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35 Excellent-
It would certainly be entertaining to see an interaction like that. Hoping this does happen at least once some day. Someone with Shannan's balls and IDGAF attitude + Kelli's affronted response + Amen Corner Judy would have me hooked.
You know, I couldn't put my finger on why I was so distracted watching it, but I agree. It was lacklustre. And that little bit of contrived drama they tried to include with Armani's name not on the commencement screen (which was wtf to me lmao) didn't do anything for me. I was only invested in Charm's section. Everything after was just meh. Even the vets coming into the bubble wasn't enough to excite me.
During the episode: Does anyone else also envision Kashara singing the theme song? Have no clue why lol My eyes went straight to Sydney during Charm's choreo and stayed there, damn lol. Phenomenal. That is what they all should look like doing that choreo. Power, energy, hitting the moves hard, being smooth with it when it calls for it, adding style and some sass. I rewinded and watched again. (ATL girls can get it 😏) Jada and Marissa's groups were *blows air*. Idk. Low energy and they all were halfway doing the moves. Nobody popped tbh. The only one who was doing the moves w/ the energy I expected was Annabelle, but she was messing moves up pretty badly oml that virtual graduation; Covid really ruined that experience for students countrywide. Commencement was long and annoying, yes, but damn, walking across that stage and getting a diploma after 4 yrs of utter shite, hard work, and difficult and amazing experiences was something I would not give up for the world here come the veterans~ lets see what editing they have in store to shape and mould the average viewer Kat's wig looks a little dry tbh; needs some sheen. I saw Maddie M mess up a couple times oop okay power duooo (Darian and Armani) Refreshing to see Amanda, Ashlee, Gina, and Hannah's clean, fun, powerful style for that brief moment we got of them Showrunners obviously asked Meredith about her learning dances for the confessional and cut and chopped it up to make it seem like she was struggling big time. I doubt a vet would say that unprompted about learning dances. You can't fool me editing~ Shannan wtf lol; she said IDGAF. But they obviously edited her to look a certain way. She was clearly crying earlier during it. She had watery, red eyes and her voice wavered a bit. Sheridan stood out in a bad way. And not just because she was calling Kelli 'girl' (which I thought was funny af). Something about the way she overacts was hmmm to me. She doesn't come across bubbly cute. She was lowkey obnoxious? I wonder how much of that is editing. Thoughts after no shots taken this episode. Boo. Editing is slipshod. Have a feeling it's going to get worse. lmao Charm was NOT impressed w/ the rookies; I was cackling for a good minute at her disinterest if I'm correct, this is the first season they have ever mentioned racial injustice, yes? Honestly, having watched this show for several years, I made a face, and not a good one. Really hope they don't push this "racial diversity/racial inequality/racial injustice" angle more in this season to try to portray the show as caring in that respect. It screams disingenuous considering they have paid that dust in the past. Has Kelly made any positive comments about the girls in the past 2 episodes? I had a feeling K&J's enthusiasm in ep 1 was kind of fake. They're snarky and snipping about every girl and it's coming across as catty now. They seem just an unenthusiastic about this season as many of the viewers on this site do. Honestly, if they have 11 cuts and no time for it, there's no reason to keep extending their stay when certain ppl just aren't going to get the dances. They're not going to give them time to get it anyway. I can't recognise about half of the blonde girls. Jeez. They do not stand out whatsoever. Ep 3 favourites: ***Elli***, Darian, Sydney, Armani, Dani came out of nowhere for me and blended before but she gets a yaaasss, Jada is soft and sweet and genuine and though I'm not a fan of her dancing she has become a fave for that reason alone, Kelly impressed me with her power, Amanda bc I do love me some Amanda, Ashlee bc I do love me some Ashlee
Late af, but During the episode: Prettiest kick from what I saw was Alora Rose, Jada, Ashlinn, and two blonde girls in the back whose names I will figure out at some point 😅 Claire W has good technique and flexibility, but the kick they highlighted wasn't the best example since her knee was bent. Sydney's sweaty hair was tragic; hoping if she gets to makeovers, they give her a nice bob. It would frame her jawline well imo. TAKE A SHOT LOL. COVID PRECATION BUBBLE MENTION Alora Rose kissing up to the judges was awkward as hell. I do like that they have some of the parents speak about their children; it's lovely. Warm fuzzy feeling inducing. Jada's group w/ Evan's choreo was extremely low energy. Evan highlighted Kelly as great, but all I saw was a stiff neck and tight shoulders; felt like she needed to loosen up and make it more smooth. In Marissa's group, Marissa was the only one I knew, but that whole