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Posts posted by LilyD

  1. On 4/3/2023 at 8:22 PM, the-grey-lady said:

    This makes me think about how how perilous their entire financial house of cards has been all this time, and continues to be.

    MLMs dependent on celebrity that could wane at any time? A TV show that could be cancelled at any time? Selling guns at gun shows? None of this is sustainable long-term, and given the Browns' spending habits, they're really playing with fire.

    Oh absolutely! I suspect they literally lived from paycheck to paycheck). when there is none, you either burn through savings, retirement funds or remortgage your house. There really isn’t a longterm vision or whatsoever.

    It is remarkable how well Christine has done compared to the rest. Buying a house in Flagstaff which she sold at a profit, instead of wasting a lot on expensive rents like the rest seemed key. The MLMs work for her now and seem to provide her with a good and steady income. And while I agree with you that it could wane anytime, it is as ‘temporarily’ as any job.  Twitter now comes to mind: Leaving the office on Friday night, not knowing you’d be locked out and without a job over the weekend….. who would have thought that? Yet it has happened to thousands recently.

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  2. On 4/3/2023 at 2:07 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

    Authority over her and her money. 

    What money? He has already burned her entire inheritance and retirement funds. And what was left of the family money is locked up in the Wasteland and Robyn's twice-remortgaged mansion...Let's hope that she sees some of the money back through a potential sale of Coyote Pass.

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  3. On 3/14/2023 at 4:03 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

    This whole thing was nothing but a power play. Robyn wanting the other wives to do all work for her unmarketable business, then she could blame them all for not helping when her junk jewelry failed to sell. Meri saying she wanted college instead partially bc Robyns idea was dumb and she was catfishing, being catfished, whatever but also, I think if Robin had found the cure for cancer Meri would’ve found a reason to buck against it just to show she was OG Legal wife and nobody is the boss of her. Those two Mean Girl Wives deserve each other. 

    I have little doubt that Robyn assumed it would be a huge success and she leaned heavily on the other wives’ support.

     The whole dynamics was odd. The business was doomed from day one, when potential investors found numerous flaws in their business plan. Neither Kody, nor Robyn took these warnings seriously, and pushed their ideas through. The other wives quickly realised the investors were right, but were forced into the fambly business. I cannot really fault Meri here as her heart really wasn’t into it. I fully agree about Meri’s general attitude though. She bucked against anything if it wasn’t her brain child or if there were no immediate benefits for her. She’s not a team player.

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  4. 5 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    Honestly not to make fun of innocent babies, but I’m surprised there aren’t more genetic issues the way this group is so inbred. They’re all related and intermarried to some degree. 

    Maddie and Caleb are not blood-related. Iirc, one of Kody’s brothers was married to Caleb’s sister, which makes them related through marriage only.

    There is indeed a lot of speculation on inbreeding in Utah, but from a logical point of view it must have happened in many places. Particularly in times when there were lots of huge families and people were bound to a fairly small geographical region. Think of towns where people have lived for many generations.

    It’s not necessarily bad, as long as you’re not too closely related and don’t have too many shared ancestors. It tends to become tricky when those common ancestors share genes for specific (rare) genetic diseases or when families marry relatives for several generations.

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  5. And the bit where he told Janelle to evict Gabe so he could visit during the pandemic? The scene where Gabe actually said that his father would probably not come even if he stuck to all Kody’s covid-rules was heart-breaking. 

    Don’t get me wrong, parents have a right to set rules for kids that still live at home, definitely during the pandemic. But like @the-grey-lady said, it’s the fact that he wanted Janelle to choose him over the dogs (and in my post the kids) That’s so cruel! And he wasn’t even in their lives anyway. 


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  6. On 3/31/2023 at 6:15 PM, Tuxcat said:

    Though, I assume by those cameo prices, Meri and Kody were getting nasty requests and so they had to go up in price for only serious buyers? Are there any?  Christine and Janelle obviously get the easy "queen" requests and idk wtf Mykelti does.

