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Posts posted by SnarkySheep

  1. On 11/18/2022 at 11:17 PM, WinJet0819 said:

    And Brett's time off is as unbelievable as it gets. There is no job that lets you take months off at a time. Especially a first responder job. Especially time off just because you miss your significant other. With the exception of maternity leave or an on-the-job injury, first responders can take, at most, a month off.

    I am currently on a leave of absence from work, thanks to serious illness, so I can now personally vouch for the fact that getting approved for said leave took EFFORT!! Like, tons of paperwork, doctor's notes, approval from various bosses - and I had a super legit reason for wanting to use my sick and vacation time, literally having no other choice. It makes me laugh, imagining Brett going up to Boden all like, "Because I miss my boyfriend, that's why!"

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  2. On 11/9/2022 at 2:21 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

    I'm reading this years later, as I'm just now watching The Rookie from the beginning.  Have you seen Billy Gardell lately?  He's lost what appears to be 150 pounds at least. 

    Yes - he has diabetes and apparently embarked on some serious weight loss programs, as well as surgery.

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  3. On 10/12/2022 at 7:51 PM, perkie1968 said:

    I'm curious where he bought it from that had, not only same day delivery, but merely a few hours later.  Amazon and Walmart take at least two days for delivery!! Then of course, he puts the bottle of pee in his locked drawer with his stash of drugs.... as one does. 

    And that the amount of urine was HUGE, like a juice bottle...who needs that much for a urine test?? Is it meant to last for his entire life's urine tests??

    My thought all throughout was that these urine sellers are sketchy simply by the nature of their business. Now they have the name, hospital and credit card info of a prominent doctor. What's to keep them from threatening to tell his employer what he bought unless he keeps paying them?

  4. On 10/17/2022 at 12:17 AM, Phebemarie said:

    Anyone else notice the personality of the cat on the Chewy commercial has changed?  Is Chewy just refreshing the commercial or did people complain the cat wasn’t lovable? Curious cats want to know. 

    No...I've been too preoccupied with the dog one, where they see the peanut butter box arriving. I can't stop wondering why one of the dogs has a British accent and the other American, when they both live in the same house and presumably grew up together...

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  5. On 10/13/2022 at 6:04 PM, Popples said:

    While the Geico horror film commercial is probably the best Halloween commercials, I think my second favorite is the M&Ms one.

    I just saw the M&M one the other day, on some DVR'd stuff, and it kinda creeped me out, LOL. I mean, seriously, it's bad enough that the chocolate is presented as sentient beings; now apparently they can also be ghosts?? I have enough life problems without feeling like I've murdered chocolate...

    • LOL 8
  6. On 10/10/2022 at 7:00 PM, Brian Cronin said:

    I think the new actor is good, but boy, they sure gave her character some duds, line-wise. "Why is it wrong to pull people over because of feelings?" Like....HUH?!

    Seriously, this is an issue that literally EVERYONE is aware of nowadays, let alone a young Latina who chose to make her living in law enforcement. I find it impossible to believe that she hadn't by now heard concerns and comments about it from a zillion friends and family, much less the news and overall world around her.

    I hope the actress is able to get a better grip on this show than the last time she played a cop, a couple seasons ago on Chicago PD. She was supposedly working with the main characters, yet never had any real storyline or character development. No wonder she left, poor woman.

    On 10/15/2022 at 6:53 PM, zapper said:

    i hope that they don't start a psychic link/aid/whatever as a regular part of each episode.

    IMO it's not that it can't be interesting, just that it's been DONE already, by a number of different shows. 

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  7. On 10/20/2022 at 9:38 PM, BitterApple said:

    Sheldon and Billy working together was really cute, but I'm heartbroken Billy ends up getting held back more than once. Poor kid doesn't seem to catch many breaks. 

    I know they probably meant it as "funny" but IRL that would be unlikely. I believe that in most places a student has to be out of middle school by age 16 or else they will "socially promote" them, simply because it's not really appropriate to have them continue at that age with significantly younger peers. As most kids finish 8th grade at age 13 or 14, that still leaves some room for staying back, starting kindergarten later, coming from another country, etc, but it's not without a limit.

