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Everything posted by seauxheaux

  1. Oh I get what you're saying. I like her shape myself. My issue wasn't with the figure he might have not liked but with the comment that Monet said about him and black women. When she that, I was ready to listen close to what she was going to tell. Yes he might have said he asked for someone black but when I think Paula or Alicia I don't think curvy, he could have said Beyonce and that would make more sense to me. I'm thinking that she was trying to say he preferred someone lighter or less so called "stereotypical" looking, more smaller features and thinner but still curvy. That's what I take issue to because that's going beyond someone's body. To be as brown as he is, that doesn't look right to me. I can totally see why Monet wouldn't care for that, I sure wouldn't. There's having a taste, and then there's a colorism issue. I don't know if he has one or not but if he does and loves his mom like he acts like he do (and they look just alike to me,) then humble yourself, like your father did.
  2. Hmm, if its a colorism issue I still take issue with that and say its some bullshit. But I could see him wanting someone more fit (I'm still not quite sold on it but moving on.) Also, I guess the show is really low budget. Don't people usually look better at these reunion shows? Doug and those dang pants.
  3. well I finally watched this stuff, and now im throwing in my two cents: Cortney and Jason: They were cute. I fell asleep but they were cute. They feel sincere to me. Vaughn and Monet: it was both their faults. Not one of them is the victim, unless we mean both of them when it comes to the "experts." Pompous pricks. Yall dropped the ball, now own up to it. EVERYONE could clearly see they didn't work, just admit to your mistakes. I got my life watching them squirm when Monet was talking. While I still don't care for Monet, this was the most honest I felt she was on camera and I liked that she told it like she felt. Now for the marriage I saw in tv: I vouch for Vaughn the most because I feel I get where he's coming from the most. While he looked unsavory in tv the most at face value, Monet did her shit too. I wonder how she was with the cameras off. Hell, her voice annoyed me too, still did during the reunion. And if she really did act one way when the cameras were rolling just to be totally different when the cameras went off, that is off putting. I wouldn't care for that either. I don't think his yelling and swearing was that serious, he was mad as he should have been. He's one of those ones that probably don't say it like they mean it when it's felt, so instead it just boils over. Maybe trying to not lose it too much was one reason for the shaking. And I don't think Monet said too much when she mentioned the hand job thing, I wouldn't be here for that mess either, coming out of surgery. Out of all 6 people, I feel that Monet is the one I've seen the least on a vulnerable level (then Doug.) Maybe Vaughn wanted to connect too soon (I suspected she wasn't as open as he was hoping) but if you getting married by "experts" ON TV, and you're already aware of your defensiveness why the hell bother? Get a little vulnerable or wash your hands with it. They are just not compatible. And neither one is innocent. AND did he really say he wanted an Alicia Keys type? I don't remember him saying that, I might have missed that after waking up after Cortney and Jason, or was that something that Monet just felt herself so she put out there? Or has she been reading some forums too? If so, that's some bullshit, considering not just his appearance but his mother's. Humble yourself, like your father did. Jamie and Doug: While I do feel that they fit the "Hot Wife, Average Husband" thing, but am I the only one that doesn't think Jamie's all that good looking? Yeah she got him beat but not by much to me. Make up covers a bunch. Anyway, I want to believe they'll work but I definitely feel that she was playing up for the cameras. I want to believe she's sincere but idk. I still feel like Doug is wowed by her "beauty" and pleased he was able to catch someone that looked better than him. Still think she needs therapy. I liked him joking though.
  4. Jamie's reactiong to the cig thing was just too much. Yes he lied and that was stupid (hello? that awful smoke smell) but come on. Like she was waiting for him to fuck up so she could say hypothetically this is a big problem because it all starts out small and then it blows up, well Doug you failed like everyone else, I'm out. Doug could have easily told the truth. It was a dumb mistake but trying to please Jamie is quite a task and he's trying to be too perfect. I still don't like Jamie but it's sad that she has resorted to this for affection. She probably is playing a part but it's people like her that are really attracted to cameras and tv for a reason. Girl needs some therapy. Welp Vaughn I can't help ya out much this week lol but I think his mother said it all when she told Monet you don't have to mean it, just do it, or something like that. Also yall do know that big thighs and big ass tend to go hand in hand right? Monet has a pear shape and while she isn't as thin is jamie or Courtney, she is a little overweight but not that much. If Vaughn wants someone like his mother and seeing his mother's size, I really don't think that would be the worst for him, I think it was something else in the honeymoon that got him down because to me he seemed enthused about the project at first. He's saying stuff to the experts to act like he cares but everyone can tell he really doesn't. Well except Monet. Monet is still trying and I don't know why. Jason needs to open up some. Courtney said right when she said I'm not going to force you to open up, but if you can't open up any then just call it a day. Gone and take care of your mother.
