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  1. Just saying . . . The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Easter Island: typhoid, hepatitis A, polio, hepatitis B, influenza, COVID-19, pneumonia, meningitis, chickenpox, shingles, Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) and measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). I guess the children of Port Charles regularly get typhoid shots. And bravo to Rick, regardless of his motivation, for his truth-telling to Kristina. It's about damn time somebody said something in front of her relatives, in public, to maybe get them to think about how BSC (and annoying) she has become.
  2. I understand that infertility can be a difficult issue for couples, but, Dang! Enough already! STFU! The only thing even marginally interesting about the story is tracking his shifting motivation -- from "I don't have any swimmers and I'm devastated" to "I'm devastated because now you can't have the experience of having a baby (gag -- because we know that's all a woman wants)," to "I understand adopted kids can be family," to "I want my own DNA in the baby so let's have Finn donate sperm." Writers, you've covered most of the bases. What's their next story line? , Did we ever find out if he has none or if it's just a low count? Soap wise, it'd make more sense for it to be a low count so he can have a fling that creates an illicit baby in the future.
  3. These writers . . . The FBI, the CIA, and the Secret Service want their agents to have a college degree, but the WSB doesn't*? Apparently Joss has never watched any crime shows on TV. Otherwise, she might realize that something is amiss. There was no discussion of training (which we know Anna and Valentin had) or even compensation, just some flag waving and "don't tell anyone about our super-secret plan." It would have at least made a little more sense if Brennan had offered her a position as an intern. *Yeah, I know -- Frisco probably didn't, but he did have some real-world experience, both from capers with Robert and as a cop.
  4. So many questions after today . . . In what world does a grown powerful strong loves with her whole heart woman go to a man's place of business to discuss what has basically been a high school level flirtation? In what world do visitors at a security agency even get past the front door without some form of security -- like even a "visitor" badge? How did Carly get out of Brennan's office without running into Joss? How did Carly get to the PCPD so quickly? Does Brennan's office have a wormhole? Where, except in Port Charles, does a DA have the executive power to remove a police commissioner from an investigation? (without even a conference, even though everything that's been said about weepy Anna's Jasonlove is true) What investigative agency that brings a person in to corroborate an alibi would conduct the questioning in a public space, with the accused standing there, after providing the questionee with all the information necessary to tailor a story?
  5. It's possible that his body will be found somewhere, and Jason will be suspected. And even though he has an alibi, Drew will deny that Jason was ever at his home that evening.
  6. Does Wardrobe only have one big, black, boxy jacket that they put her in? While I didn't think so much about her attire in the bedroom, I certainly noticed it when they went out for Valentine's Day. Couldn't she have been wearing something red or gold or whatever? For years when she was appearing on various shows Carol Burnet wore a little black dress with an assortment of jackets. It's not that hard to change up a look and still stick to a pattern.
  7. If Joss kills Cyrus, what's the over/under on how long it will take for Carly to want Jason to confess to the crime?
  8. Cody said the helipad was "over there", not "up there", so the stairs behind them had to go somewhere -- other than plot reasons, why didn't either of them try to see if there was a door up there? I know, I'm trying to make sense of TFGH, but there have been a lot of what could be called minor oversights lately that keep taking me away from the actual story.
  9. While I was making a list today of all the people who already could be suspects in the upcoming Cyrus murder, I had a pleasant thought: Until shown otherwise, I'm going to fanwank that Brennan is playing Carly to have a visible (to the town) reason, even if marginal, to be seen with Joss, someone he'll happily use, then forget about, along with her mother. And even though it will never happen, if Joss could die while trying to take out Cyrus -- after all, Anna did warn her . . .
  10. I certainly hope he can. Based on the size of that day-glow orange anvil that fell yesterday, I don't think he'll make it past the next sweeps period. (Anyone else suffering from a cracked skull?)
  11. I believe she said when questioned about it by Anthony that the guests had requested lobster.
  12. It's perfectly acceptable to say what he said -- in his room, to his roommate -- about her organization, or even to her privately. But it's not at all acceptable to talk smack about her at dinner when she's sitting at the same table. WTF???? Way to build a working relationship, Anthony. For that alone, he's dead to me. And maybe he should look up the word "dissemble" when he's looking for another job.
  13. So now that Cyrus has been taken aback by Joss's seemingly heartfelt apology (even though we know she was lying), will he start feeling protective of her? What will he do to keep her safe? As I was typing this, it dawned on me that it would be really helpful if he decided to kill Sonny.
  14. NuBrennan has the look and demeanor of a career supervisor who's never been in the field, which is fine, except for the backstory that he recently exposition-dumped on Carly (when they were sitting outside in the cold and the snow without hats, which was all I could think about during that scene). Hard to imagine him having daring international adventures. And has Curtis forgotten that the person he's intimidating is related to the person he allowed to use his club for illegal gambling? He should be a lot more worried about what she could do to him. I guess sticking it to Drew has given him delusions of grandeur.
  15. Because, with a new character, they'd have to spend some actual time building up his unfathomable unbelievable absurd eye rolling mind blowingly idiotic attraction to Carly and her hoo-hah.
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