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Posts posted by violetr

  1. Mr. PeePee Hands


    Bahahaha! So true, so gross. I already thought the guy was unappealing - now I find him disgusting.


    Team Nick all the way. I find him utterly adorable and I like his sense of style. I had a girlfriend over Friday night who's behind on the show and we watched the previous two eps. We were so in agreement that Nick is the only cutie pie there, but then again neither of us like jocks and always go for the quirky guys.


    Did anyone else think this episode was oddly edited? The rhythm of it just felt weird, and I'm not sure why they showed us so much of how tortured Andi was after the group date without showing us more of what bothered her so much. Yes I get things got weird with Josh, but I don't feel we saw enough of it. Show don't tell, editors.

    • Love 3
  2. As I stated in an earlier comment, I thought Marquel (albeit elegantly) confronting Andrew was pointless because it was based on hearsay.


    I have a feeling that this had more to do with how Marquel wanted to be perceived by viewers than really feeling the overwhelming need to confront someone over an alleged comment. And wasn't one of the guys (Dylan?) kind of egging him on to do it? I remember one of the guys saying something to the effect of, "Andrew's right over there, why don't you do it now!"

    What do you bet Marquel would have just dismissed it as "pffft, whatever" if it happened in his personal life. But this is 'Murica and guys don't want to be perceived as not having cojones or being afraid of confrontation, especially in front of thousands of viewers.

  3. I think both Josh and Brian are SO boring. I get that most TB and TB'ette contestants aren't usually huge brains with a penchant for deep philosophical discussions, but these guys just have nothing to say. I don't care if a guy is the prettiest thing I've ever seen (although neither of them do a thing for me), I would lose interest in guys that boring immediately. 


    I still like Nick. I think he's an introvert and it doesn't play well on a show like this, but so far I am buying that he has genuine feelings for Andi. But maybe that's just me hoping that we'll get some actual romantic drama on this season. The travel porn is always lovely, but my personal Bachelorette journey (hee) isn't complete without some drama that's not entirely producer-manufactured. 


    If Marquel isn't picked to be the next Bachelor there will have been a huge missed opportunity. 

    • Love 2
  4. I can't remember many (or really any) of them completely losing their shit the way Andi did.


    Emily Maynard did something similar after she found out about Kalon's "baggage" comment in reference to her daughter. She went off on him, then, if I recall correctly, was pretty "you better not ever do that or you'll get your ass thrown out too" to the rest of the group. I don't remember her getting nearly the same amount of flack.


    I just can't help but think that much of the "Bachelor Nation" wants their B'ettes a little more Barbie than Andi is. A little "sweeter," a little more docile, a little more conventionally beautiful (how dare the corners of her mouth turn down!), a little less fiery. Kinda bums me out.  

    • Love 5
  5. I think part of the problem, if you will, is that Eric was genuinely trying to figure out if there was anything in Andi worth pursuing.


    If that's the case, I just wonder why he felt the need to insult her with the "Hollywood actress" comment? We don't usually insult people that we're trying to find out more about and are potentially interested in romantically. It's possible it was his intent and it just came off wrong, but IMO that wasn't the case.


    I think he got his feathers ruffled when Andi told him that he wasn't opening up, stewed about it for a day or two, and decided to give her what for. Chris Harrison even stated on his blog post this week that Eric was an instigator. This is not to say in any way that Eric was a bad person, but I do think he was out to get a dig in on her a bit. Ultimately, as Andi herself stated to Chris Harrison in the conclusion of the episode, all of that probably just stemmed from the fact that they weren't right for each other.


    • Love 3
  6. I'm definitely on Team Andi when it comes to the Eric situation. RIP and all, but I absolutely hate guys who insult women in a passive-aggressive way and then are all "why are you so upset? You're taking it the wrong way. What did I do?" Total bullshit gaslighting behavior.


    Thank you for this. I'll echo everyone else in not wanting to speak ill of the dead, but if I'd been in Andi's position I would have felt the same way. You can't call someone a phony and then act all bewildered when they're upset. Absolutely agree that it was gaslighting 101.


