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  1. it's been said before..but can someone please fire their media person? it's insanely sloppy. knowing how cheap the DC organization is (especially about the DCC) I wonder if they like outsource this internationally? might be an explanation for the sheer amount of mistakes like this, and the general sloppiness. at the very least we know nobody is checking it. "world class" 🙄
  2. Generally I agree with both of you but her fiance has cancer, so I assume thats why they're rushing this.
  3. this makes me think Amanda will be point when the times comes for her rookie class, not VK. She's up there with all the more senior vets
  4. So true! The way it's presented you would think DCC is like a top tier, most competitive team to make in the country but the actual fact is they get a fairly small (compared to the casting pool for big name dance companies in major cities like NYC or LA) pool of candidates, many of whom are "local" or local adjacent (southern states.) Of course there's girls from all over but the bulk of the people who audition are people who are near Dallas/can easily get to Dallas/would relocate to Dallas. Especially since the regular non-covid TC is like 10 weeks. How many would seriously consider relocating for 10 weeks for a job they might not even get? That eliminates a lot of serious career dancers. IIRC, Judy even mentioned in episode 1 this year that the pool was bigger than ever. Definitely a result of the 10 week TC being eliminated, people not having to travel and as you said, dancers that generally aim to be at much more prestigious companies applying since the industry is collapsed for the time being. Opens the pool up so so much.
  5. From a dance perspective I totally agree about Amanda. IIRC she even made showgroup last year as a rookie. She's clearly far more talented than Victoria. I honestly just wonder if they'll make her point due to her eyes being a little off. I personally think she's beautiful but I could see them not choosing her due to that.
  6. Very good point! It's true, I doubt dance companies will be all that active in 2021. Ah gotcha! Well either way, I think she was still auditioning/based out of NYC so I could see her wanting to go back since its such a bigger and more prestigious market for dance, but if things are still mostly closed I could see her coming back for another year with DCC
  7. I feel like Alora-Rose will go back to NYC/Rockettes? I kinda got the impression she only left NYC and tried out for DCC because she knew the dance scene in NYC would be dead for like all of 2020 and into 2021 due to COVID? Idk though
  8. So did Ashlee!
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