    That, or Christine, Janelle and Mykelti are a lot more realistic about their fame and  worth. We all know that Meri and Kody have a hugely inflated ego. They must be convinced they’re worth it. I also doubt $150  is enough to stop nasty or annoying requests. I can see friends chipping in the money for a good prank for instance.

    In my opinion, affordable cameos can be a fun, and highly appreciated present for a special occasion when you know someone to be a big fan. But 150 dollars is a lot, particularly if the celebrity comes up with a very short message like Kody. 

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  7. On 11/27/2022 at 12:52 AM, Endora said:

    I know Jackson is only 5 and I am not trying to dis a child, but something seems off that he would remark “why am I playing with the babies” when those children were the same size as him and his equal in every way?  Does he not realize his size at this point?  I think that whole situation is just weird.

    A bit late to this post, I missed large parts of this thread apparently, but I’d like to comment on this and previous posts on this matter.

    We’re talking about a 5-year-old here. At this age, kids have a fairly innocent and narrow view of the world and the people in it.The ability to really understand others and view the world through their eyes is something very few 5-year-olds will have mastered, if any. Heck, lots of adults still struggle with it and never learn. 

    Jackson may “know” he has dwarfism and “know” he is different in that respect. But there is a huge difference/gap between knowing and understanding what it means. And I don’t think he’s reached that stage yet. To Jackson, five makes you a big guy, not your height. It’s obvious that he hasn’t fully realised that there is a connection between getting older and getting taller, let alone the fact that he won’t be growing much unlike his peers…
    I’ll give him a pass here and hope he’s able to maintain and enjoy this childlike innocence a little longer. When reality strikes, it’s going to hurt a lot. Nobody wants to stand out from the rest because they’re different. It takes time to accept that. 

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  8. Mom of 3 here too, and yes, it can be exhausting, particularly when your kids develop a routine where one always wakes up when another falls asleep. Maddie always posts about trivial bits and presents them as if it’s unique, strange or very important to share. A lack of sleep for young moms isn’t strange or special. Sufficient sleep in that stage is! (Do tell us Maddie when that happens…)

    And she really has to stop whining! Just enjoy your kids and put an emphasis on posts about fun or special things instead of everything that isn’t fun or so hard!

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  9. On 3/27/2023 at 6:28 PM, GeeGolly said:

    Is Janelle's place open concept? Does she have a treadmill in the middle of her house? Not saying its necessarily a bad idea, but I'd couldn't live like that.

    Oh well, Janelle’s never been the ultimate interior designer, has she? And the few interior pictures clearly showed she couldn’t be bothered with unpacking and packing anymore. The rental she lived in prior to the RV adventure was a perfect example with boxes everywhere and some sort of treadmill or fitness bike in the middle of the living room.

    I really think she doesn’t care, but I’m sure that the notion of another temporary home doesn’t help either.

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  10. A note on the Tony discussion: We probably all agree that Tony can be very odd at times. And while we are no psychologists, nor know him personally, I have to say that he strongly reminds me of someone with what we used to call Asperger. 

    I actually think he is highly intelligent though it may not always show or be very obvious. He’s obsessed with certain things like chess and computer games, has a peculiar interest in books describing whatever theories and doesn’t care for much outside of that. His social skills are poor and he only focusses on himself. And he talks….he talks a lot, even when he shouldn’t be talking, he’s talking. And the wedding was a Tony-show from preparations till the end, with little regard for what Mykelti wanted. It does match what I noticed with him before: A struggle to get what other people want or need. He doesn’t notice it.



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  11. I’m surprised he’s wearing such a necklace.. It’s not a “cool dude” piece of joolry, nor does it look pretty masculine; things that seem to matter to Kody. I personally find it more suitable for a woman, but that’s just my opinion…


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  12. Can you actually see how many people “bought” a personal video of Kody? You can charge whatever you want but that doesn’t mean people actually buy it.I’m trying very hard to come up with reasons why people would pay close to a hundred dollars for a video of Kody? 