    Other than Nick, I'm really not feeling the guys this season. I get that Josh M. is stereotypically handsome, but those big, bulky gym arms make me queasy. And Brian, while sweet, is one of those guys who looks like a tall 8-year-old. Marquel is cute but he and Andi are clearly not into each other. Talk about body language - at one point he had a pillow in his lap as if he were trying to put more distance between them.

  7. I'm a fan of the Kinsey Milhone mystery novels that take place in Santa Barbara. . . so I was thinking, here is the beach front where Kinsey runs, here is the rich housing development overlooking the ocean


    Sadly, all I could think about was, er, another recent (tragic) event in SB. Of course it's not the city's fault, and SB is lovely.

    While I can admit that Josh is a very attractive guy, he is just way too done up for me. His blindingly white, way-too-perfect teeth to his manscaped brows, I'd bet he spends more time grooming than I do. Big turn off for me, and I bet he doesn't even really need all of that to still be television ready.


    I am so with you. All that really turns me off, as well as the huge biceps. Gross. Gym-sculpted male bodies are just not my thing. Give me a guy who surfs or does yoga or some other form of exercise that doesn't create overly sculpted body parts.


    I think Nick is adorable. He's the one I'd be interested in if I were Andi, and I agree with those who feel he has a bit of a Jef vibe. Jef was my favorite on Emily's season, but we all know how that turned out.


    Andi continues to impress. She's smart, engaging, good-humored, and seems genuinely interested in getting to know the guys.

    • Love 2
  8. I have to say, seeing Eric is not as weird as I thought it would be. I guess if I had to pick a word for it, I'd say it's bittersweet. But I don't feel freaked out watching him knowing that he's dead now and I think the show's done a good job so far of handling the whole situation. With his having the first one-on-one date, there was simply no way to completely edit him out. So they just showed him as he was - happy, full of life and hopeful. And in an odd way that's kind of comforting.


    I like this point of view and I wish I could share it. It was just extremely hard for me to watch that whole segment - I thought it would never end. I couldn't quite bring myself to fast forward through it but I did look away from the screen a lot, especially whenever Eric talked about his future. I'm so glad I've never fallen for a risk taker. 


    What happened to Eric was the fault of nobody associated with the Bachelor franchise, but I admit that if I were Andi, I'd be up all night wondering if Eric would still be alive if I'd kept him on the show. It would be pointless, but survivor's guilt is a weird thing. 

    • Love 3
  9. So, Andi still hasn't done anything about the way the sides of her mouth constantly point downward, even when she's smiling.


    To echo a poster on TWoP (RIP - er, to the site not the poster), I kind of love her Grumpy Cat smile. I've never been into perfect, blonde, cookie-cutter "beauties" like Emily Maynard, so I for one am pleased that they cast a Jewish gal (the first!) who's prone to quirky facial expressions. And now I realize I'm projecting my hopes for changing beauty standards onto the Bachelor franchise, which means I'm in serious need of help. 

    • Love 3
  10. I don't understand her appeal. Every other girl on the bachelor had a better body, most were prettier and almost all were sweeter in disposition.


    Andi is far and away my favorite Bachelorette. I think she's way prettier, spunkier and more interesting than all the others who came before her, especially Blandy McPushover Des. I want my Bachelorette to be likeable but I don't much care about a "sweet disposition" so maybe that's why I like her so much. She's fiesty. I don't much care for her conservative bent or interest in guns, but otherwise I'm on board.

    • Love 5
  11. There's no way Tasos isn't...you know.



    Oh sure there is. There are so many guys these days who *read* stereotypically gay but aren't. I almost feel gaydar is becoming a thing of the past.


    Kudos to Andi for getting rid of the guys with the most egregious hair catastrophes. I wouldn't be able to get past those Prince Valiant haircuts either. Someone really needs to sit down the doctor and the bartender in particular and explain about the hair.

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