group was underwhelming. Everyone else I thought looked the same? anxious Claire D looks a bit like Brennan the bit that highlighted Sydney in the last choreo, I was pretty impressed, which made up for her performance earlier Amelia's a cutie. Her eyes are a lovely sienna colour. Best of luck to her Thoughts after: I'm convinced Judy spoke only thrice this entire episode. editing less on point this time lol. The scene after Sydney got sick, the camera jumped awkwardly through each individual girl in a way to make it seem like they weren't all standing without masks, clustered together closer than 6 ft. They obviously were. Elli is my official favourite; every comment regarding her therein will be biased af From the bits they show us, some of these rookies look decent, but too many of them blend or don't stand out. And I don't know if it's just me or if it's the music, but it seems like a number of them have dreadful musicality. I'm surprised they left Judy's comment of "oh no. pls don't be covid" regarding Sydney's breathing difficulty given that they're pushing the safety of the bubble so much this season. I want to favourite Jada so bad, but her power when dancing always looks low and honestly, my eyes stray from her. She doesn't hit her moves. Alora Rose had little power today too. CHARM LADONNA. CHARRRRRMMMMM. Didn't get drunk this episode, but I took 2 shots. Let's see about the next. Current favourites as of ep 2: ***Elli***, Armani is a complete cutie, Ashlinn popped out of nowhere but gurl yaaasss, Darian is gorgeous
It's quite frustrating how they toy with these girls' lives like pieces on a chess board for their reality TV show. These are real people; you'd think they'd have enough respect and compassion for these ladies who bust their asses and put their effort and time into this not to do something to disrespect the girls' legacy as DCC. Best case scenario for Hannah, they edit her out or don't give her screentime (i.e Erica treatment in a sense), but I'm fully expecting some shite edit to make her look bad. And I'm really not looking forward to that.
Can't access my old account anymore, but luckily, this one got verified in time for the premiere My general thoughts during watch-through: I actually kind of like the corny theme song bc it's so danged corny (hides) take a shot every time they mention something about trying to make the bubble as safe as possible all season long Phil showing up on the screen. Clever. I liked it haha; made me smile amused that K&J revealed that they haven't seen numbers like this since the 80s; previous seasons were pretty heavy on the "we had thousands/hundreds apply" spiel audition tapes were kind of meh when I watched them; if these are their top girls out of all the people who auditioned, I can't imagine how much worse the rest possibly are. second whoever the person was who said K&J actually seem excited instead of lowkey tired/fed up; is it authentic? time will tell really wish the music matched the dancing; hard to tell the musicality of each girl when it seems like no one is on beat plus the music was pretty bad Not a fan of the slo-mo camera. Got awk shots of Darian's back skin folding and bunching while dancing and Amelia's boob bouncing. I stg if they dare touch Jada's or anyone's natural hair I'm gonna be pissed; let ppl have their damn curls. I'm worried about how Armani's will be managed. I'm concerned she might get a weave and heat treatment, which I hope not bc heat damage is no joke. (Sidenote: I'm still mad about what they did to Brandi Kilby's "stripper" curls years ago. That one season where everyone's curls were straightened made me so mad!!) okay power duo! I see you! (about Claire W and Elli) I'm going to enjoy watching them perform when their group goes. Really grabbed my attention and my eyes stayed there. office visits will never not be awkward. I kind of hate watching them, esp when the girl is sitting there crying and it's just long awk pause. My thoughts after: editing on point lol; can't wait to see what the rest of this season will cook up for manufactured drama camera angles were strange during the dances; it's pretty obvious who the show will force us viewers to focus on based on placement in the trapezoid for dancing in front of the judges Why am I getting the feeling that Judy is being fed lines? Stuff she said didn't sound like her own words for some reason, and after she says her little one-liner, it's like the camera can't wait to cut back to Kelli. Heck, Kelli kind of seems like she's staring her down. i hope they do keep the format where girls already know the dances going into TC, but I do like watching them learn dances at least in semis, so I hope that returns Going by just the show, favourites so far are: Darian, Claire W, Elli, Marissa (spunky dancers, but understandably eye-catching because the camera focused on them), Sydney (seems like a fun and goofy girl), Alora-Rose (that shot of her abs got me) Honestly the longhaired and blonde girls all blended to me and if they hadn't tagged their names, I would have been totally lost on who they were while dancing. Gonna have to rewatch to figure out who is who bc a bunch of them honestly look exactly the same.