  5. who says? I saw a commercial for casting and I could have sworn I read a season 2 being approved somewhere. I'd watch the stuff all over again.
  6. AH so THAT'S why Vaughn's so stuck on the cooking thing. It didn't dong on me until this episode: his mother probably was going above and beyond trying to make up for the fact that his dad died, because that c word seems to come up a bit. Food probably is another way to say I care and I'll take care of you. She probably waited on him a lot. This also made me think back to the casting special where they had another black woman they thought of pairing up with with him but ultimately chose Monet and said that the other lady was "too religious" for him. If he was going to get his Sundays off and get home cooked meals (assuming she cooked,) I don't think he would have cared. He probably comes from a traditional and religious upbringing anyway. Still feel like they were put together for drama's sake. Jamie is overdramatic. I don't think someone like Doug is really going to care that much about about you coming from, gasp, hard upbringings. Now it could be that she's being sincere but damn she acting like it was the end of the world to show him that. But then again, look at what she's said to Doug about his job and living at home, and so on. She's hella judgemental and has gotten on my nerves since the first episode. I had to roll my eyes so many times at the experts talking their obvious drivel.
  7. Also, it could be that Vaughn actually did lke Monet's bubbliness but after seeing that they wouldn't be a good match and disliking her more and more, that could have been something that started to annoy him. I know when I really don't like people, everything they do pisses me off. I'd post more but everything I've thought of has already been said.
  8. And I would not want to sleep on that matress of his either, nope. I agree with one poster who said that they're probably edited to look a certain way too (doug/jamie - where one person wasn't attracted but eventually comes around, jason/courtney - young couple that have promise, vaughn/monet - sexually there but going nowhere in everything else.) I still think they half assed it with them, like an underhanded "but I'm not racist" move. And I am tired of the constant mention of things that we, the viewers, already know and can clearly see. Like they want to make sure we remember that they're the experts--which is hard to tell with vaughn and monet. I still haven't seen the so call chemistry they said they had on paper some episodes back. "The experts" are way too repetititve, just let us watch the couples. They work overtime with reminding us how REAL this social experiment is.
  9. LMAO vaughn what in the hell???? I guess it makes sense, since thats all we've seen of them but you know good and well that was inappropiate. I went aww at the notes that jason left courtney. That was cute and thoughtful.
  10. Lol I've given vaughn the most benefit of the doubt--though he's going to lose me with that woman cooking stuff next week. I could tell he was introverted right off the bat. He does give me on-the-low-heaux vibes though. I think something happened (or didn't happen) right away that just mentally made him check out. They're both unreasonable. If you're going to make this "marriage" work, they'll need to bond over more than sex and a dead parent. Real slick of the production staff to claim that the black couple had the so called most compatiblity but all we seen them do is bong and fight. I thought the match up team might have earnestly tried when I first started watching but now I don't. Still a tv show. Jason and Courtney will be more interesting to me with a little conflict. At least they're trying but I don't want to see two strangers get married on tv and then be all lovey dovey constantly. All things jamie still bore me, but if you're going to call my baby a "monster" right in my face, I'd wash my hands of you too.
  11. With all I've heard and read about them already, I'm seriously sick of Doug and Jamie. Especially Jamie. Yes she was on other shows, yes she didn't like Doug's looks, yes those planets on his face don't help matters but it wasn't like removing them was going to do much in the looks for him, he even admitted he isn't the best looking and he seems very sweet (hell his friends pointed out the looks thing after they got married too.) Can we find out more about the other couples already. I hope they don't focus all on them because I rather see the other two couples. I feel like Vaughn (and like others mentioned here my first reaction was he's gay lol) and Monet are the ones we know the least (though the "experts" said they have the most chemistry--we'll see.) Most of the people didn't strike me as attention starved, but I wonder how many of them have/are trying to make it in show business.
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