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1.0k Excellent-
Exactly. He went after Bobby because that was a path to his survival, not because he was angry. This seemed to always be Sam's issue. He was either kind of arrogant (in the early seasons), where he was smarter than Dean and knew better, or (in the later seasons) he was always trying to prove that he was good and/or worthy -- of forgiveness, of salvation, of Heaven, of love, etc.
That's true. It kinda seemed unnecessary to throw that in now that you mentioned it. lol I always thought that was brought up to show that Soulless Sam could only feel physical sensations (pain, pleasure). He didn't know what exactly was wrong with him, but he chased "feelings." I don't think he even experienced anger or other negative or destructive emotions.
You might be comparing it to shows made more recently. This was a low-budget show made in 2004-2005, almost 20 years ago. Special and visual effects have changed a lot since then.
I went even further, I kept calling Rufus Captain Fuller!
"The Deans: Heavenly Disorder Incarnate"
He was about Heaven or Hell for humans. Remember Lily Sunder went to Heaven after she sacrificed herself with nothing in return for herself. Seems like that god just monitored/registered the incoming souls. The "abacus" seemed to be automatic. Still would like to know how Heaven survived when all the angels fell in S8. This would be hilarious (or incredibly tragic)! Either way, I would watch that show! (We're probably going to have to take this to an SPN thread. Which one though?)
Didn't Naomi tell Castiel that there are only a handful of angels left, and Heaven was on the verge of collapse because they could barely "keep the lights on?" That's why they wanted Jack or Lucifer to "create" more angels? That seemed to imply that they "powered" Heaven, and that never made any sense to me. Because Heaven didn't collapse when all the angels fell. IMO, Jack restored Rowena as ruler in Hell, and made Purgatory as it was. I don't think Eve was "running" anything in Purgatory like Hell was being run by Lucifer/Crowley/Rowena. Heaven he kind of re-organized into different planes of existence to accommodate the multiverse, and accessed by him only. But of course Dean found a trap-(garage) door or something, so he had access also. If Jack was going to follow a "hands-off" policy, he would have brought back all the AUs to the point at which they were destroyed. The Apocolypse World would have been horrible, but it's main bad guy, AU!Michael had left, so maybe on the path to a new future? I don't think Jack would have brought back people that were already dead at the time of "evaporation."
Nothing was mentioned about Heaven/Hell/Purgatory being evaporated in 15.18 with all of "life." What I took away from the 15.19 was that Jack restored everything (including AUs). Then in 15.20, we're told that Heaven was re-made differently from what it had been before. It's probably safe to assume that Jack re-structured Hell and Purgatory also. It's possible he made one heaven for all of the multiverse and got rid of the angel hierarchy "running heaven." The idea that the angels powered Heaven didn't make sense to me because angels got powered up by human souls. IMO, it made more sense that human souls powered Heaven, thus making angels just caretakers.
All of this! There are so many people complaining that it is a fanfic by Jensen to boost his ego. But everything in SPN after S6 is fan fiction since Kripke, the actual creator/writer was not writing or supervising after S6. So what's to complain about here? Also, a lot of the inconsistencies in the storytelling probably had to do with all the CW/Nexstar stuff and the shortened season. The huge gaps between episodes didn't help either.
Thought the wrap up for the Season/Series worked out really well. All those who theorized Heaven were right and so were all of us who kept saying AU. It really seemed the best of both options. The ending completed the story line and yet kept it open for future stories if renewed (probably not, but who knows). Loved how all of the characters worked together in the end. Kind of thought they should've had Deanna appear some time. I've seen a lot of people complaining/criticizing Dean's outfit and overall look when he met John. It is canon that Dean likes to dress up. He enjoyed his tailored 1940s suit in the episode with Chronos. He dressed up as a 1800s cowboy and a modern cowboy. Why wouldn't he dress up to fit in, in the 70s? As for the longer hair, Dean's hair was never actually a military buzz cut. There was even a fake ID, in the Pilot, that had Dean with hair longer than Sam's. Who knows when/why he started cutting it short again? Also, did anyone else think that he was dressed up a little like Benny?
