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Posts posted by SnarkySheep

  1. On 11/18/2021 at 11:25 AM, susannah said:

    I have to disagree on this one. Martha isn't popular anymore but has been very popular through the ages. 75 years ago was 1946 and I am sure girls were often named Martha. Probably also Linda, but not Karen. That was later.

    I was born in 1980 but grew up in a largely Polish American area...I knew several girls named Marta/Martha growing up.

    On semi-related note, Martha Stewart is also Polish (Stewart, of course, being a married name).

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  2. Just heard a commercial on the radio for one of those "win $100,000 each year for life" lottos where a guy is repeatedly yelling that it's his "win day."

    Several weary-sounding people reply that they know, he tells them every year...it's the anniversary of when he won the lottery.

    IDK, but this guy isn't cute or funny but downright obnoxious. What working person wants to hear a smug asshole reminding them regularly how he's set for life?? 

    All things considered, acting like that is a good way to get yourself murdered...

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  3. On 10/24/2021 at 6:36 PM, peacheslatour said:

    Parker is the only one I like but they play those commercials so often, I'm sick of them all.

    I can take or leave Parker, but every time I see her I have to wonder...did she just steal that jug of ranch and the pizzas from work, or actually pay for them out of pocket? Because if it's the latter, it would seriously cut into the discount she got...but if it's the former, that's not too cool either.

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  4. 23 hours ago, sharifa70 said:

    Which is interesting because the original premise of the show was about exactly that: most of the able-bodied men had been killed in the mining accident, leaving the widows to run the town. It’s good to see the town thriving again but rather than all the shoehorned and chemistry-free romances (ahem, Lee’s niece and Henry’s son, Faith and Carson) it could have been interesting to explore the war’s impact on the town. Even L.M. Montgomery brought the war to Anne’s life!

    I took a moment to Google WWI draft exemptions and learned that if the show had decided to include the war, it wouldn't have affected things too much.

    Bill, Henry and Ned would be exempted by age - and since agricultural and industrial workers were also largely exempt, that would likely mean Lee, Jesse, etc would not have to go, especially if Lee took lumber orders specifically for things associated with the war effort.

    However, there would be no reason for Lucas and probably Nathan not to go.


  5. 19 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    I really don't get how this show can exist in the same time frame as WCTH. So Lori will portray her WCTH character but on another show on another network. Will WCTH ever resolve how Abigail - the town's freaking MAYOR - went to "care for her aunt" and then never returned?!  

    Will Abigail (and Cody I guess) exist in this other town that is far, far, far away from Hope Valley, making visits unrealistic  [even though various family members of other characters have visited]?  And what happens to Abigail's Cafe?  Does Jack Wagner's character (I'm blanking on his name) buy out Abigail, or does she remain an unseen partner forevermore?

    Well, at the end of Season 8, Lee is considering running for mayor, so they are addressing it. Why it took over two years to do so, however, is the question. 

    And Hope Valley can't be too far from Brookfield...remember, when the orphanage storyline was introduced, the group was passing through HV when their wagon broke.

    16 hours ago, dubstepford wife said:

    Don't forget, this is the same show where WWI doesn't exist and it should be the 20s by now, yet everyone is still dressed vaguely Edwardian, with a dash of Anthropologie.  Time has no meaning in this universe!

    The show's first season was 1910, so the ninth season should be 1919.

    As for WWII, we can't really blame the show - if they did have it happening in their world, practically every man would be gone, seriously affecting the Hallmark relationship formula.

  6. Interesting to note, some of the Christmas episode descriptions include the following:

    Just when all seems lost, a secret Santa appears to fulfill all holiday wishes, and Abigail has a profound conversation with a dear friend from the past.


    There is some speculation on Twitter that the "dear friend from the past" might be Henry, if for no other reason than to tie up some loose ends. I'd love to see that myself, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  7. On 10/13/2021 at 1:19 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    AJ is fantastic, but I hate that he's saddled with Trevor, who is...just frustrating to watch. I just don't think this kid's redemption is going to work very well. The actor needs to sell it and I don't really think Miles Fowler can right now. I know we were meant to feel bad for him when he was crying near the end, but I didn't. It's just not a good storyline at all.

    I would presume that Trevor was put up for adoption at birth, and raised by loving parents who legit wanted a baby. But he's acting like Billie having given him away equals nobody in his life. I get his curiosity about his origins, but surely he has family of some sort? He hasn't said a word about any of that. 

    On a different subject, I must say I'm enjoying the mellower Marshall. He even chuckled a bit while with the baby! 

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  8. As a person who's been living with lupus for the last 15 years, I was really disappointed with this storyline. You rarely hear about lupus on TV, then when you finally do, it's a character who's been lying about her symptoms. Add this to House's tagline about how "it's never lupus", and it's no wonder society doesn't take this disease as seriously as they should.


  9. 10 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    Wait - wasn't When Hope Calls a WCTH spinoff?  So now there's going to be spinoff of the spinoff?!  

    I think they said it wrong - they mean When Hope Calls IS the spinoff, not that it's getting one.

    Considering that Daniel Lissing's character was already dead when that show began, I'm thinking he's going to play someone other than Jack? Because, yeah, the alternative would be pretty freaking weird.

  10. 2 hours ago, judyri said:

    It's totally not legal, but Halstead is too dumb to point this out.  Ridiculous plot point

    Because, for some bizarre reason (apparently besides him being a main character who , that is) Halstead thinks that he "belongs at Med", as he told Goodwin. 