    If this is 6th grade, Billy is 11/12, and 12/13 when starting 7th grade. Being there "several years" would make him 15 minimum upon starting 8th grade -- and who knows how many years THAT would take??

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  8. On 10/6/2022 at 8:35 AM, Johnny Dollar said:

    Hey writers. You can’t be introducing new family dynamics in a show with a handful of episodes left. Nobody cares about the Bloom sister that nobody even knew about.

    Actually Lauren did mention her, quite early in the series - when she talked about her mom being an alcoholic who neglected her, she also said that she was like 5 and already cleaning up her mom and taking care of her baby sister regularly. Then when Lauren was 18, she had to decide whether to go to college or stay with her sister. She said she ultimately decided to leave him because she knew she had to save herself and knew she wouldn't survive staying, but she felt guilty about it.

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  9. On 9/28/2022 at 12:51 AM, LexieLily said:

    Iggy, if you're jumping into online dating only three months (apparently; that's what the showrunner says the time-jump was but Luna is also now five years old) after separating from Martin, you're proving him right everything he said about you when you hired Trevor.

    Not to mention, Iggy plainly stated he's IN THE PROCESS of a divorce. If he wants a decent guy (as it seems he does) that's a huge red flag for many people. They don't know if you're lying about divorcing, if maybe you and your spouse might still reconcile, any number of things. 

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  10. On 9/29/2022 at 10:24 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

    No, I don't think so.  That was just off camera I guess.

    Still, I kinda liked that - it was like a tiny shoutout to when Will was first introduced on the show, before Med even began. He had just returned to Chicago from New York, and when Voight heard there was a Dr Halstead, he roped him into helping with some guy's wounds off the books in a really sketchy setup. It was nice to know Voight still trusts Will.

  11. On 10/7/2022 at 6:09 AM, Guildford said:

    If they had any chemistry at all perhaps it would've been a better scene, there is not much the writers can do with two people who are like the north & south pole in every scene they attempt. Even his 'you are the love of my life' felt like a cheap throw away line to appease the twitter mob... that whole thing was weird. He just looked like he wanted to get as far away as possible.

    It all goes back to the old golden rule of writing - show, don't tell.

    In other words, viewers shouldn't have to be TOLD Hailey is the love of Jay's life, they should be able to SEE it, in loving words, mannerisms, acts, etc. And no matter how much some fans fervently want to believe it in their love, it truly was never a real part of the show. They didn't even exchange smiles at work, for heaven's sake. Most of us have random colleagues we are friendlier with than this married couple was.

    • Applause 2
  12. Not familiar with the actress playing the blonde agent - Laura? - but I'm a bit distracted by her. I know she can't help her youthful face, but together with those little bangs, she looks about 12 and definitely not "experienced FBI agent-y".

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  13. On 9/29/2022 at 8:30 PM, sweetandsour said:

    That self-indulgence is my biggest problem with Feds.  She is the star, it is Niecy's show.  Got it, no problem.  But I don't want to watch "The Niecy Nash Show" where it's all about how great she always is, and everyone who doubts her is always wrong, and her constant pushiness in an order-following law enforcement group is warranted and rewarded because she is the key to success.

    Right away, it annoyed me how Simone got to bypass that background check desk job and be jetted off to do exciting things. IRL she'd be at that desk, and be happy for the opportunity, like didn't they say it's really hard to get into the FBI in the first place? And no doubt people have been there 20+ years, working hard for promotions, but Simone and her boobs and her sassy wisdom just get to bypass all that.

  14. 18 hours ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

    I know on BBT it is established that Mary didn't have Georgie until she was somewhere in her 20s (just saw an episode last night where she talks about how wild she was when she was Penny's age, which since this was the 5th season would have made Penny about 26).  On YS though you are given the impression Mary is still living at home when she marries George, which doesn't mean she couldn't be in her mid-twenties of course but somehow the way Connie talks about things you feel Mary is younger than that.

