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  1. That's the approved method of breading, yes. I don't cook professionally anymore, but I had a little chef training and interned for a few weeks in a restaurant kitchen. I spent at least one day a week breading and frying eggplant for their ELT sandwiches. Kosher veg - it replaced the bacon. Flour, egg, crushed panko. Only wet hand, dry hand disappeared FAST and the eggs became a floury sludge. Yummy sandwich, though. Spicy mayo. Those seem to be very ambitious and specific dishes. Except they now can cook eggs, steak, pound, bread and fry meat and know useful knife cuts. It can be generalized for any one reasonably intelligent.
  2. Looked to me as if Anna's borrowed bed had a fake wall or drapery on either side, plus a rack for her clothes and an actual dresser, so she gets some token privacy, unlike the other adult women in that shared bedroom. Plus she gets to wear her own things instead of join in the family closet. I don't think she has ever had a chance to live by herself.
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