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  13. On 3/25/2023 at 1:20 PM, 65mickey said:

    I am glad that Christine has a man in her life who treats her well and cares about her. But at this point David should be nothing more than her mom's boyfriend not a father figure.

    As a child of divorced parents, I fully agree with you on this. Over time, a good relationship (hopefully) evolves into a close step parent-child relationship but it cannot be forced upon a child, but it takes time.

    But in this specific case we have a young child that hasn’t really experienced much of a father figure in life. I can see Truely actually really appreciating and loving David’s presence in life. In such cases, step parents and kids may bond very quickly.

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  14. 8 hours ago, Sandy W said:

    We don't know the context of the bite. It could have been something like...you're good enough to eat David...and playfully placed her teeth on his arm. In any case, Christine should not have posted the incident.

    I couldn't agree with you more here. And unfortunately, this is another instance of Christine's poor judgement when it comes to posting on SM. However, while you are right in pointing out that we do not know the context of the biting, it is yet another instance of Truely doing something "odd".

    To discuss Truely's behaviour a bit further:  I suspect that much of what we see is the direct result of the life she has led so far. Cameras have literally followed her since the moment she was born, which could explain her love-hate relationship with them. (Acting normal vs pulling faces and being silly for instance) 

    She doesn't really fit in anywhere within the family age-wise which makes her a bit of a loner (like Savanah). Truely was mostly surrounded by adults who subsequently doted on her as the baby of the family, but she obviously lacked kids of her own age to play with which is very important for your development. She didn't have many opportunities to make real friends (of her own age)  due to several moves, the pandemic with its school closures and Christine's decision to homeschool for a while when moving back to Utah. What does she really know when it comes to normal behaviour and interaction among other people, specifically peers?

    Lastly, there's the bit about Christine being emotionally very dependent on her kids, like we noticed on several occasions. God knows what role Truely had to fulfil in filling that emotional void for Christine right after the separation! David is probably a blessing in this regard as it draws this side of Christine away from Truely.

    For Truely's sake I hope that Christine is able to stay somewhere for the next 5 years. She really needs that stability and a few years at the same school where she can make real friends (for life) and learn from others.

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  15. On 3/16/2023 at 12:29 PM, ginger90 said:

    From the way the picture was taken, at first it looks huge. Taking the form spacing into consideration, it’s really not.

    If you were to give an estimate, how big do you think it is? I agree it’s probably smaller than you’d think but I still think it’s huge. But maybe it looks that way because it incorporates the covered area to get in and out of the car?

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  16. I needed to do some catching up on this thread and it really got me wondering what it is with Amy and selfies? You can take beautiful pictures and post them on sm without needing to stick your face into each and everyone. It’s distracting from what you want to show and on occasion, quite unpleasant to watch.

    As for Chris seeming grumpy all the time: Heck, I’d be when someone shoved a camera in my face three times a day without asking!

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  17. 9 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    Robyn also had this weird idea that Sol and Ari were going to be the hallowed children of the Brown family, born to cement their family together forever (not sure how that was supposed to work, but whatever)

    Yes, that attitude always baffled me. It was very clear from the start that most kids hoped that Truely was the last one. And Sol's baby announcement wasn't well received by several older kids either. You'd think that Kody and Robyn were aware of that? (Or they were but didn't care?)  Not the mention the fact that most kids were very wary of the possibility of having another sibling in a prime position that gets more and better than anyone else. (Like Leon)

    And then there's the age gap between the oldest kids who were close to moving out and start building their lives and the fact that they no longer lived in one big house. It's hard to really bond under those circumstances. I think most people with a sibling that's 16-20 years older (or younger) will recognise that.


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  18. I do think they'll do everything to keep that money train running, but I highly doubt it's going to involve another wife, even if it's just for the show. Kody seems over and done with having all those wives and recently called polygamy a failed experiment (or something like that) Not to mention the fact that Robyn is never going to accept another wife. She can't even let Kody go out of the house for 1 night...And that's the whole point of polygamy: sharing husbands...