Spoilers And Speculations: Or Where We Do *Not* Complain About Canon
MAK replied to Meredith Quill's topic in The Winchesters
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but this is why I hope it's an AU. An AU that followed the same route as the regular world, regarding Winchester/Campbell history, but changed course when Mary did not make the deal with Azazel for John, so no Sam and Dean. But in The Winchesters, Dean somehow made it change course even earlier by giving John the letter from Henry. -
Yes! I actually love all the Dean/Millie parallels. She took what life handed her and carried on. Much like Dean. I especially like them because there is no will they/won't they tension. They're good friends and just vibe really well together. A lot of people (especially ones who say they don't watch the show) are upset about Mary's college application and the show implying it refers to Dean and not Sam. IMO, it parallels both Dean and Sam. She saw a way out of the hunting life by going to college, like Sam. Her possibly having it derailed because she chose to continue hunting, is like Dean. Whether Dean wanted to go to college or not, Dean stopped thinking about a future without hunting somewhere between his time at Sonny's and the end of After School Special. (He talks about it with Gordon in Bloodlust.) That conversation John and Mary had after they finished burning and burying the bodies, seems very prophetic. She says she would not make a deal for a loved one, even the love of her life, because it would be selfish. Unless this is an AU, I guess she changes her mind.
Spoilers And Speculations: Or Where We Do *Not* Complain About Canon
MAK replied to Meredith Quill's topic in The Winchesters
The fact that there are so many things in this show that are just a little off from SPN canon lore, canon characterizations, that I feel like they were a deliberate choice. IMO, it gives more weight to the theory that this is an AU. I am speculating that this is the AU!ApocolypseWorld where they went to in S12-13. In this world, John is dead because Mary never made a deal, and there are no Dean and Sam Winchester. John could have known about the supernatural earlier than in the SPN universe. Henry and Millie could have been living in Lawrence instead of Normal. There could be a MoL base in Lawrence instead of Lebanon. Point being, anything could be just a little different, and also anything is possible. If we take the hints that Ketch and Charlie might be showing up, I have a weird theory of how Dean ends up there. So here goes. We’re not really told if there was any Angel resistance to AU!Michael destroying the earth. It’s possible there were some angels on the side of humanity. What if those angels heard about the stories of Sam and Dean that Mary and Jack might be telling people. Maybe they come up with a plan to have their own set of Winchester brothers to stop the apocalypse. After all, even if they fail, they wouldn’t be any worse off than they are. Henry could have died in any way in this world, but most likely because of Abbadon since there aren’t any MoL when John finds the clubhouse. He could have escaped the same way, but got derailed because John had died in 1973. Maybe he shows up near Dean, when Dean and Ketch are there in 13.18. As Henry shows up, an angel of the resistance finds him first, and reads his mind and takes the letter that he wrote to John (that he always carries). At the end of the episode, when Dean and Ketch are at the rift, and they decide that Dean will go through alone, in that split second before Dean steps through the rift, the angel puts Henry’s letter in his pocket, along with another note, and sends him back to 1972, to stop John’s death, to make sure Sam and Dean are born in this world. There could be a time limit of how long Dean is there. 6 months? A year? After which, Dean will be pulled back to the moment of stepping through the rift, and SPN continues as it did. Nothing in their timeline has changed. Maybe the timeline in the AU changed or it didn’t. Maybe this is where the Akrida come in. It also explains away so many inconsistencies. Yes, it is pretty convoluted, but so is SPN. (And I really don't want it to be after Dean's death.) -
I really like this about this show. In this episode, I really enjoyed the dynamic between John and Millie. No matter how much he broods, he does seem to wear his heart (emotions) on his sleeve. It does seem that the show is focusing more on John than Mary. Because we don't really get too much about her. She seems to keep things very need to know. I hope we get scenes where she opens up more to John. I see a lot of Dean characteristics in Millie, and I like that a lot. Not really paying attention to conflicts in the LOL!Lore. They did so much of that in SPN in the later seasons. IMO, it doesn't take away from the overall story. Especially since this is probably going to turn out to be an AU. I have some speculations about that, that I will take to the proper thread.