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Everything posted by JimmyJabloon

  1. Shogun- I do not like the actor who plays blackthorne. I don't even know why. The way he speaks especially.
  2. TBBT- massive UO- Raj should've ended up with Missy.
  3. Rome: Not sure how unpopular this is, but I did not like Servilia one bit. She wasn't even entertaining.
  4. Arcane- heimerdinger needed to be booted out. Good scientist, terrible leader. Jace gets way too much unnecessary hate. Friends- Some of my favourite moments of the show are from the later seasons. Did not care for mondler proposal, but that might just be because of my general dislike of proposals. Phoebe was a shit stirrer. ATLA/LOK- if you're gonna borrow concepts and words from other countries/cultures, the least you can do is pronounce them correctly. The sheer disrespect towards south asian words was painful to watch. If they are not English words, stop saying them like English words. Pronunciation matters in other languages. I just don't find IASIP funny post s12. Couldn't sit through the latest season.
  5. I don't care for Pedro Pascal. Or Paul Rudd.
  6. Superstore - I know the Mateo and ICE thing was supposed to be sad and all but he was just so unlikable that I really didn't care. I was happy i won't have to see him for atleast a few episodes, but alas. I really didn't care for Jonah and Amy. Those two were such boring characters, together they just doubled the boredom. Amy was never funny, which was probably by design, and Jonah was only funny with others and that too rarely.
  7. Legion- Not sure how unpopular this is, but i did not buy syd and David's love at all. And i think it might be because of Rachel keller's "acting". She was just zoned out the entire time and i had trouble taking her seriously. Maybe she was being mind controlled the entire time. David had more chemistry with literally everyone except her.
  8. The middle- i don't get the hatred for Frankie. Yes she's flawed, but so are the rest of them. And i always thought that was the point. People act like she abandons her kids all the time to just party and drink with friends and proceed to call her a terrible mother. Funny how Mike hardly gets the "bad parent" criticism from the same people despite being distant most of the time.
  9. Looks like my TBBT UO is that i actually liked Amy.😂 The only main character i hated throughout was Raj. Others had their moments but were generally fine. I loathe Leonard's mom though.
  10. According to them that a-okay because she apparently said some not so nice things to their poor baebae. Who hasn't killed their spouse and gone on to creep on their niece afterall. That's a totally normal thing to do. Choking their queen though, that's the writers 'ruining' the best husband in the world.
  11. I saw someone whining about writers ruining daemon's character because he apparently choked rhaneyra or something. Future seasons are going to be hard on these folks. By the end I'm expecting a GOT S8 level wailing.😂
  12. I hate Targaryens and their nonsense so I’m not watching HOTD but dear god Aemond looks so cool. I’m waiting for the inevitable meltdown by the fandom in upcoming seasons though.😆
  13. Only really watched it to see gollum’s Alfred. Can’t stand Robert pattinson either. Never watched the twilight movies. Also kinda got curious seeing people call this best batman and better than dark knight. Neither of the claims seemed even close to truth to me. i’ll rank voldemort’s Alfred over gollum’s. But that could be because Alfred had way more to do in the Lego batman than in this one. Which is also a vastly superior movie.
  14. Death becomes her- I was expecting this to be completely ladies’ show but was genuinely surprised that Bruce Willis was the star of the movie for me. Fun movie overall.
  15. Can’t believe moonknight is being called dark. For oversaturated marvel standards, maybe. But there’s literally nothing interesting in that show. Even the cgi is bad considering the amount of money Disney mints. Maybe it’ll get better, but considering this is Disney, I have no hopes.
  16. The new batman movie was terrible. Too slow, too long, too pretentious and trying too hard.
  17. I don’t love the Lord Of the Rings trilogy. They’re fine, but not as great as some people claim them to be. There are several moments that are just cringy. Also, why does Arwen talk like that? Also don’t understand why Harry Potter movies are suddenly held as this gold standard by the fandom. Every movie after the first two was bad imo.
  18. Zero interest in LOTR show, because it looks garbage from the trailer and images. Not to mention it has a cheap feel to it. Zero interest in House of Dragon, because I hate Targaryens. Can’t take anymore of those lunatic incestuous freaks with nukes.
  19. I only realised a few months ago that the show is called Down-Ton abbey and not Down-Town abbey.
  20. Arcane- I really didn’t care about Mel. I didn’t actively dislike her, but I wouldn’t have been upset if she disappeared.
  21. For some reason Chris Evans just looks like a douchebag to me. His character as Captain steroids didn't help. Is madden the Robb stark guy? One reason I hated that character was because of madden, so.. Also, I don't get the hype around Paul Rudd. I don't dislike him, but I don't like him either. He's just..there.
  22. I’ve never liked Chris Pratt, so this ongoing surge of hatred against him really makes no difference to me. I loved Andy Dwyer, but god I can’t stand Pratt. Can’t watch anything else he’s in.
  23. Golden girls- I do not like Sophia. She’s just a horrible little meanie.
  24. The short lived discussion reminds me. I actually don’t mind that pushing daisies ended in 2 seasons. I liked the show, but still.
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