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  19. I had to think a lot about the posts regarding Kody and Robyn's visit to the aquarium with Mindy, Sol, and Ari. It struck me how yet again the narrative turns nasty when it involves Ari. We don't know what exactly happened, of course, all we have is an account of someone on Reddit who saw them, and it may be highly exaggerated. But still... it does seem to fit a type of behavior that hasn't gone unnoticed!

    When you closely monitor Ari on the show, there's every reason to believe that she's not the sweet and charming 7-year-old they want us to believe. Her account of her first day back at school was a prime example. And then there are all those little hints Robyn dropped about trouble sleeping, needing a nanny, keeping her busy, the attention she needs, etc. 

    None of the Brown kids receive that much backlash on the internet, not even Paedon, and Leon. They both receive a fair share of backlash but are also praised for some of the things they have done or gone through. But those are adults, and not kids anymore. And that is a huge difference when it comes to discussing certain things.

    I just find it strange that there's hardly any post on the internet that depicts this 7-year-old girl in a positive light. It really does make me wonder what on earth is wrong with her, or what is happening there in Flagstaff. How can such a little girl radiate so much negativity?  I have to admit that it does make me a little uncomfortable to put this out here. It's a kid we're talking about, not an adult, I'm very aware of that. But that behavior is odd... Why do we struggle so much to find something, or anything, nice to say about a 7-year-old?




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  20. It's amazing to see all those pictures of Janelle and her kids. I'm glad they're close and see each other often, especially since Kody seems to have completely abandoned them. Janelle seems able to give them a place to call home and a place to return to for family gatherings,  which is great.

    But it also makes me sad as it emphasizes Kody's abandonment of his family. I hate it when a parent turns his/her back on the kids and completely focuses on their new family. Kody is the epitome of that. 

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  21. On 3/17/2023 at 9:54 PM, Irate Panda said:

    The thing about the “are they pregnant?” picture that I thought was the most ridiculous was that I think Leon insinuated or maybe even came out and said that the point of them posting the picture was because their butt looks good in jeans and they were happy people commented on that because that was the intent.

    Well, in that case they both obviously missed the point of “awesome butt pictures”. Those generally prominently feature butts, in case people don’t know…

    I managed to locate the picture after some googling and yes, Leon’s butt is clearly showing, as is the rest of the upper body and Audrey standing behind Leon. Nothing in that picture indicates that we are to look specifically at that body part. It also amused me that Leon’s butt is just above the sink/cabinet with the work top littered with stuff. The sink and stuff on the work top draws way more attention than Leon’s backside which, I’ll give Leon that, indeed looks good with a jeans that does obviously fit well.


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  22. On 3/8/2023 at 12:36 AM, WenD08 said:

    I wish she had tried out for the KC Chiefs.  Had she made it, she could’ve tried again later to be a DCC.  She could’ve come back stronger with some experience under her belt.  

    Not sure if that had helped. Kelli never cared about other teams. She considers the DCC a league of its own and all other teams way below them. Many (former) dcc’s danced for other NFL teams or other big dance groups and such things never really seemed to impress Kelli. Quite a few, even team captains, didn’t even make it past semis. On occasion, Kelli was incredibly rude about them or even ridiculed them or the team they came from (How did they ever make that team? She can’t even kick or She’s sooo boring! To name a few typical Kelli remarks)

    It always annoyed me as I think it’s highly unprofessional to publicly slate fellow NFL or NBA teams and their dancers. (The Jets and the Chiefs most notably) You cannot be a bad dancer if you made another team and if you made it to captain or pro bowl, you must at least be above average. you may not be a fit for DCC but that doesn’t make you bad.

    There are quite a few that did make DCC after cheering for other teams of course, but again, that doesn’t necessarily make you great in Kelli’s eyes. A top dancer for her old team can be a nearly invisible DCC without show group and always hidden in the big triangle formation and group pictures.

    Oh well, most of us out here often struggled to follow Kelli’s logic and decisions when it comes to such matters…So, to conclude: experience with another team might  help but guarantees nothing…

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