    Why exactly? He doesn't really get along with either Choi or Archer, and he's been on Goodwin's bad list since the whole season one legal debacle. And he was super upset this time last year, when he learned he not only didn't get to be in charge of the ED, but wasn't even in Goodwin's consideration for it. Why would Halstead want to remain at a hospital that has so clearly told him there's no chance for advancement?


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  11. I love how Kidd was like, I'm outta here too as soon as a lieutenant slot opens! Like it was a sure thing she'd be chosen for it...like Herrmann hasn't been qualified but waiting for way longer than her, etc.

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  12. I love how Goodwin was asking Halstead for progress reports literally hours after she asked him to spy on that doctor. Like if it was so easy, why not do it yourself?

    And how could it even be legal, basing someone's employment on whether they nab another employee's wrongdoing? For starters, it makes Halstead biased - if they did catch the doctor doing something and he found out Halstead and Goodwin's arrangement, he could always argue that Halstead had motive to make false claims against him in order to save his own job and curry favor with Goodwin.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Roseanna said:

    If there were sinister motives, Lucas should at some point have tried to seduce Elizabeth. Or she should have had so much money that he would have wanted to marry her to get it. 

    Which brings up an interesting point - does Lucas even know who Elizabeth's father is? We've seen people in the past, such as Billy, trying to get to know her because of the Thatcher name. But she has gone by Thornton the whole time Lucas has known her, and also it seems that Lucas is not Canadian (he's always been rather vague about his origins but based on his French and that he visited friends in Louisiana, it seems that he's from that area). So does he know of her family line the way others did?


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  14. 20 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

    Maybe Nathan treated them the same as he treated Elizabeth? Between that and his obnoxious niece its no surprise why women aren't beating down the door to marry him. 

    Don't forget, though, in that time period a lot of women married simply because it was the best option - it was hard to get jobs that would let them support themselves/their kids. Remember in the first season, how a number of the mine widows were marrying whoever wanted them? I forget the name, but there was that adolescent boy who was so mad his mom was marrying a new miner, saying they were insulting his dad's memory and all that? And the mom just said he'd understand one day, as the two of them got big-eyed watching him bring food to the house for dinner. No doubt more than one woman along the way would have simply wanted Nathan for the fact of having a secure steady job.

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  15. On 9/1/2021 at 4:27 AM, Roseanna said:

    Nathan's love was only passion ("eros"). Even when Elizabeth dated Lucas, Nathan couldn't give up. This is called mania! As he had come to Hope Valley "protect" Elizabeth, he lectured her, not realizing that he had no right for it. Therefore I suspect that as a husband he would have tried to control her even more. He never seemed curious to learn what she dreamed about, unlike Lucas.

    I find it hard to believe that in all the years Nathan was raising Allie, he wouldn't have found some woman to marry. We met them when Allie was already old enough to be largely self-sufficient, so it's easy to forget she was only four when he first got guardianship. But, given his job and also the time period, he would certainly have gotten a lot of urging from all sides to find a nice woman who could help him raise her. We know he traveled to a lot of different places over the years; did no woman ever interest him before Elizabeth?

    As for the "protecting," IMO that would not have been unusual for the time period. Even in the '50s/'60s, there were women who did not work outside the home, did not drive or even know how to write checks, because the husband took on the role of "provider" and "protector". Like with anything, I'm sure there were some women who were ok with this, and others who balked.

    And in regard to dreams? Sadly, I doubt that many men in that time would have even considered that a woman might have dreams of any sort, aside from marriage and children. In that respect, IMO either Lucas is an unusually perceptive man for his era, or else it's a case of the writers writing a character from a 21st century lens.

    On 9/7/2021 at 4:37 PM, Roseanna said:

    Also, they either had to move and constant moving wasn't good for Allie.

    In the books, Jack/Wynn is constantly being sent to different posts, like every year. It's explained there that the Mounties were allowed a limited time at a place, because it was considered that there was risk of their getting too familiar with the place and people, which could turn into laziness/sloppiness in policing and watching the area.



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  16. On 9/8/2021 at 9:33 AM, FnkyChkn34 said:

    It doesn't sound like a glamorous job that's meant for the average middle aged person trying to support a family.  Maybe it's good for a college kid though.

    Doesn't seem like it's really intended for any adult supporting a family - Bush herself referred to "kids" doing it. It's a go-fer type thing that doesn't require any skills. Probably some do it for college credit or just a foot into the TV world more than anything. 

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  17. On 8/28/2021 at 6:06 AM, Roseanna said:

    How is Rachel supposed to help Christopher "to become a better person", when she evidently admired his daring to steal her uncle's watch and even fell in love with him because of "his daring to take a chance"?

    Agreed. Rachel and Christopher are basically the new and younger version of Julie and Tom.


  18. On 8/21/2021 at 12:34 AM, Prevailing Wind said:

    My late mom told me a story about when she visited my dad in the hospital for a WWII-related injury. He was in a ward with a bunch of other vets. A nurse came in and asked one of the guys if he'd had a BM today. The dude did NOT understand what she was asking, no matter how many times she repeated it.  One of the other vets jumped in the conversation saying, "Excuse the language, Ma'am.  Did you take a shit today?"  The nurse got her answer.

    When my dad was newly immigrated to the US, he was injured at work and had to stay overnight in the hospital. He spoke communicative English well enough, but had no freakin' clue what BM meant. He told me, decades later, that he just inferred from the nurse's demeanor that it was a thing they wanted of him, so he said yes, and she seemed happy. 

    Now that I think of it, I think both our dads' scenarios might make for good commercials today, LOL. I would much rather see "real talk" instead of these commercials with "down there" or "private parts".

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