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Reza had a very successful real estate career - he is quite well off and might be using Adam it hide some assets for tax purposes. These people had lives before they started this show and he sold big time in L.A. real estate,
LMAO God I didn't even realise I had done that but yes, same. Lindsay is just kind of annoying to me but Carl has been such a dick even I am happy she has a BF to shove in Carl's childish face
The hard part of these constant reconciliations between these two is we know that in real life they are currently complete enemies so it all feels a bit disingenuous.
😮Interesting and that would explain a lot! Like why these two asre even still married (or even got married if I am honest) Because as you and I have said in our posts those guys have nothing in their relationship. I tend to disagree about GG though. She has done a real 180 this season and shown incredible growth from being the angry one who punches people to trying to get her life back on track and mend relationships or at least be at peace with them. As for Destiney I have no clue. Everytime she opens her mouth to defend herself I get lost within a few words. She could be reciting the L.A. phone book for all I know - she makes no damn sense at all and I can't be bothered trying to figure her out. No loss if she left.
Carl and Luke continue to star in their own movie "Douche and Douchier" and Luke is DEFINITELY the biggest douche of all. Carl the reason you haven't bought someone home to get laid is not out of respect for Lindsay and your 3 minute relationship, it's because your game of late has been total shit and no one is interested (well apart from Jules but she wanted to fuck Jordan so we know how high the bar is for her!). And Luke. Oh Luke. I haven't checked but I sure hope you are copping shit on social media because boy you DESERVE some hate. You have gotta be the most entitled, un-self aware douchenozzle I have seen on TV recently. TBH you were just your usual douchebag self this episode but the preview indicates we are in for some gold star top shelf douchefuckery from you and I am living for it. You know how some people can be good looking and setup in life and still be a decent person. Luke never got the memo. Ugh I can't stand him. Peace out!
You're right. I opened the forum and went to comment and thought "theres barely anything I feel strongly enough about to comment on". Solid meh for me as well,
Firstly this forum would be SO much easier broekn into episodes like other shows..how come its not I wonder? This season is starting to feel like puppygate on the last RHOBH. It's starting to drag on and on and because we already know that MJ and Reza have become enemies this faux reconciliation every week is boring to watch. Haven't got much to say story wise - nothing amazing came out really. The previews made the show sound like there was going to be just bombshell after bombshell happening but naked Jenga and the fall out from that seems to be the only thing being talked about. I have to say I have never thought Adam and Reza were a deeply matched couple - he's wimpy and Reza just rides over the top of him all the time. Nema's teeth continue to distract me. Once you really look at them it's hard not to keep staring. It's like a car crash. GG? WOW what a change - very proud of her and it feels genuine. Between her reforming and James on Vanderpump going sober and Covid19 I have no idea WTF is happening in 2020! Mj keeps wearing stuff that 8 sizes too small. I might start a gofundme to get her a stylist. On the other hand if she HAS a stylist (just can not believe anyone would be THAT bad at their job) I might start a gofundme to shoot that stylist. My favourite outfit for this week would be this gorgeous silver and lime outfit - why didn't someone tell me MJ was an olympic speed skater in her spare time! Who knew 😲 And that hessian organic growers market bag really sets off the spandex beautifully. This outfit was the highlight of the episode for me -= tells you everything you need to know about this week.
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Couldn't have said it better myself - although I have gained a little more respect for Kyle this episode - just his decision to have Carl report to his COO was an indication he has SOME idea what he's doing. And yeah you're right on the Carl thing. He doesn't usually slur or sway but his actions indicate he's full blast insanely drunk sometimes.
