming. He scared my kitties. Just now on the show, Mika was doing her usual terrible job of reading out loud a Washington post editorial and there was this really long, awkward pause and lots of paper shuffling in the background as she lost her place and stopped her recitation. Then she picked up again and tried to pretend nothing had happened. Later in the show, she pronounced Mohammad bin Salman's name as "Mohammad bin Salmon" (like the fish). I'm pretty sure that's not how you say it.
  22. I have a giant crush on disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok and was excited to see him on the show today.
  23. Sanford DID challenge Trump for the nomination for one hot second. His "campaign" fizzled when he admitted that if he didn't win the nomination he'd still vote for Trump. Not exactly rock-solid in his "conservative" convictions I guess.
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