    Well, it could possibly fall under one of those forgotten/retconned things (although IMO this is too major a plot point for that). Kind of like in the very beginning it was mentioned that Mary was one of three kids. Where are they now? Connie has never even mentioned them.

  15. 20 hours ago, Katy M said:

    Age of consent in TX is 17.  There are not legal issues here.

    I just Googled it - there is apparently something called the "Romeo and Juliet Law" in TX that allows for consent below age 18. However, that stipulates there cannot be more than 3 years' age difference between the two consenting partners - and we know there's about 10 years between Mandy and Georgie. So unfortunately, yes, there could be legal issues.

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  16. On 12/18/2019 at 3:07 PM, madfortv said:

    The main disappointment for me is that the character of Mabel is entitled, selfish and opinionated

    Just recently took a month's free trial of Amazon Prime so I could finally watch this reboot and that's one of my main takeaways as well. I can see Mabel being a bit naive about some of the world's workings - she is privileged in where/how she lived growing up and also had caring parents who would naturally want to shield her from bad things. But this girl just comes off as totally unappreciative of everything and everyone, and downright MEAN. 

  17. On 10/11/2022 at 11:27 AM, possibilities said:

    I liked the idea someone had, for having Bob explore volunteer work. 

    And, if they wanted that to create conflict for storylines, the volunteering could be at the hospital, the church or Dele's school...

    As for Christina - as much as I cringed at the way she got fired, I'm overall just SO relieved we'll soon never again have to hear the name "Toesy Woezy". Honestly, worst product name ever!

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  18. On 10/15/2022 at 4:25 PM, shapeshifter said:

    Is there a legal significance (with possible plot significance) to Georgie not being legally adult when the baby is born?

    I'm no expert on the subject, but I believe it's because a child is tangible proof of an inappropriate/illegal relationship. IIRC Mandy is 28 - just imagine if the roles were reversed and a 28-year-old guy had a baby with a teen girl. There would likely be charges pressed. You hear about it less with women but no doubt the danger of the situation still holds for Mandy, even 30+ years ago. 

    Re: Mary's imagining herself in the scenes she was writing - Anyone else remember the episode of The Carol Burnett Show where a character was writing and they did exactly this?? It was hilarious!

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  19. On 10/8/2022 at 8:20 PM, rmontro said:

    I would have also guessed Mary at early 40s, but Zoe Perry is 39.  So the actors aren't too far apart, but who knows how old the characters are supposed to be?

    Well, they had Georgie as teens, right? I can't recall a specific age given, so let's say Mary was 18 when Georgie was born. He's mentioned still being 17/underage, so with that plus nearly an additional year of Mary's pregnancy, that would make Mary currently 36/37.

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  20. 12 hours ago, Guest 30 said:

    Lucas is boring. He was exciting and mysterious in season 6. Then they neutered him to fit Elizabeth. His story in season 9? Going to oil meetings. Exciting stuff. And they tried to make him perfect, especially with Jack. This is a guy who showed little to no interest in Little Jack or children to suddenly becoming a great dad. You can't tell me there was no struggle? Then that scene where he is throwing the ball in the class with the kids? Trying to make him into a discount Jack. Jack always went to the schoolhouse. And baseball was Jack's thing. Go back and watch the seasons with Jack. They are trying to copy that now. They said Nathan would have been a repeat storyline but it's Lucas.

    I can see your POV to some extent...however, one strong theme of this entire show has been characters growing and changing over time.

    Remember Season 1 Henry? Would that guy even recognize the version of himself this past season, begging a pastor to help him pray? Or the Rosemary we first met - would she have wanted to stay in one small town, let alone so fervently hope to become a mother? If you recall, Jesse - who spent seasons trying to be good enough to deserve Clara's love - initially arrived in town sneering at his friend Pastor Frank's wanting to settle down and expressing interest in courting Abigail. He literally could not believe anyone he knew could want that kind of life.

    So, with all this in mind, no, I don't have a problem with Lucas now being more child-friendly and domestic-minded than he might have seemed before. Most of us change in various ways IRL as time passes, and the same happens in Hope Valley. 

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