I am not sure he has a problem with Jules I just think he was fucked off over his "girlfriend" (I've taken dumps that lasted longer than their relationship so far) decided not to come and just like the 12 yeasr old boy he is, he took it out on who ever was closest. Carl might smile a good game but just under the surface a true asshole lurks. Now THAT is some funny shade 😄
Well another episode and I was here for the drama. And it reinforced one thing for me. When the rubber hits the road white straight boys can be way bitchier than any mean girl or gay boy! Jordan – LOVED that dramatic exit as he strutted down the driveway and gave everyone one last glare through his sunglasses as the window slid closed. Would have been SO much funnier if the window got stuck or did that really slow roll up…a boy can only dream lol. Clearly his driver was thinking “White people be CRAZY!”. Jules – you go girl. Snagging that Southern Charm hot boy that so many of us lust over lol And well deserved after what a cunxtuesday Carl was. Paige – she rocks, Don't think so? Fight me! Carl – seriously what the fuck. Right now look up entitled, spoilt 30-something child and that’s Carl’s picture you see. Oh waaaah your “girlfriend” from your 8 minute old relationship didn’t show so you just wanna be a massive buttfuck to people. If Luke wasn’t around you would have to be prime contender for douchenozzle of season. I just want to slap Carl in the face and remind her she’s not some tantrumming tween whose Mom didn’t buy her Bieber tickets. Luke - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No changes since last week. Still an asshole. No wait. This week he’s an asshole without a bike so yeah I guess he IS showing some light and shade to his personality. (sees episode to the end) Cancel that. No light and shade at all. Hannah – come on gurl you know better than this. You’re a strong, independent woman who is falling for a d-bag. I hope you see it and dump his indecisive ass. Notable highlights: - Kyle drunk in a gerbil ball starts to realise he’s running out of air and relies on people so drunk they can’t form a sentence to save him - Luke tells Hannah in the middle of make out “oh no we have to wait. I really want to boink you but I find this is a really good way to manipulate you “. King Douchenozzle rides again. Luke came on here confident he would come out looking sexy and modely but so far he comes off as jerky and wanky. - Carl has an argument with a chair, has a tantrum and threatens to go home because of some unknown reason. The chair gave him attitude? Lindsay wins game of life? His eyebrows won’t speak to him? - Lindsay. Thinks ‘I’m bored’… “Hey Hannah Amanda and Paige hate your boyfriend”. Boredom gone. Bored again. “Hey Hannah grow some balls”. Sorted. - Kyle. Body. How does he look that banging when he spends every weekend shitfaced. At 37. Jealous. I was trying to find a picture of Kyle shirtless and Pietro popped in. Why not share is what I thought 😇
Maybe its all the Covid craziness but I didn't really enjoy this episode. These days we get such short seasons before a show goes on hiatus I am hungry for every minute of real character and plot development. Being the first episode I couldn't wait to to catch up with the gang and find out what was happening with them all but this episode left me feeling empty after such a long wait. If it had been a mid season episode I would have have just sat back and enjoyed it more. Not much to say about it as it's contributed nothing to the season - bring on the REAL episodes!
Totally - and I kinda like Parker. He's probably the least stick-up-his-ass one there and considering he can console Madison while keeping the bro's happy shows more maturity than the rest of them have. Imagine being stuck between Paget and Ciyarra's weird-ass relationship. Hell.
The word "douchenozzle" was invented specifically to describe these guests. Like FFS they are misogynist knuckleheads. BUT If I was paying a pile of money like they are I would expect to be able to get something more than kit kats and a toastie when I want food. It's supposed to be a 5 star experience and in any hotel you have 24/7 room service. Adam should have been woken up. Period. Considering what was happening and what these guys are like Jenna should have anticipated a party (or something happening) back at the boat instead of bitching at Madison about not waking her up and given Madison some guidelines about what she could do if something like that happened e.g. wake up Adam to cook....then again she wouldn't want to overwork her boyfriend *barf* Jenna bitches and whines to Adam about the girls (completely unprofessional and really fucking bitchy) and then complains about them not doing a good job - while she acts like she's senior trough girl at a pig form instead of lead stew on a luxury yacht. Ugh can not stand her. And Adams constant snark and sarcasm and that shit eating grin ? It's true - straight guys really ARE bitchier than us gays lol. The whole Paget/Georgina thing is out of control and if I was Ciyarra I would have kicked HIM in the balls and reminded Geogia what fucking girl code is. Parker (and Madison mainly) are probably the best of a bad bratty bunch. TBH I really am not that excited when a new episode comes along and the way Below Deck Med ended this season I am kinda over the whole boat thing. Although now Hannah's gone things might take a different course and hopefully Jenna will be out next season. I'll hang in till the end of the season and start fresh next season(s)! What's next? Below Deck Tugboat?? *sigh* Ahhh that feels better - rant over 😄
You're right - as soon as you said that I realised why I was liking him more in this episode
Luke is so used to being the alpha in the relationship he just can't handle what Hannah is doing and I am LIVING for it. She turns up 10 minutes late and he is already I-can't-believe-you-would-do-that-don't-you-know-I'm-a-MODEL!. She beats him at every game they play and then keeps sidestepping intimacy and then won't go home with him. HANNAH: "Yeah I think you're cool" *smile* LUKE: "Am I cool enough and good looking enough to get a kiss?" BARF! HANNAH "Errrmmm no" 😆 LOVE IT. Look at it- he's clearly giving I-can't-believe-you-would-do-that-don't-you-know-I'm-a-MODEL! face lol Don't forget Hannah said that every relationship she has ended because she felt too in control...and she's doing it again - Luke's a douche. Period. Go have fun with Paige and leave Luke to bitch in the producer interviews about "Her loss is somebody else's gain" ... barf again.