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My predictions for the 1st few rows of the triangle: Kelcey McKenzie Chandi Armani Claire Tori Jessica Jada VK Darian KD Kelee Dani Elli Kleine I've got Claire and Kelcey switching off as point (it seems like they usually put 2nd point in diamond position) & McKenzie completing the diamond since she made SG as a rookie I imagine VK wouldn't be too far back in the formation and she needs Jada to balance her height Working on this made me wonder, is it better to be further up in the formation or more on the outside? Like would you rather be in the middle of the 4th row or the outside of the 6th row?
I think bc the squad photo is the official team photo, while the post-finals photo is just a quick picture to document the moment. So, for the picture at the end of finals, they just have all 45 TCC stand together and make sure no one's making a weird face. While for the squad photo, they have to do official hair and makeup and have everyone in a particular order. I guess it's kind of like the difference between a Christmas card photo and the picture someone takes when their family is opening presents around the tree on Christmas morning. If you're paying a professional to take pics and this is the picture you're using to represent your family/organization for the next year, you're going to make sure you get your money's worth
Using stars actually makes sense to me because they make me think of 'Stars and Stripes.' The New England Patriots as a team naturally tend to have a lot of American Revolution iconography
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